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RP Bastion of Winter: Mission to System E13


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RP Date
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YCS Bastion of Winter
To: Cecily Winters, Buchō, Yugumo Corporate Fleet, Commander, YCS Bastion of Winter
From: YCF Fleetcom

Buchō Winters,

The Bastion of Winter, Commander, and Crew are tasked with exploring System E-13 and grid square 2913 and making contact with Kingdom of Neshaten delegation when system and immediate interstellar space is reconnoitered and judged free of threats.

Deployment within 18 standard Yamatai hours to underway.

More to follow.

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To: Cecily Winters, Buchō, Yugumo Corporate Fleet, Commander, YCS Bastion of Winter
From: YCF Fleetcom

Additional mission parameter:
Rendezvous with Advance Party ISS Mitsu in-system. Advance party will have deployed communications, navigation, and mapping satellite grid around orbital bodies in system. Test functionality of systemwide navigation and communications.

More to follow.
To: YCF Fleetcom
From: Cecily Winters, Buchō, Yugumo Corporate Fleet, Commander, YCS Bastion of Winter

Fleet Command,

Myself, as the commander of the Bastion of Winter and my crew will prepare to depart within the allotted timeframe immediately. Non mission critical personnel and individuals designated under Code: Precious Cargo will be returned to safe harbor and all shuttlecraft will be secured and stowed for use in mission operations.

Internal supply manifest follows as attachment. Please advise additional requirements for mission critical tasks so that requisitions may be fulfilled. (I.e., additional coms or survival gear).

Commencing preparations immediately.

Buchō Winters
The YCS Bastion of Winter Shuttle Bay: One Hour, Fifteen Minutes after Acknowledging Orders

"Mama?" Lisa cocked her head to one side and stepped behind her mother's anthroform drone assistant, Mishitari. Staring out from behind the KAIMON Ascendant Consort's legs, the Daur child regarded the uniformed officers from the Yugumo Keisatsu security team, Keibi protection specialists both, with suspicion. The gentle-seeming Minkan woman in bright, fanciful, casual clothing that was with them got little better of a response, even when she got down on her knees to Lisa's level. Unfortunately, no vetted Shukaren Daur employees were available to accompany her. A significant plurality, just shy of a majority, of the Shukaren expatriates in Yamatai worked for Yugumo, owing to the long border shared by the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector with the Kingdom of Neshaten, and most of those were already crew aboard the ship. With a few singular exceptions, the others all worked at the Jiyuu Tinacen School, where Lisa was headed, but didn't understand what was meant.

Lisa looked up at Cecily, nimbly ducking and weaving to avoid Mishitari's attempts to lift her up. "Mama, why do I have to leave the ship?" the child asked once more, fleeing the radius of Mishitari's arms to the tree-trunk leg of Ástríðr "Astrid" Skaðisdóttir, the Custodian War drone Cecily had won in the Salvage Lottery. "I like it here! I can do it!"
YCS Bastion of Winter Shuttle Bay

It's regretful, really. The timing on sudden orders, the need to ensure safekeeping of absolutely integral peoples in her life. Her daughter especially. Cecily wouldn't hesitate to glass a planet for her family, 'needs of the many versus the needs of the few' be damned. "Stand down," she uses her corporate voice with the assistants and security officers. She places her fingertips on the Minkan woman's shoulder, gently and nonverbally letting her know she's dismissed. "I don't doubt that you can do it, my darling daughter," Cecily starts, her tails floofing out behind her. The tall fox-woman's demeanor has softened from that firm tone she'd just used, and she kneels down next to Lisa.

"But you know that mommy has important business to do sometimes for Yugumo and the Empire as a whole." She leans in and bumps noses with the small fox, bringing her arms around the girl so she can lift her up into them and hold her daughter close. "Also, if you're on the ship while I'm going off into deep space, I can't bring you home any surprises that I find, now can I?" she teases the little fox.

"And while you're in school, you can tell all of your friends that your mother is going to bring you presents from some far-off planet," she states gently, ensuring she spills as few details as possible. Then she gives Mishitari a knowing nod and simply starts to walk towards the shuttle's boarding ramp. "I will be personally accompanying my daughter, and the rest of you bound for our home station. There should be ample time to be there and back while departure preparations continue. If I can spend a few more hours with my daughter before we go, then my heart will feel lighter and filled with joy as we begin our voyage."

Cecily smiles and kisses the tip of Lisa's nose, her tails coming up to curl warmly around her daughter's small frame with loving affection. "If anyone has any objections, voice them now. We are on a strict timetable."
"Well, it did say underway in 18 hours, not that we had to be there in 18 hours..." Mishitari conceded, while the crew looked unsurely at one another. Mishitari looked up at Cecily and was about to speak when the holographic form of Shiroko, the Ship AI, appeared suddenly in their midst and interrupted her, startling a couple of crew near ground zero of her appearance.

"We're already underway back to Port Jiyuu. Estimate three standard hours." Apparently the ship hadn't waited to be told what to do. She certainly began to show more initiative after the computer systems were upgraded. "We can just take the teacher and security back with us. Waypoints are set for immediate embarkation to System E-13 after Jiyuu waypoint."

Lisa looked relieved that she was being accompanied, but it was soon replaced by return of the indignation that she should have to wait at all and not go along. "Mamaaaaaa..."
"Exactly," Cecily states in response to Mishitari's concession. She's about to say more when Shiroko's avatar pops up. She smiles and nods, ears lifted. "That should give us ample opportunity to catch up with any further supplies we may need and give everyone a last minute stop should they have a home in Jiyuu they wish to visit. We will only be staying as long as necessary to transfer necessary supplies and finalize order confirmation..."

She trails off at the plaintive cry from her daughter, turning her head as she holds the much smaller daur girl in her arms. "I do apologize, my darling, but this mission could potentially be a dangerous one. You know I don't want to see you hurt, or scared. You know I would burn down the universe if something were to happen to you, and if it were somehow something I could've prevented..." She takes a deep breath and sighs, burying her face against Lisa's shoulder, nuzzling in lovingly.

"I would never be able to live with myself. Please, darling. When you're older you can join the crew officially and never leave the ship at all, I promise," she says, making a bold claim that she has no issues at all backing up. "But until then you have to be mommy's good girl and wait at home. Besides, you'll have all of your cute school friends to keep you busy while I'm away. So let's not spend the next three hours moping and complaining, and go hit the baths so your hair is shiny and your tail is floofy for when you get home to mama, okay?"
The Minkan woman, a child care specialist from Corporate, just looked at the security detail that accompanied her in confusion. Mishitari intervened, pretending to clear her throat to catch her attention, then gestured towards the doors from shuttle bay to the ship proper. "Please avail yourselves of the comfort of the either of the lounges, the main lounge by the galley on the deck above, or the observation lounge on the top deck. Mess will be in forty-five minutes. Please excuse the seemingly themeless combination of Yamataian and Neshaten dishes. We will be serving an assortment of Lisa's favorites." Shiroko, the avatar, nodded in confirmation along with the statement, before Mishitari began to lead the visitors to the lounge, whereas Lisa took off down the corridor toward what she gleefully deemed, "the Big Bath." A pair of fretting Consorts, under wireless orders from Mishitari, hustled in after her so as to not leave a child unsupervised in water.

Mishitari turned back at the entrance, "Captain, I sent an immediate request to Ryu-Keiretsu for a technician to monitor your Zhenren performance. She will also be capable of standing watch in the engineering station. Arrival is expected in less than an hour after ours. I have also arranged a resupply. Corporate has assigned some science personnel, and we will be taking them aboard as well."

Shiroko interjected, "The ship is getting crowded. Moreso when the Neshaten delegation embark."
Cecily doesn't follow the group immediately. She lingers near the shuttles, watching the gathered and confused procession--her beloved daughter included--move down the corridor. She takes a long breath and exhales it in a long, slow sigh, but she smiles. It's a sigh of happiness. Only when her Consort begins to speak to her does she pick up her feet, approaching Mishitari. Her head tilts to the side slowly, her ears lifting and her tails pausing in their motions. The vixen doesn't respond immediately to her assistant, and only waits until Shiroko has finished speaking to voice her thoughts.

"It feels like we're starting to outgrow this lovely little boat. Perhaps if this mission goes swimmingly, we can give you something you can stretch your legs in a little more, mm?" the fox smiles at Shiroko's avatar, reaching out to rest a hand on her shoulder in a gesture of affection. How it will be taken, of course, depends entirely on if she's using hardlight emitters or not for her appearance. "That said, we'll have to just make do with what we have, and do our best to handle accommodations. If worse comes to worse, we can requisition some furniture set up makeshift quarters in the empty SSCC-XL's we have in Cargo 2 so that our passengers at least have some comfort and privacy. The crew here is, after all, used to hot bunking if need be but I wouldn't want our guests to feel neglected, nor have our girls be displaced from their bunks."

The tall fox then focuses her attention on her Consort, nodding in response to the Zhenren handler joining them. "Our destination isn't too much further from Port Jiyuu than the Neshaten border, but having a technician on hand in case of emergencies as well as an additional engineer will be rather handy. I do hope she's a cute one, if she's going to be poking and prodding and keeping tabs on my biomonitor..." Cecily clucks her tongue and chuckles, then trails her fingers down along Mishitari's arm, gently lacing her hands with her Consort's. "Come, mustn't keep my daughter waiting. It'll be easier to focus once I know she's home safe as well. It seems we've a right busy time ahead of us, and with a busy ship, besides."
Ranga was dressed in nice, but informal civilian clothes. Her black hair was in a relatively simple crown braid. She carried a blue duffel that included her clothes, communications equipment befitting her role on the ship. In a hidden pocket were two envelopes with a wax seal of the empress, to be used if for some reason she needed to formally display her ambassadorial credentials. If everything went well, they would be unnecessary. The short blue Neko followed to her guest quarters, where she placed her bag on the bed before heading up to the main lounge to meet the others.
Shuttle Bay

There's a subtle shimmer and faint buzzing hum as Shiroko projected solid volumetric around her shoulder area at the last moment, preventing Cecily's hand from passing through her spectral body. She was watching from all angles at all times, after all, through senses not even Nekovalkyrja or the Consorts, now the most advanced anthroform drones in the Kikyō sector, possessed. "There are more than enough free bunks in the officer's quarters for everyone without needing the crew quarters, let alone the emergency berthings in the cargo bays." Shiroko blinked, then replied, "I had the scientists we are taking on sharing the guest cabin, but the nature of certain special personnel's needs," Shiroko's eyes fell upon an unassuming Nekovalkyra with dark hair in a halo bun who was disembarking from the shuttle that had brought the security detail and teacher, "require they have exceptional privacy. I have now changed the berthing assignments, Captain."

Ship's Corridor

Two more KAIMON Consort drones met Ranga in the corridor and quietly and smoothly escorted the discreetly-dressed Yamataian ambassador, who was smuggled aboard with the team sent to fetch Lisa, to the guest stateroom. These two, the morose Fuyuko and bubbly Haruko, were two of the ship's complement of five, besides Mishitari herself and the sanguine Natsuko and helpful Akiko, the two who were on lifeguard duty for Lisa's farewell bath time in the ship's Elysian-styled onsen with its faux-peristyle columned perimeter and statued fountains. "Right this way, Havard-sama." The gynoids, modified with the foxlike ears and tail like Mishitari, were unfailingly polite as they led her to her quarters, with Haruko happily chattering about the ship to Ranga, with Fuyuko behind them, looking annoyed she's carrying all of Ranga's luggage with Haruko carrying none.

Cargo Bay Two

The Type 42 Forklift robots were excited, spinning doughnuts in the enormous, mostly-empty Cargo Two, and the bay being more than 150 meters long and around 80 meters wide, with more vertical space in the belly of the ship than the measly four meters other decks had, there was plenty of room for the display. But what they were excited about was that the space would soon be filled with neat rows of supplies and spares, with perfect aisles for patrolling for anything that's shifted out of place. They'd begun their antics the moment the cargo manifest order came through. They wheeled up to the ship's Quartermaster when she entered the bay, like enormous, boxy purple dogs on balloon tires, eager to be assigned a purpose.
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Cargo Bay Two

The sounds of the whirring worker robots below hit a pair of pointed Minkan ears poking out from the standard issue beret of one Kakarichō Azai Kaede, her short, svelte form clad in the white Type 42 Yugumo Corporate Uniform standing patiently upon the cargo lift as it descended the last few feet to come to a stop with a dull whoosh sound upon the deck of Cargo Bay 2. The newly minted Quartermaster of the Bastion of Winter took a moment to study the automated welcoming committee with at first a serious stare, and then it fazed into a softer smile. "Thank you for the warm welcome," began the honey-haired logistics specialist, as she pat one of the nearest Type 42 forklift's familiar Motoyoshi-colored outer hulls gently. "You are extra excited today... and with good reason. But I'm going to need you to take that excitement and translate it into action, ne?"

Kaede took a moment to straighten her half-rimmed glasses before she held up a sleeve of the white uniform, the dataweave inside activating and making a connection with the former Star Army soldier's digital brain. Soon a volumetric display of the proposed cargo bay layout for the containers supplies and spares that would be taken on appeared, as it was simultaneously sent out over wireless. "The new manifest for our port call at Jiyuu has come down from command, and it is quite large... I'm transmitting each of you an area of responsibility to cover, in order that we can do this as quickly as possible. And hopefully have a little fun on the way..."

The manager smiled a bit at this last part, certain they would find moving boxes preferable to pulling donuts in the cavernous bay. Kaede herself knew all about fulfilling one's purpose as true happiness, having done so in fabrication for 15 years now, regardless of the color or nationality of the patches on her uniform that day. But things were a bit different now as well, with a civilian posting at Yugumo corporation fleet and much more responsibility on her shoulders to keep employees -- both AI and not -- all humming along. But her recent experiences in teaching at Fort Tokyo Star Army Reserve certainly had helped prepare her for it, as the talent scout that had originally offered the job had rightly observed.

Azai-richo pointed to each of the forklift automata in turn, bearing designations according to flowers, as she spoke up in a more formal tone again as orders were rattled off. "Himawari, Ume... you two will be in charge of the provisions for our extra crew, powered refrigerated/freezer containers in southwest and non-perishables in southeast quadrant -- Sakura, Fuji... I want you in the northwest handling engineering and equipment spares. Observe hazardous materials safety as marked, please -- Ajisai, Kiku... I'm entrusting you with the northeast schematic. We have some--," paused the Quartermaster, as she flipped through some detailed listing screens that reflected brightly off her spectacles, "Some unique things here for our 'Neshaten' and science compliment, and I've been told to handle it gently and discreetly as a result, which is your strengths. When the ramp comes down, remember to follow all programmed safety spacing and stacking protocols... accidents only delay the loading and make unnecessary maintenance cycles for you and your sisters."

The team leader dismissed the display and then looked at the assembled cargo drone team with more of a warm smile again as she folded her hands behind her back. "Now, let's make this bay into a neat little home, shall we?"
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Port Jiyuu Approach, Flight 2469

"CYE-CYU-0036, Flight 2469 clear approach gate 7A, permission to dock." It was not long after the four Consorts and the pair of Daur deckhands, Sarosa and Lyu'mil, had just finished cleaning up after Mess. Shiroko projected the control station's reply over the ship's intercom to all decks, and spoke her reply aloud in the Captain's presence.

"Port Jiyuu Control, CYE-CYU-0036 acknowledged, on approach, ceding maneuver to control station autopilot." The AI's avatar gave a small bow to Cecily. "I completed all requisitions that may be necessary to house additional crew, and I have received notice the Mitsu will be arriving in system in twelve hours. She will do an initial sensor sweep, then wait for our arrival to begin laying satellites immediately on encounter with the nearest body with our overwatch."

Cargo Bay Two

The automated forklifts were arranged like spokes of a wheel around Kaede's hub, in precise, evenly-spaced alignment regarding distance from center and angle from one another. As each were addressed, they chirped and bleeped eagerly in response: the pitches and pattern of sounds identifying each one uniquely, from Himawari's warm, buzzing pulse, to Sakura's chirping, flute-like staccato.

Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

"Hulut Llamnel Harmony, Hulut Llamnel Melody, Nin'urta Suen In'anna," the Jōto Shain, a young Minkan, read the crew manifest aloud, matching names on the screen before her with the row of duffel bags staged to be taken aboard. "Where's the rest?"
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Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge
The room's doors quickly swished open and shut as another Daur entered, eyes glued to the dataslate nestled in the crook of their arm.

"Sorry I'm late!" piped up a voice as sweet as honey from the individual, raising one hand to make themselves known to the Minkan trying to herd everyone together, eyes peeling away from their dataslate with an apologetic grimace.

"Technician Rosi'ya Cherbanno reporting for duty, I've been running around all day looking for half my luggage, only to find out it's already been loaded..." the slightly taller than average Daur explained with quite a soft Tinacen accent, crisp Yugumo uniform nowhere to be seen, instead replaced with a casual but respectable pencil-skirt/leather jacket ensemble that worked well with the technician's slim frame. Large, blonde ears and a bushy tail that matched stood in stark contrast to the rather androgynous being's black hair and outfit, slightly heeled boots clicking with each long-legged step as that dataslate was stowed away in their own duffle bag as they approached the gathering.

"Security told me to show you this, I think it's just an auth-key or something, sorry again for being late..." Rosi continued, pale features frowning slightly from behind their thick-rimmed glasses, taking a bungee-corded ID off their belt for inspection just in case.

A transmission, encrypted in accordance with what had been agreed upon a few days prior, pinged select Yugumo systems, informing them that the Neshaten Delegation was half an hour ahead of schedule for their meeting and subsequent inspection.
Port Jiyuu Blue Sector, Takeda House
I'd love to stay here with you luv, but I have a business appointment with Yugumo that I need to be fashionably late for. Woon twirled her drink in her hand, letting the amber liquid catch the light before draining the glass. She stood from the low table, the fine fabric of her pantsuit sliding to settle down around her borrowed slippers. She leaned down and pressed her lips to the neck of the captain of the civilian ship who had transported her from Akina to Jiyuu and treated her to one final meal. "You've been a peach honestly." She ran her fingers through the Minkan captain's hair in false admiration as they murmured their goodbye. "Perhaps I'll reach out if I ever need a lift again Dear." With a little wink she withdrew and left the table. She slid her feet from the slippers and into a pair of expensive metallic shoes at Takeda House's door. She slid on her jacket and gripped the handle of her tiny bag. Woon took a deep breath, letting herself relax her expression into a cold blank slate before she began to make her way towards the Yugumo Employee lounge.

Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

Attache case in hand sharp, elegant fingers coiled around the polished handle, the wood warmed in her grip as she approached her final destination. She ran a hand through her hair, a confident smile overtaking a previously blank expression. She had to be confident in her own lies if this was going to work. She was doing this for herself, herself, and Moon of course.

Her wicked metallic heels clicked softly as she walked, shifting in tone as she entered the employee lounge. She paused to pull out her fake identification, pondering how to best approach this situation. Woon had sent her Resume, her credentials, and application to Yugimo ahead of her arrival.

She was dressed in something she considered elegant but understated, a loose, belted bodysuit the hue shifted subtly from black to midnight blue in the light. A translucent smokey jacket embroidered with gleaming gemlike beads hung from her shoulders, the slashed arms hanging limply, unfilled. Woon prioritized replacing her charred working clothes immediately upon reaching Jiyuu. Noticing she wasn't the only new arrival, she sidled up alongside them, her free hand shifting to fix her hair. "Are you here for Bastion of Winter's Expedition? Who do I speak with about my luggage?" She asked, hefting the minuscule attache case her gaze shifting to the duffle bags the other employees were carrying. She cleared her throat her voice coming out sweet like honey. "I'm Wynne Orlova, Planetary Scientist. I had my previous employer forward my documentation prior to my arrival. "
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Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

The lounge's doors slid open again shortly after the last arrivals to admit another woman, this one dressed in a standard Yugumo Corporation uniform and with a large duffle bag slung over her shoulder. She had sandy brown fox ears and a tail, but she also had a pair of moderately-sized black wings sprouting from her shoulderblades, marking her as a Lorath. She was fairly tall for one, and the effect was only heightened by the high heels of her dress shoes. "An'eya, come on or we're going to be too late!" she called out behind her in an almost singsong voice.

Instead of a reply, a large animal resembling a sandy brown fox with very long claws entered behind her, sniffing the air and looking around curiously. Between the woman's heels and the fox's claws the pair clicked their way quietly towards the Minkan reading off the crew list. "I am Medic Melody Hulut Llamnel, and this is my companion An'eya. Between being a very recent hire and my choice of company, I was unsure if it would be appropriate for us to wait in the lounge until the ship arrived... so we waited outside. I hope I haven't caused any undue delays." She explained with a friendly smile. As she spoke, the fox weaved it's way through her stocking-clad legs in a figure-eight motion to amuse itself.
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Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

A very short Nekovalkyrja lingers at the periphery of the lounge. Snow white ears lift at the sound of the announcement. They perk and twitching above equally stark white hair that's cut in a short, punky pixie style. It's a stark contrast to the small woman's dark, cocoa-hued flesh as she stands as still as a statue. The vague concept of a uniform that she's wrapped in bares strong, muscular arms while thigh-high boots leave that warm brown skin to show the firm tone of her upper legs before they vanish into short, snug spats. While she doesn't wear any markings that identify her as Yugumo personnel directly, a tattoo of the Bastion of Winter's badge is visible on one of her bare shoulders, likely through personal body modification. She also appears to be armed with a sheathed blade at one hip and a pistol holstered at the other.

As the announcements--and late arrivals--are handled, the abruptly moves for the lounge's exit. She passes by Melody and An'eya rather closely, her black-tufted lion's tail going still as she moves beyond them as not to actually brush them by accident. Mismatched eyes, purple and silver, stare straight ahead behind rimless glasses as she exits the lounge without a word.

Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Bastion of Winter Boarding Gate

It's a flurry of activity, the disembarking family and their connecting crew. Cecily herself is among them, walking with her daughter's escort, her Consort, and of course, her daughter. The latter of whom is held in her arms. The sharply-dressed 'Zhenren-Daur' looks more motherly than purely professional right now, walking from the docking collar to the gate concourse with a purpose. "Mishitari, while we've been over the dossiers a half dozen times already, I would still like to set up personal interviews with all of the new crew arriving. If possible I would like to coordinate our arrival as close to the Mitsu's to avoid any undue delays in hers and our work. That being said, I fear that means these interviews may need to be conducted while we are en route, and not here at the port."

The tall fox pauses her forward motion as the dark-skinned, white-haired Neko approaches. Her ears lift and she leans her head down, the Neko leaning up. Hushed words are exchanged, very briefly, before the tiny lioness continues on her way behind Cecily, to board the Bastion proper. The nine-tailed vulpine watches her go for a moment before returning her focus to a more important matter at hand. "Now, Lisa love, promise to be a good girl for mommy?" she squeezes the girl in her arms gently, dipping her face in to rub noses with the child's. "I know you want to come along. I just don't want you in danger--and I can't let you miss too much of your classes, either. Plus, wouldn't your mother miss you? Maybe we'll have to figure out getting her aboard, too," she offers playfully, though the sparkle in her eyes indicates some deeper thought there.
Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

The exchange of atmospheric gas was normal for those accustomed to space travel- But for Olffa, constantly aware of the subtle breeze, a distant smell, or a sudden flex of air pressure- It felt unnervingly like this titanic metal box was breathing. Every time a docking tube compressed, it made their blonde triangular ears flex upwards and downwards with agitation, jangling the small purple spheres of jewellery hanging down from them.

A Nesh, a Shukaren Daur, but more fox than most. She was a hunter, a warrior, a soldier, and thus was already clad in the pristine white gown of the Yugumo uniform, pressed and proper. Audibly bulging against her shoulders and waist when her muscles flexed, despite the security X'Muyeia girl barely reaching five foot tall.

"Yes, this gate." They spoke to themselves, looking back and forth between the alien scribbles on the signs, and the pre-translated notes on her datapad. "I... I'm on time..."

Not a coward. But too many aliens here that were a good third taller than her. Her oversized, golden cloud of a tail floofed. Her claws and fangs wanted to come out. She had already destroyed her cushions and blanket this morning...

A brisk walk, boots clonking on the hard, rather clinical flooring.

Someone very tall and cobalt blue, thin and lithe- A cat android, more her size, but with a more bellicose expression- There! A fox tail! She'd stand behind them!

"Technician!" Olffa attempted to grasp at the attention of the black haired civilian. "Are you a defence industry contractor? Nice to meet you!"

The words were stiff, because the ear and tail language of the short blonde comb-breaker was saying something a bit different.

^^^Frighten!^^^ ^^^Who are you!?^^^ ^^^Friend!?^^^ ^^^Who are you!?^^^

They fumbled their ID card out of their coat and huddled it over to the security guard, but their eyes were still focused on Technician Cherbanno whilst they did it.
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Port Jiyuu Docking Array Seven, Yugumo Employee Lounge

Rosi'ya's tail had been steadily swishing backwards and forwards across their pencil skirt, making quiet little rustling sounds each time the blonde fur changed directions, the fluffy limb's movements sped up as its owner realized someone was trying to get their attention.

"Hm? oh yes, you're spot on actually," Rosi piped up, quickly sizing up Olffa in all her foite-blooded glory while readjusting their glasses, offering a cheery and welcoming little grin to the Daur that was clearly a little out of her depth. The Neko that passed everyone didn't go unnoticed, Rosi'ya's gaze following them for a few moments before returning to this golden, impressively built ball of fluff.

"I'm sorry to say I'm not looking as professional as I could be, there were some troubles with... anyway," the technician brushed off, skirt creaking against their pale thighs as they turned to better face Olffa, one hand settling in the pocket of their double-breasted leather jacket.

"It's wonderful to meet you too but I don't think I've caught your name, your tail is magnificent! should we maybe be following the other crew-members in?" Rosi'ya continued, raising their voice slightly with that last bit to hopefully be heard by the other few slightly lost individuals that'd filtered into the area.
Olffa just looked up at the brown-haired business foxxen for several moments, about head-to-shoulders shorter than them. This other Shukaren Daur was really attractive, but the blonde foite was literally a security officer, so instantly snuggling up to them didn't seem quite right, protocol wise...

"Don't take offence, but I knew you were a technician because of the smell. Like solder flux." Her voice was throaty but low and understated, like a purr, never quite crossing into an emotional whine. The compact creature wrinkled her pink button nose as they smelt the air again, unable to supress the instinct to close their eyes and bare some oversized fangs just a little. Literally holding themselves back, those fluffy paws crossed in front of them, repressing just that bit of personal space. "My name is X'Muyeia Olffa Muohe Klo'den... I mean, like I haven't been spying on you or anything, that's why I told you about the smell."

A whine, and her oversized tail coiled whilst her ears lowered. Self-aware about how bad she was at talking. This other lady had much longer legs and a great figure. That made them kind of intimidating.

"What is your name? You said you were having trouble?" Olffa refocused themselves by considering the job she was put here to do. Was going to take a while to get used to that. But it had some advantages. "I can help you out with that, if you'd like! I'm a... sword master! And an armourer! I have... authority!"


Okay, when she had self confidence, those teeth, claws, and narrow eyes just made them look like a little villain.