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OOC Battle of Glimmergold Discussion

Life has been super busy for me lately but I should be able to have the Nesh show up thanks to this new extension, cheers ^^.
Hopefully the delay doesn’t go for too long. Gotta keep the hype train going for the actual battle.
Usually JPs don't happen for combat SP threads, can this be a one time thing?
Usually JPs don't happen for combat SP threads, can this be a one time thing?
Okay. Now I know. I thought it was a good idea because I've really enjoyed writing with Yan and Cowboy, and felt pretty disconnected from most everything else that people are writing about. With that in mind, I figured we could speed up our shared narrative with a JP.
Reactions: Wes
Usually JPs don't happen for combat SP threads, can this be a one time thing?
@Ametheliana I don't understand why JP is an issue in combat threads. Based on our discussion on discord, it seems like the main issue is that it delayed the transition. Is it okay to have JPs in combat threads as long as they don't delay anything?
Just catching up ( computer parts came in sooner then I thought ) looking forward to seeing everything I missed last week.
Well this is a weird one since Wes isn't GMing it, it's more open to players. For my plot, no, since I gotta GM the combat. Idk honestly, this is Wes' schtick so if he wants more JPs in the middle of it, all good. Just know that the more stuff you do in a JP within a combat thread, the less opportunity others will have to react to what you write.
Yep, that makes sense. I've honestly felt pretty lost and that everyone else was doing their own thing, except for Yan and Cowboy who did react to what I wrote. Which was exactly why I reached out to them and we arranged a JP.
No worries. I'll start working on a big GM post when I get home from work tonight.
Anyone mind if I use some 1st Fleet assets to bail out my band of rowdy soldiers?
That's fine with me.
So we're all on the same page: I plan to wrap up the thread this weekend, with the destruction of the last planet and the battered combined fleet narrowly escaping through the wormhole.

I am loving seeing everyone's RP posts as each character pushes themselves and fights and everyone is doing their own thing to survive and be victorious. It's epic to see the community come together for something big that will go into SARP's history books and be something our characters can tell stories about.

"No s---, there I was...in the Glimmergold system! Enemies on all sides..."
Figured it was wrapping up so I should get Kwabba-an back on board so she doesn't get left behind.
Reactions: Wes
I'm sorry I had such a hard time following this thread, I had like four storylines I wanted to do, (Ven, Sacre, Seventh, and Cheilith) but that's been whittled down to nearly scraping by with one due to the overwhelming amount of stuff and posts.
I also had a very hard time. I messed up something minor in at least one place that I know of. Possibly missed someone's post somewhere. But we all do our best. And remember to have fun.
Work has stopped me from making any major headway, but in the next few days I'll read over and report on the 3rd fleets task force.
You're not alone! I have a ton of characters there but haven't been able to post for them each individually that much either. We all just do what we can.

@Nashoba Did you want to try to get some Hidden Sun Clan activity in there while you can?
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