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RP (non-canon): D&D Behind the Scenes

Strength Check: DC=15
15 (Roll) + 3 (Strength Modifier) = 18
18>15; Success!

Use Rope Check: DC=10
12 (Roll) + 1 (Use Rope Modifier) = 13
13>10; Success

Damage: Sorri takes 9 damage
Will Save (1/2 damage if success): Fail!
Damage Reductions: Anti-Magic Field
Final Damage: 0
No, Sorri did not die! I'm not going to make traps strong enough to wipe out the party without even a chance XD
Just so everyone knows, to avoid calls of foul play later, Sorri is definitely not being played as the typical cleric-class character so things will happen from time to time that won't match the normal order of things. These things should be balanced, though, as what is available to her has been sufficiently nerfed to compensate.
She's a halfling... quarterling whatever Cleric. Halfings/Quarterlings aren't exactly the staple race for Clericdom as it is! xD

But yeah... how much HP does Sorri have? If she took 9 damage, that would mean that she's at the very least unconscious... or dying...
The roll post has been edited (and the IC post needs another edit before we continue; details are in your Inbox, Gabe...or Gabriel...which do you prefer?).

Also, Sentient's question brings something up that I've wondered about: Are we keeping our character sheets secret from each other? If yes, then why? What information are we allowed to give out?
Uhm, well technically in the matters of health we shouldn't give it out, just because in-character they would have no idea what someone's state is, just basic details like wounded, bleeding, unconscious, etc. Basically, it would make it unrealistic because the cleric would no way too many specifics that would make how and who she healed weighted in her favor.

Edit: And for some secret IC reasons, Sorri didn't take any damage
Skill Check Denkou (Climb): DC=15
15 (Roll) + 2 (Climb Modifier) = 17
17>15 = Success

Skill Check Ghira (Climb): DC=15
2 (roll) - 1 (Climb Modifier) = 1
1<15 = FAIL!!!
Attempting Aid Another for a small part of the rope climb? I dunno. I could have Aurelus hold the wizard's back as they climb upwards to keep him steady while Aurelus uses one arm and his legs to climb the rope. xD

That'd be awkward, though. Your call, DM.

Strength Check:
15 (roll) + 3 (Strength Modifier) = 18

Climb Recheck Ghira: DC=15
12 (roll) - 1 (Climbing Modifier) = 11

(18+11)/2 = 14.5 => 15
15=15 = Barely Succeeds

Hey, Aurelus could have climbed up, had Ghira tie the rope around his waist, then the four of them could have easily pulled him up.
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