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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Guys, I get the feeling we're pettering out/losing steam.

Is there anything missing that you need, or are you close to being satisfied with how you've organized yourselves?
I've been extremely busy. Sorry. That's my usual malady with four kids and a full time job. And Minecraft.
My posting rate is what it is at the moment, but I make the time every week as I can.

No worries, I'm not bored with the plot or anything, just busy.

Also, I really suck explaining anything technological, which is something I've been kicking myself in the rear a lot over the last 6 years, haha.
Also, I really suck explaining anything technological, which is something I've been kicking myself in the rear a lot over the last 6 years, haha.
Sounds smart as hell to me!

Yukari, to Tom (privately): "You know I love it when you talk engineer to me."
Soresu, I have no idea what to do about that arms dealer thing, especially if there's person of reference listed.

If you read past Miharu RP, Kotori isn't a mind reader (like Melisson is). What she can do is potentially pick up on encrypted telepathy. The people that were around the fighting on Amaya's Gate and when Eve boarded Miharu ought to have a good idea of that. Anyone external (like SAINT) so far only has suppositions of what she can perceive. Reika is going on the assumption that she needs to be careful with how she uses her telepathy, but Kotori's given her no reason to believe that she can eavesdrop... yet.

* * *

On the idea of 'what needs to be discussed', here's some elaboration for transparency.

I know about as much about casinos and secret intelligence cells as the next guy. Which means... not a whole lot. I know I want a destination A, B, C and D (not necessarily in this number/order) but the rest is pretty vague.

So, I've pooled all of you together with the question "what do you think you'll face?". It allows me to do a few things. Firstly, it allows me to get more heads than just mine thinking about what they expect. Secondly, it allows me to foreshadow dangers that your characters will have prepared to meet because "hey, I'm a pro at this". And so forth.

You guys can keep going, or you can wrap this up generally satisfied with your preparations. There's no harm either way, but it might be more fulfilling to pitch in if your character has a skillset that should run more along those line of work (i.e.: SAINT) so that the character can get to shine more.

At least, that was the idea when I threw you guys into this. That's why Nyton isn't getting much in the way of answers to his net searches. I'm not going to make them for him; I'm expecting him to make them up for himself and shape the opposition he means to face. This second plot of mine is no longer about how talented or skilled the characters are - that's been established in the previous plot - anything that runs through their specialities ought to be feasibly done. This plot is more about how the team applies its talents and the judgment calls/moral decisions they take. Except for one exception: the rogue samurai introduced with this plot; the Kusariebi-no-kage (Shadow Vipers; not to be confused with the newer Black Viper plot). Those are meant to challenge the combat characters about as much as the top-tier opponents in the Miharu endgame could because they are that good.
Figured that at least frees everyone to do more exposition/interaction without relying on someone to frame it. Also makes it convenient to keep push onward if we want.
That could've worked, if I had been willing to wait further. I wasn't. The planning period seemed to have run its course and didn't seem to be either engaging or interesting for you guys anymore.

So, the heist has begun, and without further ado I've inserted you characters into the egress water pipe. You're wearing full-body diving suits, with hoods over your heads, breathing mask and googles, along with the backpack containers Yukari made mention of before. Weaponry was defaulted to tranquilizer guns, but aside from the tools needed for the jobs, you people are traveling light.

Everyone is in, except Masako and Rolf. Of course, everyone can roleplay their characters, but I'm going to need particular attention from @Tom here.
Sorry Fred, really am but was hit with some of the worst block. I've been bereft of any ideas for over a week. Not even smarmy wits or anything. Kind of a low point on the creative juices lately. Maybe the change of scenery will fix that.
Don't worry about it. It was part of why I wanted to push things forward; in the hopes that it'd be more fun.
I will be capable of entering overdrive mode and posting once a day as necessary. My Xmas vacation begins soon.
Just a heads up. Due to juggling of bills, of which my student tuition is one. I've neglected several of my other bills of which my internet was one of them. Due to this, ATT has shut off my internet. So for now, I may need to back out of this, and all other commitments on here until I can somehow finagle the back due balance and get it turned back on. Which maybe a week to a few months. As such, for now, consider me out. I wholeheartedly apologize, and wish I could've continued with this. But I just don't have the money to do anything about the net right now.

Good luck breaking into the Casino and what not. So for now, later guys. I however have Skype on my Phone. And if needed, can be contacted through there.
Thanks Soresu.

And, yeah, I kind of expected you'd have certain things to look forward to, Doshii.

Also, it's closing on the holidays. I expect people to be scarce. (come to think of it, that's a pretty unique period to be born in... though it might suck on the level of getting presents)
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