Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

22:07Kokuten Why can't Neko look like that?
22:10Kokuten ARGH
22:11*** AbwehranFestung quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 32.0.2/20140917194002])
22:15Doshii_Jun Because Yukari's not there to do something about it.
22:16Amaryllis Now that I think about it I'd have to rip off Tanpopo's lower ears
22:18Kokuten I know why no one's doing it.
22:18Kokuten Because Rolf is right and they're wrong.
22:22Doshii_Jun Pretty sure that's the /least/ likely of reasons.
22:22Doshii_Jun Mostly because
22:22Doshii_Jun that's /never/ the reason.
22:22Kokuten Cowards, the lot of them.
22:24Doshii_Jun Uh huh.
@Doshii Jun Got time for a reply to Tom / wrap up thingy? I'd like to move to thread 1.5 unless you want to continue the fashion show rp we're having. :D

@Fred How realistic are the suggestions Tom/Yukari are making for body modification? Do we have access to these things before the mission (Skin color changes, hair changes, etc)?
Nekos come with inbuilt volumetric projection; Yukari's skin changes are trivial, though require wakefulness in order to maintain. Hair is more of a pickle for Yukari, since changing that is usually the province of the nekos that can engage stealth (their hair is made differently); but nothing stops her from using hairdye. Changes to eye coloration would be easy, as the neko eye is made to adjust to a variety of situations.

As for Tom, being Yamataian, he's got none of those snazzy neko traits, but lotions asked out from the medlab could serve to give him an artificial tan, hairdye solves hair coloration, and eyelenses any eye color changes.
Status Update:
Waiting on the Masako-run meeting to run its course. It seems like Masako has given out the outline, other members of the crew have delivered input. Now what?

Nyton is still grilling Kotori for information. Masako hasn't reported to him yet.

I'm still waiting on more people to contribute to thread 1.5, as in, post themselves in (considering several people who'd have advantage to go have not posted themselves in). I'll make things move onward soon, so, those concerned may not want to tarry further.
Time's up.

So far as I'm concerned, 1.4 has run its course, and my attention is now wholly on 1.5 - I'll likely start posting there in regularity. The moment I have the Harrington leave Dawn tation is the moment that it'll be too late to add anyone else to the current team. I'm not going to tag anyone for this: either you're active and alert enough to keep pace and join in, or not. If not, then perhaps it's better your character stay behind, as I plan to be rather active from here on in.

Sorry if this seems abrupt, but you guys have had two weeks to post yourselves in. That should have been ample time.
Status update:

I have @Doshii Jun, @Tom, @Nyton, @Kokuten, @Abwehran Commander , @Soresu and @Khasidel in as participants for the upcoming cloak and dagger stuff.

Right now, order of business is simply to grab a seat.

Kokuten sorry for the awkward with the seating arrangements. I was planning to have Kotori do something about Rolf getting close to being seated next to her, since she did mean to have Reika there, but then Khasidel replied - the poor guy's working a lot of overtime/variable hours due to 'reasons' and he hadn't picked up on Rolf's location so he inadvertantly ignored him in his post. I tried to amend for it when I finally did, but it's kind of rough. Sorry.

The container the characters are in is the place they'll be couped into for several hours. Feel free to have any conversation (with the consideration that you can't run away from it and that likely everyone else will hear too =P). Periodically, I'll prod things onward as far as transit goes until planetfall/arrival to destination.
I've been kind of hoping to get more replies and banter going in 1.5, but it seems to be going slow - it actually really just seemed to warm up once Tom spoke up about doing games, and Yukarti seems into it since its finally a way for everyone to touch base without actually having anywhere else to be.

I can let you guys keep going with that. However, I'd like to know if you'd like me to start on a thread 1.6 which would deal with the crew's arrival to their destination, just so we can have our opportunity for intermingling while also being able to advance the plot and keep things moving.

What do you guys say?
Status Update:

I'm getting regular activity from @Doshii Jun and @Kokuten. @Nyton and @Tom are less around, but sufficiently so for me not to worry.

Of late, I've not had a @Khasidel post. Nor have I even seen token presence from @Abwehran Commander and @Soresu. If this keeps up, I'll act accordingly when I choose which players to involve further down the road.

For now, I'm interpreting the latter 3 not being present on a mix of them being busy, and the current going ons not being compelling enough. To that end, expect a thread 1.6 soon which will fast-track us to our arrival. I'm not going to close 1.5 yet, in case the other people more enthused about roleplaying thier characters during that time want to keep going.
Status update:

As promised last week, thread 1.6 is up. Herein, the team is introduced to manual labor. :D

You still can chip into thread 1.5 for the moment. I'm not locking it. But your priority should be making replies for 1.6 - those I see active in 1.6 are those that are going to make it in 1.7.