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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion


We're entering what I estimate with be a 2-to-4 week hiatus. I'm granting you guys that IC evening as a downtime peroid to JP.

Here's my expectations of the JPs we might have on our plates:
@Tom and @Doshii Jun will likely have Tom and Yukari process what happened to them once they are on their own. Doshii, I'm giving you responsability over that.
@Khasidel has Reika with Kotori. I'll contact him via PM to determine how that might go.
The same goes for @Nyton - while I doubt Nyton can do much in the evening, I figure we might see to settling things with Melisson once he wakes.
I shall be on vacation to the USA from August 7th until August 31st. I should have internet to check up on things here, but if I disappear, that's why.
Nyton's JP portion is posted for your reading enjoyment. That is, if you can stomach looking over so much italicized text.

Only @Khasidel left.

I figure there's no hurry, considering Tom is out on vacation.
Well my respect for Mel/Meph went up a notch right there. I can't help but wonder that when I do my Jiyuu plotship idea if she could rear her head somehow there... Hmm.
@Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel @MoonMan

Okay, so, we've had our August hiatus. I'd like people to sound off to show they're capable of being active again.
Khasidel and I are in the latter portions of our JP - Khasidel's recently on vacation, so we've sped up what was before rather limited progress (Khasidel has harsh real-life taskmasters).

Once we resume, our venue will be the following morning. If Moonman is available, we can actually roleplay the breakfast. If not, then, I'll give us narration that'll put Fortuna behind us and bring us back to Dawn Station.
Okay, waiting on Nyton to notice this.

Nyton was one of the more active participants, but through no fault of his own, nothing has been going on in this plot for a month. He was sent a PM, that's going to generate an e-mail, he's bound to eventually notice.

But it may take a few days.
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Okay, so, one thing I did in preparation of kicking things back into gear was to merge the thread that had the Tom/Yukari posts into 1.8 - those posts are chronologically found just before the JPs I posted up.

I've just opened a JP session concerning Reika and Nyton. I expect it to take about a week to wrap up at most.

In the meantime, I'm hanging on the hope that Moonman might notice the alert I made for him in the post above. If he doesn't by then, I'll make do, glossing over the next breakfast and getting us back to Dawn Station. If he shows, we might roleplay the breakfast and arrangements Kotori/Laj will settle on past this incident.
@Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel @MoonMan

Okay, our last JP is up. Kotori still has issues with Yukari. Reika didnt look too proud of how she was handling them. Nyton, on the other hand, is not only loyal to Kotori, but also loyal to his friends, and he handled that like a champ.

This is essentially the end for thread 1.8

I'll have something up for next week, where we pick things up in 1.9
Forecast includes breakfast with Laj Vinross Yu if Moonman can be active, as he indicated in the post above. Moonman, once I get off my lazy butt, I'll write a PM to you so we can discuss that.

Then it'll be our return to the Asamoya, and the eventual return to Yamatai to deliver the pod to the Miharus. That's where I'll end it, though you guys will have the opportunities to make JPs for the time period during our stay to Yamatai.

Next will be thread 2.0, which will begin with having Ketsurui Yuumi join us, and Asamoya returning to the Xudathi trading post where treaty-making will happen. I don'tforesee a lot of action going on, though it'll be an ideal venue for more JPing. Sometime later, we'll return to Yamatai to replace the Asamoya with our new plotship.
Moonman and I are working on the opening post of thread 1.9

Actually, Moonman's the one doing most of the work. I'm just bossing him around.

Also, Moonman volunteered to take the blame about the process going so slowly.

Yes, Moonman, you volunteered. Or rather, I volunteered you.

Thank you for volunteering, Moonman.
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