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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Things are kind of slow. We've got something like 3 JPs going on right now.

Not dead. Just quiet until those are complete.
I absolutely 100% agree with the readability award. You guys have it on lock!

Now, perhaps we could get some more of that juicy eye candy going soon...
@Nyton @Khasidel @Tom @Doshii Jun
I know it doesn't look like it, but we're still active.

In our JPs, I had contribution from Tom within the last week, showing that surviving atmospheric re-entry is not the most trouble Kotori can put Tom through. Khasidel and I tossed a few replies as Kotori kicks her butt across a tatami. No idea on the Reika & Nyton front; that's taking long too... maybe they're making out?
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Nyton and my JP has stalled a little -- mostly my fault on that front at present. While I've also tried to get a time when Nyton and I can both meet up and finish the JP off, unfortunately it seems our schedules are pretty-much incomptatible in that regard so we're going to be stuck doing the I post, you post, separately thing until its done. ^_^;

Anywhosit. I'll try to have replies for both our JP and for the one with Nyton and myself done in the next 24 hours.
I don't feel amazing. In fact, it makes nearly a year that I don't feel amazing.

I've been stalling. I wanted to provide assets to provide the best experience I could provide... and somewhere along the line, that wish became distorted. We've worked on JPs, some are even still ongoing, but right now, I feel I've come to a standstill. There's even a JP I could answer to, should answer to, but I haven't because I've grown not to know how to move away from that standstill. I feel there's a lot of things I tried to do that I've failed to accomplish, setbacks (costly ones, even) that have felt disconcerting and I'm not moving, I'm not doing anything that's remotely as good as I wish I would, and with my job being extremely stressful, it feels like I haven't had a whole lot to look up to.

I hate this. So, lately, I decided to question if I still liked SARP and still wanted to continue on it. I figured I still did, but I wanted things to look up to. So, I pampered myself, I asked for a random art commission, just for me.

I looked at it, and while it's a gorgeous picture, it's just a picture. It's not my plot. It's not what I go to and reread back fondly. That's text, the text we write. How often do I look at the actual artwork for Miharu once I have an idea of what it looks like? Not often. But I go back to reread the cool things we write all the time.

So, today, I've come to a decision. I'm going to change this, even if I have to cut corners.

  • I don't want to roleplay the Xudathi first contact. It feels like homework. Predictable homework. Stuff I don't feel will be all that entertaining. I could just as well narrate it.
  • I want the JPs to wrap up. Tie a neat bow on them and move on.
  • Doshii has things going on with Yukari. I want him to cement at least narratively where he's going, even if he's not done writing all of it.
  • Blas told us we didn't have to wait until the Nyton/Reika thing was over and could keep going in the meantime. I was an idiot not to listen.
  • Wes asked for plot reviews in April 2016 and I pretended not to notice because my plot is dead. There's nothing I can say that I haven't already said before. We're May 2016 now. I didn't do a thing. He would be in the right to just close this forum. And this makes me feel like I'm sick of procrastinating.
  • I'm going to willfully ignore NTSE requirements for now and just keep going. If I introduce things, I'll introduce things and SARP can just deal with it. I'll fill in the important parts eventually, because I want to, but I have to stop to feel paralyzed by the things I want to do. In fact, maybe regaining momentum will be the fix for this.
  • I spent the whole of yesterday thinking I wanted to make a 3d model reference for someone, and I haven't done a thing because I'm scared to screw it up and have done it all for what might feel like nothing. I'm really, really feeling at a standstill where I've grown to feel that no matter what I do, I won't get anywhere.
  • I want acknowledgment of everyone involved. that's @Doshii Jun @Nyton @Tom @Khasidel Once I get it, we're moving on
  • And... I'm sorry guys. Thanks for being so indulgent. I really dropped the ball there.
@Fred, I think that this beautiful, awe-inspiring artwork truly suits the moment you are at. A reflective turning point... do you feel trapped behind that glass just like Kotori does? But outside that thin barrier lies the unbridled potential of the universe, with gorgeous shooting stars to wish upon. It's calling to her, and calling to you now... make your wish and then, make it happen! Don't sell yourself short and be afraid... The potential to realize our dreams lies in each and every one of us if we can just break through that glass of our own making.
Reactions: Wes
@Fred, we're not just here for ourselves. We're here for you.

We're friends and a team. We create great works together. The award is just proof of that.

We'll still be here for you, ourselves and each other. Always.

That's what friends, and teammates, do.
Reactions: Wes
Hey, sometimes as a GM you have to make an imperfect post, one that's not your finest work, just so you can make a post. You have set extremely high standards for yourself. But you will not always feel like you are at 100%, and that is normal. Everyone has their "artist block" or whatever you want to call it from time to time.

Moving the RP forward with an "okay" post is better than freezing the RP by trying to make a "perfect" post. For these unfinished JPs, it's better for them to be done and posted than to be stuck in limbo. Even if you have to close them with "They talked for another 2 hours and then went back to the ship."

Thanks for all you do, Fred.
Acknowledged and received. Hey don't beat yourself up too much. I've been busy but at times procrastinating. I actually meant to do more in the International Relations section but Metal Gear V kind of took priority. I blame Big Boss, or Kojima, or whoever. >_> Alright back to work!
@Nyton @Tom @Doshii Jun

I've yet to have a response from @Khasidel (Khasidel, if you read this and haven't read my previous post above - scroll up first before reading on) but here's kind of the timeline I figure we're on right now.

We returned to Yamatai
- Yukari left. Delivered Soul Savior Pod to the Miharus.
- Nyton and Reika have thier chat JP
- Kotori and Tom leave by shuttle to Yamatai. They go see Yuumi and Kotori tries to get Yuumi to take care of the Xudathi diplomatic situation. Yuumi has too much going on with the upcoming IRC to come right away. Kotori figures they might get involved in the meantime.
- Kotori returns to the Asamoya for the time being until the IRC. Kotori and Reika have their sparring session JP occur.
- The International Relations Conference happens. Ends up being a much more lackluster event than anticipate, especially with Yamatai leaving the Alliance putting a damper on things (at least, according to the sensibilities I know our characters have in general)
- Kotori attended a party with the Hidden Sun Clan. Kotori dragged Yuumi and a few people along. The people close to Kotori get to see that while Kotori wants to respect the Hidden Sun Clan out of principle, she isn't enthused about interacting with them mostly out of disappointment with her ideals of alien cultures: tigermen or hamstermen with cultures that might just be a different human ethnicity just don't impress her.
- Kotori finally gets to have Yuumi along for formally making contact with the Xudathi. Return to the trading station, and Yuumi makes contact. Nyton is in charge of Yuumi's security detail. Kotori assists with paperwork or spends time training, but she makes it clear she wants as little to do diplomatically with the Xudathi. People closer to her can figure out that not being able to sweettalk Yukari into staying has kind of shaken up her confidence/enthusiasm in speechcraft.
- The whole thing with the Xudathi takes awhile, but actually goes very well, the hamstermen Ferengi-wannabes actually don't seem duplicitous and appear extremely eager to please; just not to the point of sycophancy. Nyton might feel it is too easy and predict doom for subsequent "i-told-you-so" rights... but nothing bad actually happens. The negociations close on a good note with arrangements made for the Xudathi to begin trade talks with Yamatai once the initial paperwork is done. The Xudathi are just mostly interested in salvaging for Yamatai and get a cut, returning any forbidden tech they come across, trading Yamataian goods and perhaps being intermediaries within the boundaries Yamatai will set down for that, and sitting on the next IRC to broaden their contacts (unfortunate that they just missed this one).

Thread 2.x picks up when we return to Yamatai, narrating the above and about Yuumi being escorted back onplanet. As the Asamoya docks for resupplying, the PCs will learn that Miharu Light Industries is soon to hold the christening ceremony for the first starship they've ever produced; the Y.S.S. Himiko.
Read and acknowledged boss-man .

I'm going to be fine with whatever direction you decide to take this thing, Fred. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us
I think so, yeah. I tihnk it was in good enough shape to be treated as an excerpt.

@Khasidel @Nyton
I'd like you two to wrap up your JP this weekend. Chronologically, yours is the first that needs to be posted.
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