Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Nyton: "I sense a disturbance, an odd sensation of gastronomic levels not felt since....."


Nyton: "Ugh, Mel, did you eat another interrogator? You do realize I can feel them now, don't you?"

Melisson: "That's half the fun!"
@Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Khasidel

And we're back in action.

Since it's been more than half a year for us, our first thread is mostly a chance to socialize, catch up, and make up for the lost opportunities to enjoy the high-and-classy life as your characters were unable to on Fortuna. So, feel free to roleplay your characters in the venue. As long as you remain reasonably active ( 2-3 posts a week for each participant, minimum) I'll let this keep going.

I expect some of you may also want to get some JPs going from that - this likely marks the first meeting for Tom/Yukari is a long time... so, I expect something from them at a very minimum. If others want to get into JPs to take advantage of the time I'll give them, feel free to say so.
>is given place to put char in opening
>get char nowhere close to that spot in time or location

It's a new Dorsey, same as the last one!
Kotori pointed out that Hinoto's communication was only to the senior staff, but feels certain they were not the only ones invited.

She's correct. It's unthinkable that the Miharus would not invite people like Rolf and Masako. Many more are probably there, but given the characters do not have players to handle them, we will be glossing over that detail.
I noticed @Tom 's otherwise excellent first post cornered him in the same fashion Doshii's first post did, as he'd be in the hotel's lobby rather than the restaurant where the other PCs are.

I edited the tailend of his post to make him go in the hotel and enter the restaurant instead. He's still carrying his duffel and he won't have seen Yukari's note, but at least he can now roleplay with others, rather than have me describe the lobby and wait for the next time Tom can squeeze a post out, then me have a receptionist fill him in on the other guests, then him writing a post that might have him go up to the room he shares with Yukari, and then go back down.

Hey @Khasidel I meant to have Kotori only nudge once under the table. Not keep nudging. Not that it hadn't occured to Kotori, but doing it would've been obnoxious, so she only left it to the foot equivalent of a poke. It was mostly meant as a silent "tag, you're it =P ".
Should have a proper chance to sit-down and write something today; i'll be back in a few hours and I'll put something together then :)
Haya: "Pop quiz: who's bothered that Tom is furred in the face now?"
Cho: "I'm not bothered. Even if it's scraggly and that food will disgustingly stick to the hair while he eats... because I have Meme~!"
Rin: "Well, it's... kind of wierd, right? Covering his face like that, he looks almost like a different person."
Nao: "I get he had stubble sometimes in engineering, but I get Rin. It makes him look older, much more than us."
Tori: "It sucks. He looked much better before. He needs to shave."
Hisa: "Think that if we get him a razor kit as a gift that he'll get the picture?"
Nimura: "Why are you girls all getting bent out of shape over face hair? You all wanted to get into his pants before, and he had hair there all along."
Cho: "And Nimura strikes again, with all the subtlety of a sledgeham-"
Nimura: >_>
Cho: "I-it's a very good p-point!"
Tori: "Pssh. You're such a chicken Cho, can't even stand up to Ni-"
Nimura: <_<
Tori: "...N-nimura-oneesama."
Haya: "I guess that means Nimu-Nimu wins!"
Murder God Nimu-Nimu: >_< "Don't call me that!"
Rin: "Whoa, Haya, you made her evolve."
Haya: "Haha~!" ^_^;
@Doshii Jun @Tom @Nyton @Khasidel

Now that the characters are all together, I'm going to ask you guys to consider how you might spend this evening.
A good number of you expressed either ICly through your characters and OoCly that it was a shame the PCs never got a chance to "let their hair down".

So, I'm giving this opportunity. But I want you to take advantage of it too, rather than go with the flow and eventually run out of momentum/let this drag to a stop.

How do you want to roleplay your characters having fun?
I think it'd be fun to get everyone absolutely BLITZED off their minds. Like WASTED. And having a good time and wherever that may lead to. :D

Also, I'll have postage tomorrow. Sunday/Monday is a difficult combo for me due to work/hobbies.
Yukari, about as drunk as can be, standing on the table, slinging around a bottle of sake:

"EVERYONE! Listen. NO, LISTEN! I. Love. My husband. And! His penis. SO! AWAY FROM ME, DARK WARRIORS. BATTLE AWAITS ME. In bed. BATTLE. In bed.

"Rouku. Outou."

Thusly, she "dies" into the arms of her loving husband, never to live again without the shame of her drunken confession.

What a waste.