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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

How much alcohol would the average neko need to consume to get that wasted?

I'll try to post soon -- unfortunately I've managed to do my back in so its pretty much a metric tonne of pain for me to sit in place for any significant length of time right now. My reply may be short. ^_^;
I figured Nyton would just be light heartedly jovial, flirt heavily with Kotori and Reika throw out some mixed humorous innuendos, sincere compliments, and honest expositions.
What about what he said to Tom on Fortuna. That they ought to go and have fun in the casino, play cards and stuff?
@Doshii Jun @Tom @Nyton @Khasidel
You guys have probably noticed my changing avatars of late. I figured I'd give you a changelog for kicks.

Which brings me to add that I've made changes to Kotori's bio and Art Gallery.

If you guys come over the boards, but end up waiting for other people to post, you might as well to visit the wiki and bring your character wikis up to date. They're probably kind of overdue anyways. Poke me in your character PMs if you need help/info/permissions with anything regarding those.
I'm not there yet in St. Yukari, but didn't want to not mention it. It means Reika is a really super-secret squirrel. ^_^
I was wondering why Doshii was making up things about Reika's past background, hoping that he was at least in conversation getting facts straight or something... and then I read Reika's bio and noticed she was written as being at the 99% of her training cadre.

And that's when I decided to flag that under my "you want to be special snowflake? Then be special!" clause... kind of like Reika being written as the prettiest neko in SARP entails my accepting it, but also bringing about consequences like the boob jokes, unwanted suitors, lame pickup lines, and so forth. You kind of set yourself up on that one, Khasidel =P

On the bright side, Reika is in a relationship with Kotori, so... it can't be all bad, right?

I did write her as being in the 99th percentile of basic training -- as in the boot camp every neko goes to three months before their specific career track training. For the SAINT Training, I also stated she aced 'SELECT' but didn't put any particular emphasis on her performance in INDOC other than to say she passed.

I mostly did the whole 99th percentile thing in imitation of the character profiles from the old Star Trek Starship Creator game I had way, way back -- pretty much all the important characters (Picard, Riker, Janeway, etc) were in the 99th, 98th or 97th percentiles of their classes, so I just imitated that on a whim .

As for the whole Reika being the 'prettiest neko in SARP' thing; perhaps I went overboard in my description of her I have too much fun writing character descriptions.

Ah well, you reap what you sow.
Reika and Yukari are "adaptive, nominal-grade liaisons." An ANGL (pronounced "angel") is an internal SAINT designation for operatives that can be put just about anywhere and do just about anything, unlike regular operatives and agents who are more restricted or specialized.

The designation is based on scoring during SELECT and INDOC (combined 90 percent score; minimum 92 percent SELECT, 88 percent INDOC). While Reika did fabulously, Yukari ... well, she passed.
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