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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Just adding a little nugget of info Reika is privy to, considering how Kotori and she have been living together for nearly 4 years now.

I showed it before at Matsuoka's. Just pointing out this is a trend
@Tom posted last wednesday, so it has been 5 days that he hasn't posted. I've sent communications and notices more than once and received no answer. I thought I had been clear when I said I wanted to maintain 3 posts a week, and not have more than 3 days past between each post, especially if you have other people waiting on that input.

@Doshii Jun I'm going to give you narrative control of Tom after 3 days in absentia. I don't want to have to write Tom out, but this isn't new, I wasn't forewarned of any absences and I am somewhat weary of this happening over and over. This is paralyzing you writing for Yukari, and Tom's belated apologies - however sincere - don't change that this is a chronic problem with Tom.
Back-to-work, blegh... will try to find the time to sit down and properly compose a reply to the thread after some sleep.
I see some of you popping in, but with nothing to post. Perhaps you're waiting on other people.
That's fine.
However, I'd still like you guys to update your wiki bio if it hasn't been done or if it's still a work-in-progress.
Reactions: Wes
I've got this coming week off work -- so i'll have the time to fully update Reika's wiki article/history etc.

I'll see if I can't compose a reply for the thread before I hit the hay -- but even at the latest I'll have something sometime this Monday. (Monday my time anyways -- its 10:35pm Sunday already).
Um, I edited my post just after Tom posted his. Should make no difference for Tom.

Poor Nyton. Kotori is totally friendzoning him.
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