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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

FYI, my schedule changed.

For two years and an half, I've worked as a consultant in the IT department of the National Bank of Canada. Today was my last day at work; my contract came to an end and without the budget to afford keeping me as a permanent employee, they had to let me go.

Though I do wish it might have been otherwise, I'm not really that inconvenienced. I didn't want to be typecast as a call center agent when my package is more oriented toward being IT Networking; I kept thinking I was very limited in the ways I could help my users because I lacked the tools and priviledges of a Level 2 tech - it was annoying to not be able to solve problems because of those boundaries. So, this may be a good thing; shakes me out of my comfortable complacence and have me look for work elsewhere.

I get out of this with NBC on my resume, with recommendations and business cards of the directors and team leads that got to know me. I can look for something better, and it will help me look more attractive to future employers.

Rather than being bitter, I actually feel relieved in a it's finally over way. It's the longest job I've had and I've managed to stick it out all the way. Also, days off were hard to have and couldn't always be approved due to how in demand we were, but hey, I finally have my vacation now! Yaaaaaaaay.
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Story progression still going. Again, this needs active replies.
@Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Khasidel

More definitive clues surface. Also note that, as observed by Mio Ogawa and "Jun-kun" (a bald cameraman whom likes wearing shades and is critical on getting clips and magazines named right), you can broadcast telepathy, but it doesn't seem to be reaching anyone.
Next post is up! Keep it up, guys.
@Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Khasidel

Rock, meet hard place. If things were dire before, they pretty much devolved into complete chaos now. Apparently, years of preparation from the Shadow Viper and whomever orchestrated this inside job is coming to fruition. To have made 20 legionnaires expire at the same time, you're probably looking at 20 nearly-invisible opponents being in your immediate vicinity.

Remember: Hinoto invited you and had you cleared to enter with weapons so that you could appear in ceremonial attire. It's perfectly acceptable for you to carry guns (and if not, there's surely a functional NBR amongst the corpses) and your ceremonial blades. Last call on you figuring out the tools at your characters' disposal.
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Wow, really?
As a Quebecker, I thought I was the only one that had to deal with that kind of nonsense.
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Had a thought since you called for a load out, may as well give that now since Nyton's likely going to pull out some gadgets again. And the last thing I want to do is sound all deus ex.

Nyton's load out consists of: hidden twin short blades, a personal cloaker, a sound dampener, the monocle and drone, and a magnetically propelled grappling device (20 ft long since it's meant to be concealed) attached to the arm that can grab stuff, retract fast, and carry him to places or others to him (think Bionic Commando; no, not the PS3 version where the story goes psycho, the 8 bit NES one where the story was just a simple tale of fighting not the Nazis and killing not Hitler).

And yeah I realized I wanted to add some family reaction back home but, feh, I'm out of time right now. Gotta hurry. But know that mom and dad are a bit on the 'concerned' side. Especially since the Nepleslian feed is still playing. I can imagine bootleg Nepleslian video of the live assassination attempt would be pretty cool to get a hold of.
the guy is a 'effing walking armory. x_x
If Nyton's actually wearing the clothes Sonoda made for him, it's actually plausible for Ny to actually be carrying this and not seem as loaded as he is (Kotori also packs a lot of hardware, and it's mostly concealed courtesy of Rosenthal's).
Bear in mind, if Nyton goes for twin short blades, those likely aren't his ceremonial "Divine Arrows" zesuaium weapon that he was gifted. Zesuaium could be an important distinction.
I'll let @Doshii Jun weight in on that, since I don't know what Nyton got, and each person seems to have gotten a different kind of weapon (Kotori has a wakizashi, Yukari has a tanto, etc...). I've no clue what Hinoto and Suzume got either (if they got stuff).
Jeez, I never did list out the weapons, did I. ...

@Nyton, the Divine Arrows admiral spoke to a few key Miharu members to get insights on the weapons.

If I recall correctly, Nyton received a yari, or spear. It reflects his humble beginnings as a soldier and his status as a grounded protector of her royal highness Kotori. I don't believe I named it publicly; my notes suggest I settled toward the name Sensô no Meiyo, "War's Honor."

Hinoto was gifted a tachi named Tsumetai Tamashii, or "Cold Soul." Naturally, its wrappings and scabbard, the fanciest of anyone's, are an icy blue-white.

Suzume received a set of four kunai, one with a crossguard and three without, and two holders — a traditional scabbard for the guarded version and a Yarvex wrap with sleeves for all four weapons. However, they're meant not just as weapons, but tools.

Collectively, the set is called Shi no Shiki, "Death's Four Seasons." The crossguard-less weapons are Fuyu (Winter), Haru (Spring) and Natsu (Summer). Suzume's crossguarded weapon is named Aki (Autumn).
I thought all his personal effects got destroyed in his quarters with the Miharu, which may have included the outfit from Rosenthals.

Plus, this is Nyton, this is actually considered a light payload. Compared to that time he loaded down Arethusa only to have it all blow up on him. It all started one day while playing Resident Evil 2...... *flashback noises*

My friend tells me "Dude, why aren't you carrying any healing items!?"

Me: "It's cool man, I'm okay. The storage crate isn't that far and I got these guys. They're just a couple lickers."

Friend: "You're a walking arsenal! You've got the pistol, all the ammo, shotgun, ammo, and a bunch of key items."

Me: "It's alright, I don't need a healing item."

Shotgun a Licker, shotgun a Licker, suddenly the third one jumps out and does it's near lethal strike that sends Leon into near death. Shotgun the last Licker while my friends are laughing and I'm struggling to keep from dying. I guide Leon to drag one of his legs all the way across the middle walkway of the police station's main hall to the secretary's office with the storage crate. Popped a healing item and continued quest.... *flashforward noises*

Oh yeah, good times. So back to the topic, I didn't remember any ceremonial spear, I thought it was all blades, short blades, and such. I wasn't even thinking of the ceremonial ones when I wrote the load out. Just some regular ones he could conceal.
And BAM. Ebi Nadeko.
@Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Khasidel

Next plot progression post up. I expect reactive answers from you guys. Not that I won't stop you from being active, but it might not be healthy to spurn whatever twisted sense of fair play and honor your opponent grants you.

Tom: "Kotori, why the f- did you not dodge that?"
Kotori: "She scares me."
Tom: "Since when has that ever been an excuse for you?!"
Kotori: T_T

Some translations:
Gensôbutô - used as 'illusionary dance'. A Shadow Viper-honed combat methodology that seeks to fool the anticipation of someone fighting an unseen opponent.
Hirogeta Tsubasa no Tsuru - used as 'Spread-winged Crane' (courtesy of Tom; thanks Tom!), one of the more defensive combat stances the dual-wielding Nitô Ryu samurai school teaches
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I'm cooking the stew tonight, so I'm not available for another hour or so. I'll try to post before bed.
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