Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Let there never be shame in Nyton's game.

Miharu sisters: "Strip poker takes too long and doesn't involve sweets. Not. Even. Once."
I can't decide if Nimura is a party pooper, or a doomsayer. She'd just shrug and call herself a realist whom is not shy to point out the elephant in the room.
She's Nimura. I think we write her according to what we need. It's never inconsistent; we just highlight this part or that part of her.
Thread 2.1 is near its end.

I know very little about card games or gambling, so I don't think it's worth really getting into it with me as narrator.

So, I'll be hopping to thread 2.2 soonish and I won't wait after the JPs coming after. For one, I don't have any enticing JP ideas with Nyton (because Raz is mostly right) and the other JPs that might have been possible are kind of dragging and damn, we've been on this dinner/party thing since May. I want stuff to happen.

I meant to be better prepared for thread 2.2 and this isn't going to be ideal. You'll have to settle for stuff that's WIP. But it's been WIP since 4 easily years ago - can't hold my breath on that and stall when our writing is mainly what makes this plot interesting... when people do see it having momentum and find it more riveting. I'm also concerned that people have grown to post out of obligation than because they're having fun.

So, yeah, we're going to try to have fun. Be there.
Nah I was having fun. But I agree you have a point on moving things along. Plus I also didn't know how we were going to write playing card games narratively. If anything a lot of the events here can be written off camera and any general details can be put together quickly by the parties involved. Like, we know Tom and Yukari are going to get a room (well already have one) but unless they plan on writing out that scene themselves and posting it later it really doesn't need to be waited on. Same kinda goes for Kotori and Reika. No surprise there really. >_>

Also the events leading up to the end of the evening can be glossed over, 'A few more dances, some romantic touring, a few witty one liners between the two, then retired for the evening.'
Reika, ala BB: "See you later, Nyton. Have fun. I'm going to go ravish my royal girlfriend and drop shit-eating grins for a week."
5 days have passed without @Tom contributing in the new thread. 3 days of those included both forum alerts and PMs once a reply was expected from the character.
Tom's profile shows he was last seen last tuesday, so, he saw my alert. Tom didn't notify us of anything that would get in the way since his move back to America (which I believe is over now since his last post on October 3rd).

How do you guys suggest we proceed?
Assume PC Tom is too busy reliving the night before to vocalize a response. But he's dressed to the nines, looks great, excited for ceremony, wary of potential for political faux pas.
Guys, I'm going to be honest here and say that, well, I feel that I let you all down and that, frankly, you guys don't deserve to be yanked around like this anymore by my fluctuating schedule. Nearly all of my free time is consumed with my voice acting work and, with life here in the US, I just get burnt out too much to post at any rate which seems appropriate to this plot.

I'm sick of holding it hostage and I want to do what's best for you all. What do you think I should do? Should I just have Freeman fade out into the background? Should I keep struggling to post? Some kind of compromise?
I know I'D be more forgiving if we got to hear seiyuu samples. ^_^

I don't want to see you go, Tar Heel, but I know the pinch of RL. Talk to Fred. See what can be worked out, eh?