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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Ra'chel nodded as she received the money from Bull'a. She listened to his instructions. "Yip," she acknowledged his instructions and got another beer from the bartender. She followed Bull'a to the ring and took her place where she could be of assistance when required.

She pocketed the remaining seed money as she held onto the beer. She sized both of them up with interest as she hoped that Bull'a would be able to walk away from this encounter. His opponent seamed to be a real brawler with the muscles to inflict serious damage.
The large Laibe scuffed when he saw Bu'lla approuch; the man arching an eye-brow and then snorted. "You challenge me?" he said with a grunt and let out a short laugh. "What can you do to me?" he raised his hands into the air and then brought them back down to his sides and waited for Bu'lla to throw the first punch, if the Kit had it in him that is.

"Let the betting begin!" shouted one of the onlookers, as several spectators began to bet on the two.

Vin'cent turned around to look at the new voice. "Hello." He greeted with a far more amiable and less energetic manner than with Aka'. "Timid entrance, low decibal levels, would suggest introvert. Discretion advised." You'd call him an artificial intelligence if you didn't see him walking around the place taking samples of your everything. His smile lowered a few levels so he wouldn't creep the new arrival out of the home. "My name is Vin'cent Domo'voi Got'ti." Privately, he remembered his strict, autocratic, militaristic father who happened to be a Laibe. Of course he loved the man as a father, but their personalities didn't really seem compatible. This new girl seemed nice though. Vin'cent had never seen the evidence of trauma or abuse in reality, so he'd never be able to guess the past instances of cruelty in this girl's past. Regardless, the here and now found him waiting for her to walk in and introduce herself.
Bu'lla stared up at the Laibe almost twice his height. While clearly fit, his own frame had nothing of the knots of muscle visible on the other fighter. Bu'llas eyes traced up the other laibe searching for weaknesses while the other waited mockingly for Bu'lla to strike.

Supremely confident, not used to fighting out of his sphere, accustomed to opponents of similar or slightly smaller size. Bu'llas eyes traveled down to the other laibe's waist and back up. Distasteful, but effective. Physical recovery, two months.

With that, Bu'lla comparatively tiny footpaw swung itself directly between the older Laibe's legs and smashed into the other fighters groin from below. Never give a laibe a chance to pick his target.

She looked between Aka, and Vin'cent and smiles brightly, instantly covering that look of loss, and loneliness with fake personality. She doesn't hesitate to walk over and shake the two's hands with a big friendly smile. "My name is Kaui'ahne Syuah'he'mane, and I'm a new student here at the academy, and am enrolled in the Bloody Claws class roster! Its a pleasure to meet you two!" She says with a wide grin her tail swishing a bit quickly. Her eyes studied each of them as she smiled, noticing one was a Daur, she looked to be pretty young with her deduction she was probably in her pre-teen years, and then her eyes switched to Vin'cent, she looked the male over and tilts her head a bit she paused a moment and chuckled a bit, another Daur...she was the only Laibe in the room, and this made her, surprisingly, a little more nervous then she enjoyed to be.

After shaking their hands like a maniac she steps back and shifts a bit scratching her cheek and bowing to them both in a show of respect. Before coming back up, ears going forward, and slightly flat in a show of curiosity as to whom these two were. "And what are your names if I may ask?" Her tail was slightly going up and down as well, another sign of curiosity as she bit her lip ever so slightly. She put her bag down and fixed her skirt before placing both hands in-front of her and clasped together.
It had been a rowdy bar when Bu'lla entered but as the young Laibe exited, presumably with Ra'chel walking next to him, the entire building was silent except for one plaintive call from a customer.

"Where the bloody hell did he come from?"

Suffice to say, a moment earlier Bu'lla's opponent had learned a chief lesson about fighting someone smaller than him and had temporarily lost the ability to walk. To a silent crowd Bu'lla had collected his (probably substantial) winnings from the bookie, left a few credits on the bar and taken a bottle of that dark port for himself to take home. When they were on the street he pulled the cork out with his teeth and spat it away loudly before taking a swig and offering her the bottle.

"Wan' sum?" He asked cordially.
Ra'chel was amazed at Bu'lla's combat prowess and winnings. She had collected a fair amount of money on her bets that she loyally placed on Bu'lla. She took the offered bottle and took a sip to at least appease him. "Here's what you gave me for spending."

She held out to him the amount he had given her plus a little extra since it was all in bills of larger denomination that what she had received from him. "Don't worry. I made some extra off of ya."

She made sure he got back to the house they was assigned to without to much trouble.
"Exaggerated movements? Would suggest feelings of... Unease, perhaps? Interesting. File away for future reference." Vin'cent thought, smiling as he returned the handshake and bow. However, his eyes had a look in them that suggested amusement. "As I said, my name is Vin'cent Domo'voi Got'ti." That would sound snobby if it weren't for the fact that it was Vin'cent speaking. "And, if I may have the pleasure of introducing her, this is the class president: Aka'ashe'na Suha'laisne." He gestured to said class president with a flick of his tail. Then he raised an eyebrow and looked over at Aka as he went to retrieve his briefcase. "Madame president, you were saying something involving the other students? Something about them going out to do things before curfew?" As he picked up his briefcase, the young student looked out the window to look for the other students.

"Cheers." He said, taking his share of the winnings before burping loudly. "I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something, though..."


When they got to the house Bu'lla resisted the urge to kick open the door and simply pushed it open. Suddenly. Dramatically! He stood there, staring into the house on the threshold for a few seconds, his eyes wandering, before finally saying something.

"Damn it! I forgot to bring dinner back with me!"

Ra'chel gave a soft yipping laugh. "Oh well.. Don't feel bad. I had nothing to eat either." Her stomach gave a rumble to remind her that she hadn't eaten in a long time. "We could always break curfew and find some place to get a nibble or two."

Aie aie! Powerful grip! Aka' thought with a wince that showed on her face for a brief moment as the Laibe shook her hand.

Aka' smiled and nodded at Vin'cent. "I am indeed, it is nice to meet you Kaui'ahne Syuah'he'mane." The young girl looked at the two for am oment and then said. "Yep, we have an early curfew today since tomorrow we have medical exams and checkups and such; but we have enough time to go out to a restruant or something to eat..."

As she was about to suggest an actual place though she heard the door open and heard Ra'chels remark about breaking curfew. "And if you break curfew you'd get in trouble," she wasn't going to mention that 'she' would get in trouble. "Why don't we all just head to a restruant instead? There is one nearby and it has great seafood," the girl smiled almost cat-like.
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As it were, Vin'cent had been a bit late in the time of looking out the window and was promptly greeted by the sight of a rather large, black Laibe. "Tell-tale signs of adrenaline use. He's either been running or fighting, preferably playing sports with someone. Casual approach suggested. Further information required." The young Daur continued smiling and casually strode up to the older student, holding out his hand to greet Bull. "Yo, name's Vin'cent. This fine lady..." He gestured to Kaui. "... Is Kaui'ahne Syuah'he'mane. I'm sure you've already met the class president... That sounds like a good idea, madame president!" Vin'cent isn't a meat-lover like his brother and father, but he also wasn't a vegan like his mother, so fish was a-okay with him.
Kaui looked at the two new arrivals. A female and a male she perked her ears a bit and looked them over, one seemed to be a brainless oaf the other seemed to... hm she couldn't quite pin point it. Either way she smiles and bounces over to Bu'lla and extends her hand to the male. "Hiya, nice to meet you!" She says with a big grin intended towards bot Ra'chel and Bu'lla both. Her tail was lightly swishing, the athletic Laibe hid whatever she intended to hide extremely well.
Sh'ishen Ni'lahe Class housing

An uncommon but not unheard of pair was speaking with the caretaker for the class of young kits still in their early years of education. The pair were a thick coated powder blue My'leke that looked much too old to be in the class, and seated on the My'leke's back was a small Shukaren-Daur with black hair in double buns and a blue tail with a purple tip. The young female Daur had delight in her eyes as the caretaker agreed to the arrangement after much persuasion. The two had arrived on the shuttle with the other's, but because of the young one's disposition, they had to go visit her class first, then the principal then back to her class. Why was all this needed? It was so that Cy'jiro the older My'leke and brother to Ha'lei, the Daur, could get permission as a guardian over her. If he was jsut being a guardian though it wouldn't be too complicated, but he had his own classes to attend as well, so a some what complicated and well organized plan was needed so that Ha'lei would never end up left alone.

Now that that was all settled he had some time to get to his own class, he would have to apologize to them for being so late to introduce himself but there was nothing he could do, and his sister was more important to him anyway. He looked up at the kit on his back and smiled "We're going to run now Ha'lei."

"Yay! Go fast brother!" She was excited, always enjoying when her brother ran with her on his back. She scooted down his back a little more and then laid down clinging to his fur. If she sat up she would bounce around and make it hard for him to move and it was hard for her to stay on, but like this she never fell.

Bloody Claws Class Housing

Cy'jiro could see the class housing and was making his final sprint there, he did not really need to run, but hearing the bubbly giggling of his little sister was motivating his actions that looked somewhat foolish to others most likely.

The distance soon closed to almost nothing and he could see others at the threshold stepping in so he decided to slow down as not to crash into them.

Before the My'leke was spotted the sound of Ha'lei laughing rather loudly would be heard, as the pair approached the door. "That was fun!" She said as she loosened her grip and sat back up.

"We can do it again as long as you behave in class." Cy'jiro responded.

"Yay! I'll be a good girl." She clapped her hands together lightly looking ecstatic.

Cy'jiro smiled and knocked lightly on the door and stepped inside. "Hello? Is this the Bloody Claws class?"

Ra'chel looked at the newcomers as Aka brought her attention to her when she spoke up about curfew. She nodded to Aka. "Sounds goo...." Breaking off as the other two showed themselves to be introduced. Then a male Daur and a Laibe approached them intro'ing themselves to herself and Bu'lla.

"Ra'chel Bush'tail." she spoke pointing a thump at Bu'lla, "This big lug is Bu'lla." She kept her voice soft and quiet, sizing the both of the up. She shifted her wrapped blades on her back to a more comfortable peaceful position.

Normally those that carried blades did so in the proper manner at their sides. But her blades, if seen, would mark her the practitioner of a forbidden martial arts to civilians unless she was part of the Youth Corp. But she wasn't.

Ra'chel gave the approaching two a quick formal bow in replacement of the handshake. She had the slight taint of being in a place that served alcoholic beverages. As there was still several damp spots on her school uniform from accidently spilt drinks.

Just then sounds of someone knocking on the door and then the cool breeze of it being opened. She spun quickly to see who had entered. Eyes going wide at seeing the large My'leke with a young Daur on its back.
Bu'lla looked at Vin'Cent as he introduced himself and peered at the extended hand. Cold blue eyes examined Vin'cent for a split second. Neeeerd. Bu'lla took the hand offered by Kaui because she was prettier.

"Bu'lla Mata'ri. Resident maker of the monies for dinners and soon-to-be..."Bu'lla paused. Wait, who did he say was class president?

Before Bu'lla could inquire further he was interrupted by the knock at the door. He turned, still holding Kaui's hand stubbornly.

"Are you delivering take-aways? You don't smell delicious." Bu'lla asked the My'leke, nose working overtime.
Yet another new voice spoke up from the back of the newest group, a slightly sardonic tone in the voice. "I would've thought you would've learned that people aren't delivering food if they don't have food in their hands by now, what with being older than me and all, but apparently age doesn't teach you much on its own." Kel'ryn grinned as he finished speaking to take a bit of the bite out of his words, since the elder WAS older than him. No need to be antagonistic. "And here I had such high hopes for my new class and all. Wasn't meant to be, I suppose."
The young Daur was quicker to respond than the older My'leke since she did not hesitate to think about etiquette or any caution. "No silly. We're students" She stuck her chest out so he could clearly see her uniform, which was for the Sh'ishen class. "See?"

Cy'jiro looked up at his little sister and then back to the Laibe in front of him, he unlike his sister was cautious, he did not trust Laibe much, and they had a tendency to be arrogant. "I am Cy'jiro Tela'kuro. I'll be a member of the Bloody Claws class starting today."

Before he could say more though the voice behind him spoke up and he stepped to the side to let them approach, looking them over. They were at least a Daur so he felt a measure of familiarity and comfort from him, even if he was being a bit rude. Ha'lei on the other hand was just waving at everyone. "Hi~"
Bu'lla blinked at the strange threesome outside as this went on. Face impassive, blue eyes staring as each spoke in turn. Then he sighed and his shoulders fell.

"Well, it was always a forlorn hope." He said sadly and promptly shut the door on the three outside.

He spun back around towards the ones that had already made it inside and made his report. "It's okay. They were only delivering Snark."
Ra'chel gave a soft snicker at the antics of Bu'lla being a typical jerk he was. But a Likeable one. She turned her attention back to Vi'cent. "Excuse Bu'lla. He's just being himself."
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