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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

As soon as everyone was off the bus, Aka' pointed to the entrance and began to make her way toward it. There were a decent amount of people waiting outside still, some were even boarding the bus that Bloody Claws had just come off of. As the young kit approuched the doors they opened automatically to present a rather decent looking interior, it wasn't luxurious by anyone's standards but it wasn't horrible either - the floors were made out of a specialized marble tile and there were fish tanks that flanked the doors on either sides; fish swam lazily within these tanks.

Another fish tank was directly above the groups head, and much larger fish were in this one - including one that was looking down at the students. "Nice Fishy," Aka' would be heard saying in a somewhat nervous tone.

"How many?" The lady at the front counter asked as she taped her computer screen to bring it out of standby mode.

"8 ma'am, although there might be more from my class that'll arrive," responded Aka' as she handed the lady her school ID.

The lady looked at it for a moment and then handed it back to her. "Alright, do you want an indoor, or outdoor table?"

"Outdoor is preferable," Aka' said and glanced at her fellow classmates for a moment.

"Ok thank you, it'll be a few minutes but once we have a table ready I shall call you," the lady looked at one of her co-workers, asking them to check on available seating.

"Now, we wait a bit," Aka' said and clasped her hands behind her head. "So, what do you all think you'll have?" she asked.
Kaui looked at the large fish tank her eyes going a little wide at the prospect of such a large hunting space in a closed in area. She paused a moment and shook her head sighing a bit as she continued to lightly stroke her tail and her ears kept twitching, she was rather nervous around so many people, she much preferred solitude or small numbers of people. She sighed a bit and listened to Aka set their place outdoors, she was thankful for this, she didn't like closed in areas, and this was a very closed in area, with a ton of different people. She looked at Aka and thought for a moment before smiling. "Maybe I'll have some crab salad...or Lobster Bisque...or maybe just some fried fish with fries..." She muttered though despite the mutter though she was more than capable of being heard.
Ha'lei gave a nod to Kaui "Fish are the best, they're yummy and tasty at the same time." The little girl did not seem phased by the number of people around, with an unyielding pluckiness that probably should be tapered a little.

Cy'jiro was the first of the siblings to reply to Aka however. "I have heard they have a fish pizza here..I think I'll try that."

The reason Ha'lei was slow to respond to Aka however was because the young Daur had been trying to reach the fish tank. She has spotted in her mind the perfect fish to eat and she wanted it, but she couldn't reach it. "I want that fish." She pointed at it, expecting her big brother to get it for her.

Cy'jiro blinked at that and then looked around seeming to contemplate the idea for a moment, but then responded like a responsible older brother should. "If you keep an eye on it we can pick it when it's time to order okay?"

Ha'lei paused a moment and then nodded turning back to the fish and leering at it. "I'm gonna eat you Mr.Fish."
Vin'cent leaned back and looked up at the fish, doubtless, naming off each fish species with ease, smiling in a self-satisfied manner. "Yes, I believe myself and Cy'jiro are of one mind on this subject, pizza is a favorite of mine." He looked back down to Cy'jiro and Ha'lei, smiling at Ha'lei's childish charms. However, the obvious discomfort of Kaui caught his attention. He had been tempted to speak with her, but he presumed the last thing he needed was to crowd her when she was already showing signs of discomfort around the patrons in the restaurant. He turned back around to Aka, seemingly made up his mind. "Indeed, I think I'll take that fish pizza." Vin'cent declared to the class president.
"Fish on a pizza. Heresy!" Bu'lla muttered to himself, walking over to the fish tanks.

The strolled along, paw in chin as he examined each one. Finally he selected one that looked about right, lifted up the lid and reached in with a paw. His eyes watching the fish twirl in the tank in panic.
Ra'chel rejoined the group and was busy studying the menu. Anything sounded good to her at the moment as her stomach let itself be known. "I'll have the steak (or similar of what they have)."
The fish in the tank much be psychic, either that or they recognized the stares that some in the group were giving them - a few of the fish moved away from the glass and hid themselves behind the trees and natural plant-life that made up the inside of the tank. One fish, however, seemed to be unphased at all by the stares or even the words being spoken - of course that was because it couldn't understand Tinacen, but it 'did' understand the paw that was being placed into the tank a short distance above its head.

The fish, well over a foot long with an angular head and seven fins that spanned across its body looked upward at the paw - it didn't seem to view it as a paw however, it viewed as lunch. The fish waited for a moment before a claw dipped into the water before it lunged toward it - its mouth, full with very small teeth that weren't exactly very sharp but it wasn't easy to tell in this case - was wide open ready to catch a nice - tasty - morsal.

"I haven't decided myself," Aka' said, completely oblivious to what Bu'lla was doing - partly because her focus was on a different fish tank that had a five foot long fish in it. "But we could order a very large fishy pizza in that case, would be more than enough for all of us and we can also order a few things on the side as well," her eyes moved slightly right and thats when she noticed Bu'lla. "Acks! Bu'lla whatta ya doing?!"
"I'm deciding what I want to have for dinner." Bu'lla replied perfectly calmly.

Bu'lla, of course, noticed the preternaturally calm fish and stared at it easily. As it lunged the paw flew back, the fish following closely behind. As fish and paw left the water Bu'lla's other fist flew up and gave the fish a left hook straight to the gills. With a meaty slap the fish became a fly-fish.

The fish spun gracefully as it lazily sailed across the inside of the restaurant, curling over itself like a casual gymnast as it flew over the heads of diners and staff. As it reached the peak of its ascent eyes finally turned to its magnificent apogee, eyes of shock, wonder, and perhaps horror. But then came the fall, as it's graceful form slowly graced downwards at the behest of gravity it suddenly disappeared. Flying over the bank of fish tanks on the other side of the restaurant and straight into the kitchens. Where a lot of squeals of surprise, the banging of kitchenware, and a possible scream of pain could be heard.

Bu'lla peered over the fish tank curiously as this all went on, face impassive, eyebrow perhaps raised slightly as events drew to a close. He turned towards the restraunt staff completely calmly with the right amount of humility in his voice to order an entree.

"Excuse me, miss? Yes, I'll take that one, thank you." Bu'lla ordered politely. "Just please, don't let it suffer."
Ra'chel hearing the meaty thud of contact, looked up in time to see the fish sail across the room in flight. She watched awe at first as the fish seamed to deliver itself to the kitchen via flight. Hearing the muffled screams and chatter coming fro the kitchen area. She gave a soft barking yips of laughter. She really liked Bu'lla. He was so full of surprises.
Cy'jiro's attention turned to Bu'lla when Aka spoke up. He looked over just in time to see him smack the fish outside of the tank and across the room. This left the young My'leke speechless, saying that was bad manners was an understatement. Was it even allowed for guest to reach in the tanks int eh first place, let alone smack a fish into the kitchen? And what would the school do when they heard the Blood Claws class was behaving like this? Thoughts like this continued to turn through Cy's head as he panicked.

Ha'lei on the other hand was still focused on her fish, she was determined to keep an eye on him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Bu'lla reach into the tank but she couldn't make much more of his actions than that. She thought it unfair though, she knew he was grabbing the fish he wanted, but she was too small to reach in herself, and her brother hadn't given her permission too. However all the commotion startled her, causing her to jump a little and loose track of her fish, but only for a moment. "What's going on!?" She voiced her interest in the situation, ears twitching and tail swaying, she wanted to turn around and see right now but her eyes remained fixated on the tank to watch the fish.
Kaui just...stares at Bu'lla's actions and watches him smack the fish out of the tank and slowly raises a hand and rubs the bridge of her nose. "Well even if you wanted the fish now that its touched the ground they probably won't cook it due to contamination issues now...So good job Bu'lla." Grabs him by his shirt and pulled him away from the tank before he could embarrass them further.
Aka' was, for all intents and purposes, rather embarassed by what she'd seen. Her eyes had flickered up toward the flying fish as it sailed through the air and into the kitchen, it wasn't exactly something that she'd wanted to see nor had expected from a fellow classmate and it left her absoutely speechless. A few eyes on the waiting area turned toward Bu'lla, some with disapproving stares, others just seemed shocked that someone would 'actually' do something like that. Although in the back of her mind, Aka' knew it was harmless fun, at least harmless in terms of physical but it would most likely have an effect on them once word had gotten back to their school about this.

"You're table is ready," an adult Laibe said, her voice sounded neutral but it was simple to tell that she didn't quite accept what someone in the group had done. It was her speaking that broke Aka' out of her embarassed state, who turned toward the woman.

"Thank you," Aka turned toward the rest of her class. "Let's go."

The waitress lead the group through the restruant and to the second floor of the building; where the group now found themselves walking on the fish tank - the same one that had been 'above' them moments earlier. They were seated at a table near the window, overlooking the eastern side of the city which gave them a good view of the spaceport.
Ra'chel looked out at the view, seeing the spaceport, froze as the memory of the hijack attempt rushed to the for-front of her mind, overpowering her with it's sudden appearance. She gave an involuntary whimper/whine. Eyes wide open unseeing the view, only what her mind projected in vicious vengeance.
Vin'cent had simply taken a few steps towards the entrance to the restaurant and acted like he wasn't with the group. Internally, he was... Quite amused. Bull'a hadn't seemed to realized that the kitchen staff could decide to spit on his food. Anyways, he sighed in relief and followed after the group as they made their way to their table. However, while he was dealing with the fact he was standing on a giant aquarium, he walked into the back of Ra'chel. "Whoops-how-you-do." He let out quickly as he stepped back awkwardly. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I-... Are you alright?" His expression turned from apologetic to curious as he wondered why the girl would stop all of a sudden. Surely, the aquarium wasn't that impressive.
Ra'chel wasn't looking at the aquarium, but directly ahead at the spaceport in the distant view. She felt the bump from behind her, snapping out from the memory as the worse had pasted. "I-I'm fine. I would like a different table is all." Turning from the view of the spaceport.

Her eyes held a fading haunted look, eyes darting over rest of the group and patrons alike.
Cy'jiro was thankful that the Laibe had come over for them to inform them their table was ready and not to tell them that they were being asked to leave. Despite that, a part of him kind of wanted them to be told to leave, he wouldn't have to feel embarrassed as people watched them after such a display. However they were staying and being escorted upstairs to the second floor where their seats were.

Ha'lei did not want to leave, she would lose sight of Mr.Fish is she did, and mister fish was perfect in her mind. However her brother did not let her stay there staring at the tank and put her on his back, carrying her up the stairs with whimpering complaints from her. Once she was at the top though and could clearly see the fish in the upper tanks she went wide eyed and scampered around looking at as many of the larger fish as she could.

Soon the small Daur found one, it was larger than she was but it looked really energetic. She pointed at it eagerly and spoke with a loud voice. "I want this one!"
The waitress nodded. "We do have another table," she said and beckoned for the group to follow her, she lead them to the otherside of the room where there was a free table; this one overlooked the districts eastern side - away from where the spaceport was. "Here we go," the Waitress set the menu'e down on the table.
Kaui dragged, yes, dragged Bu'lla with them making sure he didn't embarrass them further. Once done she sat him down and sat next to him ensuring that she kept a hand on his shoulder to ensure he didn't do anything stupid. She sighed a bit and shook her head looking at the menu a moment, studying it.
Bu'lla complained all the while as he was dragged. "Hey-hey-hey-hey! Lady, hands off the merchandise." He growled as he was sat down and pressed down with a hand on his shoulder.

"People are staring." He complained gruffly through gritted teeth.

He gently tried to pinch her hand between two claws as though touching something contagious and remove it from his righteous person. He hadn't even had time to appreciate the aquarium that they were seated upon, or the view of the spaceport, or the spaceships that he had helped save.
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With the new seating, Ra'chel lightened up again as if nothing had happened, enjoying the view of sitting on the aquarium and the view of the eastern district. She took a seat that offered the best view with minimum effort.

"Oh lightened up Bu'lla, maybe we can visit that bar again later." Ra'chel offered to him. "You must've came from an extremely large family to be the scrapper you are." Picking up the menu to look at what was being offered in meals.