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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

"Hey! You didn't see me do anything!" Bu'lla complained, crossing his arms defensively.

"Also, stop doing that whirlwind thing and settle on who you want to talk to. It's making me dizzy." He retorted, turning his head peevishly and staring determinedly at the cupboard. It seemed clear what Bu'llas mind and stomach were after at the moment.
Aka' could do nothing but smile at the exchanges going on; this would certainly be a class that was different from the ones she'd been in previously - these students, all of them were different, all of them unique in their own way, and she knew that they each brought something - whether they knew about it or not - to this classroom. "Shall we?" she offered and stepped out of the home and glanced up at the sky.

There was a gentle rain falling right now on the ground, somethign that was quite common for this region of the planet; it rained practically every day here and there were only a few instances where it didn't, but thats what contributed to the areas rather beautiful scenary, some of which, was left entirely indisturbed with the city having been built around it. "We'll take the bus, its not far, but no point catching a cold," it was a rather cold rain after all.

Aka' walked over to the sidewalk and hailed the first bus that she saw coming down the roadway, a slender looking vehicle that was almost entirely transparent with the exception of the bottom and its support frames. The bus pulled up along the curb and the doors opened up, there was no actual driver in the vehicle, although there was an adult sitting in a seat behind what would've been the driver seat - this was a Laibe who had his eyes buried in a rather thick looking book that had the name: Quantum Mechanics and String Thoery for the Advanced. The Laibe only tore their gaze away from the book for a moment, to look up at the those getting on board.

"All aboard," Aka' said, a grin on her face, she'd always wanted to say that.
Ra'chel followed Ake and spotted the book that the overseer of the bus was reading. It gave her pause and then settled on the seat behind the Adult Laibe. Shifting her swords into a more comfortable position and leaned against the back of the Overseer's seat so she could read bits and pieces of what he was reading.
Kaui followed the group... She extended her hand and rustled Aka's hair a bit with a big grin, almost in a sister like fashion, at how she grinned at saying all aboard...some people were so innocent and easily pleased...it made her warm inside. She then got onto the bus taking a seat in the back and stretching a bit with a yawn, she watched the others quietly, studying them, judging them... She took a breath wondering exactly how this was going to go... She then eye'd down and began twiddling her fingers lightly as she stopped paying attention with her eyes and started paying attention with her ears...a hunter like trait.
Bu'lla confidently jumped aboard, through the door, normally. He fist-bumped the overseer on his way in with a quick incantation of "Fight tha powah." Before spinning and moonwalking down to his seat in the last row, like a boss. As he passed he saw Kaui with her eyes closed. Quickly rubbing a spare receipt into a ball and as he sat down aimed and flicked it towards the other laibe.
Kaui reacted in a near instant as her hand raised and grabbed the receipt without even looking up her ears twitching again... She then slowly opened one eye to shift to look at him and with one finger and thumb she sent the receipt flying back to him towards his glabella bone between his eyes, at a rather quick pace. Before smirking towards him and going back to closing her eyes.
Bu'lla snatched the paperball out of the air and stared at it in rueful betrayal before turning in his seat and facing the front. Tail shifting into his lap due to the holeless seats. His claws stroked it absent-mindedly as he waited for food.
Ha'lei quickly got onto the bus, using her small size to her advantage to sneak past people to get in while her brother was stuck in the back having to wait to get on since he was so big. Once she was inside she ran to the back seat, or at least she would've if she didn't seen the person in the front. So she walked over to him and climbed into teh seat beside him to try and see what the book was about, she could read, but she didn't know the words on the cover. "Is it a story book?" She asked curiously."

Cy'jiro was only just getting on when Ha'lei asked her question "Ha'lei, you shouldn't bother people."
Ra'chel scowled as her view was blocked by Ha'lei. Before she could speak, Cy'jiro spoke up, rying to teach the little Daur some manners. She leaned back in her seat and looked out the window. It wasn't er job anymore to look after the young ones anymore. Even though she did miss her joint family's younger siblings.

She reigned in her feelings and exhaled them sharply, momentary fogging up the window with her breath. She wrote in the fogged up area. "MYF.WYWHK." She continued out the window, letting fogged window clear on its own, erasing her little message.
Ha'lei looked around and noticed she was in Ra'chel's way and made a bit of a pouty face before climbing down out of the chair with a soft whine. Her brother gave her a soft pat on the back to try to cheer her up as well as move her forward so they could go to the back of the bus. Before she got out of direct sight though she mutters an "I'm sorry'" and then moved on.

Cy'jiro sighed and moved along with his little sister to the furthest back seat so that Cy'jiro could lay down comfortably. Bu'lla however was in the back seat already. They didn't want to bother him too much so they moved to the the side and Cy'jiro curled up still rather comfortable, letting his tail hang down instead of in the seat.Of course Ha'lei took advantage of this and climbed onto her brother using him like a body cushion and snuggling into his coat of fur.
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Ra'chel gave the young Duar a nod of acceptance and went back to reading over the Bus Overseer's shoulder. Even though she barely understood what she was reading, it was interesting.
Kel shrugged, and just followed everyone on board the bus, nodding politely to the driver as he stepped on, passing Aka without much comment before settling on a spot towards the front, away from Bu'lla. He was definitely hungry, so it made sense to go along with everyone, even if the class seemed a bit silly so far.
Kaui watched Ha'leil come to the back of the bus next to where she was and offered her a smile then pat the seat next to her offering a place next to her. "Hello again, Big Girl."
Once everyone was onboard, Aka' joined them and took a seat toward the front. The bus waited a few more minutes before the doors closed up, the adult at the front peered up from their book for a moment and then out the front window, before buring themselves right back into it. The bus began to move, coasting down the street toward the sub-districts main entrance, stopping just short for the lone security guard to take notice before it passed by and onto the main street.

The bus didn't take any of the underground roadways, one of the primary means of getting around the city, instead it kept to the surface street; and wound its way between various business districts and the no through the market square before passing by a large park - despite how big it was - everyone would see a fountain right in the center of it.

Every so often the bus would come to a stop, and other students and indivuals would board it, then they would get off at another stop. After thirty minutes of driving, the bus would arrive at the classes destination - a large restruant situated on a hill that overlooked some areas of the 12th district. A big bold sign was planted in the front just in front of the buildings, with the words: 'Welcome to Shi'tee Kree'aa, Best Seafood in the District!'

The doors to the bus opened, and people began to get off. "This is our stop," said Aka' as she got up from her seat and stood by the door; there were others outside of the restruant, either waiting to get inside or for a ride back to where-ever they'd come from.
Ra'chel exited the bus and moved forward out of the way of others disembarking. She looked around taking in the sights. Whether or not other students were armed, she didn't see the weapons worn, unless they were Youth Corp.. She felt kind of awkward for having hers with her and not being in military like her joint family sister.
Bu'lla ceased gnawing at the back of the seat in front of him long enough to look up and see they had arrived. Bu'lla jumped off the bus, normally, through the door. Immediately he was looking around, nose twitching rapidly as he tried to get the scent of food.
Ha'lei gave a wave to Kaui in response but had decided to stay snuggled up to her brother the whole ride, after all he had the most comfortable fur, and no one else would probably let her snuggle up. However when it came time to get off she climbed onto his back as he carefully got out of the seat, it was obvious that the two had done this before by how smoothly they moved without any trouble.

"I like fishies." The young Daur said as her tail wagged about and her ears twitched.

"I have heard some about this place, they have a good reputation. It will be interesting to see how it compares to mom's cooking." Though Cy'jiro tried to look stoic there was the faintest hint of a smile on his lips and his tail was idly moving about, he too was excited.
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Kaui stands from the back of the bus and follows the rest out of the bus stopping next to Bu'lla, as she's been for most of the time others had seen her. She crosses her arms quietly and listened to to the people conduct their business. She looked a little uncomfortable to be around a place with so many people, but she stayed calm... though her ears gave away what she was feeling as they were upright and slanted backwards lightly twitching as her eyes scanned the area. Her tail in her hand, lightly being stroked idly without her seeming to realize it. She smiled down at Ha'lei and nodded lightly. "Y...Yeah, Fish is pretty good in terms of food..."
Vin'cent had followed after the others and boarded the bus in silence, watching them and observing their behavior so that he might understand them further. "Subject 1 administrating control group. Subject 2 likes kits, it seems. Subjects 3 and 4 showing a dire wish to eat, 4 seems anxious over weapons brought in. Caused by accident scarring the inner psyche? File away for further analysis." Subject 1, of course, would be Aka', Subject 2 Kaui, and Subjects 3 and 4 would be Bull'a and Ra'chel. Make no mistake, the Ui'ishen was watching the others and taking mental notes with that photographic memory, ("They are exhibiting a sibling-like relationship. Perhaps one of them is fostered?") they were simply behaving as he had expected. Of course there was the quiet one, but you cannot observe a performance if the actor is silent and motionless. When the bus was at a complete stop, the kit stood up and made his way off the vehicle. Vin'cent stood next to the entrance into the public transportation and waited for his company, in the meantime looking at all of the subje- I mean, people around the restaurant entrance.
Ra'chel heard her stomach rumble softly reminding her that she still hadn't eaten. She took off towards the restaurant. She was going to get something to eat. She had money, (thanks to Bu'lla winning), her ID's and weapons. She was set.

Others could follow or mingle outside at the mass transit stop as she moved with renewed confidence of youth. Knowing her destination and wants to be satisfied. She soon joined the throng entering the restaurant.