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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Kaui watched, somewhat oblivious for a moment to the fact that Bu'lla was still holding her hand. Her tail swished a bit left to right as her ears perked at the new people, she was just about to approach them and shake their hand/paw until Bu'lla did his thing where he slammed the door in all three's face. She paused a moment and looked at him; "Well that wasn't very nice." She retorted before going to open the door still holding Bu'lla's hand not really realizing that she was! Clearly it almost looked to people who didn't know they just met that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

She smiled lightly and raised one hand to the large My'leke and the small Daur and the other Daur. She showed friendliness to those perceptive enough though her eyes were full of trauma and emptiness. "Welcome to the House!"
Vin'cent lowered his own hand with a neutral expression. You didn't have to be a noble to recognize what a refused hand-shake meant. His eyes widened in surprise at the whole door-slamming act. He raised his eyebrows when Ra'chel spoke to him. "I'm sure he is an illustrious and creative individual. He's certainly amusing." His expression reflected his amusement and rid itself of the fake look of surprise. It was just his way of being amusing, making faces. Kits loved that... Anyways, the diminutive Daur slipped past Bu'lla to introduce him to the newly arrived students. "My name is Vin'cent Domo'voi Got'ti. I suppose we should make yourselves at home?" The suitcase still dangling from his hand would suggest that he hadn't settled in himself, but there would be plenty of room for all of them. "Please, come in."
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Kel'ryn walked right on in at that, not a moment of hesitation inspired by Bu'lla's apparent dislike, though whether the dislike was caused by the minor snark that went hand in hand with Kel or not was unclear. "Kel'ryn Ine'Dan'ir. It's nice to meet most of you." He had no bags of his own at the moment, in a seemingly odd omission for someone moving into a new residence, but didn't seem particularly bothered by this turn of events. "Are we already assigned to our various rooms, or should I just pick whichever I'd like?"
Aka' stood there rubbing the back of her neck, unsure really what to make of everything that had been going on - they had quite a few new people just arrive one right after another and the worst part was she could feel her anxiety and phobia beginning to creep into her mind. Her hand shifted to rubbing her arms nervously as she glanced at the boys that had arrived, she really wished that there was some kind of cure or even medication for this. With a mental sigh she looked toward the door. "How about you all drop your things off at a room, then we can head out and get something to eat," she smiled - it was a forced one - the best she could muster given the phobia.
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Kaui looked towards the class president, she tilted her head a bit as she noted the girls expressions and mannerisms. She moved towards her only to realize she was still holding bu'lla's hand and quickly let go blushing at the thought.

She moves over to the smaller and younger daur of the group and kneels a bit extending her hand and whispering to her gently. "Are you alright?" Her tone carried a motherly like atmosphere with it, a trait she gained from her own mother no doubt. She tilted her head and gave her a soft understanding smile... knowing full well the signs of trauma and phobia.
After the door was opened Cy'jiro made his way inside, though he looked relatively calm, hiding his agitation at having a door slammed in his face rather well. The Daur on his back however did not take things so well. Her face was red from strain as her cheeks we puffed about as big as she could make them and her arms crossed her chest. She then pointed dramatically at Bu'lla.

"You..You poopy head!" Ha'lei shouted and wagged her finger about as him that added validity to what she was saying.

Cy'jiro however sighed and lightly patted with his tail Ha'lei to calm her down, which worked rather quickly in fact. "Getting food sounds like a great idea. Some seem so hungry that htey have lost etiquette."

"I'm hungry too!" Ha'lei rubbed her belly to emphasize the point.
Ra'chel moved off to the side to watch the gathering of students. Some with luggage and others without. She was a bit envious of Ha'lei for her companion of a My'lek. She had seen such pairings before, but at a distance.

Once free from the group of gathered students, she scampered up the stairs to change into a pair of clean clothes. Life was good and she had survived the trip. Now was the time to focus on the future as she scampered to her small room.
Aka' nodded at Kaui and said. "I'm fine, just a bit anxious is all," she smiled at the classmates concern and took out her phone, she tapped the screen which caused it to turn on and simply tapped another button before putting it away. "Well, when we are all ready we'll head to the Shi'tee Kree'aa Restaurant," she looked each student over for a moment and then walked over to the door and stood next to it.
Kaui nodded towards the the younger daur, before standing and leaving the group for a second and claiming a room... also placing her stuff down before coming back with a large stretch. The ebony colored Laibe looked between everyone and then nodded at Aka's words and grinned. "Great idea! I'm starving!"
Rachel returned to the group, wearing her typical everyday clothes as she would wear back home. A one piece jumper that zipped up the front and obnoxious fuchia colored , but well worn high top sneakers with shoe laces untied. The ends were frayed and dark with ground in dirt. And of course her ever present blades wrapped and slung diagonally across her back.

Giving Aka a nod as she rejoined the group a few seconds behind Kaui.
Vin'cent simply placed his possessions in the nearest room, he wasn't a picky person by nature. Unlike Rachel, he decided to not change into his more formal attire and remained in his school uniform. They were only going out to eat, after all. "I'm ready when you are, madame president." He nodded once again to the new-arrivals in greeting before looking back at Aka'.
"Hey, hey, hey! Don't let them into the house!" Bu'lla complained as the three newcomers entered. "Aw, now they're probably going to turn out to be zealots and lecture us with scripture!"

He huffed, and then looked slightly disappointed as Kaui's hand left his. He waited lazily on a stool by the kitchen bar while the others settled in, hand holding his chin boredly

"If any more turn up I'm going to have to get into another fight to pay for all these mouths." he grumbled as his tail swished constantly in annoyance.
Ha'lei took a bag from Cy'jiro's lower back and carried it in front of her as they went to find a room, quickly returning however once that was done. Ha'lei now walking as the My'leke was resting his back for a moment, this made it obvious that the girl was small, too small to be an age appropriate for the bloody claws class.

Hearing Bu'lla she did speak up and point at him. "I'm a big girl, I can pay for my own things." She fished around in her pockets as if looking for something but seemed somewhat frantic when she could not find it.

Before Ha'lei could voice what was wrong her brother spoke up. "I have your crystal, you dropped it in class so I picked it up."

The young Daur immediately seemed relieved at that and gave Cy a hug, rubbing her face in his thick coat.
Kaui moved over to Bu'lla and nudges him a bit with a smirk. "Oh be nice... Bu'lla...we are going out to eat at a restaurant... Lets try to get along until then, yeah?" She said with a smirk towards him. She happened to be wearing her athletic gear as she normally did, which happened to be a pair of skin tight jogging shorts, and a sports-bra like thing. She didn't feel the need to wear the uniform anywhere but at school, so she had changed into something that made her a bit more comfortable. She still however had the two swords on her back, her pistol on her right hip, and her combat knife on her left hip.

She looks towards Ha'lei and Cy'jiro and tilted her head a bit before moving over and kneeling down to the young Daur. "Well you're just adorable... and mature too! Look at how you carry yourself, and you can even pay for your own stuff too! You are a big girl!" She looks towards Cy with a smile. "Hi, I'm Kaui'ahe Syuah'he'mane, a huntress, and part of the Bloody Claws class as well...its nice to meet you two." She stood up and then moved to Ra'chel.

Ra'chel looked her over for a moment, seeming judgmental at first, but then suddenly smiles... seems that was just her normal thinking face. "Hi, my name is Kaui'ahe Syuah'he'mane. I hope we can be friends." She says before shaking her hand as enthusiastically as she did Aka and Vin'cent's... And about faces! She then hops on over to the last new person she hadn't properly introduced herself too, Kel'ryn. She smiled a bit and once more repeated: "Hi, I'm Kaui'ahe Syuah'he'mane, Huntress, and part of Bloody Claws Class as well, I hope we can be friends, its nice to meet you." She shook his hand and vigorously as she did everyone else's. She about faces again and takes her place by Bu'lla with a big grin. "There, now I'm done~ Lets go eat Aka!" She said.
Ra'chel smiled in spite of herself at the antics off Kaui'ahe. "Hi I'm ..." was all she had gotten out before Laui'ahe released her hand and bounced off to meet the others in the same fashion. She watched from her spot, ready to go.
Kel'ryn chuckled a bit at that, and replied, jokingly, "Well, at least he'd be making himself useful for the group this way, right? Nice to meet you, regardless." He didn't bother to walk towards a room or anything like that; a school uniform was good enough for him, and it wasn't like they were doing anything that necessitated him changing into anything special. "Are we waiting on anyone else, or can we just go now?"
Bu'lla bleh'd in annoyance where he sat as the ebony laibe chided him, determined to be moody. As Kaui spoke to the Daur child Bu'lla stuck his tongue out at Ha'lei over Kaui's shoulder, hiding it quickly when she stood back up and going back to looking moody with the bandages all over his arms and hands.

He seemed as ready to go as most of the other ready ones.
Ha'lei looked pretty excited as Kaui was giving her complements but then she saw Bu'lla and returned his action with the same, sticking her tongue out at him though a lot more noticeable.

Cy'jiro backed off slightly when Kaui approached them and was just easing back as she spoke to him. "Yes..Hello...I am Cy'jiro Tela'kuro and this is Ha'lei."

Ha'lei stood up straight and proud holding a hand up with all 5 fingers extended. "I'm five years old you know! I can even get dressed on my own."

"No you can't" Cy'jiro curtly responded, which made Ha'lei puff her cheeks in pout again.
Kaui snapped over towards Ra'chel before ears perking up. "You're who now? I do have awesome ears! So you didn't have to stop talking I could've heard you a few feet away!" She giggled lightly and nodded her head before focusing back towards the group. she notices Cy'jiro backing off and pouts a bit but then nodded towards Ha'lei. "Whoa that's amazing!.." Then grinned at what her older brother had said, then nudged Bu'lla. "Stop picking on the small girl! How're you ever going to get a girlfriend if you're going to pick on a sma- big girl like that!"
Ra'chel was yipping softly with laughter at the antics going on around her, to busy laughing to respond to Kaui at the moment. But no matter, intro's could continue later as Bu'lla got what he deserved which was even more funnier since probably had to restrain himself from tearing into Ha'lei. But was glad he didn't.
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