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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Ra'chel gave a soft yip-like laughter at the Laibe's antics. Having helped raised her stepsisters from babyhood, nothing surprised her. She had a easy going altitude and patience. "Hey you..." She called out to the laibe that just spit out his treat. "..It aint good manners to spit out your food. Didn't ya momma teach you that?"
Aka'ashe'na looked between the two curiously, yet also, worriedly. It seems this spectacle had gotten some attention from other students who were now watching curiously, although the younger ones still seemed to not really take notice of what was going on and still played their games together. One of the adults on the ship was watching, but not getting involved; it was par for the course for students to sometimes get into arguments or disagreements, although this adult was keeping an eye on the two students to make sure it didn't get any further than that.

At the stand, the female Laibe could only lean against her stall and continued to watch, the little furry thing that Bu'lla had requested looked very tasty.
Ra'chel waited patiently as she glanced at Aka'eshe'na joined her again. She could feel the eyes of the other upon her as she remained where she was at. Wishing she had her sword on. But being allowed on the ship, especially a passenger liner, she had to secure it in her weapons roll that she carried with her.
The laibe's food had not been spat out, indeed, the white ball of fluff vibrated furiously as rapid chewing intensified. With a sharp crunch the ball of fluff disappeared and the laibe gulped.

"You talk a big game, little hairless one. We'll see how you play when we get to our new home together." He said, sharp blue eyes glaring.

With a long stare at Ra'chel, the laibe's hand flicked and a white ball of fluff drifted over to Aka'ashe'na. Then the laibe turned and walked to return to his posse of fellow laibe, who were the vast minority in the shuttle.
Ra'chel nodded her head to the Laibe walking away from her. She turned to face Aka'ashe'na. "Why did you run?" Tilting her head to the side as she spoke softly to Aka'ashe'na.
Aka'ashe'na looked at Ra'chel briefly before looking away. "I....err.... well," the kit rubbed the side of her chin nervously, she wasn't sure if she should state what was wrong or not... but before she could another student did; this one a year younger than Ra'chel who had been listening in on the conversation. During this, she had caught the white ball of fluff that Bu'lla had tossed her way, and gave the Laibe a faint smile in return.

"She's afraid of men," the student, female, smiled as she popped up over the seat and rested her arms on it.
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Ra'chel looked at Aka'ashe'na with surprise. "That can't be true? Is it?" Giving the other female student a glare to butt out. But knowing that probaly whont happen. Then turning back towards Aka'ashe'na again.
Aka'ashe'na nodded slowly. "It is... I don't ... like men.. boys.. I just don't.. they scare me, freak me out...." the girls voiced dampened from there, it was pretty obvious that it was a subject matter she wasn't to interested in getting involved in right now.
Ra'chel's heart went out to Aka'ashe'na. Looking thoughtful, she asked, "you know how to wield a sword?" She spoke thoughtfully, thinking of the skill she had and needed to keep up. She remembered her father telling her that the best way to master a skill is to teach it. She was already a master in her style as she had started out at a much younger age that her father's students did.
"I do, I have two but they are at the school," said Aka'ashe'na as she looked down at where they would've been - it wasn't natural for her to leave them behind as she usually had them on her where-ever she had gone, but this was one of those times when she didn't have them, of course there had been a very good reason for that. "Although I'm not perfect at it, there are others in the school who are much much better," she smiled weakly.
"What style you know?" Ra'chel asked curiously, as she leaned against the wall. It was puzzling that she didn't have her swords with her. Ra'chel's tail gave a gentle sweep, hitting Aka'ashe'na's leg accidently.
"Well...." Aka'ashe'na thought for a few moments before being startled by the tail swipe, but recovering quickly. "I've been taught the Hi'kaasha Style of swordsmenship... a rather interesting style, I'm only a 4th degree right now so I can't the master swords yet," she frowned as she really had hoped to

Near the stands

"Why not join the conversation?" asked the Laibe to Bu'lla. "Gotta talk to your fellow schoolmates, it is a small school after all."
Ra'chel whispered, "I been taught Kentro'las Style with two swords and I'm... a 3rd degree black." Feeling a bit worried as this was taught only to the military personnel. Hoping that the other students didn't hear.
"Best not tell others," grinned Aka'ashe'na as she placed a hand on her hip and looked out the ships window and into the dark sky, although despite being dark, her eyes could see the clouds that they were drifting through and the faint lights that flickered in the ocean water - these were lights coming from navigation boeys set up to make flying easier during the night. There was faint twinkle in the distance though that momentarily got her attention, causing her to place a hand against the ships hull as she strained to figure out what it was - but as quickly as this light appeared it soon disappeared. Huh...
Ra'chel's ears flickered when she heard the faint tinkle. She quickly scanned the room and then looked out the window into darkness outside. She could only see what was outside from the light shining through the window out into the faint reflected light from the whisps of clouds that was close to the ship. "What's bothering you?" Figuring it may have been lightening outside off in the distance. She went back to looking over the room and the passengers.
"hmm... thought I saw an airborne nav buoy," said Aka'ashe'na with a shrug of her shoulders as she turned around and leaned up against the hull. "She'na Academy has a large number of air buoys since this area of the ocean is normally covered in a storm so pilots need them to navigate to the city," the kit folded her arms over her chest, closing her eyes and lowering her head as she thought about a few things. "Well, it might just be a buoy," she opened her eyes and cast a glance about the compartment. She noticed that some of the young kits were being herded by some of the older students to side suites, presumably to either rest or to play other games that would not interfere with the main cabin, as food carts had started to roll down the aisles in preparation for morning breakfast.
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Ra'chel looked at the carts being brought in, smiled as it was the scheduled breakfast by the ship's schedule. "Buoy? Isn't them used for the navy down on the ocean?" Looked puzzled at Aka'ashe'na. "Why would an airship need them when they got all that fancy electronics to use?"
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Aka' smiled and looked back out the window. "Their safety measures, redundencies in the event the electronics fail. She'na Academy.. or rather.. Shi'ka'ma Academy before it set the mark for redundancy in equipment - the military has a lot of backup systems on their ships largely because of Shi'ka'ma Academy and their desire to ensure that if something went wrong, there would always be a backup solution.. and if that backup went wrong.. then there would be 'another' backup to back that one up....." that sounded confusing to Aka'ashe'na when she had first heard of it a few years back when she was just a first year student. "The buoys are always active, even on clear days like this, some pilots prefer them as it eases their mind."
Ra'chel turned and looked out the window into the darkness. She spoke softly, "I wished that my joint family sister's back up and that back up worked." Placing a her hand on the cool window pane. "Apperantly she gotten a defective ship..." Letting her voice fade away, getting adistant look. She conitued to speak softly. "She'ld be pleased to hear I gotten into the famed She'na Academy...."
Nearby the duo that had gotten a bit of unwanted attention, somebody utterly unremarkable observed. And observed some more. And then decided that things were once again boring, so he went back to his notes. In the dark-furred hands of Sylik was a cheap, if efficient, datapad he was writing in with a digital pen. Notes and decent illustrations about plants and the like dotted the screen's "pages." Ears plastered themselves against his head as his eyes flashed over the screen.

"Hum. . . Vera and Ba'an sap combined into a paste might just glow. . ." he mumbled, twirling the pen around his fingers. The laibe wasn't as skilled at that as he could have been, and the pen spun out of his digits and onto the ground. Rolling towards Ra'chel.
Ra'chel heard the thump and rattle of something hitting the floor. She stepped back, right on the digital pen. Hard enough to stop it. but soft enough not to break it. She sighed as she kneeled in the proper Daur female manner to pick up what ever she stepped on.

Once it was secured in her hands, Ra'chel looked it over with interest. Seeing no special markings other than the maneufactorer. She looked around her to see if anyone came chasing after it.