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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

"If that is the case, why did they pull me out of class last semester for a week and make do those scholastic test? Then a week before semester ends, I get notifications that I was accepted into the She'na Academy?" Ra'chel mildy complained in her youthful way. "I've enough trouble keeping up my grades and taking care of two of my joint family younger sisters. Not mention in keeping up my swordmanship skills...." She sighs softly, as she slipped her empty plate on a passing cart. "Then things went to the ... the felines... my sister twin disappeared, while on a mission that no one will tell the answers I want to know...." She puts up a brave front, even though she is worried about her joint family sister.
"S'alrigh," he mouthed, finishing off a the first piece of bread with a bite that was just barely too large for his mouth. He swallowed. "People make mistakes."

He paused, switching his attention to the other girl.
"But uh, that's sorry to hear about your sister, Ra'chel."
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Ra'chel nodded with a soft smile. "She'll turn up. It not like this was the first time. She was gone for 3 seasons, only to find out she joined the real military and go on real mission scince she's part of the Youth Corps. And went on a lot unnanounced camp-outs with them."
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"It disappeared..." remarked the third co-pilot as they stared at their rader display. "One minute it was there and the next it is gone... the heck?"

"Systems must really be in the fritz then.. maybe we should-" the captains voice was immediantly cut out when the ship shuddered harshly, throwing the second co-pilot, who wasn't strapped in, out of their seat and against the ground. An attendant who had walked into the cockpit to offer some food also found themselves thrown against the ground, as the ship listed hard to the starboard side.


Aka'ashe'na had been caught off guard, the sound of the explosion occurring 'above' her was followed instantly by her being thrown to the side against the seat - resulting her summersaulting over it and hitting the deck in front of it. The girl let out a yelp of pain, but that was nothing compared to everything else. Attendants, students, teachers, and others in the cabin had also been tossed about with some bring thrown so hard against the deck that they were knocked unconscious almost instantly.

What little light there was in the cabin flickered brightly for a few moments before it went out, other sounds of weapons impacting the hull could be heard as lights flashed through the windows, casting an eerie red glow into the cabin.
The first thought that occurred to Sylik was not "Oh my god I'm going to die" but "My bread!" as he was thrown onto Ra'chel. Once the first surge was done, he nervously pulled himself off of the Daur.

A cursory glance around the place told him that they were effectively alone in the cabin. A second glance told him his datapad went flying across the room. The laibe hopped over the unconscious people that were in his path.

"Shucks, there's a crack in the screen," he mumbled, inspecting it closely. It seemed likely that he wasn't quite 'up to snuff' on the fact that they were under attack.
Ra’chel sprawled out on the floor after being sent tumbling from the impact on the ship. Dazed and bleeding from a forehead cut she received from hitting a few chairs, before settling on the floor. Something heavy fell on her and then it was gone.

When the lights went out, she thought she had blacked out from blow against the chair. Then the flickering red lights from the windows into the Cabin where she and the others were at. She felt for weapons roll and then pressing harder to see if her two family swords were there.

There was smoke in the cabin, thick and black, the smell of burning electronics was also very much present. The main pilot grunted as he ran through the ships systems, and found that several had been knocked offline. "Thank Chilerious that we aren't in space..." they said when they noticed that life support had been destroyed, but that relief was quickly dashed when they noticed that the ships passenger list showed ten dead - some from around the ship but six of which had been in the ships observation lounge was ... or had.. been located on the top - a schematic of the ship now showed that the lounge was no longer there. The pilot found that controlling the ship was becoming difficult. "Damn it," they said and hit the ships emergency systems, which caused a faint bluish light to start appearing within the cabin, a signal that there was an emergency.


Aka'ashe'na groaned for a moment as her mind raced with the many different possibilities of what could've just happened, but the most obvious was at the forefront of her mind. She slowly stood up, her head pounding from the blow she had suffered when her head banged against the deck, she placed her hand behind her head and felt something wet and slick and knew exactly what it was - but ignored the sensation and the pain as she stood up on wobbly legs. As she did so, her hearing - which rang a little bit from the explosion - slowly cleared and she heard a lot of crying, moaning and groaning but no screaming or yelling, it wasn't exactly common for a Neshaten to panic.

"Is everyone alright?" Aka' could hear an adult shout, a rather rhetorical question if not a stupid one.
Sylik heard the voice, and it took him a few seconds to process everything.

". . . Oh. OH," he realized, looking around. "Um, I am! Just a little bruised. What's. . . what is going on?"
Ra'chel was unsure, as she sat up. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness as she swung her weapon roll towards her front. She litened to the other respond. Some overlapping others. Finaly there was a pause allowing to speak up. "I'm fine." A bit timidly. She wasn't sure was going on either. She just listened as others were asking, "what was happening?" She just sat there, trying to appraise the situation.
Bu'lla shook his head as he sat up from the floor, ears flopping against his head. He looked around as the blue emergency lights started flashing; blinking when he was flashed in the eyes by one.

"Oh yeah, wonderful timing!" he shouted angrily at no one in particular. "I think now might be a good time to get strapped in, folks!"

"Another signal above us! Large one!" the third co-pilot called out. "Silhouette matches our own!" the pilot was able to say before he noticed several new contacts coming 'from' the ship - this was followed a short while later by the sounds of a breach in the hull and the ship suddenly losing a great deal of its airspeed. Internal scanners showed that the ships observation lounge now had people in it, and those people were moving enter the ship.

"Hit the alarm, send out a distress signal to the tower!" the head pilot shouted as he silenced a few of the other alarms and looked over their shoulder, thanks to the E.H.S., they could see the Ge'kina class ship that had matched its speed to their and locked onto their ship utilizing a pair of grappler's, there was individuals sliding down these cables and landing near the destroyed observation lounge.


Aka'ashe'na placed a bloodied hand on the seat cushion, using it to steady herself; she was about to say something when everyone was suddenly lurched toward the 'rear' of the ship. Aka'ashe'na now found herself thrown 'over' the seat and now landing atop Ra'chel. "ooow...." the young girl said as she laid there.
Sylik vaulted over, falling on one of his arms clumsily. When he finally recovered from the fall, his first attempts at moving ended with pain shooting up his arm from his wrist.

"A-ah, owwwww. . ." he cried softly, rolling onto his back and grabbing his wrist. He could feel the flesh swelling from the injury.

Ra'chel caught Aka'ashe'na, yipped softly as the weapon roll with the wrapped and scabbard blades pressed into her thighs. Not to be rude, ears twitching at the faint sounds of the alarms and then being silenced. "Come on." Trying to help Aka'ashe'na up off her. "If this what happen when I fly... Imma gonna walk next time or take the ...the space shuttle!" Softly complains with a whine. She was wishing she was back home dealing with her two younger joint family sisters.

At least the other Laibe was smart. She wished the other two would do the same when she realized Sylik was injured. She started to get up, but she was pinned by Aka'ashe'na.
Aka' stared up at the ceiling for a few moments before she got up off of Ra'chel, and sat off to the students side as she placed a hand on her forehead. There was the sound of boots clattering against the deck, which caused her to turn to notice several soldiers who had been on the transport running toward the stairway that would lead up to the observation deck. "All youth corp members please arm up!" an adult shouted, causing Aka'ashe'na's ears perked up and looked over to the adult.
Ra'chel sighed as she looked over the rest of them. Hoping they was armed. She quickly undid the straps that held the weapon roll rolled up. She kept both hands on it as she stood up and went to a cleared area to unroll it.

Once she had it unrolled and laid out, She began to strap on her two family swords. One with the Bush'tail Crest and the other with the Sui'yrena Crest. Once she got them place, she grabbed a tail knife that strapped onto her tail. She placed that on her tail near the end, so she could use her tail as a weapon.

As soon as she was armed, she rolled up the weapons roll and redid the straps. She slung the weapon roll strap over her head and arm so it hung diagnoly across her back. She tightened up strap so it wouldn't be in her way.

She then returned to a seat that allowed her to sit without the weapons getting in her way. She wasn't gonna budge from her chair as she wasn't Youth Corp.
Bu'lla looked up from strapping in one of the less conscious passengers into a spare chair as the call to arms was issued, such orders could mean only one thing. He turned to one his fellow laibe and grabbed their arm.

"Keep going, I'm going over there." he said over the noise and confusion.

Then he slipped away to take out some of his long-standing issues and frustrations on some hapless terrorists. Unarmed. Maybe they had a chance after all.
"Out of the seat!" one of the Laibe adults yelled at Bu'lla, as he crouched down next to the kits seat and leveled his rifle toward the door.

Aka'ashe'na shook her head and pulled out a Needler Pistol that she had hidden just under her cowl within a pistol holder that was around her shoulder, her cowl had been long enough to hide the pistol. She steaded her hand as she rested it on the top of the seat and pointed it toward the only door that was lead out from the observation deck, although some of the ships crew were actually not paying attention to the door but rather to the 'sides' and also to the other entry-ways into the ship.

"If oyu don't have a weapon," Aka'ashe'na said through gritted teeth, the pain in her head had gotten worse over the past minute. "Then find a place a weapon, there are some in the armory over there," she gestured with a free hand toward a large room where a ship attendant was standing guard, it also just so happened to be the only area that had students currently going in and coming out with a weapon, be it a melee, pistol, rifle, it didn't matter.
Sylik rolled onto his good arm and grit his teeth, keeping as much weight off of his injured one as possible.

It isn't so bad if I just keep it straight. . . he thought, stumbling over to the armory. He asked the guard, "U-um, is there a first-aid kit in there?"
Ra'chel stayed out of the way of everyone and watched. By heart she hated violance, but she wouldn't shy away from it either if she had no choice. She just sat where she parked herself after arming up. It was better to be prudent than stupid. She watched the organized chaos of getting the younglings and adults armed. She wanted to go help Sylik, but he was already talking to one of the guards who was better trained that she was in medical aid.
"Wouldn't get a weapon where I'm going." Bu'lla replied as he stood up on top of one of the chairs.

The big laibe's claws digging into the upholstery as he reached up and punched a vent in the roof, denting it in. Again, the metal crumpled. Again, the vent finally hit the back of the shaft with a loud clang and Bu'lla pulled it out before reaching up the grab the lips of the hole he'd created.

"I prefer to think the best defense is a good offense." he said as he heaved himself up and wormed his way into the narrow shaft.

Finally, the black-tipped tail disappeared and the laibe was gone on his personal mission.