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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Ra'chel watched them assemble the emplacement. Maybe Sylik was right. By finding their way to a different place on the ship. She started to stretch her muscles, wiggling and squirming.
Restroom Ruins

Bu'lla sniffed and wiped his nose with a finger as he listened, then he turned around and strode right up to Aka'ashe'na and took her gently by the shoulders towards one of the stalls.

"Wait in here, please. Also, I need this." He said, also pinching the knife out of her hands.

Closing the door of the stall on her softly he turned back to door and mentally prepared himself for what would come next. He leaped atop the sink nearest the door and used it as a leverage point to wedge himself into the corner of the ceiling above the door. His toes digging into the doorsil while one of his hands held onto the jagged hole from punching out the vent, the other hand held the knife. His body taut as he tried to stay perfectly still to ambush the terrorist.

Aka'ashe'na blinked as she taken over to the stall, the knife that she had bene holding onto removed from her grip. It didn't really please her any given she was a youth corp soldier and thus knew how to fight, and to be treated like a non-combatant, but then again she thought that perhaps he just didn't want her to get hurt.. didn't change her thoughts though. Once the door was closed she produced a second knife that was hidden in her boot and turned it around in her hand, peering at the reflective surface for a moment before putting it back into the boot.

The doors to the restroom opened ever so slightly as one female terrorist entered the area and walked only a few feet into it before she stopped and sniffed the air. "Smell that?" she asked her two companions who entered from behind.

"Yea, trouble..." they both raised their sword-rifles and began to carefully scan the area. "Wha'cha think?"

The female looked towards the stalls and then at the window, then back at the stalls and pointed. Inside, Aka'ashe'na could hear the charging of the rifle and dropped down onto all fours just as a slurry of fire ripped through the wall partition she'd been hiding behind a moment earlier, this volume of fire kept up for a few moments before the terrorist stopped.

"Eh, guess that's clear..." they said and looked about a bit more. "Too bad we didn't bring anything heavier."

"Regardless, check each stall incase there 'is' still someone in there, check the vents as well.. if its a Daur they could be hiding 'anywhere'," the female terrorist let out a disgruntled growl, as her companions began to slowly search the area with one of them, none of them had apparently noticed Bu'lla who had been hiding above them.
Restroom Ruins.

Bu'lla had rather hoped the terrorists would play nice and come in one at a time, but it seemed they were working together in groups of three. The young laibe closed his eyes as rifle fire hosed the stalls, he could only assume the worst for the girl who had followed him. He thought about what he would do next after the shooting stopped.

First, incapacitate No.3 with swinging kick to the back, using his larger size to advantage. Landing with face in urinal, suffer concussion and muscle damage to the neck. Implications for eating in the immediate future, unpleasant.

Next, block blind counter by second male with elbow block. Counter with knife slash to arm, tendons neutralized. Next, crack ribs with leg, then weaken jaw. Now, break cracked ribs. Follow with hay maker, break weakened jaw.

Last, blind counter incoming attack by lead female, counter with knife stab aimed at neck. Follow with push to distance from target. Then wait and see who stands back up first.

Prognosis; Increasingly negative.

Plan in place, the young laibe swung from his grip on the torn vent and into the kick.
"Well, so much for playing it safe," Sylik sighed, pulling Ra'chel behind a makeshift cover of busted chairs. He forced one arm to steady his gun - so that weaker hand wasn't in use - while his good hand aimed down the pistol's sights at the quickly-destructuralizing door. "Ah, this sucks."
Ra'chel went with Sylik and hid with him. "Yeah," a tinge of fear was in her voice. She huddled there, eyes wide as she waited for the chaos to begin. "I hope the other two are okay." She spoke quietly.
Main Cabin

The cutting of the door stopped rather abruptly, the sparks weren't flying anymore and the people closest to it were looking away with confusion. "Why'd they stop?" one of the soldiers could be heard asking as they all took a step back out of reflex. It didn't seem to dawn on anyone though to pay attention to the ceiling, as the cracks forming on it were rather uniform... too uniform to be just the ships hull cracking apart from stress.....

Restroom... or what's left of it

Bu'lla's sneak attack had - for the most part - worked. The first terrorist had gone down without ever having a chance to put up a fight, and while the second one attempted to counter it was of no use due to the suddenness of Bu'lla's appearance. However, the leader wasn't so easy to take down. When the knife had been plunged into her throat it knocked into something 'metallic' and slid right off, cutting parts of the skin to reveal something metallic beneath it - and had knocked the Kit off guard enough to allow this female to strike him with her knee right into the chest and then tossed him aside like he was of no threat to her.

"Interesting," said the female as she rubbed the area of her neck that the knife had cut through. "Guess I should be fortunate that I had surgery done there awhile back... but why is it that a Laibe is trying to protect these blasphemers?" she asked, walking over to her and staring down at him - her gaze was one of no concern to her; although she had one hand on a sidearm and was ready to use it.
Slowly, Bu'lla stood back up, wiping his mouth with a wrist and grunting a little from his growing list of minor wounds.

"See, I'm not normally one for exposition, but your lot just ain't doing it right." Bu'lla replied before coughing as his diaphragm tried to reassert itself. "Also, I have my own reasons. Aside from, you know, you lot publicly executing me for being found in the company of non-laibe and all."

Gripping the knife in one hand behind his thigh, the other over his bruised ribs, he stood there panting in the wrecked bathroom facing off with a psychotic woman with a serious height advantage over him. He'd been surprised that his plan had worked out as well as it had, but now his arsenal was running dry. He would have to adjust strategy.
"Better question. . . why'd they start? What was the point of wasting their own time like that if they're not gonna go through with it?" Sylik asked, still facing the door. "It doesn't make any sense. . ."
Ra'chel looked up at the ceiling. "The Ceiling," She said calmly with resignation. scrambling to get out from underneathing the cracking ceiling. "Come on Sylik." She yells warning to the others as she points up to the ceiling where it is cracking apart.

Aka'ashe'na listened as the female Laibe droned on about various subjects, many of which didn't interest her in the least - partly because she didn't care, to her all life was important and it mattered little where it came from. She glanced under the stall wall and could see where Bu'lla and the other Laibe were, so she lifted her back up and crossed her arms over her chest while she thought about a plan to help get Bu'lla out of this predicament, then it dawned on her. She glanced up at the ceiling at the fire suppression systems.

There were two types of systems that she knew of, those triggered by smoke and those triggered by exploding debris, it didn't matter which happened first it only required that one of the two set off the system and the others would engage as well. Plus, she knew how sensitive some of these systems actually were, she glanced up at the sprinkler head above her and saw that it was one of those that could be triggered by smoke but another one in the stall in front of her could be triggered by something smacking into the trigger.

Of course, she was much to small to be able to reach it herself and she couldn't throw far, but that wouldn't be a problem when she noticed that parts of the stall wall were still smoking from the earlier attack... just enough she felt that would trigger the system she grabbed a piece that had broken away and was still smoldering and carefully lifted herself toward the sprinkler head, the smoke gently rose toward the sprinkler coming into contact and causing its head to suddenly spring forward - releasing a shower of water atop of her, this in turn triggered the other sprinklers in the room which also began to rain down water on everyone.

The Laibe scowled as she looked up at the sprinklers. "Bumbling fools...." she said, craning her neck to figure out what had happened.
Sylik pulled himself to his friend's side, grateful that she noticed the ceiling. He steadied his aim at the ceiling, holding his breath in anticipation.
Ra'chel saw Sylik holding his breath, She leaned over and whispered into his ear. "It's better to breath. You'll be more steadier when the time comes." Giving Sylik a tickle to his ribs. "I don't think blue is a natural skin color."
Bathroom Wetness

Bu'lla eyes blinked as the water showered down, then his eyes looked past his opponents shoulder to see Aka'ashe'na stretched up towards the fire alarm. He blinked again, more slowly this time. Then, the knife in his hand flicked up to his shoulder, and with a flick the knife spun through the air between the two Laibe. Followed by a Bu'lla's foot towards the other laibe's solar plexus.

The cracking in the ceiling got worse, to the point where the rest of those in the cabin knew about it and glanced upward and took cover behind anything they could get behind. It was as if that was the signal for something to happen and that something came in the form of the ceiling starting to rip off, parts of it tearing away to reveal the night sky and the clouds whizzing on by, sections of the ceiling continued to pull back and fly off; but no-one in the cabin seemed to have been affected.. perhaps due to the containment field that had been erected minutes earlier in response to the ships structure integrity being compromised before hand.

Through the energy shield those in the cabin would notice two large 'clamps' that were attached to the ship, although those clamps were only there for a few seconds before the ship suddenly lurched upward before being pulled downward and causing it to plummet through the air, pulling away from the clamps which tore off more of the ships hull. The ship those clamps had come from, looking similar to the one the students were aboard, quickly vanished into the above clouds; those people would also notice suddenly flashes of red and orange within the clouds.

For anyone who hadn't been expecting this to happen, they'd now find themselves 'flying' -- in a matter of speaking -- as they became weightless.


"Shit!" shouted the pilot when he felt the aircraft pull upward as he jammed the controls in an effort to regain control of the craft, this resulted in it suddenly nosing downward - causing its altimeter to suddenly begin to spin around in circles as its altitude started to fall. "Report!"

"Multiple damaged systems, system reports a hull breach in the main cabin!"

"See if you can bring the backup systems online!"


The first indication that something would've been wrong was the knife suddenly flying upward and digging itself into the ceiling by almost a full two feet; the second indication would've been Bu'lla and the Laibe female flying up at the ceiling and then coming back down onto the floor. Aka'ashe'na, having already been near the ceiling found herself part of it when the ship began to fall.

Bu'lla's kick turned into a strange pirouette straight towards his target, causing them both to bounce off each other and hit different walls. Water splashing everywhere from both the sprinklers, and that which had pooled onto the floor from earlier. Bu'lla's only friend meanwhile, had left a nice Daur kit shaped hole in the ceiling she'd flown through.

Bu'lla groaned and swore as he tried to push himself up off of the floor, his fur sopping wet and by now a bit smelly. His appropriated knife was gone too. His opponent probably wasn't much better wherever she had landed now that the wreckage from the sequence of fights from earlier lay strewn around the room.
Main Cabin::

Ra'chel was glad she hadn't drawn her blades as all weight left. She watched the top of the ship get torn off and the flashes that definitely didn't look like lightening. She didn't know what to do as things changed and drifted towards the now opening in the ceiling. ~~Next time, I'm going by ground vehicle if I have to travel to another city!~~ she swore to herself as she tried grab onto something as weight began return and it was all wrong. She was falling towards the front of the ship, with nothing in between her and the forward bulkhead.

Oh this wasn't going to be pretty at all as the bulkhead came flying towards her. She was windmilling her arms, kicking her feet and her tail twirling like propeller behind her. The tail blade flashing in the ambient light. Then she got intimate with the bulkhead with a flash of light and pain.

Then everything went black and numb...

To say that the restroom wasn't already a mess would be an understatement, the loss of altitude had caused anything that hadn't been bolted down to go up into the air. It took awhile for the ships stabilizing systems to kick in, to allow those on board to actually move about 'despite' the ship still falling. Bu'lla would notice right away that a number of the toilets had actually shattered in the sudden free fall, either due to objects hitting them or the pipes bursting, gushing out water - both clean and.... not so clean...

The female Laibe - being heavier than Bu'lla had actually hit the ground quite hard and banged her head equally as hard against the floor; knocking her out cold and leaving a small puddle of blood that spread outward in the water from a head wound.

From within the hole in the ceiling, Bu'lla would hear a slight 'help', coming from Aka'ashe'na. The young kit was pinned part of the rooms main cross-beam and a section of the fire suppression system which had come loose and pinned her against the beam.


"Shit!" someone shouted as they and everyone else had lost their footing and had been thrown about the cabin, smashing into seats, the ground, the containment field above - perhaps it was a fortunant thing that the containment field kept things 'in', else everyone there would've found themselves 'outside' of the ship by now. In the center of the room a power panel had blown open, as two sets of wires became disconnected and whipped about in the air. "Someone reconnect those wires!" an individual shouted.

Bu'lla took a deep breath of disgust and swallowed his bile. His jaw worked itself in pain and frustration as he pushed rubble off of himself hauled himself upright, grunting loudly as he straightened his back with a series of protesting clicks from the vertibrae themselves. Twisting his neck from side to side he hobbled over to the knocked out female and pulled her by the collar out of the pooling water and wedging her sitting upright against the wall. That done he grabbed her by the muzzle roughly to check that her head wound wasn't too serious and released her.

He gave a small cough as he hobbled around until he was under the space where he thought he heard the little Daur cry out. Jumping up, he smashed through one of the ceiling tiles with a fist and let it drop to the floor to get a better look at what was wrong. He blinked as the dust cleared and looked up at her.

"'Sup?" he said in a blase fashion, refusing to let a Daur see him in discomfort.

Of course, he couldn't hide the sopping wet fur, or the cuts and marks and bits of blood, or the smell. But one had to maintain standards.

Aka'ashe'na stared at Bu'lla, she let out a sigh as she attempted to extricate herself from her bind but found it was quite useless due to the weight being pressed down onto her chest. "Just.. help.. me... please..." she said with a strained tone.