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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival


It appeared none of the adults had even noticed Bu'ella go up through the vent, a rather reckless act Aka'ashe'na thought as she turned her attention back toward the door, there was a lot of sounds coming from behind it - she couldn't tell for sure but it almost sounded like the intruders were setting something up or maybe just waiting for the rest of their group to arrive.

"There is," one of the attendants said as she pointed toward a far wall of the armory. "If you need help please let me know," she said this while handing out the weapons, almost like it was common for her to do.


The inside of the vent was rather cramped.. or perhaps.. it would've been if Bu'ella had been an adult, but being a kit had its advantageous; as there was at least a few inches of space all around him so he could at least move about a bit. Sound did seem to carry a bit well, Bu'ella would hear some chatter ahead but not enough to make out 'what' was being said.
Sylik nodded and fetched one of the kits. He cracked it open, fetching two flat metal sticks, a cold-patch, and a roll of bandage. One of the things was thankful for was the basic-first-aid in his previous classes. Who knew he'd be putting it to use so quickly?

A minute later, his wrist was cold, splinted, and bound tightly. Good enough. He fetched a needle-pistol from the armory, since he couldn't handle anything more at this point. He pulled up to Ra'chel and her friend, still wincing a little. "Alright, what now?"
"I wait here." Ra'chel said calmly, but hertail wiggled and quivered, swept back and forth behind her to she that she was extra nervious or was that fear. Eyes a bit wider than usual and she kept looking around as she nibbled on her pads of her fingers without breaking skin.
Quietly Bu'lla wormed his way through the hatch, past the muted conversation to look for a quieter part of the ship to drop down into. With any luck he could catch a few by surprise and throw off the rest as they looked for their missing numbers.
Ra'chel fidgeted and kept glancing up at the open vent where Bulla had disappeared into. She looked around after the millionth time. Ears twitching at the various sounds coming from corridors. She finally stood up and paced near her chair as her tail swept back and forth behind her.

It must've been Bu'lla's lucky day, that or perhaps the invaders were just to cocky. As he moved his way through the ducts he'd soon come across a small bathroom that had two of the invaders inside... they were relieving themselves with one sitting on the pot and the other next to a urinal.. a urinal not really designed for a Laibe but rather for a Daur. He could hear them quite clearly, talking about how easy of a target the ship was and how they would round up any Laibe they found and publically execute them.


Aka'ashe'na looked over at Ra'chel and then back at the door; then back at Ra'chel, the movement of her tail had her curious. "What's wrong?" she asked.


The pilot struggled to keep the ship flying straight, the ship that had latched onto them was attempting to take control over the liners flight controls. "How far are we from the city?" he asked his second co-pilot.

"At our current speed, five minutes; but we need to lose the extra weight if we want to make it there sooner!" shouted the co-pilot as he stared at his rader screen. "ahhh Srisa... we got two new contacts headed right for us, large ones to... they'll be on top of us in three minutes..."

"Wonderful," said the pilot.

Ra'chel spoke softly, "the other Laibe went into the vent and just a bit worried about him." She pointed to the open vent. "You want to go check up on him?" Her tone had a soft tinge of whine to it. Eyes a bit wider than usual.

Aka'ashe'na glanced up at the open vent, it was too far up for her to get into by herself... the problems with being a Daur kit. "err...." she holstered her sidearm and stood up and peered toward the vent. "Can you... erm.... help me up there?" she asked, her face showing that it was a rather embarrassing question to ask.
"Be careful," As Ra'chel moved to Aka'she'na and hoisted her up into the vent. Being careful not to injure her. Once Aka was in the vent safely, she moved next to Sylik. "I guess we're stuck together, Sylik." Wrinkling her nose a bit.

Once in the vent, Aka'ashe'na turned and smiled at Ra'chel and thanked her before crawling through the shaft. She crawled for a few before she saw Bu'ella, or rather, the rear-side of him - she didn't say anything as she could hear the chatter going on somewhere ahead of him and didn't want to tip anyone off.
Bu'lla waited for the right moment. Mentally in his head he assigned the two terrorists names. Bu'lla waited until Tiddler at the urinal finished up, shook, zipped and washed his hands, the light orange laibe stepping towards the hand dryer nonchalantly.

Then; the moment to strike came.

The air convection hand drying device was the typical cheap example found in public bathrooms everywhere in the universe, from the moment the button was pressed a droning sound loud enough to give a small jet engine a run for its money filled the toilet for an embarrassingly small amount of usable heat and air current produced.

This perfectly covered Bu'lla's punching out of the vent cover and landing on the floor. The terrorist and student had a split second to look at each other in the reflection of a mirror, then the it began. Dunk, the terrorists companion in the stalls, found himself half in half out on his business (as it were) inside the confines of his cubicle.

"Little shi-"

An orange hand reached for a gun, Bu'lla's darker red snatched it off, the students other hand grabbing the taller terrorist by the shoulder and swinging him around. The urinal smashed in what would have been a loud noise, but was dwarfed by the cover of the hand dryer; unidentifiable liquid spilled out onto the floor, along with a few of those small little beady things.

Tiddler cried out in pain through the smashed porcelain and seized the smaller Bu'lla by the shoulders, Bu'lla's head smashed into the glass above the sink with a crash, he shook stars out of his head and a bit of blood out of his eyes as he was hauled back up.

Dunk, meanwhile, hadn't even had time to wipe as he was opening the stall to see just what the hell was happening out there.

"What the f-"

He managed to get a seconds glimpse of his mate and Bu'lla fighting before Bu'lla's leg shot out and sent the door of the stall straight back into the stall and Dunk's stupid face, therefore sending him flying back onto the bowl with a good bloody nose and few stars.

Bu'lla and Tiddler looked back at each other, then Bu'lla was lifted off the ground. Kicking against the larger laibe's chest, Bu'lla managed to get his legs against sink on the wall of the small bathroom and propel the both of them into a staggering run against the opposite wall.

With a grunt from the impact Bu'lla's hands slammed off the terrorists grip on his shoulders. The drone of the hand dryer was starting to wane, quickly Bu'lla's leg shot back and his foot slammed in the button again. The public service level screams of barely warmed air continued, so did the fight.

Bu'lla parried away two more grabs against his shoulders and even managed a slice into Tiddlers ribs before his opponent managed to grip the school cowl around his neck firmly. Bu'lla's hand grabbing his, then being trapped as the terrorists second hand slapped over it.

Bu'lla looked down at the trapped piece of cloth around his neck and back to his opponent, groaning. Then he was violent lifted and slammed against the door of the stall; sending the barely adequate protection of modesty off its hinges and caving inwards on top the rather unfortunate Dunk with the weight of Bu'lla and the other terrorist landing on top of that.

"There's someone in here!" came the muffled complaint from within the stall as Bu'lla landed on his back against the slanting door with Tiddler atop him.

Bu'lla's legs kicked up under his larger attacker, sending the other laibe pivoting upwards from his collar. Tiddlers back hit the lentil of the stall with a loud crack, snapping the thin metal. The hands gripping Bu'llas cowl let go from the shock of the impact and he pushed his attacker back out of the stall.

Tiddler staggered back and hit the other wall with a dull thud next to the remaining urinal. In need of support and not looking where his paw was going, a small splash indicated where his reach had taken him.

The two laibe looked at each other in disgust as they realized just where that hand had gone. Then Bu'lla launched himself into the counter-attack with a yell of hatred. He leapt up and swung around the larger laibe's shoulders, kicking his legs against the ceiling and sending them both toppling. With a loud splat and a cry of horror the terrorists face splashed in the liquid that now covered the floor; Bu'lla kneeing the top of the other laibe's chest and gripping his arm in a submission hold.

It was about this time that the second terrorist, Dunk, had managed to skip wiping, pull up his shorts and kick out the door of the cubicle. Pulling out his needler pistol and levelling it towards Bu'lla.

Bu'lla used the only weapon available, swinging the pinned Tiddler under him towards his compatriot with a heave. The laibe slid over the slippery surface with a long squeak and tripped up Dunk, sending them both sprawling on the ground. Quickly, Bu'llas hand darted out and punched in the hand dryer button to refresh it once more.
Ra'chel moved over to Sylik and sat next to the Laibe. "Is your arm gonna be okay?" Looking at Sylik. Unsure what to do. This was something Kata would love and drag her along to find the intruders to fight. She sighed. But she had gone to the stars in the fledging Fleet.

Aka'ashe'na was rather impressed, although at first she'd been startled when Bu'ella had dropped down but when she looked over the cover and saw two corpses - one luckily was not Bu'ella, she'd given out of a sigh of relief. That sigh was short lived however when her eyes caught a glimpse of movement toward the far backside of the restroom and saw that there was someone in that far stall. She looked to her left and saw that the shaft went for at least a few more meters and crawled down it, coming up to a vent that was next to the stall that had movement.

The young kit pulled a serrated knife out of her boot, and placed it in her mouth; she then waited until this Laibe relieved himself and then opened the stall door; the man seemed to not notice his missing companions at first until he looked into the mirror and noticed the bodies on the floor. He didn't say anything as he silently pulled a pistol from his belt and began to slowly move toward Bu'ella, and in doing so, passed right underneath the vent that Aka'ashe'na had quietly removed.

She watched and waited until this Laibe had walked completely past the opening and then dropped down through the hole, as she landed silently on the ground she took the knife from her mouth and then leapt onto the back of the Laibe; where she covered its mouth and plunged the knife first through the neck and then brought it around to slice across the jugular. The Laibe clawed at Aka'ashe'na's hands but found himself losing strength quickly before he fell to his knees and then landed face first onto the floor.

Aka'ashe'na stood over the now dead Laibe and breathed in a few times before she pulled a cloth from her pocket and whipped the knife clean of the blood and then stared toward Bu'ella but again said nothing - despite the blow dryer being on, she didn't want to risk saying something that could be heard from outside.

Main Cabin

"Here," a female Laibe student said as she handed Ra'chell and Sy'lik's something to eat. "Eat this, keep your strength up and be ready in case something comes through that door..."


"New contacts approaching, large contacts from above, ETA is 3 minutes," reported the second co-pilot.

"Terrific..." the head pilot grumbled as he continued to fight to keep the ship stable.
Main Cabin

"My friend here, Sylik needs to get someplace safe where he whont get hurt anymore, please," adding a soft whine to her voice as she accepted the food gratefully. She ate quickly, amost to the point of using bad mannors.
"I'll be fine so long as I don't bend it too much. . . it's my off-hand anyways," the laibe responded, accepting the offering of food from the other student. His tail flicked about as he bit into the meat-filled bun, mumbling, "Ah, what a hassle this is turning out to be. . ."

Miraculously, he somehow managed to finish his snack before Ra'chel, though the means by which he accomplished this remain a mystery.

"Ah, we need to get moving," Sylik said once he was done. His ears flattened against his skull. "We should. . . probably sneak about. Or play sentry. Or something."
Ra'chel shook her head no, "we stay here!" She sat down on the floor. "I'm not moving from this spot! I'm gonna report this to the council...This Ship! I'm not like my tradefamily sister! I'm a scholar!" Looking up at him, "Move where? where are we to go?"
Toilet. What's left of it.

Bu'lla had been too distracted with punching two other laibe's heads into the tiles to knock them out to notice the third terrorist, who apparently had just missed out on one of the urinals being smashed, one of the stall doors being bodily knocked of its hinges (by a body), and the entire frame of the stalls being bent.

It was amazing the last terrorist had even spotted Bu'lla and the terrorists two prone comrades in the middle of the room in the mirror.

Bu'lla turned from his handy work towards Aka, trickles of blood slowly oozing from the fur on his forehead, cuts and nicks from claws over his hands and arms. He looked down at the dying laibe and then to her.

"I could have taken him." He said simply before leaning down to tie up the less-dead among their enemies up in their own gear.

"Three men walked in here, the others will be wondering where they are soon..." he muttered to himself in thought as the hand dryer slowly spun itself out.

Bu'lla thumbed his nose, surveyed the room and then stood up again, moving towards Aka and the door purposefully.
"I don't know," Sylik responded, looking at his wrist. "I was just trying to be responsible. Help out and stuff. I'm fine staying here, I guess. Play sentry, keep it safe."
"I believe in staying safe." Ra'chel spoke. "If we go running around. We may get shot at by the good guys. At least they know were here.

There was an ominous sound of creaking and cracking going on that reverberated across the ceiling, it was enough that some of the people there actually glanced upward to see what it was. "Hear that?" one Kit could be heard asking. It was after this Kit spoke that everyone would notice a gentle pulse across the ceiling as the ships automated containment field - a system designed to contain hull breaches - suddenly went into effect and was followed by the ships AI announcing that the system was coming online as a precaution.

All of this however was quickly rendered moot when they all heard the sound of metal being melted, everyone glanced toward the observation entry door and noticed blue and orange sparks starting to appear the intruders began to burn their way through. "Everyone get ready!" shouted one of the youth corp soldiers.

Ra'chel and Sylik would then notice one of the Youth Corp Kits setting up what appeared to be a big emplacement and connected up several lines to it. "Hope we don't need this..." the kit manning it said their companions looked worried.


In the cockpit, the head pilot cursed as he noted the automated system was come online. "Structure integrity status?" he shouted.

"Down to only 21% over the main cabin, those bastards are trying to rip the roof off!" yelled the second co-pilot. "Defensive turrets are still offline, someone must've sabotauged them before we left as I can't connect to them."

"If we survive this it'll be a miracle."


Perhaps it was because of the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins since Aka'ashe'na didn't seem the least bit bothered by a male being in her presence, instead her eyes locked onto his for a few moments before she heard someone just outside of the restroom.

"Hey, those three haven't come out."

"Probably taking one heck of a dump then..."

"Maybe they ran into problems? Maybe we should check."

"Ahhh, you two check it out the rest of us will support the entry, when you all come back out I want you to guard the disabler here; the last thing we want is for this ship to break free..."