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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Main Cabin

Ra'chel woke up buried in the debris along with everyone else that hadn't grabbed something to hang on. She was hating life as she heard the whistling of the wind as it filled the cabin, sucking the warmth away. She hoped that Sylik was fairing better than she was.
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With a grunt Bu'lla sprang up once more, gripping the cross-beam in his paws and hauling himself up and planting his feet onto it, his hands then grappled the fire-suppression system. Muscle and bone creaked as Bu'lla slowly applied more and more force to separate the two objects next to Aka.

"No looking up my loincloth." Bu'lla grunted between clenched teeth.

As if that would interest Aka'ashe'na, if she wasn't in this position she'd have probably rolled her eyes but right now she had more important things to worry about. As the weight against her chest began to decrease the Kit started to slowly move her way out and, after a few, she was able to clear herself of the debris. Her chest was hurting right now though, but she banished the pain she felt to the back of her mind and peered down into the restroom. There was quite a bit of noise, but not from any 'person' but rather from the various pieces of equipment that had been jostled loose from their housing when the ship had suddenly 'fell'

Of course, mixed in with the sounds of stuff moving about were groans and moans which were coming from 'outside' of the restroom.

Bu'lla dropped down back to the floor once Aka was released, brushing his paws nonchalantly. He set about tying up the newly arrived, freshly unconscious batch of terrorists. It was becoming a very full bathroom. He looked over his shoulder to see the diminutive Aka hanging from her arms above him.

He sighed as he dropped another freshly bound terrorist and turned up towards her, clapping his hands together and holding them out to catch her expectantly.
Sylik noticed that he was no longer standing. Also, that he was on his back. Also, that a chair and several pieces of debris were on top of him.

"Uuugh. . . a bit of help here?" he asked nobody in particular, attempting to move the junk off of him.

Aka'ashe'na gulped as she peered down, it wasn't her fear of the boy that made her hesitant but rather the height, as she peered down toward the boy and glanced off to the sides; she knew that she couldn't just stay up there and - with a gulp - jumped down toward the boys awaiting arms.


The floor shuddered a bit as the ships captain attempted to maintain altitude, a few feet away from where Sylik and Ra'chel were was the sparking wires that someone had shouted about earlier, one wire whipped about in the air while another was laying down on the ground, both seemed to be connectors of a sort though.

Bull'a grunted as he caught the tiny daur by the arm pits easily like a small child being held up by a paternal figure, and then placed on the floor like a cat about to wriggle out of their arms. Releasing the girl and quickly brushing his hands against his arms he looked down at her sternly.

"Don't run off anywhere." he said, turning around. "I just need to tie up this last guy and then we'll figure out what to do next."
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Ra'chel, shoved some of the debris off of her and moved to help Sylik get free from the debri. She she was moving a large piece of debri off of Sylik, she spotted the two cables. She finished freeing Sylik and carefully grabbed the swinging wire and then got the other cable laying on the floor.

She quickly studied the two wires, seeing they had both the same circuitry numbers on them and then tied them in way that once she had them connected them together, properly. They would stay together. She connected to the two ends together....

When the cables came together there was a sudden stop in the ships downward motion, causing everyone who hadn't been ready for it to be caught off balance, falling into their backs or stomach or even onto their rears - as evidenced by the cursing that some people gave off. Looking out the window would show that the ship was no longer plummeting through the air and instead was now stabilized and floating about, although anyone who looked up would now notice a 'new' issue.... falling debris...


There were times when Aka'ashe'na wished she wasn't a Daur, and this one of them; being so small that one often treated her younger than her age would often imply. She didn't say anything as her feet touched the ground, instead she brushed her uniform a bit to get rid of the dirt and some of the grim, and then glanced toward the exit; the two of them could still hear moaning going on in the hallway.
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Ra'chel was unprepared for the consequences of her actions and got rained on, even acted as cushion for a few of the others.

"Yip!" as she got pummeled by them, driving her to the floor in a dogpile with her on the bottom. "That's the last time I am gonna plug in wires!" Ra'chel grumbled breathlessly. All she wanted was terra firma under feet paws. Flying was for the native avians, Not Duar! Oh definitely she was going to report this to the proper authorities once they reach the ground safely.

She wondered how Aka and Bull were doing. She hadn't seen hide or fur scince they went into the vent.
Sylik watched Ra'chel while he straightened himself out, making sure that he wasn't injured. Well, any more injured than he already was. And then the ship stopped falling. But everything else continued to fall.

He dove under an overturned chair to avoid getting pelted and impaled by shrapnel and debris.

Bu'lla finally finished securing the last of the recently dispatched terrorists and dropped them onto the floor. He straightened and twisted his neck and wriggled his shoulders to loosen them. Brushing his paws together he turned the Aka and then looked at the door. By now most everything kinda hurt, but there was no time to stop and rest.

"So, how you want to do this?" he asked as he moved towards the door with a purpose.

The containment field may have been able to keep out most of the larger pieces of debris but some of it still managed to get through due to sporadic failures in the containment field. Because of the noise no one could hear anyone yelling but people had been hurt from the falling debris, one Kit found himself pinned beneath a piece of the ships hull that was almost about as long as he was while a couple were knocked unconscious when hit in the head by other pieces.


Aka'ashe'na smiled and walked over to the door, but stopped just short of opening it. She listened to the groans on the other side, then knelt down and pulled a backup knife from her boot and held it tightly - intent not to let Bu'lla take this one from her like the one before. "We could," she started in a whisper, "slowly open the door and see whom is still standing, as it seems they were also affected by the drop."

Ra'chel struggle to get free from the tangle, shoving those on top of her off. Seeing the full damage, she would've howled in anguish and anger. But seeing the carnage of once held the future in their paws, but now lifeless. She moved through the debris and carnage to where Sylik was and dragged him to a place of safety.

She was going to have a word with the Captain, determined that none was going to stop her. She drew the blades from their scabbards and moved towards the front of the airship. She was ignoring the various cuts and bruises that slowed her down.

Aka'ashe'na slowly opened the door and then peered around it, for a moment she thought there was no-one there until she heard a groan and blinked a few times... right there in front of her was a Laibe who looked a little bit dazed and confused - the Laibe turned toward her with the two looking eyes.
Restroom - Other Cabin

Aka'ashe'na heard a frightening battle cry behind her and a rush of wind as Bu'lla charged past her, shoulder barging the larger laibe and carrying them both back into the opposite wall, causing the doors to buckle and break, sending prepackaged food items in all directions. Leaving the terrorist where he had been deposited in the wreckage of the pantry Bu'lla extracted himself and looked around the second cabin of the ship.
The warcry had startled Aka'ashe'na - who wasn't expecting it at all; the pantry was in complete disarray, even more-so now that Bu'lla had bulldozed through the area. There were discarded can goods, broken up meat packages, and even a hook that had blood on it - presumably something had been hung on it either before Bu'lla had gone through the doors or before the ship had lost stability.

The terrorist laid sprawled out on the floor, groaning even more with a bit of blood flowing from a head wound.

As Aka'ashe'na watched there was a second cry, this one coming from her direct right as she saw a Laibe rush toward her with a knife extended; the Laibe was rather bloodied already and the clothing - what little a Laibe typically wore - was completely missing... presenting her with a sight she preferred 'not' to see. The Laibe swung forward in an attempt to knife her, but Aka'ashe'na dodged it, knocking the knife off to the side with her own knife before she spun around and landed a kick into the mans stomach.

The laibe doubled over and coughed up blood that splattered onto the floor, the next thing he saw was blackness as Aka'ashe'na slammed his head into the deck before planting her knife into his spine and then yanked it out. She turned toward Bu'lla and gestured with her head down the hallway.... there were three more that were up on their feet - staggering as it was - but up and ready to fight.
Bu'lla's head turned towards were Aka'ashe'na was pointing, as he saw the terrorists he sighed and his eyes turned back towards her.

"You don't expect me to take on all of them, do you?" He asked before taking a deep breath.

Then, with a push against the wall, he ran at the trio. Stopping and shifting his head just in time to dodge a punch aimed directly at his face, he caught the arm in one hand and uppercut his first assailant first in the stomach, then that chin. He ducked under a counter swing aimed right for his head from the terrorists other arm, twisting it and pulling the larger man down towards him and off balance. Quickly Bu'lla grabbed the larger mans neck and directed his head at pace towards the epic economy seating, which was hard enough to break both good posture and heads.

Unfortunately Bu'lla didn't see the second terrorists swing, which copped him right on the side of the head sending him reeling back, stars in his eyes. Blindly, Bu'lla half flailed, half muscle-memoried a parry, blocking the follow-through which would have knocked him out.Vision still obscured Bu'lla chopped where he guessed his assailants neck would be. He hit something hard, maybe an arm? Bu'lla didn't have time to find out as a powerful leg connected with the side of his ribs sending him staggering sideways.

Injuries were taking their toll. Bu'lla barely had time to stand before he was tackled in the ribs and sent backwards. Peddling in reverse desperately he kept his footing down the isle before managing to jam his legs against a row of seating and slow down the larger male. Bu'lla's elbows punished the mans back fiercely, but still his grip around Bu'llas waist held. Trapping him in place and off balance.

Then he felt a pair of powerful arms circle his neck, trying to choke him or break his neck, not caring if both. Desperately Bu'lla reached back with and arm, fighting against the twisting motion but unable to prevent the choking between the two assailants. He was pulled back slightly and then he saw what was by the door to the main cabin they had left through the chute, where the remaining students were hiding.

"Bomb!" he tried to wheeze around the two arms.
Sylik didn't pause to think of all the death and destruction in the cabin. He just got up, dusted himself off, and tried simply not looking at anything besides Ra'chel as he caught up with her.

"Where exactly are you heading?" he asked, gun loosely at his side.
Main Cabin:

"I"m gonna complain to the Captain of this craft and to put me on the ground immediatly!" Ra'chel grabbed the door and yanked it open, seeing bomb, froze a few seconds. Oh! Even more munnition to use against the Captain.


Ra'chel kicked the bomb as hard a she could down the hallway right pass the group that was fighting. All mixed up. Seeing Aka and Bu'lla, She sighed and charged into the fray with both sword flashing in the ambient light.

A Dervish with blades while using her level of expertise in her style of swordsmanship. It seamed like her blades sliced into flesh at each swing of her blades. Cutting joint tendon at random, till her opponents fell, then the ruthless 'Cou' De' Grace'. All the while complaining of the lack of service, the turblance of flight, roof being ripped off, all the loose debris flying all over the place, lack of medical aide, unwanted violant passengers.

Ra'chel was glad that she had kept up her skills in swordsmanship, even finding time aboard the aircraft she was on. Even though it was harder to find places where she could practice her deadly form in private.
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