Star Army

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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Nesha Prime, ten miles south of Ne'ushae

Flying over the ocean was a Ge'kina Class Passenger Liner, a rare sight to see within a planets atmosphere since most of these classes of ships were bought and used by entertainment companies, although in this case the ship bore the seal of She'na Academy across its belly and atop of its hull and along the sides. Inside of the ship were a number of students being taken to the newly built school, some were new, others were old.

It was a bit easy to tell the new from the old; a group of younglings, obviously Sh'ishen students based on the red trim of their uniform's cowl were playing children's games with several others students whose cowls had a blue trim, marking them as Ui'ishen students who had joined them in thier games. These two groups of students were being supervised by another group of students, whose cowls were Purple and Yellow, these were I'oshen and Jui'ashen students respectively.

Those who weren't enjoying the games were either sitting in their seats or getting a bite to eat in the ships cafeteria. Sitting toward the front of the ship, near the cockpit, was a twelve year old Kit whose cowl had a red trim to it, meaning she was a Sh'ishen student. This young girl had a name-tag on the front left portion of her uniform that read: Aka'ashe'na Suha'laisne. The girl was in her last year of Sh'ishen, although most wouldn't know this if they looked at her as she was a bit shorter than a typical twelve year old kit, some might mistake her for being in her third or fourth year of Sh'ishen, but this didn't seem to bother her - in fact - she took it more as a compliment if people said it.

Peering up at the display above her, she saw that they were a few minutes before arriving at She'na Academy. She'd actually already been there a season ago but it was still under construction then, only now had she been permitted to return to the school since its completion and had spent the remainder of the season with her family. Her two younger sisters were actually fast asleep in another portion of the ship, being supervised by their caretaker since they were much to young to be on their own right now, she was lucky that she was twelve - as she didn't 'need' a caretaker anymore to look after her.

Closing the book, she turned toward those whom were seated and standing; it was a simple matter to tell who was new and who wasn't, the newer students to the school were either not in uniform or were but unsure what to do, either to nervous to get involved in the offered entertainment and play or just wanting to keep to themselves. Every student had a name-tag on thier person, to make it easy to tell who was who and to put names to faces, even the liners attendants - who were actually all students of She'na Academies Jui'ashen division had name tags as well, and were going about their business within the ship either by providing food and drinks to passengers or helping out in whatever manner they could.

Aka'ashe'na was a bit nervous though, having been put in charge of a combined class was a bit.. unusual for a kid her age, combined classes were usually lead by the classes highest division student but in this case there just wasn't anyone in the school experienced enough to lead the class, considering that Shi'ka'ma Academy, the predecessor to She'na Academy; had been attacked by terrorists and the majority of its student population had been killed. Of course, of all of the combined classes they asked me to lead.. it had to be Bloody Claws... the kit placed a hand on her head and let out a worriful sigh.

There was a sudden bump as the liner her turbulence for a brief moment, before things settled; it didn't seem to disturb anyone though as no one seemed to notice, at least not from what Aka'ashe'na could see. Curiously she pondered whom amongst the new students would be in her class, and so her eyes slowly swept over the students there.

Ra’chel wandered through the big liner, eyes wide as this was the first time being outside her home city. She worried about her stuff as she wondered through the various areas of the ship. Entering one of the many forward lounges, She felt semi conscious about being without a school uniform. So many had them and wore them.

Only thing that she wore that recognized her as a student was a badge that had her name on it and the name of her class “Bloody Claws.” She would’ve preferred another class, but her stepsister Kata’nova had certain fame within the Youth Corps and was missing out on assignment, had placed her with the “Bloody Claws.”

She knew of the reputation of them as they were quite famous and tough competitors. Moving to the view port to look down at the passing scenery below, Ra’chel placed her forehead against the cool viewport glass as she stood there. Only thing she carried was her thick leather cloth roll with straps holding it closed near the ends and a strap that went across her budding torso, diagonal from shoulder to her waist.

Ra’chel’s eyes closed briefly at the sudden turbulence, placing her hands on the viewport frame. She stood there stiffly till the last of the disturbance disappeared, hurried looked around to see if anyone noticed her freezing up while flying over uncharted forest like jungle below them.
Aka'ashe'na eyes were quick to fall upon Ra'chel, although it wasn't really the girl freezing up that had gotten her attention but rather the fact that she lacked a uniform but had the classes name on the tag. She got up out of her seat and stretched her arms up high for a few moments, before letting them fall to her side. She walked casually over to the student, and - once near - she smiled and clasper her hands behind her back. "Hello," she said.
Ra'chel returned the girls smile, with a soft yiplike "hi," towards the girl's greeting. Looking the girl over quickly, taking note of her name. "Greetings Aka'ashe'na. I'm Ra'chel of the Bush'Tail Sui'yrena family." Giving Aka'ashe'na a quick bow. "What class do you belong to?" Tilting her head to the side a bit to show polite curiousity.
Aka'ashe'na glanced down at the girls tag, and pointed at the class name. "Same class," she smiled and tilted her head curiously to one side; giving off a sense of cuteness since her eyes were closed. "What division are you in if I may ask?" she asked.
Ra'chel looked a bit confused then hid it quickly. "I will be informed when I arrive at the school." Looking a bit thoughtful, "I plan on a more technical career." But her stance belied what she was saying as it was more of a trained martial artist. She didn't want to sound to ignorant. But some information wasn't available at the time she was getting ready to take the tests of acceptenance into the prestigious school.
"Ehhhh?" Aka'ashe'na stared at Ra'chel and then stood up straighter with a finger up to her chin as she began to think. The girl was obviously not a Sh'ishen as she didn't give off the 'air' of being one, so that left out only U'ishen and I'oshen. "Hmmmm... .hmmmm ... hmmm..." the young girl was obviously trying to figure it out before their arrival, after a few moments the girl let out a defeated sigh. "I can't figure it out....."
"I'm a student. Tranfering to She'na Academy." Ra'chel smiled warmily of her accomplishment. Leaning back against the hull of the ship's interior, muffled clinks eminated from her leather cloth roll against the bulkheads. "Does that help a bit, Aka'ashe'na?"

The sound of a padded foot with claws stepping beside the chatting pair interrupted the conversation. The foot belonged to a tall laibe male with red fur, black tip tail slowly undulating side to side passively. His icy blue eyes examined each of the two in turn before turning to Ra'chel cooly. His fur seemed to ripple with the toned muscles under their red mat.

"Excuse me." he said simply, clearly waiting for them to move out of his way, an ear twitched irritably.

Beyond the two daur lay a food cart staffed by one of the few other laibe students in the school. There were other food stalls where the laibe student had walked from, but all had daur behind them.

Unlike the other students, laibe students only tended to wear the school cowl like a collar around their necks and a school colored loincloth. Hence why the movement of musculature was so easily visible. Being completely covered in a thick fur coat sort of negated the need for clothing, yet another example of the laibe superiority.
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Aka'ashe'na nodded and smiled; but that smile was short lived when she noticed the Laibe standing beside them, it wasn't that this person was a Laibe that caused her to jump backwards in freight but rather that this one was a male, and she had a fear of males. She took a few steps back away from the Laibe and hid herself behind a passenger seat, this didn't go unnoticed as a few other students and even some Laibe watched, a few of them even shook their heads at the scene.
Ra'chel looked up at the tall Laibe as she could go no father to back up as was al ready leaning against the wall. "Yur excused," Ra'chel spoke softly, wondering why Aka'ashe'na had fled to behind a seat. Now there was room for the Laibe to get pass her. Ra'chel gave the Laibe a once over. "You can pass now." Her eyes sparkled with merriment.
Blue eyes flicked to the cowering daur briefly before flicking to Ra'chel with some question. With a thankful grunt he stepped past, claws clicking on the floor as his paws padded towards food.

"What a strange person." He thought idly, shaking his head slightly as he tried to put the daur out of his mind.

Who knew what made the smoothskins quail, sometimes. His nose twitched as he sniffed loudly and ordered some of the tastier looking snacks the vendor was selling.
Ra'chel shrugged when the Laibe looked at her as she was puzzled also. She watched the Laibe get his food from the vender for a bit. Turning her attention to Aka'ashe'na. She watched the both of them with interest as she leaned against the ship's wall.
When the Laibe had walked away, Aka'ashe'na slowly came out of her hiding place; although she still watched the Laibe just in case he came back their way, when she was confident he wouldn't, she let out a sigh of relief and looked at Ra'chel with a bit of embarrassment in her face. "Umm......" she started to speak but couldn't find the right words to use to describe what had just happened.
Ra'chel let Aka'ashe'na return a bit more slowly. "You was going to tell me about the school." She remained where she was at as it was comfortable and supporting. "What's like there?"
"Well," Aka'ashe'na started as her eyes flickered in the direction of the Laibe before going back to Ra'chel. "Its a newly built school, taking the place of the old one; and has a much much bigger campus!" she said and illustrated this by having her arms open wide. "The divisions and their years are mixed together; which means you'll sometimes find 1st year Sh'ishen in the same building as a 1st year Ui'ishen. Its the same with the upper divisions, although the Jui'ishen do have their own building, I guess they need it since they do much more than we do..." she brought her arms together and began to tap her chin curiously. "You might like it! The class we are in is a combined class of Sh'ishen, Ui'ishen, and I'oshen," she had a big smile on her face, although that smile hid the fact that she was quite nervous given she'd never been in a combined class... let alone been in 'charge' of one before.

Over by the stands

"Here ya go," said the Laibe to the Bu'lla Mata'ri. "Also, don't mistreat your fellow students," the Laibe smiled as she leaned against her stall.
"Will there be times I can practice... I mean exercise?" Ra'chel spoke, wondering if Aka'ashe'na had a crush on the Laibe and was afraid to show it. Like her younger stepsisters do when they had serious crush on a handsome Duar or Laibe. "I've never been in a multiple level class before. Mostly with my school level peers." A hand resting on her leather carry-all.
"Murph?" Bu'lla replied behind two swollen cheeks. The young laibe swallowed his mouthful and pointed over his shoulder questioningly before turning.

"Oh, that squirt? Don't know what her problem is. I hope she doesn't think I have fleas..." Having said that, Bu'lla's darted sideways in thought before scratching the fur on his arm and chest as though checking to make sure.

"Now that that's over with, how about a packet of my favorite treat? Flufflebub jerky!" He said, turning back to the vendor and smiling happily.
Ra'chel giggled at overhearing Bu'lla and seeing him check for fleas. "You missed one!" Calling out to him as she pointed to his tail. Her smile gave away her humorous smile as she teased him lightly.
The black tipped tail flicked in annoyance as the laibe turned, cold blue eyes set above a mouth out of which a large fluffy white ball of sweetness emerged. The eyes peered down at the fluffy white goodness, reluctant to leave it. They turned backed to Ra'chel and narrowed. Next time she wouldn't be spared by the grace of deliciousness.