Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 4] Firestarters

Compound, Outside Warehouse

Salem recoiled slightly from the acoustic shock wave of the explosion, he had needed that for quite some time. He felt the adrenaline steadily pump through his veins as he began to stack up behind Duncan. He had missed this type of adrenaline greatly.

As Salem waited for James and Duncan to file into the wall first, he checked his weapon's fire selector again to make sure it stayed on semi-automatic. In Salem's experience, it was much easier to send one accurate but deadly round into a target's fatal T, or T-box as he preferred. One perfectly placed round through the T-box into the cranial cavity can sever the brain stem from the brain, effectively killing the target before the unlucky sod can even hit the ground. If that wasn't an option, the old drill of two to the chest and one to the head served well for Salem.

Salem followed the last few mercenaries through. He had heard no exchanges in gunfire so far, which meant that they might of blown into a space void of hostiles. He would keep himself readied none the less, as anything could happen.
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Office Building - 1st Floor

"Room clear," Desmond called out on the comms after checking the second room. There had been no gunfire that time. "Don't enter this room," he quickly added before getting out and falling behind Jaina as she stacked up behind danny, with the merc following her falling behind him. The mercenaries and bounty hunters slowly moved up the stairs after Rathe with the splattering of their boots against small puddles of stagnant water that had been running down from the second floor.

They, too, could hear the voices from the upper floor, the defenders were already waiting for them.

Office Building - 2nd Floor

As soon as the muzzle of Rathe's shotgun poked around the corner, the wall to his right was quickly chipped away by someone firing a long burst of an assault rifle, showering the hunter in dust and hitting his face with small chunks of masonry.

From inside her room, Kendra heard that the shots were coming directly from the front of her door, so that the person that was firing had been about to enter the space that she was in. There were still more voices outside, hinting that there wasn't a single occupant there

Outside Warehouse - North

The two RED shells had been more than enough to blow open the door, with the first one creating a big enough hole for the neko to glide through, but the second one bringing down the concrete around it and creating a wedge shaped hole big enough for a grown-Nepleslian to walk through with no issues.

Once the dust cleared, Amanozako had a limited view of what was inside the warehouse, and it wasn't something pretty. Ahead of her, there was a level ground, but if she would follow left after entering, that's where it ended; instead of more floor to follow the building's original purpose, someone had taken their time to dig a square pit and build several wooden catwalks inside leading further down. This pit extended all the way to the small office room on the opposite and, and was illuminated by several barrel fireplaces, while several gangers from the burnouts, and some other people who weren't part of the gang moved to and fro around the thing that drew the most attention in the entire building. And that thing was a power armor.

Lucky for the bounty hunters and mercenaries, the armor was nothing like its original counterpart was, or the fight would've been much more harder -if not impossible- to win. Ayone with a military background or knowledge could've confirmed that past the rusted, pitted and bent metal armor, to which several sheets of Durandium had been welded against to make up for the deteriorated protection. The helmet was also missing, and in turn a ''buckethead'' shaped Dunrandium Helmet with several hoses strapped to it had been made to replace it; upon closer inspection, the neko could see that the hoses led directly to the power supply on the back. The power supply in question, replacing the missing original piece, was also replaced by yet another large, cumbersome but armored combustion engine on the back to move the junk armor, which made it have the the deafening -and annoying- sound of a car without its mufflers installed.

The armor was a debauchery to what it had been during the war against the Reds, and while most of its original armaments were gone except for the powerful claws, they had been replaced to something that made anyone without the insulating protection of a PA very, very worried at that distance. Instead of the original devastating Aether cannon, it had an industrial sized flamethrower mounted on the shoulder, which looked as ready to use as the power armor if the burning fuel that dripped from the nozzle was any indication of it.

Outside Warehouse - South

As the dust from the explosion cleared out, Duncan and the other mercenaries found themselves in a small office room covered in windows, presumably what the manager of the warehouse had used to watch the other workers drone over loading and unloading on the building's more legal days, and that's where the similarities ended. Instead of housing office supplies like endless stacks of powdered coffee, paper and folders, there were several jerry cans and barrels stored around, while a thin layer of crude oil made the floor sticky to their footsteps.

Further down past the windows, they had the same view as the neko, as well as their target, Saint Burnard himself, activating his personal power armor. The gangers and workers milling around the armor quickly scurried away towards the wooden catwalks below, but one wasn't quick enough and when Burnard gave a tentative burst of the flamethrower the man got a full blast of the burning fuel on his back, which made him frantically try to get off as his feet touched down on the platform.

It didn't seem that they were spotted yet, as the armor slowly lumbered forwards, leaking the burning fuel from its powerpack and flamethrower, and turned towards Amanozako on the opposite side.
Office Building - Second Floor

As the debris from the burst of gunfire kicked up, Rathe dropped to one knee and lined up the gun's wielder in his sights. The medic had long since lost the reflex to block dust from his eyes in favor of the silver membranes protecting his eyes from dust and light. While the dust from the shot physically obstructed his line of sight, the hunter's shot was clearly lined up with the armed gangman as Rathe fired off the contents of the westech and rolled back behind cover, spotting a second man out of the corner of his eye. All in all, the ordeal took about three seconds, but time almost seemed to slow down for the hunter.

"Hostiles, at least two!" Rathe told the others simply as he pumped the boom stick and got up to his feet. While he was pretty sure he filled one of them with buckshot, he couldn't be too sure, especially with the dust in the air hogging up his vision.
Warehouse, South - Office Room

Salem moved with caution around the office space, half expecting some type of fiery booby-trap with all the oil under his boots. From out the windows, Salem could see the ragged power armor along with the goons scurrying about under them inside the pit. Salem stepped closer to a window facing outwards towards the pit to get a better look as he crouched down to lower his silhouette. Just because they didn't hear the loud boom doesn't mean they won't see him.

"Didn't one of you guys bring an anti-tank weapon? We can blow his behind out his mouth. Should probably radio the others too. " Salem spoke quietly to anyone listening. His eyes were glued to the power armor as he studied it.

"I think he may have spotted one of ours as well. He's turned to someone at least." Salem pointed out before whirring his head to the other mercenaries in the room.
Warehouse - Office

Duncan moved into the office as the dust settled from the new entrance to the warehouse. At first the stickiness of the floor was unusual until Duncan realized he was standing on oil. Add in the mixed barrels and cans which he could only imagine was filled with even more crude oil the gangers loved to burn.

When he saw the occupants and their rigged power armor, Duncan had a small moment of panic. He had never really seen a power armor per se beyond the vids. He was even above it and a small distance away but the bulk left Duncan uneasy. Salem's comment brought Duncan back.

"Shit. Yeah, maybe, I don't know," he said as if he didn't really understand the question. "Jaina, Jaina listen, we are in the Warehouse, south end. I count tenish gangers plus a... well, plus a power armor mashup spitting flames. It is moving towards the north door, it seems to have seen someone or something over there. We are going to engage, be advised, explosives in play." Duncan moved to cover and looked to Salem.

"Salem, take Mack and cover the right side. James and Frank the left. I will stay in the middle here and do what I can with my launcher against the walking tank. Take your shots as soon as you have a target," Duncan said as he swung around his grenade launcher. He split open the loader and rotated the cylinder. He moved the last Fragmentation grenade into the second position and loaded a stun grenade in both the first and last positions. He snapped the launcher shut and aimed at the power armor through his sights.

With the his firing line set up Duncan pulled the trigger twice, releasing first a stun grenade followed by a Fragmentation grenade.
Warehouse, South - Office Room

Salem nodded towards Duncan as he and Mack moved further right in the office to set up. As Duncan let the grenades fly, Salem bashed in the glass from the windows before sending rounds downrange in a semi-automatic fashion towards everything besides the power armor. He would hope the FMJ rounds he had loaded would puncture any body armor the targets may be carrying.
Office Building, Second Floor
Danny fell into line behind Rathe, realising that taking point with less armour may not have been a good idea. As he was about to fall back into line, plaster and metal flew into the air and forced Danny to slam against the wall behind Rathe, watching him unload with his shotgun, then looking out to where he was pointing. When he pumped a new round in, Danny leaned around the corner and made made a few short bursts of blind fire in their direction.

Realising that there may be a deadlock, he pulled the second of three flash grenades off of his chest rig and patted Rathe on the shoulder, indicating what he was about to do, giving him and then Desmond a nod to push ahead when ready. He pulled the pin and threw it around the corner, swapping magazines and retaining the old one as he waited for the bang and for his companions to charge.
Office Building, Stairway

Jaina fell in behind Rathe, but the guy in a S/M fetish suit whose name she could not remember passed her by soon. She did not mind all that much anyway, since he had SMG. That kind of weapon was better at room clearing, than her battle rifle. Still she kept it in her hands instead of switching to her HHG. The mercenary leader wanted the ammo-capacity it offered.

The readhead put her hand on Danny's shoulder, giving him a sign she right behind him and ready.

"Duncan, we are just entering 2nd level of the building, I linked up with the hunters. Be careful with the PA, don't do anything stupid. Get its shield down if it has any, than frack it with a missile." Jaina sent back to her merc.

"Hey Des," Jaina looked at the leader of the hunters. "My people ran into a PA in the warehouse. They report someone else is there, you got someone there?"

Office Building, 2n Storey, Nearly Empty Room

Kendra kept in the corner, but not for long. With bullets and gunfire in the hallway, she would rather keep away from the wall. Rifle bullets are pretty good at going through walls and hitting whoever stands on the other side. Chance was not high, but she would rather not risk it. So she moved away and stopped across the room from the door. She pushed the table, letting the hurt man on it fall down to set up some cover for herself.

Kendra was pretty sure it might get some attention, but she did not care. At first she would rather kept silent and let the fight go on, but those were her people fighting out in the hallway. She had to help them. So the snake-woman raised her pistol and started firing into the door hoping the man they sent into this room stopped just in front of them. If nothing else, it was bound to get the gangers attention and divert some of them from the hunters.
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Warhouse - North side

Amanozako got herself a good look at the interio before ducking behind cover, her digital memory allowing her to play back every moment of the quick look around in exact detail.

The pit was no issue, the neko could float. The power armor was another matter. While it was delapidated, run down and missing parts, it was still a power armor, and it could cause severe damage to her. She tookspecial note of its flamethrower armament and lack of a proper helmet.

As she reloaded the expended red shells into her HHG, Amanozako compared what she had seen with all the models of power armor she was familiar with, starting with those employed in the Nepleslian armed forces. If she could ID it, she could locate weak spots to exploit.

"Enemies have aPA, attempting to ID the model and eliminate" she reported over the teams channel.

She then snapped closed the cylander of her reloaded HHG and slipped it back into it's holster. Amanozako then unslung her impaler rifle and activated the military grade particle beam rifle.

She figured the bucket head was the weak spot. If she could aim in and get a good hit on it, then poof. No more PA pilot. No more issue with PA. Lucky for her, Amanozako was a good shot and double lucky for her, she was a neko using a weapon designed to be used by a neko and could use all the bells and whistles of the impaler.

Amanozako quickly tied into the impaler's wireless net, linking with the weapons built in tactical system, her sight picture instantly shifted from that given by her eyes to that of the camera mounted into the impaler's nose, giving the soldier a perfect aiming sight as she leaned over from cover just enough to give her a clear line of fire but otherwise keep out of sight.

She sighted in on bucket head, steadying her aim, stopping her breat and squeezing the trigger, sending a blue pulse of particle energy at the power armor pilot's head.

As soon as the shot was away, she ducked back behind cover and decoupled her vision from the weapon, expecting a serious return fire weather or not her shot was successful or not.
Office Building, Second Floor

The ganger emptying his submachinegun at Rathe staggered back when he got a handful of buckshot against his vest, but didn't go down. The man started reaching for something round clipped against his vest, which he picked up and removed its pin, but before throwing it several rounds fired from inside the room to the left got him from the side, slipping between the ballistic plates and making him drop the object right as Danny's flashbang went off, stunning his buddy and preventing him from kicking the homemade grenade at the bounty hunters and mercenaries at the stairs, setting the grenade off at his feet.

Inside the office room, the door that Kendra had shot through was smashed open inwards, showering the snake-woman with splinters, while Rathe, taking cover behind the corner, saw the wooden floor of the corridor get peppered with what looked like small sewing pins that were probably the filler from the grenade and were also ment to give anyone caught in it a very bad time.

With their ears ringing from the explosion, the golden-skinned Nepleslian couldn't hear Desmond yelling, but Danny, who ahd ear protection from his suit, sure could. After yelling "Go!" a couple of times before aiming at the wall and firing several shots. At the height he was on the stairs, the shots would've been exiting the wall and entering the room at leg level, which would help if anyone in it decided to hit the deck. After emptying the magazine from the hefty battle rifle, the bounty hunter discarded it and turned back towards Jaina.

"Yeah, I do. Let's deal with it then," He said, knowing that Amanozako was the only one that could've been there since she was unaccounted for. He fished for a fresh magazine in one of the front pouches and startred to make his way down the stairs. "Danny, Rathe, you two finish clearing the building and get Kendra," Desmond added. If they could bring that PA in the open they could fire at it from several directions.

Then he got the message from the neko on comms, and brought a finger against the side of his helmet to reply to it as he kept moving. "Understood, if you lure it out everyone in the building will have a clear shot at it," Desmond said to Amano.

Warehouse - South

The gangers that were caught between the mercenaries and the power armor found themselves completely out of cover, and were quickly cut down by the mercenaries' massed fire after Duncan let his two grenades fly. Salem saw one of them that he had shot topple over and fall off the railing towards whatever was below. The other gangers to the north got smarth pretty quickly, taking cover on the wooden catwalks under and behind the platform, where they started to fire back at the mercenaries.

For a brief second, the small room they were in was a mess of flying glass as the bullets finished breaking the windows that they hadn't smashed to get a clear shot at the Burnouts. Below, someone was firing a large caliber weapon, as some of the shots went through the metal wall and buried themselves in the barrels and jerry cans that were stored there, which promptly started to leak the black sludge that they contained.

Below, they could see that more gangers were clambering up the catwalks to meet them, but they didn't seem to be wearing the same attire of the burnouts.

Warehouse - North

Getting a clear look at the Power Armor, Amanozako's digital brain soon realized that it had been at some point a Crooked Demon, but it posessed parts from the M1 Demon that had been further covered in scrap metal and the exoskeleton over it. Because it didn't have the original locomotive systems, the rudimentary skeleton made the armor much slower than its original model, which translated as the armored started to walk towards the neko as two grenades set off against the power pack on its back, sending one of the several sheets of metal covering it flying into the pit below.

Popping back from cover again, the shot from the neko's Impaler left a big yellow glow on the Power Armor's helmet which looked like to have punched at least an inch deep crater on i that leaked white-hot molten metal, prompting its pilot to quickly raise one of the bulked up metal arms in front of it to protect that area before she saw through the gun's camera the bright, yellow-red glow of the flames erupting towards her. The neko had a fraction of a secong to get behind the doorway before the flames shot out from the open entrance that she had made, leaving the sleeve from her duster singed from the intense heat, while some of the sticky, burning napalm from it stuck to her boot.

Shutdown could hear the firefight happening with her Power Armour and was wondering who would fight this gang here and wanted to see what was happening. She moves from the little spot that her 'bed' was in and looked over at her armour as it fought a Neko and was taking damage "N-No not my armour" she moved closer and stopped when she came to the pit no sure how she would make repairs if it fell into the pit.

Shutdown was now in the open but far enough away not to be caught in the fight but to watch what happened to her armour it took her ages t repair that and make it workable after the idiot in that suit brought it to her in pieces, the collar around her neck and chains that connected her limbs together provedshe wasn't part of the gang but the way she looked at the armour made it evidenced that she was helping the gang.

Shutdown growls at the guy "If you damage that armour too much there is no wat of repairing again!" she grunts "And you want get me to help you no matter what you do to me" she seemed annoyed "And you Neko! Stop damaging my armour!" She didn't care that she was slave, people were damaging her things and she didn't like it.
Street Outside Northern End of Warehouse

Bill Mitchell sighed, dead tired in the backseat of a Nepleslian taxi. It had been a long, long day, long and tiring, spending most of it giving lectures and making 'celebrity' appearances at the local Zen Arms weapons show - he'd spent the whole day in his competition regalia, webbing, pouches, his Styrling armor, he was even wearing his old Zen Arms comp shirt with all his old sponsor logos, his earmuffs resting on the sides of his head. He's signed so many autographs and made so many speeches that his voice was hoarse and his feet hurt, but Zen Arms was willing to pay him generously for his appearance, so he'd went. Despite the pension, a few more DA in the pocket never killed anyone, did it?

The funny thing about irony is that it strikes at the unironically worst times. Just as the blasphemously exploitable thought left his mind, a white hot, billowing flame exploded out of the warehouse compound to their left, momentarily engulfing the poor taxi and billowing into the inside of the cab through the driver's window, lighting the driver on fire and turning the interior into a smoky black vision of hell. The taxicab, now devoid of a driver who wasn't so rudely lit on fire, careened, swerved even, smashing into a lamp-post on the opposite side of the street to the warehouse.

Bill, who had been having a long, tiring day, was now having a long, tiring, and life-threatening day. He kicked open the backseat door to the taxi, half crawling, half falling out of the stricken machine. He rolled on the ground a few times, smothering the small, but energetic fires that had sprouted on him, brain reeling from the sudden confusion of what happened. The warehouse complex they were driving past was a warzone, the chattering of automatic weapons deafening, all-consuming, echoing off the steel and concrete of Funky City in a cacophony of noise and violence.

Bill blinked, then checked his head for his earmuffs, which were still in place. He slid them over his ears, and the racket died away to a distant rumble, allowing him to clear his mind. He had just been lit on fire, not a couple blocks from where he lived. Had that tongue of flamer fire been just a second earlier or later, he wouldn't be here. If it weren't for a couple ganger assholes he would be home, asleep.

In the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, he found that this had made him more angry than his taxi driver being immolated and most certainly killed. He drew his Zen Arms .357 from his hip holster, climbing unsteadily to his feet, mind filled with reeling half-thoughts and impotent anger. The bastards! The low-down rats! He took aim at the trunk of the taxicab, and fired, his aim true. The .357 slug popped the trunk open, the bullet easily shattering the simple lock. He ran to the trunk, drawing out his range bag from the stricken, burning taxicab, and put some distance between him and the vehicle, in case it exploded. From his bag, he removed several bandoleers of shotshells, looping them over his chest like some Delsaurian cowpoke, and his prized Zen Arms 'Room Cleaner' shotgun, that had won him countless trophies on the competition range.

Tonight, it may just win him the greatest prize of all - the right to continue existing in this galaxy. He holstered his pistol, and loaded the shotgun, fingers fast, hands a precision oiled machine, plucking shells from bandoleer loops and shoving them into the gun with impeccable flair. This at least, was his element. He pressed the gun's stock to his shoulder, and clarity returned to him. If there was any world he knew, it was behind the sights of this old shotgun.

There were a couple of dead hoodlums near the gated entrance of the warehouse compound, so Bill decided that would be his next destination. He approached, hunkered low, half crouching, half-running to the entrance, where he peered around the corner, looking to see the situation.
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Warehouse, South - Office

Salem had spent an entire magazine worth firing at the gangers. He let loose a smile of satisfaction underneath his balaclava with the kill he had managed to score before returning to cover to reload. As Salem removed the magazine from his SMG, he flinched as the heavy caliber rounds zipped through the metal cover they were behind and into some oil drums. Salem's visible expression turned grim as he realized the extremely dire position they were in. If one of the projectiles coming in happened to be a tracer round or even a blast from the PA's flamethrower, the room they were in would ignite and they would all be burnt to death.

"We're in a fucked spot! We're gonna' be burnt to a crisp if one of these cans ignite! We need to get the hell out of this position or kill them all faster!" Salem shouted loud enough for his voice to be heard over the gun fire. He had finished loading his weapon and chambered a round before returning fire to where he had thought the heavy caliber weapon was being fired from in the hopes of suppressing it. In the corner of his eye however, he had spotted an un-armed and shackled figure, presumably a captive.

Salem ducked down behind the metal cover again as he began to relay the information to Duncan.

"Duncan! Looks like they also got some type of hostage! But I suggest we save our own skins before theirs!" Salem referred to the viscous, most likely flammable oil under their boots.
Warehouse - North side

Amanozako just missed the flames, though her coat was singed and a bit of napalm was stubbornly burning her boot toe. She quickly dug the toe into some dirt, wiping the small bit of napalm off.

"Didn't penetrate with the first shot" she said calmly over the comm channel. "Gave him something to think about though" she added as she switched her impaler to full automatic.

She heard the voice calling down from the floor above and shook her head. Who the hell was up there thinking the could give her orders? Someone who wanted a facefull of particle beam, thats who.

The neko kicked in her anti-grav, her movement speed was much better when her feet were not touching the ground and right now she needed the mobility. She zipped to the side, away from the door she had made her previous attack from, found a conveniantly broken window, ducked up, switching her sight to the rifle's again, aimed through the window and squeezed the trigger. She sent a long burst of bright blue particle bursts at the power armor, aimed to try and strike joints, or other weak spots. After a 2 second burst, she withdrew the rifle and dropped back below the lower frame of the window and rolled to the side to get clear of the inevitable reply.
Warehouse, South - Office

Duncan looked to Salem and then to the floor and saw what the mercenary was talking about. Damn, he's right. There is oil everywhere in here now. This place would make a great bonfire but that would mean we get burnt and crispy.

"Salem, your right. Lets give it at least one more clip then we bug out the back. Find me the bum who is shooting that high caliber gun. I have a grenade with his name on it," Duncan said over the din of sporadic gunfire.

He took a moment to peak his head up and over the window sill. He prepared his launcher and fired at either the first cluster of gangers or, if he was lucky enough the ganger shooting the large caliber rifle.
Office Building, Second Floor

Jaina nodded to Desmond and followed him. Coughing a bit from the dust raised by the explosion, she grabbed her comms again.

"Duncan, Hunters have a soldier inside. So careful about blue on blue." The mercenary leader said as she moved. "Try to lure the fucker in the PA outside so we can light him up as well."

Meanwhile in the room at the end of the always Kendra was on the ground. The explosion shattered the doorway and pushed the table against her. There were also a lot of splinters. Kendra was glad she was mostly covered, but still she felt pain as some of the wood and small pieces of rubble pierced her skin.

"Owie, owie," the snake-woman groaned. She lifted herself on her elbows, her ears ringing. Kendra quickly found her pistol on the ground next to her, grabbed it and changed magazines. With the pistol raised she peeked from behind the table again, ready to shoot anyone who was not on her side.
Office Building, Second Floor
♫ Grand Theft Auto V - Mr. Phillips ♫

Apparently there was a power armour out there. He expected some form of large scale resistance and tonight on the menu was powered armour. It sounded heavily armed judging by what the hell was going on outside, all the gunfire, explosions, the panic over the radio... It sounded like there was a car crash outside too, and an old man swearing vengeance on hoodlums.

It was just another average day in smoggy Nepleslia and Danny was getting a little aggrieved about it, standing alert in a corridor peppered with sewing needles. Danny shook his head as he pulled one of the nails out of the wall and let it fall to the ground. "Gotcha," he replied to Desmond tersely as he indicated that he was going to move down the corridor where the grenade had gone off.

"Going to the back of the hall. Rathe, take right side. I'll take left. Desmond, be prepared to shoot attackers in the back." He moved up kept his submachine gun raised and peered through the exploded office door. Along the way, to be on the safe side (and perhaps as mercy) he put a bullet each in the two Burnouts at the end of the hall.

What was left of the door he stepped through resembled matchwood with a metal interior hanging by the hinges, as the smell of splattered blood and burnt flesh was just behind him. Danny thought he saw a very distinct tail poking out from behind the desk. "Kuh-Kendra, that you?" he asked, gun raised still as Rathe took up the rear to make sure the door behind him was secure. "No hugs, please. Still got a building full of arsewipes to put down."
Office Building, Second Floor

As the black figure ran into the room, Kendra aimed her pistol. Luckily her reflexes were good enough even after taking the blast. She raised her gun in time and did not fire. If anything she was happy to see the man that just ran inside.

"Good to see ya," Kendra said, panting between the words. "Hugs will have to wait until we are done here. I heard at least three voices or so. No idea how many of those were taken out by that explosion. The fuck was that anyway?"
Office Building, Second Floor
Three. Concrete number to work with. Numbers were good. "They tried throwing a grenade, I threw a flash before they threw theirs ..." Danny turned around and did some quick forensics on the two guys behind him. "They dropped their grenade and the rest writes itself. Anyway-" He turned around, left the room, and went for the next doorway on his left, prepared to take out whoever was inside and booting it open. "FREEZE!" He yelled out.
Office Building - Second Floor

As soon as Danny yelled for whoever was inside to freeze, one of the gangers still alive inside yelled an audible and hoarse 'Fuck you!' which was followed by a stream of bullets that were shot out from inside, going through the cinder block walls as whoever was firing it hosed down the walls all around them. Having revealed where he had been, Danny could feel one of the bullets hitting him straight on his chest plate, making a sound that was too much like a hammer striking metal.

The burst made all the mercenaries duck as the lethal hail of metal went over her heads, but Rathe, who was the closest to the second the floor and the one standing higher in relation to the other mercs, couldn't duck out in time and one of the bullets hit him on his side, striking between the durandium trauma plates and passing through the ballistic weave. The bullet didn't go through completely sideways, since the vest had deflected it some ways, and exited the Nepleslian's back; since the trauma wasn't serious enough to be critical, he couldn't even feel the damage right away.

Office Building - First Floor

Setting down by the window, Desmond aimed down towards the warehouse where most of the fun was going on. Once he heard the bursts of fire come from upstairs, though, he crouched behind the wall under the window and looked back towards the stairs, where the action was going on to make sure things hadn't gone horribly wrong and three bounty hunters were dead, but quickly turned back around towards looking down his sights at the warehouse, slowly putting his finger on the trigger and waiting for a clear shot at the power inside as he debated whether or not to storm the building. He switched off from thermal sight due to the raging inferno in the warehouse, and quickly snapped his gun towards the northern entrance when he caught movement, but quickly took the finger off the trigger once he saw it was a crazy old man with a shotgun.

"God damn," he muttered under his breath.

Warehouse - Outside

Hovering a little over the ground, Amanozako managed to sneak up on the window and get a clear view of the lumbering power armor's side. The pilot seemed to be ignoring her, and instead seemed to be turning towards the mercenaries inside the small office room that overlooked the inside of the building. Her impaler let out several particle beams at the power armor, melting holes in the metal sheets covering the lower limbs and striking one of the knee joints from the side, although she couldn't see any visible effect.

Instead of the power armor turning to face her again and give some opposition, it was the several gangers taking cover on the opposite side of the building that took notice of the neko, and started firing at her. The bullets dug into the concrete wall, taking chuncks of it with each shot, until one of the gangers firing a weapon of notoriously higher caliber than the assault rifles started punching holes through the wall with explosive ammo. The wall below the window took the brunt of the shockwave, which wasn't strong as a grenade, but it worked in turning the small window into twice its original size after the quick burst of high caliber shots, sending the former NMX neko flying back from it. The frront of her vest was ripped up and mauled, while she had several cuts and bruises to her arms and face.

Next to that, Bill had a prime view of the scene, as well as a few of the people who left their buildings and started to mill outside the compound at a safe distance to watch the show.

"Hey, grandpa, aren't you a little too old for that?" Someone shouted from the small crowd that started to form.

Warehouse South - Office

Ducan's grenade destroyed a section of the wooden catwalk in front and below his group, sending splinters and a group of gangers falling down in to the pit and showering Shutdown with some of the debris. One of the mercenaries next to him whooped at the sight but quickly cut it short when he saw the power armor rearing up towards them.

"Shit, get out! out out!" He started to yell and turned around before the bulky flamer on the armor's shoulder spat out fire at the small room they were in.