Star Army

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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 4] Firestarters


There were no windows inside the shuttle, but anyone glancing through the cockpit's window could see the dark, reflective surface of the polluted ocean from Planet Nepleslia as they sped at extremely low altitude around New Detroit to get back at their spaceport.

"Whatever, Kendra will talk to you, and the old man," Desmond said in his annoyed tone despite the helmet's interference, but loud enough for Danny -and hopefully Kendra, to hear it too. He either chose to ignore any other comment, or didn't hear it. Either way, the bounty hunter turned his back towards Shutdown and moved down the rows of injured people who were still lying down on their stretchers, but quickly reached for a handhold above him because of what happened next.

The shuttle, for a brief moment, jolted violently downwards, as if something really big had swatted it, shutting down the red emergency lights for a second. The movement caused anyone inside to lose their balance if they hadn't been fast enough to grab onto anything for support, while the people that were injured were thrown up an inch or two from their stretchers. Once things calmed down, the red wash of the internal lights came on again, while the spacecraft continued to jolt more gently every now and then at random directions as Amelia shut off the autopilot and switched to manual control.

"Sorry, everyone, we're hitting some turbulence and should be clear of it in a few seconds. Find something to hold on to or sit down for a bit," the shuttle's pilot announced through the intercom.

Further down, the few mercenaries who had lost their footings started to get up again, and Desmond took that opportunity to sit besides Amanozako. The Nepleslian didn't say anything at first, but instead just reached under his helmet, and, with a pop and hissing sound, unlocked the seals before removing it and letting the headgear sit over his legs. His face was still looking clean compared to the dust and soot that covered his entire body, and but wasted no time in reaching for something in one of his pant pockets, wedging his hand between the armor plate and the cloth to get at it.

"Looking good," he said to the Neko, finally finding what he had been struggling to get and pulling the crumped cigarette back and the lighter out. He fished one of the white deathsticks from the alarmingly more than half-empty pack, plucking them on his lips before continuing. The Nepleslian covered his face with his now free hand as he engaged in the ancient ritual of lighting a cigarette up, then leaned his back against the headrest of his seat.

Amanozako opened one red eye as Desmond sat next to her and spoke. "You know me, always dressed for the occasion" she replied, her voice sounded tired and with a slight edge from the dull pain that made it past her pain supressors. But she cracked a lopsided grin, just for him.

"Hey, next time I decide to wrestle with a power armor someones decided to turn into a stove, shoot me or something. A bullet wound is a lot easier to heal than getting cooked like a yule day ham" she laughed at her own state and winced a little.

"Oh, this is going to itch forever, unless you have a surprise hemosynth tank wherever were going?"

Shutdown smiled as she heard that someone will talk to her when they reach wherever they we going to, she moved and sat down beside the burnt Neko to make sure that she was okay. "So um I am sorry for having a go at you for attacking that armour, it took me a long time to rebuild it to that mark, so seeing you destroy it made me made" she looked down "It is still no excuse to have a go at you, that armour was a menace."

She looked at the Neko and sighed "If I could I would of helped you against it, but I was chained up" she looked down again "Well at least it is gone, and they have no way of making another, if there is anyone else who was still alive in that gang." She looked around the room and she felt definitely was the odd one out and she realised what she was wearing "Um when we get to where we are going, can I have some proper clothing, just having ripped clothes isn't really good for a girl unless it is their style."

Jaina looked up from her seat at Duncan and then Danny as she was talked to. She patter Duncan on the shoulder.

"No more eye-quips," Jaina said and chuckled, her face showing pain again from the movement. "Don't make me bloody smile, it hurts."

"Well," Jaina said, looking back at Danny. "We'll see. I bet old man shotgun, won't be too happy that he was dragged into all this shit, whoever he is. And freespacer is all right. It is not like she had any choice in the matter, did she? Maybe you guys could talk her into making a bloody power armour for you."

Next to Danny a shaped moved and settled by. It threw her arm around his shoulder and he could see Kendra.

"Heeey Danny," she said, smiling at him. He could see her pointy snake teeth showing from between her lips. "Great job today. Don't you think Desmond?"

She then looked at the Freespacer and looked her up from head to toes.

"Eh I think we can find some clothing for you. You a jumpsuit kind of gal, or want something prettier." The snake-woman asked, still holding Danny close. "So if you are skilled armourer and mechanic, we might have a place for you in the crew. We are bounty hunters, just so it is clear. If you want make a buck, doing something dangerous we can talk about that too."

The over cooked neko glanced at the freespacer who sat on her other side, interrupting her quiet moment with Desmond.

"Oh, you made that monstrosity?" Amanozako commented, the tone of her voice hard and icy as she gave the freespacer an unsimpathetic glare. If not for that overheated power armor and its insane pilot, their mission would hsve been considerably easier and Amanozako wouldn not have been badly burnt.

So to say she had little sympathy or like for the freespacer because of this was an understatement.

Shutdown leaned on her own arm then looked over at the woman around Danny and tilted her head "Jumpsuits are fine for me, never had anything pretty before, and sure I think I can work with you guys, I could see about getting the materials to create something special for you all." She looked at the others and smiled "So I hope you all are okay with having a freaky looking mechanic with you guys" she laughed slightly but got serious when she heard what the Neko and how she said it.

"Yeah I did, it isn't like I had a choice in the matter, it was that or die" the Freespacer didn't like that they seemed to be making it out that she wanted to make the armour "If you hate me Neko that is fine, I just hope I can make you understand that I didn't mean to make a armour that burnt you." Shutdown looked around the people and their weapons and smiled a little, well at least she was with people who knew how to fight now "Well anyway, if you guys need anything looked at, cleaned, repaired or made just ask and I will do what I can to help you out."

Kendra nodded back at the Freespacer. She then looked down to her long tail and then at insanely burnt Amano. "Yeah I think we hit freaky a long time. You might actually fit in."

"What do you think?" Kendra said, looking at Desmond. "We could take her on probation and see how it goes. Another mechanic and armourer is always useful. Also can someone check the grandpa and see if it okay to wake him up. I would like to hear how he got into this mess and what's his story."
Danny's back straightened, eyes widening as the arm fell around his shoulders gently. He looked into the face of the person responsible. "Oh-um," he tripped over his words, face screwing up in front of the others as he tried to grasp for the back of his neck to pull the hood over his face, but Kendra's arm was in the way, "aaah-h-hi Kendra! Yeah! Great--Great job!" Danny spoke with an unusual amount of pep, and he barely ever raised his voice around the other hunters.

The others noticed he was desperately trying to shuffle away or give himself some space, but kept getting curled closer towards Kendra. Sure, send him alone to provide forward observation, let him be the first to kick the door open and take heads, make him crawl through a river of sewage in the dead of the night, but this hunter couldn't stand a snake, much less a Separa'shan! It clashed with the image he'd projected with the mask on, the blonde man grimacing as Kendra sat nearby.

During the tussle, Danny ended up stepping on the old man's foot and bumping into their leg. Twice. And patting their thigh. And jabbing them in the ribs. They really weren't paying attention to them.

Salem was pushing in and out of sleep as his eyes constantly closed and opened momentarily later. After a couple more futile attempts to get quality shut eye, he resolved himself to stay awake and listen to the others go on about whatever the topic was to be at that moment. Something about letting the Freespacer that built the armor stay and something about someone's grandpa. The jolts from the turbulence helped to wake Salem up a little more as he regained some of his awareness before they subsided, letting Salem slowly drift back to being partly asleep. At least he was one of the lucky few mercs to grab a seat.

"Say." His memory jogged itself back to the grenade. "We never got whoever the hell threw the grenade at us. Fucker probably ran off after." Salem ran his hand threw the two dents left in his armor plates to feel them. His head faced towards Danny as he fumbled about against the snake woman, unbeknownst to him the true identity of the grenadier. Though a greater force somewhere else in the universe knew.

"Scared of snakes?" He'd look towards Kendra for a good bit and back to Danny. "Actually I can't blame you."

Amanozako did not like the idea of bringing the freespacer into the group, but it seemed the desiscion had already been made. She would have to be watchful of this person. Who knew what they might be up to.

The neko closed her eyes, focusing her energy on self healing. She really hoped wherever they were going had a hemosynth tank.
Some loud argument or tussle was happening somewhere in heaven, and Bill didn't appreciate it much. Having died - probably heroically, maybe even gallantly, he figured the least he was owed was a peaceful rest after decades of being alive - couldn't all the angels fight a bit quieter? He opened his eyes, blearily, still red and bloodshot. He looked around himself, and quietly thought he'd like a refund on the whole afterlife. After all, heaven wasn't supposed to look like the interior of a shuttle, packed to the brim with hard bitten mercenaries.

It was with that thought another stunning hypothesis was reached - he might've actually survived dragging that strange half-robot girl from that burning warehouse after all. Something was on his face. He reached up with an arm that felt like lead, and pried it briefly from his face to take a speculative breath. It went alright, but he was reduced to a coughing fit immediately afterwards.

Got it. Oxygen mask - your lungs hate you for breathing in all that smoke. It can stay.

"Goodness gracious." The old man said, looking around at the occupants. "If this is the afterlife, I want a refund. Y'all are too ugly to be angels."

"Except this is hell, so everything fits right in" Amanozako replied to the old man's comment.

The neko opwned one crinson eye, finding where he was stuffed into the small shuttlecraft. She eyed him for a moment. "Didn't think you were gonna make it, old man" she commented. "Guess you're tougher than you look" she gave him a toothy grin.
"Oh, I'm just the baseline mark 1 Nepleslian." Bill smiled from behind his medical apparatus. "We're more stubborn than we're built for, is all."

He looked blearily around the shuttlecraft, taking in the 'splendor' of only the finest in bulk spacecraft interior. "Awfully well funded for a street gang, aren't you fellas? I take it you were the guys big ugly was shooting at - I recognize you, Miss Kitty, and you, Miss Cyborg - your names will come to me in a second, forgive me, but I take it the rest of y'all were the ones shooting into that warehouse?"

He took a deep breath of high-oxygen air. "Suppose I'll stop beatin' around the bush. What exactly are you guys? Spooks? Special forces? Am I bein' spirited away to some black site to be disappeared...?"
The old man was awake, and they seemed nonplussed about the situation they'd woken up to. "A Black Site would forego the mask, I think." Danny chipped in as his tussle with Kendra begun to slow down.

Wasting his already depleted energy would do no favours for him, and letting Kendra have her way was easier. "In simpler terms, we're bounty hunters. Neither angel, nor devil. Just vindicators."

Perhaps that seemed a bit ominous, and Danny sighed before introducing himself. "Call me Danny." The blonde thumped a duffel bag under his seat. "Your stuff's safe too. You're welcome-ack-Kendra!" His cool sounding composure was shot out of orbit with a strategic squeeze.

Kendra looked at Salem and bared her teeth at him in a grin. "Well no worry, I don't bite." She said with a giggle. "I am more of a hugging type," she added a remark toward her constrictor like body.

Then the old man finally woke up so she listened to him. It seemed he really was an unlucky bystander who got involved.

"Ugly? Well fuck you too. I'll have you know that I am prettier than any bloody Elysian I have met. Bloody pigeons," Kendra said. She was a bit miffed and would like to ease up by squeezing something, but Danny was too far. "Anyway, what he said. We are bounty hunters, I am the Boss, name's Kendra. That grumpy guy over there is Desmond. He is the other boss."
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Duncan was leaned back just watching and listening to the goings on. He considered this pretty much "grown up talk", meaning it was above his pay grade. He was in fact interested in how everyone got along, it showed him that, even in a violent line of work, people can still be civil and good.

His thoughts alao wandered to the Haven. The orphanage he taught at on Bastia and he really hoped he was able to stop by there sometime soon, he missed his kids. He spoke up, "So hey, uh, what's the plan? Where we headed anyway?"

"We're headed back to the staging area, where the casualties will be taken care of," Desmond replied to Duncan, listening to Kendra talk to the two newcomers but not ultimately joining in on the conversation. Instead, he pressed his head against the headrest of his seat and worked on finishing his cigarette, glancing every now and then at the pilot's seat to see that the city lights became bigger and bigger as the shuttle approached the spaceport from the coast, keeping low all the while.

"Approaching the landing vector, everybody buckle in," the pilot said on the front, flipping a few switches overhead to change some random configuration in the volumetric display ont he canopy. The shuttle banked hard to the left and then pulled up, emerging from the lip of a wide and well lit concrete runway that was several kilometers long. There seemed to be little order in it, with spacecrafts of several different sizes on the process of landing and taking off simultaneously, and even though all of them were much more close and personal now, Amelia didn't slow down the shuttle's speed, instead blending their small craft amongst the several others.

They wanted the traffic controllers to not even notice that their shuttle has left and come back to the hangar. And as far as they were concerned, it had worked, since no one flagged their craft at any point since their transponder was off.

The inside of the shuttle shook as the small craft passed under the jetwash of a landing freighter, which would look like to anybody watching the canopy from the passenger area that the pilot had barely squeezed in to approach their landing area. The spacecraft shoot once more as it started braking horizontally, hovering over a seemingly random spot on the vast, flat area and lowered down, disappearing into one of the several personal hangars of the spaceport.

The clamshell ramps opened and lowered on the back of the shuttle, making the white, fluorescent light from the hangar fight for ground against the red wash of the internal emergency lights. As soon as it lowered, the pungent smell of polution also came back, replacing the clean and sterile air from the spacecraft's air scrubbers, and lasted for a little while until the overhead cover from the small hangar bay closed with a loud mechanical whirr and thud.

To call the hangar that the bounty hunters and mercenaries had rented as a staging area small would be a disservice, at least in normal terms. The area was easily a hundred yards long and almost half as that wide, being big enough to house the Iron Ferret, their transatmospheric shuttle and a small complement of land vehicles as well. As the first occupants of the shuttle who could still walk started to make their way out, they'd notice the flashing red lights on top of an ambulance, as well as a complement of four Nepleslians wearing white medical scrubs and latex medical gloves over civilian clothing.

Desmond unclipped his harness, grabbed an overhead handle and hoisted himself up from his seat while the engines still whined as they powered down. "Move out the casualties first, including the old man there," he said, gesturing with his head towards Bill before putting his helmet back on and sealing it with a click and hiss. He extended a hand towards Amanozako to help her up as he waited for the others to get a move on.

Kendra watched Desmon helping out Amano and then she looked back at the Old man. "All right, you get yourself treated and then we can sort things out." She told him and then gave him a nod. The snake-woman than turned away. She did not head towards the exit ramp though, instead she moved for the cockpit. When she was sure, Desmond was not looking, she snuck in.

Jaina meanwhile stood up, at least she got feeling back in her legs. Still with adrenaline rush gone, the woman felt like shit. She gritted her teeth in pain and looked at Duncan. "Hey, how about we help each other. I need a big strong man to lean on."

Amanozako accepted Desmond's helping hand. If it had been anyone else she would have rejected the offered assistance, even in her current wounded state, but not him. She stood with his help and started out of the shuttle, carefully carrying her impaler rifle with her free hand.

"Now, where's that hemosynth tank?" she asked Desmond quietly and hopefully.

Salem stood up as soon as the ramp lowered itself and stretched his limbs briefly. He went down towards where Frank had been and offered the wounded mercenary a shoulder to wrap his arm around. Salem supported the mercenary as he and Frank shuffled out past the others in the shuttle out to where the paramedics were waiting.

A draft of exhaustion consumed Salem headfirst as he walked with Frank. Some food and some sleep sounded enticing to the former cop, though not as much as a fresh paycheck.