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RP: YSS Soyokaze Breath, A Long Time coming (3.0)

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Inactive Member

With the ship in dock and being repaired, the crew was given leave. They were given access to the station they were docked at, along with shuttle service to Yamatai if they liked. Each were given a seven day pass and told they could do what every they liked during it.

Mess Hall

During all of the Hubbub of people coming a going, along with the yarddogs working on the ship, a black-eyed Chusa came aboard and made her way through the busy hallways and corridors to a quite corner of a mess hall and found a seat. Once she was seated an steward had come over and got her order of coffee, bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Once the order was taken and she was alone again she took out a pad and started going over the ship's status and repairs. She also has a second pad she would refer to as she read a crew member's name.

Med Bay

The large Kodian medical officer had been reading an article on the mating habits of dust trouts and how that would affect the hunting there of. it was a lot more interesting, and lest creepy then watching the young neko being grown in the vat that was behind him. He hadn't revived Misato until the interviews were all over and he had personally been able to go through and scan the hemosyth that she would be grown in. Once he was happy it was virus free he started her growing.
un-deleted Kyle post

Captains Quarters

Takeyu was certainly caught off-guard by the new set of orders, he hadn't been on the Soyokaze for very long before the 9th's admiral issued orders to have him reassigned. At first he had thought it was due to his actions during the previous mission, he did note in his reports that things had gone rather horribly wrong but that the crew had performed admically. Of course, all he had to do was parse through the new set of orders a bit more and he'd have found out that it wasn't his actions that were the reason but rather that he was just needed elsewhere... typical life of a military soldier.

His things had already been packed and taken off ship, where they were to be placed aboard a transport that would be taking him to his new command. The Chusa, as he was now after being promoted, glanced at the list of soldiers who were disembarking for new duty stations - he didn't know 'where' they were all going given that the list didn't state that but he had to hope that they were all going to good places, just as good as the Soyokaze.

"The ship held up very well, despite the crap thrown at her," Takeyu remarked as he ran a hand across a desk, newly installed but there was still much more to be repaired before the veteran girl would be back out into space and fighting .. well .. whoever the next captain would have her fight.

A voice spoke in his head, still something that despite all of these years he hadn't gotten used to. "Ahh, the ships new captain has arrived," he smiled and picked up his service cap off the desk - his uniform was pristine - as he had always kept it for formations, formalities, and other important events. The changing of command was always important but it seemed like they weren't going to have any event or ceremony to mark the occasion, which was just another thing that struck Takeyu as odd; perhaps the admirality of the 9th just wasn't into that kind of thing.

Of course, he already knew that the Soyokaze wasn't part of the 9th anymore - he was though, which probably explained why he was being reassigned.

Putting the cap onto his head, the rather muscular Yamataian made his way out of the captains quarters - taking one final look before turning away and walking toward the ships mess hall, a rather long walk; but one that he enjoys none the less. When he arrived at the mess hall, his eyes cast across the room before they fell upon the ships new Chusa. He walked toward the officer, same rank and all, "Welcome aboard the Soyokaze," he spoke calmly.
To say Nenene was glad to be back in port was an understatement. Her first missions as executive officer of the Soyokaze had been trying to say the least and had cost her a perfectly good body. She was still in need of some work to deal with her new bodies horns and tail, but those things were currently on the back burner as she had been ordered to meet with the local SAINT controller as soon as the cruiser had docked for debriefing.

Unlike the others who were all but forbidden on pain of death to speak of the virus and their recently completed mission, Nenene was fully encouraged and require to give a very detailed account before she was released from the debriefing.

After she had spent some time shopping, needing clothes to accommodate some of her physical changes that came with this new body, but now was making her way back towards the ship. She needed to pack a few additional items before she moved off the Soyokaze for her repairs. News was that a new commanding officer was coming aboard and it would not do for the Exec to not be there to meet them.

She tugged at the new tail absentmindedly as she came to the airlock, glided across the zero g connecting tunnel and into the cruiser's main lock. She oriented herself, went to her cabin and dropped her things off, changed into her best uniform, making sure she was presentable for the new command officer before she met them.
As she did this, Nenene accessed the MEGAMI via secure connection, found out the new CO was aboard and pulled their file to read as she cleaned up.
Eliane simply disappeared off the ship, Soyokaze and onto the station, mingling with the local civilian population. She even let herself be escorted from the Military Section of the big Station to where civilians had a much freer access. Eyes darted over the crowds and military alike as she moved down the main concourse for temporary quarters before planning her next move. First it was lodging, then a visit to the spa and beauty saloon for a make over.

After that it was shopping for new clothing and music. She nodded absentmindedly at the well thought up plan. As for her SAINT Handler was still up in the air, as she slipped through the proverbial cracks in the system. One hand, thought she was a Civilian SAINT Specialist Operative to debrief the crew as the others didn't know what to make of her and throw her off the ship, which she was more than willing to leave to get to the spas and shops that would interest her big time.

She had her debriefs, which was pretty much the same as she gave to Soyokaze's SAINT Liaison Officer. They didn't know of her Handler and she just knew his code name and gender. She didn't even have a SPINE interface, but still had all the attributes of a full fledge Military Grade Neko without the military training and indoctrinations.

Elaina just shrugged and let drift from her mind as more important matter were dwelled upon. Pampering and a new set of clothes. She had a big chunk of cash to spend and she was going to put it to use.
Medical Bay

Meiko walked into the Med Bay in normal civilian clothes, she headed over to the larger Kodian who she had grown close to. She saluted him quietly and then went back to normal. "Sir, I want to thank you for everything you've taught me and done for me over the course of the last few missions...I regret to say that I will not be coming back to the Soyokaze after this leave however. I have decided that I need to dedicate more time to my doctoral training so that next time I can save everyone. So I am returning to school for a while."

Escaping the ship was a good feeling, even if it was for only a little while. Chieko was quick after dismissal to get into civies and take on the town - this scientist was excited and 'hungry'. First thing's first, however, the young Minkan made her way to a hotel to get a room knowing it would be handy for later. Then it was time for food and shopping as a few of her things went missing during the past action.


In another hotel room, Hotaru took her time pulling off her uniform on the bathroom vanity as she let the faucet run to hit the temperature she wanted. The clerk then checked the water again, once ready, and turned the flow down a little to allow her to shower beneath it. Then she just stood there as the warm flow soaked through her hair, down to her scalp, then flowed down from her head to her toes.

Once properly soaked, the mini-neko floated back out, and grabbed the shampoo. The lid was a little difficult at first; but once opened allowed her to scoop up a little in her hand and rub it into her hair before putting the lid back on again. Hotaru then began to massage and kneed the cleansing substance into her black tresses, carefully and methodically.

As soon as the shampoo was done, the conditioner went in, and the soaping down of every inch was next on the list. Once that was all done, then rinsed out, Hotaru made sure every bit of dirt and suds went down the drain before plugging it and filling the sink with warmer water. Then, with the sink filled, the officer cadet shut off the faucet, tied up her hair, and slipped into the mini-bath to let the rest of the recent mission soak away.

Ume had packed up her things before stepping of the Soyokaze. For other members of the crew it was shore leave, but for her it was a transfer. The project staff wanted Ume to stay in the 9th fleet for now, as the likely hood of getting good combat data was high, and the Soyokaze was moving out of the 9th Fleet. This meant that Ume would be parting with the crew sooner than she ever would've expected. She did not get much time to talk to everyone but there were a few people she wanted to say good bye to. Knowing that most people would need a place to stay she headed for the hotel to see if she could catch anyone she knew.

Upon arrival she spotted Chieko and headed over to see her. "Chieko-san, I'm glad I managed to catch you."

Mess Hall

Chusa Kuroiairisu Saeko looked up from her documents when Takeyu spoke up. "Thank you," her head didn't move at all but her blacked out eyes turned back to the pad containing the list of crew members. Not that Takeyu would have been able to tell, with her eyes being just black orbs that sat there glossy and definless.

"Chusa Nayacesen, You're the leaving Commander of this ship. I was reading over some of your reports and logs so far on the ship. Not much in the official records here. You guys rescued some refugees and then sat there for a few days...." She shrugged, "Anything you can say?"


Looking up and over his magazine, Blake smiled at Meiko. "You're most welcome. And So I have heard. I hope your next posting fits you well..." He tossed the magazine onto a bed before getting up. "Though I fear you are looking for something there isn't an answer for. All medical minded people have hunted for that very thing, the ability to save everyone all the time. And though I believe that one should hang up their stethoscope if they give up on that pursuit, one should keep in mind that loss is something that will happen. We are very lucky most loss aboard these ships of ours, is off set by the metal back-up, there will always be lost."

He turned and rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a large book. "Here though.. It is the primer I had when I first started on my doctorate." He held it out to her. "I hope it will help you down the path you are headed."

Chieko was wearing her tan cotton dress with copper waist sash and copper coloured heels, inspecting the places to checkout when she heard Ume call to her. "Are you really?" the biologist grinned, "Looking to get into a little trouble as well?"

Chiasa walked through the corridor from the where the Soyokaze was berthed into the concourse of the base. She pondered the seven day leave and ran through her options. Chiasa had already one thing on her agenda; a pair of upgrades to her body. She considered this a step in her growth in that she was actually making changes to herself at her discretion. A finer example of self determination she could no think of at the moment. The J2-M3405 would increase her ability to lift and carry items. Which could prove to be vital in a time of crisis. The second one was a new offering the J2-P3600 was much more interesting. It would give her the means to move about by gravity manipulation. Of course there would be a learning process but that was actually something she was looking forward to. Even just having the upgrade was going to affect her an additional 8 kg of mass would impact her basic operation.

She stopped at a data terminal and 'manually' entered a message to Elaina. She had tried to find her in the chaos of docking and disembarking. Her message was fairly simple she was going down to Teisenjou. She would be unavailable for most of this afternoon, but if she wanted to get together later she had 6 days of leave to take advantage of.

With her message sent she made her way to the shuttle bays for transfer to the ground. As she walked she mentally linked with the network to make flight arrangements from Kyoto to Teisenjou Spaceport.
Mess Hall

Takeyu stared at the other Chusa for a moment. "Quite a bit actually," the Chusa looked toward the Steward and made a motion for a cup of coffee, to which the stewart brought one over and set it down. "A plague that we'd gotten from the previous mission of rescuing refugee, which affected our NH's and resulted in some deaths. We managed to contain it, and create a cure," Takeyu took a sip from his cup then and waited a moment before continuing. "I've got a detailed report on the event that you can pull up and read about, including the formula for the cure in the event it ever happens again."

Just as Elina was leaving the room she leased for her stay, a chime went off, singling that she had a message waiting for her. She wrinkled her nose and answered it. Seeing it was from Chiasa, she read it and nodded. "Should've waited for her. Then we could've gone to the Spa together and clothes shopping...." letting her voice fade as she thought what would look good on Chiasa.

She hit the reply tab and typed in a quick message, giving her location and room number. Plus there would be a key waiting for her at the Conserge desk when she returned to the station. Once the message was sent, Elina darted from the room and returned to the lobby and made arrangements for Chiasa to share the room with her.

It was Spa Time! She gotten direction to the spa. While enroute to the spa, she picked up a whole new wardrobe of clothing to wear after being seriously pampered by the Spa Staff.

Ume was wearing a saffron shirt and a denim skirt when Chieko turned to her. "I don't know if I want to get in trouble...but I wanted to see you to talk. I'm going to be leaving the ship soon, I have to stay with the 9th fleet. So I'm not sure if we'll be able ot meet up again soon." She frowned looking down some after saying that aloud. Chieko was fun to talk to and nice so she really didn't want to leave her.

Jei lifted his duffel bag over his right shoulder and held it up with his right arm. He walked towards the corridor towards the Soyokaze, his first actual deployment that wasn't a training detachment. He'd been informed on the ship's class and it made him perked up. The "Super Eikan" was a class of ship he loved dearly, it was his favorite to pilot and act as gunnery for. He didn't know exactly where he would be put, but his silver color on his tunic showed starship operations, and he planned to stay one throughout his career in the Star Army. All he had on his mind was finding his bunk and maybe meeting some of the crew before going to his meeting with his new CO.
Medical Bay

Meiko blinked a bit and took the primer, she looked it over for a minuet and smiled up at Henry. She nodded at his words and gave him a salute. "It was an honor to serve with you sir, I'm more than happy to say that you have been the best person to serve under. I will keep your words in mind, and use them to further my drive to become even better than I was. Thank you for the primer I will take very good care of it and treasure it for eternity, and one day I may pass it on to a Junior as well who has potential." She says with a bright smile towards the Kodian, she truly respected the man and his work.

"Assignments change all the time," Chieko smiled, "it's what you do with each one that counts. As for not wanting to cause trouble - that's a problem! A good leave always involves trouble, otherwise you didn't properly enjoy it enough!"

The biologist had a devious look on her face as she finished, soon flagging a few clothing stores, drinking establishments, and guys as they walked by. The flags appeared as holographic paper fans that danced about on their targets and seemed to only be shared between Chieko and Ume. "Besides, who said trouble had to be wrong?" she offered slyly.

Elina with her packages of fresh clothes, entered the spa and made her way to the lockers to store her new clothing, also to get rid of the clothing she wore. Finding a vacant locker was hard and settled for one way in back and just about out of her reach. but she managed to reach it finding a loose chair floating around.

She stood on the chair and opened the locker to see there was a huge body towel, washcloth and robe with the Spas logo on it for the patrons usage. She smiled at this. Being in the Core-worlds was a lot different from the border-worlds. She stripped quickly, letting her clothing drop to the floor after she had placed the newly purchased clothing into the locker next to the towel.

Grabbing the towel and washcloth, along with the little complimentary bottle of multi-purpose shampoo, and carrying the robe with her. She padded barefoot to the showers. Before entering, hanging up the robe and towel just across from the shower stall. She entered and just stood there enjoying the luxury of unlimited hot water raining down upon her, gently pounding upon her skin.

"Oooooooooooooooo" She moaned orgasmic like at the pleasurable massage of the water hitting and soaking into her skin. She stood there, slowing pivoting in total luxury and enjoyment of a simple shower, letting the water cascade down her physique. She wondered if Chiasa and the others knew of the delights of having a hot shower and having the time to enjoy it.

She grabbed the bottle of multi-purpose shampoo and began to lather up and scrub herself clean to get rid of the water soaked loosened grime that she had to endure while in captivity. ~~This is soooooo good!~~ He mind began to race, composing a song to commemorate her first luxury shower outside captivity. This visit to the Spa was going to be memorable for her at least.

Ume looked at Chieko like she was a wise sage, being the gullible neko that she was, Ume did not know any better. "Oh..this is my first leave, so I didn't know about the rules." She thought a moment, tapping her chin as the different flags appeared. "I want to do this right...so lets have fun and cause trouble." She giggles, starting to get excited.

"That's the spirit!" Chieko cheered, "Now, let us prepare for battle!"

The biologist pumped her fist into the air with enthusiasm and cackled maniacally, causing a few eyes to turn towards the two off duty soldiers. Despite the whispers however, the young scientist did not stop.

"First!" she continued, "We need to prepare for the great battle that is a proper leave. This begins with a decent meal to energize us to victory. Let's go!"

Jei walked to the entrance of the Soyokaze, proceeding to head for the crew quarters to leave his belongings and proceed to his meeting. He seemed to be excited and maybe a slight bit nervous about going on the ship. As he walked closer to his quarters, which was stated in his orders given to him, he thought if he should go to the Mess and get a bite to eat. He could eat aboard or just go down to a restaurant on the observation deck and eat while watching the stars. He decided he should just eat in the Mess, that way he could get used to the ship's food. As he entered the quarters he was assigned, he sat his duffel bag down on his bed and straightened his coat. He pulled on the bottom of the coat, evening out the silver center of his coat before walking out towards the Mess.
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