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RP: YSS Soyokaze Breath, A Long Time coming (3.0)

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Freyja barely managed to grab the purse she 'dropped' in all its pointlessness, after the conversation left her with an icy chill. The thing Freyja chose to associate the situation with was akin to being tied to a post, unable to move, only able to watch as in the distance, the familiar, single flash from a distant sniper goes off, with the full knowledge that you were the target.

After a long moment, Freyja just stared ahead with a blank expression, and said "May I have permission to..." She didn't even finish the sentence. She was having a hard time processing this, it had been just one screw up after another. She just echoed Misato's sigh and followed her last order from a superior that wasn't Misato. "Well, this is the part where I make sure you get something to eat I guess." She kept the flat voice through the whole thing, and a flat mouthed glare at nothing etched onto her face. She wanted nothing more than to go crawl in a hole and forget she existed.
Elina's Room::

Elina gave a small nod that would go unnoticed unlerss watching her. Once the others had left. She moved to clear off a chair so that Chiasa could have a seat.

Looking at Chiasa as she listened to her. "Coming from an interview with the new Chusa of the Soyokaze." Wrinkled her nose. "I spotted Freyja, apperantly a new crew to the Soyokaze. And 'Really' new. I invited her out to have some fun. Got her set up to learn the guitar, change of clothes. Then hit the club of Due or Die. She took her service weapon with her in a purse along with her papers and other important stuff. Had some fun, she forgot her purse at the club which I retrieved. Then they showed up few minutes before you did. "

Shoving her case off onto the floor and motioning for Chiasa to have a seat. "I gave Freyja her stuff back saving me a trip to the ship. Kind of them to swing by." Then flopping down on the bed. "If you don't have a room, you can stay here. Bed big enough for two."

Giving Chiasa a quick look over. "You're looking nice. If anyone should get in trouble should be me. Freyja didn't know better. Being new to the experience."
Elina's Room

"New to the experience or not. She should have secured her side arm in her room or done a better job of keeping track of it. That does not explain why those two had drawn weapons. That strikes me as a tad excessive behavior to acquire a purse that you picked up as a favor."

She looked around the room. She smiled at Elina's comment. "Thank you, I decided to pick up some new off duty clothes while I was in Teisenjou city. I also picked a few gifts for you to help you settle in." she sent as she handed the parcels to Elina.

"I thank you for your offer to share your bed... but I do not wish be a nuisance, and I would probably keep you up all night."

The first package is a VCE Console. The second is a
Adante Keyboard. The third is a VCE sound studio landscape with up to 5 avatars.
Everything was fine, even when Chiasa arrived. There was bowing, calm words, then Misato motioned to Chieko that it was time to disengage. The scientist was thankful, putting her side arm away and following the Heisho out.

Once far enough away from the room however, the young minkan also spoke up. "Do you mind if I take off?" she began, hoping to capitalize on a few recent observations, "Or does the Santô Hei need further protecting from you?" Besides, Chieko was still in her dress, totally not dressed up for any kind of operation at all, and the constant running around was starting to wear on her geta.
Elina's Room

Elina received the packages and opened them up. Squealing with enjoyment at the gifts. She could have so much fun with this. "Thank you, Chiasa!" Hopped off the bed and gave a heartfelt hug of thanks.

Settling back down on the bed after placing the gifts on the nearby dresser. "I dunno. I wasn't about to involve myself even father than necessary. Nor argue with those having guns drawn and pointed at me! It was bad enough with the NMX-Mishu."

Well, after doing 'things' Freyja eventually found herself wandering the station, with the end of leave rapidly approaching. She was bored, frusterated, rather stressed, and felt like she needed a breathe of relatively fresh air. As she walked, she mentally checked catalouges that various stores had to offer, doing a mental double take when she saw the Vial. This was something new, and very inteesting in her eyes. She was also positive that the armory did in fact, not have a pair of them, she had visited earlier before she went out again on her own to ask around about an origin industries guass rifle, but they all just made non commental gestures and sounds until she went away. Freyja was pretty sure that they were just screwing with her and she'd be able to get one, but it was an annoying expereince.


After some searching, she had eventually found the store that held such an interesting tool, and after seeing how expensive they were, still aquired apair with hardly a second thought, and had returned to her room rather quickly to 'enjoy' a night of rest and light experimentation with the pair of vials. "Was fun while it lasted, and it didn't exactly last long." she muttered as she finally succumbed to sleep.
Elina's Room

Chiasa watched Elina open the gifts. "Well, I figured after your time in the hands of the NMX, you would need some equipment to get you started. I guess you could say that I'm investing in your future." she said with a grin. "You look like you have been enjoying your time at the SPA. Have you done any searches to see if any of your family or associates are still around?"
Elina's Room

"I'm having a wonderful time. I've found a club that I can do impromptu performances. Due or Die Club." Elina spoke with a smile. Then it softened into sadness. My family was a bunch of medical students and I was a Medical Science Project. When they named me. The Students used the first letter of their names and rearranged them. You could say my name is an acronym. As for my stage name is Rainbow." Fluffing up her rainbow colored hair as she jumped up and moved to grab a hair brush to brush it out. "All I did was made sure I still had money as I seen that the bank where I used to do my banking at, had branches all over the place. Then get what I was owed and then some, since I was still providing information that led to the freedom of Moon Towns 1 and 2."

She settled back on the bed again and bushing out her hair, "I hope I'm not boring you. Where did you take off to? I wanted to go clubbing with you."
Elina's room.

"You are definitely not boring me. I went to Teisenjou to do some shopping." she said pointing to the gifts, "And to get some personal upgrades. Clubbing definitely seems to fit with you, I have never been clubbing. I usually look for smaller venues. But I should probably expand my experiences."
Elina's Room:

Elina laughed softly, "I hope I don't have to go chasing down stay weapons again. It sure puts a kink in my sleep schedule." Eyes sparkling with humor and a smile graced her lips. "Definitely. It's always good to expand one's horizons. But mine seams to be curtailed. Those that hold my contract, must've found a loophole or Yammies don't like constructs running loose."

Finishing out brushing her hair. She looked at Chiasa. "Upgrades? You didn't need a new body. You wasn't even effected by the virus that plagued Soyokaze when I was brought aboard."
Elina's Room

Chiasa did something spontaneous as she chuckled in response to Elina's comment. "That is why I said I was getting upgrades. Emrys Industries has added some new options, and I decided to add them to myself. They are internal and only one of them is even visibly noticeable if someone looked closely at me and was familiar with my original specifications. But both of them will be useful to me, and that is what matters."

She looked around the room for a moment looking for any personal effect of Elina. She did not see many but then her life on the moon obviously did not allow her to keep many.

"So when do you think you will be performing again? I would like to add some of your music to my library." she inquired.
Elina's Room.

"Well... Once I get settled on the Soyokaze." Elina spoke softly as she looked over Chiasa. "Are you a robot? If so, they did an awfully good job of making you look human." She couldn't resist and poked Chiasa in the arm pretty hard, but not enough to break anything. Probably enough to get slapped if Chiasa was organic.
Elina's Room

Chiasa swatted Elina's hand away in a playful manner. Kyo had taught her how to interact properly to such behavior. She smiled, "It is generally considered rude to poke people." she said with a laugh. "And no I am not a Robot. I guess you forgot our earlier discussion just before you succumbed to the virus. I am a self-aware Android." she said with an expression of mock indigence. "Just another advantage to not being organic. My memory is permanent and does not fade with time. Although that is a double edge sometimes."

After a moment, "You are coming back aboard the Soyokaze? That is unusual to say the least. So then we'll have lots more time to hang out as it were."
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Elina's Room

Pulling her hand away with a soft laugh. "I've pretty good memory also, baring major plagues like what NMX-Mishu had given us back on Moontown 2."

Elina nodded, "Once Soyo leaves port, I'll be on it. Entertainer, Morale upkeep." Giving a shrug. "Not that I expected to be shanghaied into service. I figured I'd be turned loose to find my own way." She flopped back on the bed with a sigh.
Elina's Room

"Entertainer, and morale.... That sounds like the Commander must be expecting our next mission to be a long one. Or sufficiently stressful to warrant such an atypical posting. Well at least that means you get free travel, and should be drawing some sort of salary which you will need whenever you leave." She replied.

"Well, seeing as you were resting before your guests arrived. I suppose I should let you get back to sleep. Hopefully we will have some opportunities to hang out during the mission. And perhaps our next shore leave we can check out some of the clubs and sights."
Elina's Room

"Sounds awesome," Elina gave one of her award winning smiles. "If you don't have a place to stay. You can crash here." Patting the bed next to her as it was a double bed with easy commendation for two people to sleep on.
Elina's Room

"Well, I do have a room that I already paid for and has my stuff. I thank you for the offer though. Pleasant dreams, Elina." she said and made her way to the door.
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