Star Army

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RP: YSS Soyokaze Breath, A Long Time coming (3.0)

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Freyja jumped as the disgruntled, newly respawned neko behind her spoke. she could almost feel the anger. "I-uh- I'm almost positive I know where her room is..." she said shakily. Some part of her registered that certain implications could be made from knowing where the neko-that-took-her-to-a-club's hotel room is, but she had bigger things on her plate for the moment.

She then heard a growl behind her that was either from an angry animal or a stomach, but definitely not a neko's mouth. Right, Misato hadn't eaten yet. "G-gomen! I'll uh... I'll get you something when we finish I swear... whatever you like too I... guess... P-please don't eat me." After that Freyja hurriedly stepped inside...


It wasn't all that extra exquisite, but like before, it was definitely something a Hei wouldn't afford for a length of time. Elina the 'civillian' must be seriously loaded..."W-well... Let us... go..." Yep, language processing centers seemed to be shutting down. How unfortunate. But finally... she had a thought. Did I just ask my superior out on a date? She shook her head at that. No no... just following the doc's orders...

Glaring at Freyja Misato spoke quietly but sternly, "I.. Will... Not... Eat... You... Just find this room so we can get your side arm, and we can get back to the ship." Misato let a small mean smile form on her lips, "I'm sure there are plenty of toilets that need a good old fashion toothbrushing..." She let the smile fade as they continued further into the hotel. If this person was a real SAINT officer then she was trying to clean up the mistake, but if it was a fraud... then... She reached down and rested her hands near her own sidearms.

Right, Misato did not want to be her friend. It was probably for the best, it was hard to be friends with someone you feared as much or more than you respected. Freyja went pale, gulped, and bit down her impulse to insist that she take Misato to get something to eat as the went through the hotel, before finally coming to a stop outside the door. "Right... here..."

This was the part where she decided to knock politely, bust the door down, or... "Huh..." Freyja patted herself down for a card... or a pin of some sort to unlock the door. She explained herself with a whisper. "If she really isn't a SAINT and she tricked me out here..." As much as she didn't want to believe that... "Might be best we get in quietly since she... well, might be armed... do you have anything really thin and strong?" As she did this she noticed how Misato looked like she was ready for a quick draw competition. "Well... unless you have a key, or want to knock on the door like a civilized person..." She said making a small motion of busting the door down.

As she thought about what she could use for a pick, she thought about using the firing pin on her 'present' from Misato as one and how viable it would be while waiting for her scary companion to reply. "Can't believe they are using non magnetic locks..." she muttered as she stared at the door a bit.
Slowly Chieko's indifference to the situation slid into boredom as it seemed she was being lead through a long list of senseless tension. She had men to hunt, experiments to perform, journals to read - and this served only to distract the poor minkan while offering little fun in return. The scientist soon also wondered if she had traded the likelihood of not getting any with the guarantee of it - all to keep Misato from killing the wrong people.

The military academic, however, did what she could to maintain her posture and bemused smile. Besides, every now and then a cute bellhop would pass by, giving her multiple chances at grabbing images with her digital mind and playing with them in her imagination. Chieko was in the middle of one of her "What if" scenarios when they reached the door and further whining ensued, resulting in a rather wide smile when Freyja asked about someone having a key.

"I've seen a few keys I'd like on the way here," she grinned.
For one moment, Freyja had thought, for some reason, that the minkan was talking about actual keys before detecting her undertone. Freyja just shook her head. This was a situation that called for professionalism, as it was a potential combat siuation. Misato, she acted like a professional, and despite Freyja's own grievances against her, she respected respected her for that. Elina had her own excuse as a civilian, or what was becoming more likely, a very good civilian act. Of course, most of this thought process was becuase the minkan was making the joke while her career, and potentially her new friend's life, were on the line. "All right, that's enough."

Freyja whipped out the spec ops pistol, and began disassembling it for the firing pin, oblivious to the initial shock it likely released. "Getting tired of this..." she muttered some more cliche trade one liners in Yamataian along the same line of thinking as she disassembled the pistol, and quickly rediscovered the 'joys' of trying to disassemble a firearm, and locate a firing pin without tools, at which point she started muttering several almost curses, eventually locating a piece of metal with a spring coil around it, by it flying out the disassembled top half of the gun when she removed a pin. "Son of a..." She, obviously, quickly retrived the missing piece.

"About time..." removing the coil she set to work on the lock, which, compared to the time it took to take that pistol apart, was a breeze with its twenty seconds even with the firing pin being a tad bit larger than the average pick, along with being perfectly straight, which was a bother. Of course now she had to deal with the fact that her weapon was now a collection of parts neatly arranged out of the way. "One problem after another." She growled to herself as she quickly set to putting the pieces back together after making sure the door wouldnt close and have her repeat the process via a well placed shoe.
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Hotel : Elina's Room

Soft music could be heard playing in the semi-dark room. Lighting was at a comfortable level not to hinder sleep, yet lit up enough to see without hitting any of the furniture in the room. When the door opened, Elina woke up as the brighter shaft of light from the corridor hit her square in the face.

"Chiasa?" Elina sat up, blinking to get her eyes to adjust more quickly, moving her rainbowed colored hair out of her face. "How was your trip?" Reaching out to turn on the bedside lamp to add more light to the room. Unaware it was Freyja and crew.
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Well, Freyja thought to herself as she retrive her scattered gun. This is just going to be an absolute joy isn't it?

She sighed, and wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. Her gun was barely half assembled, her superior was pissed and hungry, who may just cannibalize the hei out of spite and to get rid of the evidence, a bored distracted minkan behind her, and what is likely to be either a pissed SAINT officer in front of her in a few moments, or a very dead civilian/enemy spy. And now that Elina was clearly awake, there wasn't much to do except pray she didn't get shot.

She looked to Misato for how exactly this situation should be handled, she doubted that Elina was a traitor of some kind but, if she didn't exercise caution it would be just more ammo for her in the end.
Misato heard the voice. It was that civilian they had picked up on that rock... The one who had stayed with the ship. She drew her own side arm but kept it down and low, as she entered the room moving right up to the foot of the bed. "Joitto Elina I know we haven't been formally introduced, But I'm sure you recognize me."

Misato smiled down at the prone form. "i know you took the new hei's pistol... we are here to retrieve it." She was trying to stay polite, but the words still had a stern, business tone to it.

Chiasa paused while she contacted the station's network to ascertain Elina's location. She raised her right eyebrow in response to surprise. It was one of the emotional facial responses she was trying to integrate. 'Elina is in her room, I wonder if she has been partying, to celebrate her new found freedom. Although I still do not see the logic of consuming copious amounts of toxic substances for recreation or celebration.' she thought as she set off to see her friend.

Using the slide walks of the station she got to the Hotel quickly, picked up the key to her own room. Then set off to Elina's. She took the closest elevator and punched the floor. She observed the inertia she experience and took a fraction of a second to calculate the acceleration that would create it. 'Hopefully, she is not entertaining someone for some intimate activities. That could be awkward to say the least.' she thought as the car neared the floor.
Chieko shrugged at Freyja's reaction and visibly distracted herself further as she less visibly waited for the new girl to do her thing. As a teenager she never picked locks on her own, but always kept on hand a friend that could. There was always that distinct sound when the time came and it seemed the scientist hadn't forgotten so many years later.

The minkan nice and easily pulled out her NSP at the first sign of the neko's success. Then, confirming it was set to stun, Chieko took up a position next to the door and out of sight. She still wanted things to be over with; but knew she needed to play along for that to happen.

The mention of Elina's name however, brought the young woman out from her hiding place as well. Upon visually confirming it was the singer though, she only managed to sigh. "How anti-climactic..." Chieko mumbled with bemusement, keeping her NSP low and relaxed, but ready.
Elina slid from the bed, nodding to Misato. "Just recovered it from the club. Apparently, Freyja not's used to being outta uniform. Hope she aint into much trouble. At least this saves me a trip to the ship later."

Moving over to her luggage case. She knelt, in a fashion to let those that were armed and weapons out, to see what she was doing. She opened her case and pulled out Freyja's new purse along with all her stuff, to include her service pistol.

She held it to Freyja. "I'd check to see if anything is missing." Looking at Freyja, gently shook her head with a small smile of humor. "I should've kept better eye on you, Freyja."
Freyja managed a nervous grin as she took the purse and pistol back, at first glance it sure seemed like nothing was missing. "Right u-um... thanks... its not your fault... probably." The situation hadn't improved that much still in Freyja's mind though, there were two armed nekos, and, even with the now much less likely to be a traitor standing in front of them, she had still used the claim of being a SAINT officer to retrieve the pistol, if she was an officer, we probably aren't supposed to know that, but if she isn't...

Freyja shifted her feet awkwardly with her arms full of disassembled spec ops pistol, purse, and service pistol, which she made sure to actually ready to firew if needed. "Um... we may have an issue to deal with still." she said glancing at Misato, before turning back and saying "I... apologize for this trouble... but, we saw the camera footage of what happened after the club closed." She studied Elina's reaction, and eyed the two armed nekos carefully. this situation could still go up in flames in her eyes.
Chiasa noted the elevators progress while also listening to the 'muzak'. She did not understand the preoccupation with providing music in something that a person was only going to be in for less than a minute.

When the elevator door opened Chiasa stepped out into the hallway. It took her a fraction of a second to identify which way to go and proceeded to walk down the hall to Elina's room. She adjusted the packages she was carrying and gave a solid couple of raps with her knuckles on the door. "Elina, it is Chiasa." she said in a clear voice.
Elina let out a squeal of delight, standing quickly and moving through the others in the room. Flung the door open. "Chiasa! How was your trip?! Don't mind the others, they was helping Freyja to recover her weapon." Gently tugs Chiasa into the room. "Meet Freyja, and her friends."

Elina wearing the oversized man's t-shirt with "Moon Town 2", rainbow colored hair still sleep messed, looking out of place amongst the rest in uniform and weapons visible.
Chiasa stopped inside of the room and surveyed the scene. She took note of the body language of each of the people. Two soldiers in uniform and Elina and herself in civilian garb. The only person who seemed completely relaxed was Elina. But then from what she had seen of Elina on Moon Town, she figured it would take a lot to faze her. Why would it take two armed soldiers to retrieve a purse.

Chiasa selected and engaged Smirk 1 to help with the tension, then slowly unzipped her Multi-zip Armor Jacket. Showing her cream colored silk blouse.

She spoke , "Have I come at a bad time? It would appear that you are in the middle of something."
"Nitô Juni!" Misato had turned and lowered herself into a respectful bow. Her Eyes though continued scanning the new Hei and Elina. "We came here to.. To pick up Santo Hei Freyja Horikoshi's purse..." Misato gray skinned face grew dark with a blush as she thought about how this looked. Armed crew and a civilian attached to the ship. "There was a misunderstanding on my part on how the purse came into Miss. Joitto's possession."

Deep in the most unruly parts of her brain, that area that she allowed treasonous thoughts and rebellion to play out she sighed and wondered if she was going to be able to save the Hei from the punishment the officers would give her... Not that her own plan for the neko's punishment was going to be light.. at least it would have been off the record and not ruin her career. But with the Ward-officer showing up.. that was all put into a tailspin.
Freyja somehow managed to maintain what composure she had before the officer came up, but had sat frozen for a moment as the officer apeared. This is... not good. She thought to herself with the understatement of the week.

She thought for a moment on what she could say to get out of this, but her training was mostly involved in escaping after she got cuaght, and remaining hidden afterwards. That wasn't something she could do here, and apperently she had proven herself to have an awful poker face. Although, she had a few other talents... As she bowed, she had shot her hands to her sides, dropping her purse, the collection of parts that was once a spec ops pistol stuffed inside the purse at an angle so it would land on her feet to avoid a clattering of parts, and using the fast that ones eyes would usually track the falling object, holstered the service pistol all in a single smooth movement. All was right with the world as Freyja mumbled greetings and wondered how much of this she could possibly get away with, and the conclusion that she was reaching seemed to be none of it at all, that she was going to be executed for treason on the spot by Misato.

The last thing she could thing of was looking at Elina, trying to get the unspoken message across that this was a bad scenario, without straight up using telepethy to circumvent the Ward-officer.
Chiasa returned the bows from Misato and Freyja. She had noticed the drawn weapons. But she could not fathom at the moment what they were doing.

Chiasa's facial features went to a neutral or blank expression. "Well, the crew is on shore leave. And people tend to make mistakes, even occasional lapses in judgement." she said turning her gaze to each. "Especially one that would cause two Star Army soldiers to draw their NSP's against an unarmed civilian."

She let her last words hang in the air. This smacked of a case of excessive use of force to say the least.

"Now I am sure that a Heisho in the service to the Empire must have a very good explanation. Perhaps I intruded on some sort of training exercise. I look forward to receiving a full report by tomorrow morning Heisho. I am certain that our CO will appreciate you taking leave time along with Freyja to train regarding proper firearm discipline, so I will forward your report with my own comments." She turned to Elina and performed a very precise wink with her right eye that was out of view of the others.

Chiasa turned back to Misato, "Do you have anything else to add Heisho?"
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Still bowing Misato gritted her teeth knowing full well that she wasn't going to save the Hei from her mistake. "No Ma'am." She stood up and holstered her gun and motioned for Freyja to follow her. "Ma'am I will have the report in your in-box by first shift." She bowed once more then grabbed Freyja by the arm dragging her along.

As she exited the door she waved Chieko to follow also. Once they were out of ear shot Misato let out a long sigh and released Freyja...
Once the door was closed Chiasa took a seat and looked at Elina. She put the parcels she had in her lap and then spoke. "Care to tell me your side of that little show?"
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