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RP: YSS Soyokaze Breath, A Long Time coming (3.0)

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Emrys Industries - Teisenjou

Two hours and thirty five minutes later.

Chiasa 'woke up' as the technicians concluded their work installer her various upgrades. She had not been asleep but had shut down all non-essential sub-sytems and monitored their progress. Physically Chiasa did not have a need to sleep. Her body did not fatigue like a biological one. But she had experimented with the concept while she was with Kyo. At first she would sit watching her friend sleep. Making note of how she moved and her bodily functions altered. Of the period of a few months she developed what she called her sleep algorithm. It allowed her to create the appearance of being a sleep. Thus far her research into the concept of dreaming had not borne fruit. So when she 'slept' Chiasa would review memories, or plan her coming day.

When she was released from the table she took a moment to absorb the new operating parameters. Before moving she looked at her appearance. She had always been satisfied with her form, and the new musculature only added addition definition to her muscles. The other upgrade was internal so it was not apparent.

Once the software upgrades for the changes was applied she performed a few experimental movements. She mass was increased by 9kg. While not a major amount she could sense the difference. It would take a little while to get used to the extra weight. But nothing to complicated. With a thought she engaged the gravity manipulation system. She floated upwards to a height of one meter and then gentle returned to the floor. Smile 3 spread across her face as she looked forward to gaining proficiency with that new feature.

She removed the medical smock that the techs had put on her, and put her normal clothing back on. She then gathered her other personal affects and walked back to reception. She looked at the bill and added a couple hundred KS extra as a tip. "Kindly see to it that the technicians get half of that and Devon the rest."

Chiasa then walked out of the building and looked around. Shopping was on her agenda. Then she could see about joining up with Elena.
Soyokaze Corridors, just outside the Captain's office and Officer Cabin 13

Shoi Kohosi Eyverska Aldis made her way from the Chusa's office and turned towards where the cabins were located. She knew her sister had already gone to her assigned cabin, and now it was Aldis' turn. She had a bright smile on her lips, though her eyes did show the only contradiction to her positive mood. She knew her sister was still shaking from the interview, especially when they had to be split up. Aldis knew it was necessary, as did Herdis, but that doesn't mean they weren't concerned about each other. Aldis made her way to her cabin and put things in order, giving her twin the time needed to take care of her own things.

Officer Cabin 15

Shoi Kohosi Eyverska Herdis had made it, finally, to her new assigned room. It was not the fact that the room was the same size as her sister's that bothered her. It was the fact that she would be alone in it. This was the first time for the twins to be in a separate room, and Herdis wasn't sure she would like it too much. She took a breath in and out slowly, then put her things away where she could easily get to them, thinking she may have to ask for a closet and bed that's more her size. Even if she were in the same room as her sister, those special accommodations would need to be made.

After she got what she could settled, she took in a shaky breath and let it out, then floated out to her sister's cabin, right next door.

Officer Cabin 13

Aldis knew her sister had come in and looked over her shoulder at her twin. She smiled and held out her hand, letting Herdis land on her palm. "You okay?"

Herdis nodded, and smiled a little, "I'm fine. Scared, still...but I know we'll be okay."

Aldis nodded and hugged her as best she could. "Always. Now, let's go eat. I don't know about you, but I'm starving!"

Herdis laughed more openly with her twin and nodded, "You are always hungry!"

The two made their way out of their cabins and towards the mess hall, not sure of where else to go yet.

Elina wasn't pleased when she stormed out of the elevator on the main promenade deck of the station.

"Illegal my arse!" She yelled at the closing door of the elevator. "What you're doing is Illegal!" Realizing she was making a scene. Turned to the onlookers, "What are you looking at?!" She snarled at them as she stormed off in a huff.

Not bothering to reply or stop her forward motion to the nearest dive., bar, restaurant, and or lounge that had musical instruments to pound away on to ease her frustration. "Termination or shipboard duty!" She mimicked in a very sarcastic way to even using a slightly altered voice. "Too bad my handler died." She muttered to herself.

Due or Die Lounge

Elina breezed into the lounge that mere seconds had live music blaring from the door when it opened. Seeing the unattended instruments on the stage, she made her way through the packed lounge and jumped up on the stage. Not caring one bit that she may be thrown out on her tush.

Grabbing the nearest electric guitar, turning it on with a flick as she threw the strap over her head and stuck her arm threw it. Seeing the Bouncers making their way towards her, she played some mean rifts that made the Bouncers pause.

She made the electric guitar scream her frustration out as she played with abandon till either she got thrown out or the owner of the guitar came back to claim it.

"I am not a Soldier to be thrown to the stars homeless!" She screamed out, ignoring the microphones nearby as she played, fingers sliding over the vibrating steel strings, making the electric guitar wail and scream.

"Tossed to the meat grinder of mindless drones!...
"I've equal rights to live as I please!
"<Censored line> "

While giving the universal middle finger as the last set of chord faded into now awed patrons who erupted into cheers, encouraging her on as some of the other patrons began to delay the bouncers.

"Saint aint no Saints!... "

Tossing her rainbow colored hair as she gyrated her head to the beat of her music.

"We have the rights! Right to live! Right to do as we please!"

Resuming playing the guitar, making up lines as she played without rhyme or reason, unaware that the group that was suppose to be preforming, joined in ad hoc.

She raaspberried the crowd. "Pthbpthbpthbptbpthbpthbpthbpthb!"

"Not to be pushed around like mindless pawns!
"We have a life tooo.... ooooooooooo!

Yeah! She was calming down as she ate up the crowds cheering. This was more like it. Doing something she loved. Entertaining the faceless crowds to bring a bit brightness to their drone like life.

She was a bit surprised to that the band had returned to play. Joining in with her ad-hoc playing, letting her take lead.

She mouthed sorry to the closest band member, only to get a shrug and smile as they played. Oh life was good again. She kept up the wild playing letting her creativity be her guide as she played. Making the guitar scream and wail. ......

Chieko must have thought this new arrival was going to ruin her attempt at getting into trouble, as she had said something along the lines of them being busy and quickly sent Freyja back as she just became very disapointed about the whole situation, sulking her way back to the ship. Luckily this time she had taken to making a mental map of where she had gone through the station, The down side was that she now had the misfortune of having to follow her own winding path and marvel at her own ability to screw up simple directions.

A few passerbys eyed the dejected soldier as she did this, muttering to herself about how she didn't want to talk to them any way, or something close to it. Luckily, she did eventually find her way aboard the Soyokaze. She gripped the sides of her head and shook around for a moment, shaking it off. "Screw you two too..." As soon as she had said it she half regretted it right away, they were probably on a date or something and wanted some privacy... But that didn't stop the feeling of kind of being left out any ways.

Soyokaze corridors

Once Frejya had arrived on the ship of many winding corridors, she decided that she couldn't stand getting lost right now, so after a minute of thought on the subject, she had the idea to download a full schematic of the ship. This may have been an over reaction on her part, but she had found previously that building 3-D mental maps helped with her navigation quite a bit more than trying to follow somone's directions, she could keep track of herself and use the mental map to decide where other people were if she could hear them... Very useful on a stealth mission.

Once the schematics were downloaded she had a fairly strong concept of exactly where she was aboard this ship. Yep, she shouldn't get lost aboard the Soyokaze any more. Of course after that, she thought for a moment about what to do now.


After Freyja's stomach started yelling at her and trying to cannibalize its own body, she decided it would be prudent to go grab a bit to eat in the mess hall. Even if these were the worst cooks in the universe, that wasn't going to stop her from finding something to eat. Baring meeting a superior officer, especially one that needs something done, not much would get in her way from finally getting something to eat. "HUUNnnnggg I'm starving..." she pathetically mumbled as she made her way there.

Jei finished his way through the line with a cup of coffee and a tart. After he had received his order, he proceeded to sit at a table near a small group, but far enough where someone would have to come to him to talk with him. He sat his coffee down first then placed his warm tart plate down in front of him. He sighed slightly and took a small bite of the now cooling tart. It was a berry tart that came from the system he had trained in, which brought back his fond memories of training, along with a few bad ones. He dismissed the bad ones and sipped at his coffee while looking around at the different groups of people bustling and talking in between their work shifts and their off times. He smiled as he felt that he would enjoy being on this ship.
Mess Hall

The twins made their way to the Mess Hall with very little trouble. They had to ask the MEGAMI once which way to go, for though they had memorized the ship's layout, it's different when you are actually walking the halls. As they made it to the Mess, they noticed another that had made it there just before them. Following her, they got into line, but since there seemed to be a vying for seats, Herdis whispered in Aldis' ear, "I'll find us a place to sit."

Aldis nodded and smiled as the mini-Neko floated her way around, nodding to those that recognized her insignia as a Cadet and she gave smart salutes or bows back. She finally found a table that was relatively empty, only one person sitting at it. Landing at the further edge, she cleared her throat and said hesitantly, "M-M-May w-we sit h-h-here?" Guessing he would want to know who 'we' was, she looked towards where Aldis, the larger Neko that looked just like the Mini on the table and back towards the Santo Hei that was also in Starship Operations...what she and Aldis were both there for on the Soyokaze.

Meanwhile, Aldis was behind the Santo Hei that was clearly one of the soldiers, a small smile on her face as she waited in line to place the orders for herself and her sister. She was a lot more willing to speak up to the other and said softly, "Hello, there. Is this your first assignment as well?"
Mess Hall

Freyja jumped a little as the officer behind her spoke, but turned around and smiled back with "Yeah, first posting for me too." People have been sneaking up on her way too easy lately. She noticed the gold stripes and quickly saluted the higher ranking individual, as she simultaneously consulted the ship roster to match a name for the face. "Ma'am." She had already made the mistake of failing to, at the very least, salute. She didn't want to make that mistake twice.

After that formality was somewhat out of the way, she started with "So, how do you like the ship so far? Personally I think its just slightly too easy to get lost in, but maybe that's just me." Not that that was going to happen any more... hopefully... She thought to herself as she stared at the notably small amount of people that dared to eat here. Of course most of them were probably off ship at the time, but still.
Mess Hall

Aldis chuckled as she gave a salute back to the other and said softly, "It's quite alright. I am liking it well enough, though for my twin and I, we are still learning the ropes to becoming officers. This is our final step." Looking around, the Cadet checked those already there and saw her twin going towards one of the others sitting alone as well. She smiled a little and knew Herdis would be alright, then turned back to Freyja. "And yes, it is rather confusing. I am Shoi Kohosei Eyverska Aldis."

Aldis smiled, though her nose wrinkled a little as she added, "I know that when on duty, we should be more formal...but I hope that when off duty, you will feel free to call me Aldis."
She traced Aldis's gaze for a moment and noted the table, and the mini neko taking off to the table before saying "I'm Santô Hei Freyja Horikoshi, I's nice to meet a friendly face here so quick." She took a breath to calm down a bit after her initial jump, plus the 'social activities' afterwards. It still makes her nervous meeting a new person, socialization training didn't fix that little bug in the system very much at all, this wasn't nearly as bad as her meeting with the black eyed Kuroiairisu.

She cleared her throat as she grabbed a tray and waited for Aldis to grab hers for a moment as she ask "So uh... what is that final step exactly?" She grimaced at her lame attempt at conversation. Being friends with an officer, even one as apparently nice as Aldis was, was going to be somewhat of a challenge for her. Of course, talking comfortably to people in general that she didn't know was probably going to be an issue too.
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Aldis got a tray for herself and Herdis, making sure that she got the miniature utensils for her sister. She was rather glad that this ship was accommodating to the Mini-Nekos. She had heard that more and more ships were opening up again to the smaller forms and she couldn't wait to see how her sister would utilize the room she is in. It'd be a challenge, she knew, but Aldis would help her as best she could.

Focusing on where she was, though, Aldis shrugged a little in answer to the question. "Oh, Herdis and I have just finished our schooling as Cadets, so now we get to actually be on a ship and do our best to become leaders." Aldis smiled brightly, twitching her ears in excitement, "I can't wait. I hope one day to be in charge of my own ship!" She got some fruit and a sandwich, and even some tea for them to drink. She could tell that Freyja was kind of like Herdis, so didn't draw attention to the other one's nervousness. She would just be patient whenever she spoke to the Santo Hei.
Freyja loaded up on pretty much everything she could get before a glare from 'one of the worst cooks in the entire galaxy' sent her running to the table. Upon hearing Aldis's ambitions, Freyja smiled with a nod and said "Yeah I could see why, space is a pretty amazing place, so many stars and such an endless explanse to explore..."

She turned to Aldis as she sat down with her at the table and Said "Well, I'm in the infantry, And I don't really know what I want to do with myself actually, so I guess it all depends on how it goes here... I'm thinking maybe I'll lead a team of commandos some day, or maybe join up with a group of explorers...well, if the Mishhu weren't such a threat I would." She quickly started clearing her tray of food that should have been in her stomach some time ago, but tying to keep the pace of said eating slow. She hadn't eaten anything all day yet and didn't really want to explode just now. As she did, she carefully memorized the three's names and faces, in a way that was 'more' than just having the roster there for reference. Odds were that they were going to be friends, and at the least acquaintances, It wouldn't do to have to look them up in a roster every time she came across them.

She swallowed her most recent bite and asked everyone else at the table "Soooo... do any of you have some interesting hobbies or anything?" Man, she was on fire. Two awkward conversation starter attempts back to back. If she kept it up at this pace, she could get to maybe fourty by the time everyone was done eating.
Jei looked up after a moment, almost like something clicked in his mind. He looked around on the newcomers and recognized the uniform colors. He spoke up after taking a sip of his coffee. "Starship operations?" It was literally all he said. The Santo Hei's face was smiling as he looked at the two Nekos. He sipped his coffee silently in between the responses.
Herdis looked up at the large Santo Hei and nodded, looking a bit nervous. She could only squeak out, "Y-Yes." She stood on the table, looking towards where her twin was getting the food and hoped she'd hurry it up. Within moments, Aldis was walking with Freyja to the table and sat down, carefully placing the tray near Herdis. She looked at Jei and nodded in greeting. "Herdis and I are Starship Operations."

Herdis, now more comfortable with her sister there, added. "I am Shoi Kohosei Eyverska Herdis."

"And I am Shoi Kohosei Eyverska Aldis."

"But you don't have to be formal."

"At least not right now."

"Just call me Herdis."

"And me Aldis."

"Except when we are on duty officially."

As the twins were going back and forth with their little speech, Aldis had cut up some of the fruit and sandwich for her sister to eat and placed it on a smaller plate. She had also gotten some of the tea in a smaller cup. The whole time, they looked as if it was natural for them to speak one sentence at a time, even though Aldis had spoken more than that with Freyja when they were conversing alone.

Aldis looked over at Freyja and frowned a little. She really didn't have anything interesting as a hobby yet, but Herdis did. The mini-Neko said shyly, "I like to paint."
Freyja stared back and forth between the pair with the odd way of talking, but didn't comment on it.

"Painting huh?" Freyja asked as she poked at her food. "That's nice you found something to do already, closest things I have to hobbies are sparing, and singing, and I can't actually do the second one yet very well at all." She kind of just pushed her food around for a bit before saying "So uh, you any good at painting? And what about you... new guy?" She then proceded to stuff her face with more various food items.
Aldis and Herdis ate the same things at the same time and the same way, though closer to mirror images of each other. Aldis was using her right hand while Herdis was using left hand. Neither of them really seemed to notice, for that was how they always were, mirror opposites of each other. When Freyja asked her question, Herdis shrugged and said shyly, "Aldis says I am."

Aldis smiled and nodded, "Others have too."
Mess Hall

Freyja tilted her head as she finished her food, before saying to the pair "Well, whether you are good at it or not, if you like it, you should probably do it." She picked up her tray and waved bye to the three, saying "I'm really sorry, I still have to report in for duty. I still haven't technically done that yet..." As she took off she waved back and said "It was nice to meet you!" She felt bad leaving so soon, but reporting in is a pretty important thing for a soldier to do.

Soyokaze Corridors

After disposing of the tray in its proper location, She leaned against a wall before saying "Jayne, is..." she scrunched up her face as she did a combination of remembering what the captain said and looking up the roster for the ship again before continuing with, "...Nitô Heisho Misato Suzume aboard the ship any where?" It felt strange and unnatural to her to say entire ranks and names for some reason, a bit too wordy for her tastes. Luckily she had felt a little better after finally eating something and meeting a few people aboard the ship, but unfortunately, the last initial meeting with the captain hadn't left her with a feeling of eager anticipation when it came to meeting her superiors, but something more akin to a mixture of awe and terror.
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After her blow out at the Due or Die, she went shopping with her small cut from the band for her impromptu performance with them and daring to brave the bouncers and the wrath of using one of the Band members guitar. Showing that she had skill to make a guitar sing, wail and scream with her fingers, He grudging gave his approval and permission a bit after the fact. She would've landed a contract with them, but SAINT had other plans for her. They hated Rogues Nekos that came from a Medical Project out on the rim of the empire. So they flobbed her off onto the Soyokaze.

When she got back to her rom she was leasing there was a message for her to go meet up with the new Chuso of the Soyokaze. Of all places aboard the ship. So she freshened up and put on the new outfit. It was daring and screamed 'Rebel'. Begging to be kicked off the ship so she could pursue a her career as part of a band.


Elina made her way to the ship and bold as you please, strode past the Security Checkpoint. She was a bit surprised that they didn't stop her. Just looked her over and compared her looks t a master copy aboard the ship.

*See Interview of Joitto, Elina*

Elina moved back through the ship. Seeing Freyja leaning against the wall up ahead, she smiled at her. "It can't be that bad now? You look like you lost your favorite pet, miss." She stood out in her bright neon yellow blouse with a low cut neckline that showed plenty of cleavage, yet still decent, tucked into a light adsorbing black skirt that flowed down to her ankles. Which of course her feet were bare and tucked into sandals. Only one not wearing an uniform of some type.
Soyokaze Corridors

Jayne quickly awnsered with a cheery "Nito Heisho Misato is currently recovering in the medical bay, She will be awake soon."

Freyja sighed and slumped against the wall even more and hung her head, hair getting in her eyes, and generally not really sure what to do with herself when the rainbow haired scantily clad Elina arrived and spoke to her. Freyja, eyes still closed gave a halfassed grin and said "Oh its not really anything that..." and with that she had blown said hair out of her eyes and looked over at the voice.

After a few quiet moments she looked past the civillian to see if any one was escorting her aboard it for some prupose or another. Nope. The corridor was as empty as it could be with the two nekos standing around in it. She looked back and frowned suspiciously at the Neko, she'd never seen her before and didn't even consider for a moment that she could have been apart of the crew, so she failed to check the roster. She herself wasn't sure if the Soyokaze had some unique rules for civies, or what the rules regarding them were for being aboard ships at all, she kind of skimmed over that part.

She ceased her leaning upon the wall and stood ready to detain the strange individual. "Are... you supposed to be in here?" Something held her back from simply detaining her and taking off to the nearest officer to figure out what to do with her, and if she was supposed to be on the ship or not, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. But that could wait, and so could Misato, the one standing before her stuck out like a sore thumb and presumably no one had stopped her until now, but of course, she had been trained that if you act like you know what you are doing and belong there, no matter how out there you look you can get away with a lot of stuff, particularly in rigid military areas. She had gotten into some trouble getting places she wasn't supposed to during her stealth training, followed by hearty congratulations from instructors who had ordered the cadets to get as far in as they could. It was possible whoever this was was trained the same way and trying to infiltrate the ship, but that seemed extremely unlikely.

"I'm almost positive that you aren't supposed to be in here."
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Soyokaze Corridor

"I am where I am suppose to be." With a flaring cursty that would befit a stage performance before a large crowd, "May I have the pleasure to know whom I'm speaking to?" And as an after thought, she continued, placing her hand, fingers spread on her upper chest. "Forgive my manners. I'm Elina and heading off ship to finish out my shore leave. After being shanghaied into service instead of my usual freelance contract. Care to join me in some fun off ship?"
Mess Hall

The twins smiled and waved after Freyja as the Santo Hei left. They were content to just be together with the other one, somewhat curious as to the specific role that Jei would have in Starship Operations. Aldis, being the more forward of the two, asked the question both girls were wanting answered. "So, Santo Hei...err..." She didn't know what to call him, for she couldn't easily see his name tape. But she did a quick scan of the roster from the MEGAMI and nodded slightly. "Santo Hei Hakuna Jei. What specifically are you trained for in Starship Operations?"
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