Soyakaze corridors
After many minutes of wandering about, Freyja had made a decision. "Jayne, where are some of the other crew members at? I think I would like to meet some of them since Misato seems to be a bit... incapacitated for the moment."
After a moment, the familiar disembodied voice made an appearence with the words "Well, there are a pair off ship in the station, if you would like to join them, it'd be good for you to meet the other crew members in person."
After a quick consideration, she shrugged and took off, following Jayne's brief instructions on how to find them. Of course she failed to follow them properly and got somewhat lost, but her wandering did lead her to the pair, who she recognized only from her download of the crew's roster. One of them being Koizumi Chieko.
She steeled herself and walked up to the pair. First impressions were an important thing. "Hi," She did a quick bow and continued with "I'm new aboard the soyakaze, unless the roster is wrong you two are crew members too right?" She certaintly had an air of 'complete greeny' about her, and seemed a bit nervous to boot, wringing her hands a bit as she talked. "What are you two up to any ways? Personally, I'm starving, I haven't had a bite to eat since I got here."