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RP: Bahram Wing [BW Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

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Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

There were people with actual knockoff VANDR units? Zus thought, a bit surprised at this revelation. She leaned forward, trying to listen in on the conversation, seeing as she really had nothing to add to it.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

"Well, Astral Vanguard forces have been encountering incomplete imitations since the Second Outer System conflict, myself included. This unit is notable for being virtually identical, save for the genetic markers that would allow it perfect infiltration capabilities." Serhan explained calmly, making a small shrug. He was greatly disturbed by the fact that such a unit could exist, but his rationalizations led him to accept that fact as is, considering that the Erla VANDR was a machine nearly two centuries old now. "All that remains now, is to distribute commendations for you."

"Each of you will receive an operation bonus of 1800 KD in addition to your weekly salaries because the Vanguard determined our sortie to be of strategic importance." He continued, as the screen blanked for a moment, moving to a prompt with the identification card images of the wing's eight members (excluding their commanding officer).

"Commendations will go to Mehta and Miyorh, who acted on our primary objectives as well as Farouk, who obtained valuable combat data and defeated an important enemy.

Sitari and Ka'salm also performed favorably by defeating the prototype and preventing the escape of the enemy, but the damages to your units and general performance prevent me from offering any kind of awards save for those associated with downing an enemy." He paused for a moment, catching his breath and adjusting his glasses to hide the green line of his cornea, exposed when his glasses where slightly too low.

"Vayshirin Storhan. You did well to immediately support Rashidan in spite and because of his breaking formation and endangering himself, and I would ordinarily praise such actions. However, you pushed your unit to the limit and fell into the trap of the unfortunate tactics of the enemy 'Soono' runner, almost injuring your squadmate. Because the blame does not solely rest on your shoulders, however, I will be lenient.

Rashidan. You were careless, broke formation and failed to support your wingmates adequately, while breaking the Wing's combat formation and any chances of resolving the situation through diplomacy or a decisive first strike. Ananta did not fare any better, standing behind and succeeding to not only be ambushed by an enemy he assumed to have been downed, but also nearly being killed by a point blank beam attack."

"I find interesting parallels between you two, as despite have such radically different tactics, your tactical value was the same during that mission. Rashidan, such tactics would have gotten you killed if the enemy had not consisted primarily of rabble." Serhan said icily, placing his palms on the front edge of the podium and leaning forwards to stare at the young runner for a few seconds. He immediately turned to Savitar, his bespectacled stare and dour expression not wavering for a second. "If you were equipped and qualified to be a sniper, Ananta, I would have ordered you to do so."

"As such, the base commander and I have decided on your punishment.

Vayshirin Zus Storhan, you are assigned cleaning duty in the armory for four hours, and a two-hour atmospheric trial simulation. Vayshirin Rashidan and Ananta will each receive eighteen hours of cleanup duty in the living quarters for the Wings Bahram, Ea and Nergal, and thirty hours of simulations to be spread out over the next three Commonwealth cycles.

By the authority of Vaygraiv Sankhur Frazig, it is so."
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Zus allowed herself a tiny smirk when she was commended, but it was almost immediately wiped away by Serhan's next words. She continued to listen in silence, and showed no emotion at the punishment, though inwardly she was glad it wasn't as severe as Savitar and Malik's. She did however, hope that that bastard Sankhur wouldn't be anywhere nearby during her work in the armory or her simulation time.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Mal inwardly grinned, a subtle smile appearing on his face. Thirty hours of simulation training? That was perfect, essentially a dream. Sure, he might overexhuast himself. But that was a risk he had to take. The runner's smile grew wider, looking at his commander. "Understood, Marranr."
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Savitar looked less than amused by what Serhan had said and was about to completely blow it off and tell him to shove it. But deciding that may further cut into his chances to actually have a good time, he stiffled it...for now. "Tch. Well someone had to try and cover Rashidan's dumb ass." He quipped and shifted in his chair to clasp his hands behind his head and reclined a bit.

"And you didn't have to interfere Marranr. You were sitting on your damn hands the entire time and didn't even try to help until someone got in trouble." Savitar pointed out and shrugged, as if he were but a stone in a river, he didn't seem bothered at all by any of it. "But fine, I'm cool with that." He laughed.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Reovan beamed with pride as she heard the Commander's praise for her and Shokhi's actions during the mission. It was all a lucky coincidence that the Sund Wakir had happened to be in the right place at the right time, thank the Saints, but that's just the way things went some times. She crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat as Serhan reviewed the rest of the Wing's performance, basking in the pride of a job well done.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

"That was a mistake I made, Vayshirin Ananta, thinking that I could trust all of my wing to handle the mission well, while I made sure that we were operating within mandate. I've a very large number of forms to fill out and reports to issue, simply because I didn't wait for authorization before allowing you to act." Serhan made a somber nod, quietly placing his hands into his pockets. He had realized his error at the end of the skirmish with the bandit frames, and hearing it again from an underperforming marksman was merely annoying.

"I appreciate the attempts to refresh my memory, but that attitude provokes unfavorable reactions from other commanders."
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Savitar nodded to Serhan and sighed some, thoughts chasing themselves around in his head. It bothered him internally that they' just he'd screwed up so badly, but given the situation what could he really do? It wouldn't have done well to sit back and let Rashidan bite it in his hotheadedness would it? "to be honest, I really don't give a damn what you nor what other officers think about me. You can hate me if you want, no sweat off my back. I'll just have to improve with those training sessions.'
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

'Ismat sighed inwardly. She disliked having to hold back on her fighting skills, but she had to. It felt as if she was wasting the experience she had picked up as a VIA by not even being able to use it while actively on a VIA assignment.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

Zalus smirked as the commander congratulated him and 'Ismat for their good job but was annoyed by not getting any awards because Nara got damaged. He returned to the base under his own power this time around. Nara was fine now. His annoyance quickly stopped when he heard the commander handing out the punishments to the other wing mates that didn't do too well in the mission.
Re: [Phase Out: Mission 1] Debriefing, Demotion, Deculture

"This concludes your debriefing, Bahram Wing. You are now officially off-duty until two days from now, for our next patrol." Serhan said, feeling rather relieved that the unpleasantness of post mission dealings had been resolved, and he would be able to relax in private for some time before returning to his daughter.

"You are dismissed."
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