Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Interest Check Catgirls And Spaceships: This Podcast Is Absolutely Canon

I'm definitely thinking something fairly rules-light. FATE or some PBtA variant were what I thought of first.

If someone has an idea of a system to point me towards, shout it out here.
1000% down, depending on timeframe, though I don't have exactly studio quality mics available, I have gaming headsets. I could buy a recording mic though.
I use a PS4 headset myself, and it's worked fine for my weekly game, as well as the one podcast episode I got to record. We'll probably need to do a brainstorming session to test mics and walk through how to record, see what our quality is like, all that.

I have a vague idea how to sync multiple recordings up and compile them, but if anyone else has more experience, let me know.
Do you see any technical problem with this being actually counted as canon and being put on the wiki and everything? Would I need to put the plot/characters into the NTSE?

Is there a way to get the files hosted on the wiki or SA somewhere/somehow?

I think we have enough general interest, but I'll definitely wait another day or two to see who might want to play along, before we start thinking about days and times. Early evening to roughly midnight Central is what I'm generally going to suggest, though.

Oh, and as far as plot goes, I assume we'll just do the most basic sort of Yamatai, Star Army, Neko, etc. story as a proof of concept. Maybe start us out on a space station? Or if someone has a suggestion, post it here.
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I think it would be easiest to make it canon if there were transcripts. Not everybody will listen to this as easily as they would read a wiki page. I just checked the wiki page on canon and the first sentence my eyes fell on was this:
"The reason canon exists is so that the Star Army universe can stay internally consistent so that our roleplayers can be have a shared, mutual understanding of what the Star Army universe is like."

I do think people would want to use their established characters to make it feel easier? I was expecting to use an old one so that I felt more comfortable speaking with them, if need be. Besides that advice, if you want new characters, too, then those would have to go through character applications. The plot would need a page but does not need to go through NTSE.

I have uploaded one of my podcasts to SARP wiki, though I think there was a certain kind of file limit and the two hour podcast I had uploaded stopped around a thirty minute mark when I listened through the wiki.
I don't see any problems as long as we put stuff on the wiki like our characters and what not. An example of what the character sheet might look like is on Sacre's page.

Plot would need to go into the GM's plot area on the forum. Characters would go through the normal Characters forum.

Regarding hosting the files, we can upload them to the Wiki.

With regards to the time I'm in EST, I would prefer Friday evening or anytime Saturday. I'm about to start a new work schedule which is going to be probably a 9-5 type job.

I think transcripts would be almost impossible. Unless someone listening to them wanted to transcribe. That would be a lot to ask, though, really. I think as long as the plot page has a good summary (and people link to it/include it on their character page) it should be okay. If the file/upload is on the wiki or SA somewhere.

Using established, approved characters is a good idea. Especially for the proof of concept episode. Perhaps there's some sort of convention or meeting, where characters are pulled away from their ships/plots for a weekend or so, and interact for this adventure? Then if it works and is something we can continue, and we've gotten the system nailed down, we could start a full fledged plot and get characters approved and everything.

Is there a specific file size limit on the wiki? I saw a few pages where you could play music. Having the player built in to the page would be a nice option. Although I'd like to put it up somewhere that's easier to listen to on your phone/tablet, on the go and everything. We could potentially chop the episodes up into part 1/2/3/etc. to fit the file size, too.

If even that isn't possible, and I have to host it somewhere else, maybe @Wes could at least be directly given the file to back up himself.
Even if transcripts aren't possible, summaries might be nice. We could always post the podcast to youtube/soundcloud and link on the forums. There are a lot of rps that never make it to the wiki in detail.
Well, how would you three feel about meeting up around 7 PM Central time this Friday or Saturday? We can test our voice chat, go over recording methods, discuss the system I think we can use and figure out who/what/where and all that. We should be good to use the SA Discord voice chat area this time. But, we might want to set up a private one for this, to ensure we're not interrupted during recording. And to have a clear space to share pictures and links and such.
I can't be there this Friday, my Grandma's funeral service is that day and I'll be out of town.
Seems like I'll be out running errands today, so Saturday looks good. 7 PM Central, and I'll try not to be late myself, even though I'm horrible about that.
This sounds really rad. And i wish i had the time or even a specific free day so i could say *Count me in!* as soon as i saw you planning it...

For a system have you ever done monster of the week? its simpler than the FATE system or somthing like D&D:Modern. Yet more well known than the Delta Green core rules it was based off of.

simple rolls. simple rules. simple guidlines that could fit easily into sarp. And even a simple damage and injury system that is better for something like a SARP rpg than D&D considering its not lvl 12 endgame heroes of the universe and just established everyday (for the setting) characters...

As for where to put it. Doest SARP, (Or is it ame im thinking of?) have a YT channel? Just throw up the audio with a ghost nebula backround or something.