OK I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So where was I ???? holy cow you guys posted a lot about the subject.....
Ok so in explanation:
Yes I know that the government officials cover a lot of ground. I hadn't added the "local" government yet.
The local government is basically 'village eldars' in charge of a small area of purhaps 20 families. The Eldars are not approved by the official government or Emperor, they can be removed by another person after a test of strength. Usually this test is a ceremonial battle of who is stronger. (sort of like in nature, the stronger dog is leader of the pack). Anyway, there is no set term, just until someone else comes along.
The festival is televised and some people stay home and watch. The royals redo the show several times a day on a rasied platform. The show usually includes a "display of power" which could be anything form a generator causing a larger tidal wave when the Emperor rasies a hand, to unveiling the plans for a new ship. Then tenderness could be something as simple as declaring the engagement of one of the Princes, or presenting the Emperor's newest child to the public. So there's the answer to that question.
The government evolved over a large span of time. The Altinians were once (as in once upon a time) nomads upon their planet. As the society evolved, they found themselves in need of governing. So they asked the Gods. The Gods came in the form of an alien species that forced the Altinians to serve them or die. The altinians resisted, many perished. Eventually they were able to free themselves from the clutches of the aliens. But not before learning the alien's way of government. They saw that of all the things the outsiders did, this was the only good thing. They adopted the government system after they disposed the current outsider ruler.
I mentioned before that the mountain rises out of the water ever 5,000 years. And that during that year the children born were more powerful. Several years before the outsiders were disposed, only five children were born in the year of the mountain. The power of the mountain was only distrubuted between these five, where as it was usually shared with several thousand. These five grew immensely powerful. Strong enough to aide their people in casting out their oppressors. This happened after the Altinians were nearly wiped out. The population was brought so low, they were almost not viable to recover their numbers. That's when they started looking at genetics, and building ships for space. They had to protect themselves in case the outsiders came back.
These five were known as the Liberators. The eldest was given the title Alpha, the youngest, Omega. Ever since then, the first and last child born during the year of the mountain have been granted more power than the others born. They also receive the titles on honor of the past ones.
Getting rid of disease part. I think we had a minor miscommunication... I meant all the natural DEADLY diseases on Altini. All the non-deadly diseases are allowed to survive, providing balance of some form. They are very seceptible to off world diseases unless heavily immunized. There are also natural bacteria and viruses on the planet (or nothing would ever decay) that evolve and eventually pose threats. But the population is vaccinated once the healers find a cure.
Social classes are widely different than earth. There are those who serve in some way and are seen as higher class I suppose. Those in government are more respected. Those that teach are seen as "better" as well. Merchants and dealers of goods are "low class" I suppose. As to the royalty, the first Alpha was a male, the Omega a female. The married and ruled the people in justice. At the end of their lives, their children were elected so serve in their stead. Eventually the elections died away and the decendant took rule by birth. As for aristocracy, the Representative, Congressors, and Senators are the elite of the society, with everyone else falling somewhere below. Military personnel have higher class as well, with officers rivaling the Highest government officials in status.
And as for the single child born this time around at the temple. She was named Omega and Alpha, but the powers she received were horribly muted and lessened. Her capabilities are very disappointing compared to other children born there. (Seriously, it's almost like comparing say... Q from startrek, to.... uh.... maybe Storm from the X-Men ((not in the powers they have but the amount of power they have)) compared to Q, Storm doesn't have all that much) I'll explain how this happened later.
Ok, so that's it for now, have to go to work.
And sorry for being such a pain in the butt.