Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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sorry about before but i was tight on time...i can't wait to create my character with this race...anything else you need to know?
Well before the race is fully intergrated I think Wes will have to pass it, you might want to send him a PM. However other than that it seems to be OK. Are there any psionic abilities in the race? Any enemies still around? I'm sure someone like Jadg has lots more questions and whole to point out, but it's okay to me. I look forward to seeing your character on the biograghy forum. Also you might want to post your contact information in the other forum, it's sort of required.
There are like i said the race has been in a none stop warwith the Urthixians in english it means 'Plague Breeders'.

They feed in toxic residue of a lake that had killed many other aquatic races from when some aether which was a complex energy source they created on their planet which is similiar to plasma but more stable.

also there are very primitive reptile like creatures thay cal dragons because they can spit flamable toxins at prey and there body temperature is so high it ignites the toxin the toxin is released by the means of a small hole in the bottom of their mouths covered by a thin layer of membrain and it must continuously vent the toxin by opening gill like passage ways on the side of its head.
I'll put it into the CCG soon. I still have to make sense of a few things, though, to make it fit smoothly. It should be in the CCG within a week, I think.
Nice work Skhaal. This is the first adition to the CCG for a while I think (I don't think Rivi's race was added although I could be wrong).
Thaxarians are the most worked on i also have Dragonkin And Urthixians but i don't think urthixians would be a good playable race maybe dragonkin
So, I've been away foe a while. I don't know what else to add to the desc of the Altinians right now. Ask questions guys. Wes, you esspecially, 'cause you approve these things.

Current events on Altini:
The people realize that they can't keep "borrowing" resources from other planets. There are a lot of planets, but not an infinite amount. After much discussion and dozens of votes, the people have decided to open trade alliances with friendly races. They will exchange goods for goods, goods for services, etc. The current Ambassador is being sent on a diplomatic mission to try and open a trade route of some sort.
I've forgoton if I've brought this up already but if you have transphasic torpedoes it's likely your ships have transphasic cloacking as well (think the Pegasus afair). Also you might want to clarify what sort of FTL travel your ships use, and clarify what type of beam weapon they uses (saying disrupter and blaster doesn't help because most people won't know how these works, and the working of phasers and disrupters have always confused me).

Types of FTL are: Continuum Distortion Drive, Hyperspatial Fold Generator, Transuniversal Teleportation Device, Wormhole-tech, and several others I can't think of right now.

Types of beam weapons are: masers, xasers, phasing beams, aetheric beams and anything else you can think of and give some explanation for
I would go ahead and give statistics for an entire diplomatic corvette or something along those lines. I can help you with that if you want.
Well currently a small portion of the thaxarian race are nomads and don' have many other weapons oher tha the blades strapped to their backs but back when they had tecnology their ships were a unknown model as of now.

The weapons they had were Aetheric veams, Phasing eams and xasers probably. and types of FTL they probably had WormHole-Tech and lastly Continuum Distorton Drive to answer Zakalwe's question (remove or add whatever you want).

And as of politics they served under Monarchy under both a king and queen. There have been attmpts of wiping out the thaxarians but they all failed. there were precisly 40 attempts.

last year but this thing that the thaxarians can't do is return fire not having any energy based weapons or any battle ships since a a thousand years ago so sometimes the nomadic thaxarians try stealing ships although failed attempts.

Note: Thaxarians may not have much technology but they have many underground long range cannons that realease a burst an man Darksteel Cannonball like objects which has enough force the break through any metal even if it is inferior to the metal of the ship.
Also i would like to post the minimum and maximum hieght of a thaxarian male

Average Male Thaxarian
Minimum- 6'5"
Maximum- 7'5"

Abnormally sized thaxarian male
Minimum- 4'7" (if you see a dwarfed thaxarian do not think its any weaker than a average sized thaxarian the stoutness increases its hostility...)
Maximum- 8'6" (Ussually Guard the Thaxarian City being gigantic and powerful Warriors because they are needed to ward off urthixian hordes so therefore they are elites and bound to the thaxarian city. This size range will ne non playable of course.)
Big guts. Like your avatar by the way. I have no problems with your race, what few scruples their are can probably be developed out through RP. Some more details about the planet might be nice, try checking out the descriptions of other planets and following their lead. I'm sure one of the nice people around here will give you a relevant thread, hell I'll look around and post one if I can find once.
Before the planet i will now post the Misc Features of thaxarians

Turandium Carbite Skeletal System- Thaxarians before they became primitve realized that to seperate themselves from other races when they became primitive that thaxarians needed to have stronger bone they tried with there inferior skeletal system with high concentrations of calcium but they didn't exceed a maximum point so they altered all existing thaxarians at that time's dna.

so there bones were combined with some dense but near unbreakable metal that took the former place of the bones but it needed calcium as well that is why the weapons made of this metal melted basicly after time.

This also makes them inable to swim for if they attempt to they will sink to the bottom ussually deadly.

Lifespans- Thaxarians can live up to 15,000 years and upon reaching the 13,000 mark they ussually begin to show signs of aging but Certain Descendants of the Thaxarian Ancients who created the technology made it so there lifespan inceased years but sometimes the thaxarians who have this ability of longer age can actally shorten it to a certai extent to a minimum of 40 more years to live there are a few things that would inspire this but it is unclear why they would. and of course they can be killed. the reason they live this long is because there years ar much different than human years about 40 times longer.

A Second heart- Yet another DNA alteration that created a secondary heart so if the primary heart was injured the secondary heart would kick in and the primary would shut down in order to stop internal bleeding. the secondary has fewer valves than the primary and it is not connected but its a impulse that the brain sends to the secondary.
Continuum Distortion Drive wouldn't be available to any race not a part of the Star Army, other than that you need to check your spelling and grammar.