Hierarchy of Thaxaria
King and Queen(1 of each)- Rulers of The Kingdom of Thaxaria
Avatar of Thaxaria (1)- This is a Warrior who has shown the most Bravery, Strength, and Selflessness in Battle Gain this Honorable Rank It is like a represenetive But they can relieve themselves of the Title if they choose to become a nomad like many others have.
GUARDIAN ELITES (4)- Hulking 9 foot tall giant thaxarian, Giant Technological blade wielding guards who guard the throne room. These Guards wear other recovered technlogical anti-energy Armour which they activate upon heavy fire of energy weapons. these guards weapons can fire beams of Aetherician Energy which is a dark blue energy that fires instead of beams bolts of the energy like a Energy Shotgun if one existed.
ELITE TOWN GUARDS/TOWN GUARDS(???)- Normal sized thaxarians to 8 foot tall thaxarians guard the city with overwhelming numbers with the addition of the huge 300 mile building the thaxarians reside in made of darksteel. The building was there greatest acomplishment next to wiping out a army of slavers.
the elite guards are placed in strategic places so when the walls of the city are breached the thaxarians come from tunnels leading from a barracks right up next to the gate armed with regular blades and armor but some come with suprises such as kamikazi thaxarians loaded with explosives made with natural resources.
(and next would be the Thaxarian villager, hunter, tanner, Blacksmith , Armorer, Etc...but thaxarians to have some technology they took from the slaver ships.)