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Celestial Reorganization Project


Inactive Member
http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4770 ... educed.png

This retconned sector-based map changes a few things about the way that systems are taken and organized in the setting. Current mapped areas have been consolidated into clusters, which have their own minimaps which are now in progress, and the general size of the map has been increased by 1000%. There are now no more 'rogue systems' outside of clusters, and generally every existing system can be shoehorned into an established cluster or one of the tentative 'frontiers'.

I have some additional considerations, but these will come after the initial map reform has been completed.

Sample Sector Maps:
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/338/ ... ster02.png
Does this even count as a retcon? Everything's basically in its place, the map is just much cleaner.
It is most definitely a RETCON. Because the scales are totally different. Using an earlier prototype Ex had shown me, it would take 16.6 days for a Plumeria Gunship to get from Yamatai (Planet) to the edge of KMS using CDD vs 2 days on the current map. Even at Fold this new scale changes the dynamics current map Yamatai - KMS 120 LY = 2 hours, this new scale 16.6 hours

Not to mention the effect this would have on the current fronts in the war.

And it effectively requires a marjor rewrite of the YE 30 Armastice.
Woah. I totally support a new map.

The one presented here is so much cleaner, organized, and has eye-candy to boot!
What do you guys think of the idea of having a wiki page for each sector and assigning map update duty to the Faction Manager that dominates each sector? This would let the maps be updated much faster so that battles and such could be shown on them as they happen.

Also: Photosharing sites are blocked at work for me.
Sounds like a good idea, for some reason I can only view about 80% of the big map, all the other sector maps I can easily see. Weird.
Exhack, would you be willing to experiment using a square grid for the cluster maps instead of the present circular patterns?

I'm having some trouble being able to relate to the distances shown in your cluster maps - I'm not sure why, but I find them slightly disorienting. I really like the idea, though, so I'm hoping putting a more present grid scale in it could help.

I was thinking that you could perhaps use a 10ly spaced grid at 50% transparency. Each square 10ly could be called a sector. We'd even be able to base a coordinate system on that ( "Azalae, you are ordered to join with the assembling fleet in sector 03,21 of the Samurai Sector").
I don't have a problem with the circular grid, but whatever form the grid should be visible at all times, on some of the maps, Nepleslia and BardCluster the grid disappears.

And as for Wes's suggestion about having the FM's update it, as I said I like the idea, but a set of standards would have to be put in place for consistency.
Why not use the space map we have now as the core cluster and then add in new clusters as requested away from the core cluster on a new sector map?

That way we wouldn't loose the current map, we wouldn't have to do retcon duty, and we wouldn't be replacing a system that works fine now with a new system that has all the same attributes.
Why not?

Because I like the idea of using the Mishhu war and the highly mutable borders it brings about to make an update of an aging starmap.

Because I feel that the starmap, even as it expanded, also sort of got this cluttered up look. This is like spring-cleaning, SARPstyle!

Because I'm not conservative in the face of something that is a graphical facelift. It helps gives the site a more professional look.

Because I'm not moved by the fear of doing retcon duty on something which is essentially 8 years old. Just in looks alone, Exhack's map is already an improvement. with some rethinking of other variables, it could actually be quite superior.

Because I think Exhack star cluster idea, where you can add new stars in select clusters to 'explore them', or create new star clusters in order to open new regions for a GM to use for select purposes is a good idea.
Using the current map as the core cluster has a ton of benefits.

First off, no Retcon duty. This is good for the setting and for maintaining a coherent history.

Secondly, it would still let you add clusters as needed, and let local GMs manage those clusters.

Third, all of the information on the current map would be retained. It contains a lot of information that can be conveyed at a quick glance such as relative power of factions, the state of the SMX war, the reason for tensions between Nepleslia and Yamatai, ect.

Both starmaps are still 2D and the cluster map adds no new features when compared to the current map in terms of information provided. It is done with essentially the same graphics (hardly a facelift) and most importantly all the improvements that the new system could bring could be done without destroying the current system. You could at least leave the main map as the core system and lop off the added bits (the UOC and KMS) and essentially have the same thing.

So why not improve upon what we have now instead of tearing it down and starting over with something similar?
Because someone took the initiative and took a lot of effort to submit to us a proposition which already looks good. I will reward this kind of effort with interest and encouragements.

There's nothing being torn down. I figure that once the time is right, it'll only be replaced - if this works well enough to suit Wes' preferences.
I like the cluster idea but I am concerned about how changing the distances would affect the RP, especially doing it in mid-war.
Using a separate overall cluster map with the current map as the 'core cluster' would mean no retconing and wouldn't affect what is already established in RP.

That is something that could be done now, be done easily, and still provide an increased setting size for people to have their own star systems.
But that would defeat the concept that brought this about. Several of the other factions want to spread things out so that their factions have room to grow instead of all being lumped together.


On a side tangent, I noticed that you have allocated a region 100 LY across for the Astral which I presume is for the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth

And have a number of star systems listed, but according to the Systems page the Iroma only have 1 star system Iruotl. And it does not appear in the cluster page you made for it.
Being stuck close together is what helps create some of the tension that leads to good RP.

If factions want to be spread out they could go and get their own sector on the 'big map'

I don't see how this would defeat the concept of having different sectors.
Because when this was being discussed the people who proposed this did not like having their factions so close together and wanted their entire region relocated. So that there was space all around their faction instead of being right up against the others.
If they really throw a hissy fit about it they could move their 1-2 systems off the main map. After all they have far less history and far less to retcon with a move like that compared to Yamatai/Nepleslia/SMX.

We're going to be working on those systems listed as we get to them through our large workload. I already have several ideas in mind for the Doronue, Kemel and Naon Remida systems. Balcora and Al'Mirzam are more Exhack's babies then my own. The remaining systems will be detailed as soon as we can get to it of course.

As for the new map, I have to vouch for it as it gives us a lot more breathing room and chance to explore the wider universe. Not only has Exhack put in a lot of effort, it is a needed overhaul of the map. Since it seems we're moving in a different direction it would only make sense to do so with this as well.
I would think back when the various factions were coming about, they only had the one map to work with and so glumped them together. Realistically races wouldn't be so close together and would have control based on what they are able to patrol.

Speaking of which, the new map may able to help form a pirate RP, now that things are spread out allowing some room.
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