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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

Vathr'dal was getting a bad feeling about this derilect ship. The pilot hovered as close as he could to the wreckage, all the while keeping a close watch on his crew mates who were making there way inside. This ship was like a twisted sideshow. First the streamers, which Horizon could've sworn were guns, and then the sick dioramas. A cold feeling was finding its way down Vathr'dal's neck, and the pilot shuddered.

He kept his eyes focused on the ship. Every slight movement it made put him on edge. There was something not right here. Then the Akahar sent its message telling the away team to hurry up. A thousand thoughts raced through Horizon's mind as he maneuvered the shuttle between the floating wreckage.

" I'll be ready to go as soon as you guys are, just make sure you get this done soon. I don't have a good feeling about this." His message to the away team would hopefully get to them, but nothing was certain with this mess of a ship. Maybe whatever was shooting the confetti was not as friendly as it seemed.
As the team stepped into it the airlock quietly began to cycle. Soon the silence became a woosh of sound, as air flooded into the small room. Then the rear door slowly slid open into a darkened room, revealing several figures

The 6 figures stood around the cramped, dark, room bathed only in the light from a single flickering viewscreen. All of them faced the rescue team, perfectly still. One of the figures, near the center of the demi-circle, was a large, hulking silhouette with too many arms, and a pair of tentacle-wings sprouting from it's back. What little light struck the tentacle-wings refracts into rainbows on the back wall.

One of the silhouettes was masculine, thin, and small with an almost triangular upper body, it's left arm looking more like a cubist's fantasy than the silhouette of a real arm.

A hulking and tall woman leaned on the screen, her breasts and body both fairly oversize. The dim glow from the screen showed a feral grin on her face. her left eye was a dim red orb.

A reedy robot stood near what appeared to be a super complex server rack. it's chassis was tracked, and it's arms were one of the few things moving in the room, connecting and disconnecting wires on the sever rack.

There are also two space-suited figures. In silhouette its harder to distinguish the shorter one's sex, but the taller one belonged to a 5'10" robot. It's head was triangular, and it's eyes glew yellow.

The 5'4" tracked one turned, and whirred over to Mars, spreading all of it's 12 spindly arms. It embraced her.

"We for rescue thankful are." It said "Unless this is attack. Then you die."
Mars slowly stepped in her weapon at the ready. She never saw freespacers before and what she saw was really strange to her. She was about to turn on torch on her helmet and then she felt being hugged. Tiny robot on tracks drove to her and she could not hear him properly with her helmet. Mars was almost ready to bash him away with stock of her rifle, but it seemed to not be dangerous. It just hugged her.

She slowly let of go of her rifle with one and patted the little robot on its head. "We responded to your SOS." She said to the figures. "We are from a Lorath Self-defense ship Akahar. What happened to you? Some unknown vessel is now attacking out ship, did someone attack you too?"
"Unknown language" The robot said. "Attempting translation. Error with translation software. Abort-retry-fail. Fail. Switching to pantomime."

The robot whirred back a short way, then began using it's very complex and tool covered hands to do a sort of puppet theater. First it showed something flying away from a fleet of somethings, to go... fly into odd nooks of the room and peek behind hatches.

Then it made the universal hand gesture for an explosion. Then several more gestures. Then it made gestures of bits falling off the ship? Some of them coming back to hit it. A cascade failure perhaps.

The next set of gestures were haunting, they appear to be people fighting for their lives, trying to save as many as they can. Throwing away themselves for the good of those who remained.

Then it gestured towards the server in the corner of the room. it gestured plugging into it, and falling asleep. it gestured the arrival of something near the wreckage, waking up, seeing you coming, getting ready. Then it gestured coming away with you, from here, into your ship with the complex server rack in the corner. Then it stopped and tilted it's flat head expectantly.
Mars scratched her head as she watched a pantomime. It was not that hard to understand. Most of it at least. Something attacked, them then the ship started coming apart and they slumbered until some ship woke them up. It might have been Akahar or not. And now they wanted to take the large server with them.

"Ughh...." Mars sighed and looked at the tiny robot and tried talking in trade. "Weeell... do you at least speak in trade? We cannot take you all right now, our shuttle is small. We can take one of your with us right now, but we would have to get back for the rest later. You would need space-suits to get off the ship anyway."
C'mon Commander. Take one that suits your fancy.

You sure? Really? Why deny yourself after such sterling service to the Matriarchy?

I guess you're just a little timid after all you've gone through, but that's nothing a little wine can't FIX!

Keib blinked awake to the sounds of his ship under siege. He rolled over and deposited the layer of sweat on his body against drier folds of his blankets and arched his back, stretching and shaking as circulation begun to speed through his system again. The first thing he was able to make out was Greg at his computer. Not an uncommon sight - occasionally it'd log in to do some digital housekeeping.

Greg turned around and pointed to the screen, which was showing an image of the pirate's vessel. Keib responded by walking, still naked as he was when he was torn from the shower to a closet. First thing was first - he needed something to wear. All he had time to slip on were some tracksuit pants, some loafers, a singlet and an older shirt over it that was gathered from the floor-drobe and yet to be washed.

He then pulled out this little number from a locked drawer - a .45 from Nepleslia. He got fed up with buggering around with the pico-jelly receivers and barrels of Lorath Equipment that maddened the average soldier endlessly. They couldn't take abuse nor could they withstand stupidity - its something that the Nepleslian design ethos always accounted for. It was stashed there in a belt with some pockets containing spare magazines. There was an acoustic suppressor attached to the end of the barrel.

"Greg, hold this room, will you?" He looked behind him, and was given a thumbs up and a nod. "I'm going to show anyone who attempts to board this ship Lorath Hospitality, old style." There was some velvet in his tone as he put the belt on and buckled it tight. He then locked the door behind him and started heading towards the bridge. He needed to get some bearings on the situation.

Once he reached the bridge, a pair of questions hung in his mind: Where was Hakahn? Why wasn't he barking orders over loudspeaker as he normally did? He would've investigated, but there were more pressing matters to attend to. Most notably how apparently a stealth shuttle from the Pirate's ship had landed on his beloved Akahar.

"How many are in the boarding party?" Keib inquired.

"Six, Keib." One of the bridge crew replied. "All are essentially unarmoured except for two. Appear to be wearing retrofitted Demons." Keib clicked his tongue distastefully at the crude armour that seemed to be found wherever there was an opportunistic sort on the wrong side of the law.

"You've notified the away team, yes?" Keib inquired, and he received an A-OK sign. "Wonderful. Well, I can't get the others on the crew to chip in because they're busy tearing that ship a new-" He looked out the window and saw a bright red flash on the Pirate's ship where an antimatter warhead had collided with their hull, avoiding point-defence fire disabled by clever shooting on the ghost-crew's part. "-cloaca. Guess I'll have to hold fort until the Away team comes back."

"Good luck, Sir!" One of the Bridge Crew yelled as he left.

The first thing he did was make a beeline for the medical bay on fourth deck. He'd left something, and someone behind there.


The emptiness seemed somehow starker than just regular emptiness; there were her clothes, on the table. And certainly, there were his implements, or most of them, on the table with them. The issue came when he scanned his eyes over the bed in the dim trouble lighting of the medical bay on combat power.

Four-Six wasn't there. Keib sighed as he observed the furrow in the bed where he'd put her down. He moved over to a drawer - unlocked a thumb-print lock and withdrew a sheathed combat knife. This wasn't meant for the purposes of surgery, or for mere intimidation. This was a piece of diamondised Yamataian hardware. He fastened the sheathed blade onto the belt and turned around.

In retrospect, he probably should have drawn it. The surgical knife was not diamond, or zesusium, or anything-ium, but it was certainly pointy and the white ghost of a helashio had pressed it against him in a very sensitive place.

At only a glance, Keib could tell that the Four standing in front of him bore little resemblance to the timid, jumpy helashio he had freed from bondage. If helashio were animals, they could be dangerous too; the wild glint in her eyes seemed too certain. Her tail moved lazily, quietly, placidly along in swinging, slow, curling arcs, drawing the eye in an uncomfortable way.

"Mister Keib."

In retrospect, that knife wouldn't have done him any good if it were in his hands. "Four Six." He said, voice still in higher spirits than hours before, but still faced with a pressing matter. "You shouldn't be up, but I don't think I can stop you now, can I?"

Keib couldn't catch her eyes. They roamed, undisturbed, around the room. "I remembered something, Mister Keib." He blinked and nodded for her to continue talking.

"I have killed a lot of people, Mister Keib."

Keib remained still for the moment. Was he blind sided by paperwork? People don't just appear with a number and little else to know. Of all the things Keib considered, killer might've been something in a past life of Four Six's, and he had a hand in redeveloping her skills. The brain was a resilient thing after all. He never thought there'd be an objective. "You make it sound so casual - but you can get to killing me later if you feel like helping me out now. You are in my debt after all."

The sound of the scalpel tinkling onto the smooth tile caused an involuntary twitch in Keib's bladder. Then the white eyes softened, small black points of darkness expanding just a little bit as Keib began to notice the tears instead of the intensity, and the way her wet nose wrinkled.

"I'm not going to do it, Mister Keib. I don't have to do it any more. I'm sorry, Mister Keib. Thank you, Mister Keib."

Keib mouthed a quiet obscenity to himself as he tried to piece together what would lead to this turn of events. Then his eyes caught on the scars on the girl's neck, noticed she'd finally taken off the collar. Keib had disconnected it, out of kindness. He couldn't help but smile at this development, and bent down to give the poor thing a hug. It was one more favour for the poor thing. "Not a... not a problem." He sniffed. He felt as though a weight had been taken off of his shoulders, now.

Quietly though, he did put his shoe down on top of the scalpel as he knelt down.
The little thing appeared to freeze, processing. Then it pointed rather insistently at the complex server again. The others slowly lumber over to it and begin to lift it from the wall. Those who are not in space suits put on old, worn emergency suits. Some of these suits have holes taped shut with silver-backed tape. They all lift the server. The little thing points to the server, then points to Mars.

Apparently they feel that saving the server is more important than saving themselves.
Mars rubbed her helmet again, thinking of how to tell them they cannot all of them. She proceeded to gesture back. She pointed at herself and then moved her hand as if it was flying, trying to show she meant her shuttle. Then put thumb and index finger to show that the shuttle was small. Her hand then waved at the group of them and then she showed two fingers to them. Her index finger then aimed at the server and then waved in negative matter. The server won't fit.

"Ughh bridge? How is your situation?" Mars asked via comms. "I have trouble, if Aria had some spare proccessing power could she connect with our little problems here? Most of them are robots of some sorts so maybe she could communicate with them in some robotic mumbo jumbo."
"Aw, goddamnit. I hate charades."

Merril nearly shot the robot that approached them, but threw her gun onto her shoulder when it seemed they weren't hostile. She let Mars deal with the little dance of the machine, letting the Fyuunen do all the mental heavy lifting. But then something occurred to her, from observing all those strange machines and their somewhat harmonious movements.

"Waitaminute. . . Bastion, if these are 'Spacer bots, then wouldn't that server be the part controlling all those bodies?" She asked, but then decided to ask herself. She waved to the machine that the little sign language game had been conducted, then pointed to the server. Then, she did a sort of umbrella-like gesture with both of her hands, fingers pointing downwards. Then, she gestured to some of the robots. With any luck, the bodies were just disposable parts and they only needed the server in the first place.
Mars was waiting for response from the bridge, but looked at Merril. "Well even if it would, it still won't fit on Wayfarer." She said with a sigh. She did not like this situation, at least these freespacers looked harmless, except maybe for the tall woman and that big robot. THe big one appeared to be as tall as Mars herself.
Shrie'keng was silent during the space walk. He was busy watching the surroundings and also simply enjoying being out of the confines the ship itself. As far as the corpses went the Lmanel could honestly care less. He didn't know them and couldn't do anything for them. The time he had spent living with nature had made him callous like that.

As for making it to the room that the the signal had originated from he was surprised to actually find anyone inside. He had expected the distress calls to just be automated. And as it turned out he may have been half right. Between the charades and the condition of the ship the robot's message was roughly intelligible. Though he certainly would prefer that it get a working language module instead.

The Akahar's message brought Mist back to the reality that they were actually on the job. "So. Do we even have a way to get people onto the shuttle at all? We had to space walk over here and all. I've got nothing against space walking all the way back to the Akahar to save space." Shrie'keng looked to Bastion to either figure out a solution or to handle the talking with the robots. They seemed to like her and he didn't feel like pantomiming.
There was only room for Pratima's server and one of its bodies inside the little Wayfarer, or for six of them without the server and leaving one of them behind. If you were being generous, it would've been possible to have two and the server - albeit in high discomfort, or at the cost of leaving one of the away behind to be picked up on the second run.

If it was one thing the Wayfarers weren't, they weren't topologically viable in an emergency. Despite all their good qualities, they were crowded things, even if you weren't trying.

"Trooper Bastion - a pirate ship was drawn here thanks to our deep scanning signals and this SOS." The bridge team replied as they watched their XO slink through the corridors. "Keib is awake, so is Four Six. Greg can take over weapons and ease the load on the ARIA so she can process your requests." Some beeps could be heard in the background. "Tell them to communicate on this line in Binary and it'll play back automatically for you."

Meanwhile, Greg was now playing a game on Keib's computer. Little ships could be seen flying across the screen, and Greg had to shoot them down. It was always a fun little game to play, and Keib let Greg have time off to relax afterwards too.

Greg knew why the lights went dim whenever this game started though - and he couldn't play it whenever he wanted. Greg knew it wasn't just a game - just an entertaining wrapper for firing the ship's big guns. Needless to say, it was still fun.

Bam. BAM. BAM!!


Red hallways; Four passed wraithlike though them in a fresh uniform, her hair, skin, and eyes borrowing the troubled colour. There had been spare pants in the medical bay, but the rest of her unform was correct; she wore the fresh pair low on her hips, and Keib could watch her tail work here and there in its fluid, preoccupied way. It seemed trivial until he compared it with the freezy, twitchy Four.

Keib could practically smell something happening in the girl's head as he moved ahead, selectively unhearing the alert sirens and focussing his mind on what he could feel was on his ship. At least two minutes had passed since the announcement of people on board - from the Hangar they could've gone where they wanted by now. He focussed his mind a little more literally, looking for foreign brain waves. He only had the pleasure of seeing some recently, so he had a thumb print to work with.

There was one just around the corner. Keib paused and hugged the wall, pistol up as he mentally mapped out a strategy for dealing with this interloper without harming himself, or his ward.

He felt the tug on his belt, and looked down just in time to see the helashio weighing the diamond knife in her hand. She looked up at him with the emergency lights reflected in her eyes, like mirrors.

Dipping low - and low for Four was a little lower than most - she passed the edge of the knife around the corner and used it to peek. 'Peeking' himself, Keib could feel the pistol grip of the Paragon rifle, all by himself, and moving quietly with the barrel up, obviously looking for trouble under the dim red lights. Well, that was what you'd see if you were looking directly at him, unimpeded by things like solid objects. Keib was looking at this person as a ghostly outline stemming from the brain and down to the floor.

"Damn, this ship has nothin' to do in it. Where're the fuckin' Helashi--"

Keib saw the flash of diamond before he could possibly do anything about it - and he felt instantly cold, like someone had splashed water onto his face as his connection broke. For one impossible moment, he could feel the knife penetrating and his lungs evacuate, but then he was back, and treated to a side view of what had happened.

The Helashio had edged no more than her shoulder around the corner, and thrown the knife backhanded. The ex-Paragon mercenary was clutching the blade in his neck fruitlessly for purchase and gurgling for absolution as crumpled under his own weight.

"There they are." Keib responded after catching his breath and rubbing his head. He chuckled to himself privately, as if at some old joke.

"Where are we going, Mister Keib?"

Keib looked around the corner and saw that everything was clear, then moved out into the open. "Looking for survivors. I had no visual on Aiesu or Shimakage when I was on the Bridge."

The helashio snagged him before he could go more than a couple of feet. She peeked back around the corner at the dying man, and then tugged again on Keib's very un-uniform T-Shirt. Keib grimaced. He'd forgotten about the closer things and was focussing on the longer term goals. He walked towards the dying mercenary. That dying bastard had something he wanted.

Snikt. "Thanks." He replied to Four, and possibly the dying Mercenary as he put the knife down to relieve the dying mercenary of his rifle and slinging it around himself. He stood back up and made haste towards Aiesu's quarters, fearing the worst. Two and a half minutes was more than enough time for anything to go horribly wrong.


With trembling hands, Aiesu sat with the disassembled Lorath battle-rifle, following the guide as she tried to piece it together - almost there. Slowly, she sat up straight, glancing toward the door - the two synthetic sensors she had in place of eyes picking up on the presence on the other end of the door. She slid the cowling over the barrel, locking it down - slowly easing a magazine into the receiver and chambered a round. She could feel her teeth chattering and held them stiff against each other - the vibration working its way down her back as she leant against the alcove - hiding herself but the barrel sticking out very obviously. It trembled audibly with her.

She reached out with a foot - pulling a Zen Armaments Little Killer and a Lg-23p EMP Machine Pistol toward herself - none of which she knew how to use - but it gave her some comfort - the only thought going through her head being that Hakahn might have come back to finish what he'd started.

She heard a knock on the door - a click of the trigger sounding audibly from the other door but no associated bang. She stared at the rifle for a moment, unable to work out why before glancing back at the door now - panting. She could feel herself starting to hyperventilate and ever so slowly, forced herself to work the pulse of her body back down. She said nothing.

"Aiesu, I know you're in there. Its Keib." He spoke through the door, without opening it.

"Is that bastard with you?" she screeched, steadying her hand upon the barrel again now - trying to work out her actions ahead of time

"Haven't seen him at all." Keib responded flatly. Bastard was one of the newer epithets to give his superior. "Is your room booby trapped?"

She lowered her head now, working through possibilities - lowering her head forward as she felt some semblance of lucidity return to her. Even if she was AI, she reacted like any person would.

"D..D... Don't.. Don't open the door. Its... Yeah."

Carefully she eyed the wire bridging across the door. It wouldn't open without executive override at this point - cables spilling from the slot on the wall - one of the AA size Lazarus ECM flash grenades in proximity mode - harmless on its own - taped against an exposed pipe - re purposed against a plasma conduit. Whoever stepped through the door would be cooked unless she took it off.

"So its just you?"

"Resourceful." He commented below his breath. "With Four Six. Rounding up the injured." He replied.

"Survivors?" she felt a cool chill run down her back now. "Did that bastard CO of yours finally flip his lid?" she tried, slowly stepping down the ladder of her bunk - carrying everything she could with her - untrapping the grenade now.

"It should be fine now. Come in." He slid the door open and looked into Aiesu's room, Four trailing after him like a white shadow. He lowered his pistol since he was in safer company and had someone to watch his back. One thing that drew his attention was the half assembled rifle, and his eyebrow raised.


"Stick to jam-tin grenades." He grinned as he walked inside and over the slack tripwire. "The safety's still on, and it would've blown up in your face."

"Haa... If... We're survivors, I um... Have a few more things that might be useful... Though I have no idea what to do with any of it."

Giving Aiesu a quick glance, Four moved to the 'useful things' and started a visual inventory. The Helashio's tail moved languidly, idly, and the animal set its hands on its hips in a manner too unsettlingly clinical.

"Survivors isn't the right word - the invasion is still going." Keib replied curtly, looking behind himself.

"Seriously? Any idea who... Or what it is? " she paused, taking a breath. "The Moro'ko?"

"No, just pirates. Must've been scavenging, got attracted to the Deep Scanning that we're doing."

"Out here?" the construct clicked her tongue, annoyed. Keib grimaced and rolled his eyes in agreement. "Like I said. I don't have much but I think it should be useful" she said, glancing back at the cluttered room, loaded with unusual supplies. "Um... If there's anything that can help, you're welcome to any of it."

"Sir there's another enemy shuttle in the landing bay." A voice on his earpiece rung, causing Keib to touch his temples momentarily, not expecting the radio chatter.

"Just a second Mel'an." He replied offhandedly as he started to rummage through the constructs possessions. So many things to go through and so little time. Three and a half minutes had passed since the first shuttle touched down. Beacon, Knuckleduster, adhesive stonethread tape, flash grenade, AI Scope... He was mulling it all over as he sifted through it. The first thing he did was start affixing the scope to the rifle that was on his back - sliding into place on the top attachment rails, securing it with the tape and passing it to Aiesu.

With any luck, this old thing would be able to fire where you pointed it. "So this is what its supposed to look like - when you've set one up?" she almost laughed. "I was pretty off, wasn't I?" She soon took the table from the back of the scope, aligning it with the back of her neck - squinting as she began to see through the barrel along with her normal vision - along with whatever it was pointing at. She let the strap hang from her hip, noting the reticle in the rifles vision searching for targets to auto-lead. At this point, even an idiot could use it - and that was entirely the point.

"Eeeyup." Keib replied as he pocketed a stun grenade and a pair of beacons.

"Seven more. Two with armour. We killed the last shuttle as it left our bay to go get more." The voice in his ear updated Keib.

"Armour?" Despite the insult to injury of already being violated once this evening, she sat, drumming her fingers on the rifle, eyeing Four-Six as the animal sorted through her belongings. She still didn't like her but she knew they'd have to cooperate. "I see you've finally taken that thing off your neck?"

Four ignored her completely.

"Irregardless, I think you look better without it. Whether or not you're Helashio, you are a soldier, with a duty." Aiesu squeezed in a firm tone. It was probably the closest thing to a compliment she could muster.

"Agreed." Keib said as he turned around, having taken what he needed at last. He didn't have the time to sit down and tinker a real solution. Something a little cruder would have to do. "Next is our Foreigner, Shimakage. He's in the downstairs medbay with the other Doctor."

"If you'd given me root access," Aiesu grumbled indignantly. "I'd know everything going on in this boat." She sounded like a spoiled child at this point - or tried to - still a tremble in her hips.

Four glanced up, and then to Keib - "Can I have your knife, Mister Keib?" He looked down, unsheathed the blade in question and passed it to her. It disappeared into her unbuttoned jacket. As he was looking down and his eyes scanned the floor, he noticed something on Aiesu's boots. He looked up at Aiesu and looked back down, noting the pale consistency of the stain, and the lack wounds that'd cause such a stain anywhere near that area.

She stared back in a cocktail of disgust and indigence again - feeling bile rise in her throat, remembering Hakahn's words...

  • If Keib... Or anyone gets word of this

"Its blood, you idiot. From the surgery. You've seen it a million times."

Keib blinked. Thinking about it, was she even wearing shoes during the surgery? He noticed that she kept on wrinkling her toes, kept on feeling the metal beneath her feet, and seemed to savour it. It wasn't something he could get his head around, but it was what some people enjoyed. "Questi-..." He was cut off by his own train of thought. There were more pressing matters at hand that involved pirates attacking his ship.

Four turned around, flexing her fist to work the knuckle duster into place; aside from the knife, it was the only visible weapon on her. She looked at the boots for a long moment, the very picture of stillness; movement, leashed and contained, frozen in essence. Then her nose twitched, or maybe that was just her way of showing disdain, or some other stupid animal emotion. "Can I get the machine pistol by your foot?"

"Ah, sure, sure" she reached down, pointing it at Four. "Here."

Four snatched it out of her hand immediately, turning it with the trigger guard still caught around Aiesu's finger. Instead of twisting, though, the helashio slipped it off and slid the magazine out, counting bullets through the peepholes.

Aiesu watched rather curiously. "I didn't assemble that one. Its factory. There's a few more magazines for it in the crates, somewhere."

Ignoring her again, Four glanced to Keib. "We have been here too long, Mister Keib."

The ghost-girl punctuated the sentence by sibilantly snapping the magazine back into place.

He answered that astute observation by being the first person out of the room, pistol up and checking both corridors. Seeing that everything was clear, he made a hand signal for the girls to follow him. Pointedly, Four waited for Aiesu, the only hint that the soldier was not a statue the strange, distracting way in which her tail roamed.

The construct soon followed Kieb, stuffing an assortment of discs and some painkillers into her coat before stepping outside.

"So... Where are we going?" she whispered.

Four shut the door behind the three of them. "Be quiet."

The construct simply nodded.


Meanwhile, in Shimakage's room in the other Medbay, the door had been locked and barred, and the medic on duty had produced a sub machine gun from under one of the counters. It'd been taped there 'in case of an emergency'.

"Listen kid," He asked in semi-broken Yamatai-Go before clearing his throat and opting for Lorath. "If I pump you full of something that'll make you able to fight for the next hour, but leave you in pain for the next couple of days," His glance flickered from the bed to the door constantly. "Would you be willing to risk it? There's a spare gun here somewhere you can use."
Mars slowly looked around the room, before she found what she was looking for. A communication console, she set the proper line on it and pointed at it for the little robot. She then pointed at a little relay at her helmet showing her them mean communication.

She then looked at Mist and Merrily. "Any of you know some binary? Just enough to make them realise we want them to use binary language?" Mars asked. This was quite frustrating situation she did not have much time.

Her alrge hand pointed at the server and then pointed generally at the freespacers but showed one finger right after. Her hand then pointed at the airlock, to speed things up.
"Hey, don't look at me. Computers ain't my thing." Merril said, waving a dismissive hand. Last real computer she tried to use ended up smashed on some pavement out of frustration. It wasn't that it was too difficult for her to understand. It was simply a, "GODDAMNIT NOTHING WORKS" sort of occassion.
The little robot stares at Mars for a moment. Then it trundles back over to her, and plugs into her hardsuit, in a port intended for external hardline interfaces with the suit computer.. A few queries to the Akahar later, and it speaks in fluent trade, albeit not Lorath. "Greetings" It manages to send. The large woman stretches in the background, still watching the proceeds bemusedly.

The 12 armed robot continues "We are pratma forty eight. We request rescue. Our conciousness is located within that server rack. We are just the collective bodies of Pratma fourty-eight. That server rack was used to upload our minds, and save our lives from the disaster that took our ship. Do you have any questions?" It tilts it's head to the side. "Also, we would like to mention that you are much more physically attractive than we had expected our rescuers to be."
"Finally!" Mars said and gave Merril and Mist thumbs-up. Her helmet then looked down on a little robot and she crouched down to not tower over it so much. "Nay, no time for answers. We off the LSDF Akahar and we can surely help you. But not all at once. Our shuttle is very small so only the server and one of you will fit for first ride. Maybe two if we squeeze in. The rest will have to wait. But decide fast, because someone attacked our ship and we need to get back very fast. Oh and use that line I punched into the communication panel to talk with us." She explained.
The Six units stood watching each other for a moment. Then the biggest of them slowly unfolded. "This unit will go with server." it said after a moment. It reached one of its smaller, more delicate hands towards Mars, took it and shook it. "It is a pleasure for us to be meeting you. Do you like to play games? This consciousness likes to play games." The others seemed to be laughing to themselves quietly.

"Likelihood that a smaller unit would be appreciated." The smallest one said, an adorable little male with an artificial arm. "However this unit doesn't have a space suit that fits it. So we would like you to choose one of those two," It pointed to the two space-suited units.

"They are ideal for working outside. We will decide which consciousness controls it." It pointed to the taller of the two robots, with yellow eyes and a head shaped like a ball in a space suit with plants drawn on it. "Or that one," It pointed to the shortest of the females, a dark skinned female with flame red hair and golden-brown eyes in a spacesuit with a highly geometric pattern.
"I say we keep the big one. It'll make moving that big ol' server easier!" Merril suggested, pointing at the larger of the two suggested models. She didn't really understand how all these weird technological inter-mind mumbo jumbo worked, but if they were all the same person, it'd be better to bring the most able.
"Doesn't matter to me" Mist said crossing his arms. "If we're making trips it's just a matter of cramming as many people as possible so we can get this done fast." Mist looked at the group gathered around. Shuttle had room for what, four people and the two pilots? Seemed like two trips regardless.
Mars looked at the freespacer. "I can carry the server." She said simply, pointing out she was strong enough to carry the darn thing. Not that it mattered as most of the travel is trough Zero-G. "I do not care which one of you goes first, but it should be someone who can handle himself, herself or itself in a fight. Our ship is being attacked by a pirates now and we need to get back. When that is deal with, we will send a shuttle to pick up a the rest of you. With extra space suits and all that. But the clock is ticking so hurry the hell up or I am leaving you all here. Understood?" Nothing like a little intimidation to speed things up.