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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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What seemed like a sheet of glossy black hair was tossed by the Daur kit now with a gun pointed at her. For all intents and purposes she seemed relatively un-phased by the display as her hand went back to her hip.

"No, dear Mongrel. The correct words from a small, yet superior creature." Even though she had a sidearm at her side, and a knife sheathed behind her back Ay'indri made no move for either. Instead she continued to level that pale green stare at the Laibe.

"For I remember a very basic tenant of the predator. Fixate on the prey in your grasp and no other. A distraction could cost you your meal."

One of her ears, the one nearest to the pod flicked once a split second before the Daur dropped to a crouch ready to leap. The hand that had rested on her hip now had the plasma pistol firmly grasped and ready to fire.
Gam'trosha Corridor

Xeui'na said:
"You're nuts you know that right?" Xeui'na said in response to Keri's message. "There is a lot of weapons fire outside right now...."

"I'm trying very hard not to think about that right now, Xeui. Please don't remind me!" Keri'cruen said back over the comms a moment or two after Xeui'na's reply.

Gam'trosha Airlock

Keri opened the cabinet and withdrew one of the available repair kits, checked the labelling and briefly opened the contents in order to confirm it would suit his needs, before turning his attention towards the other contents of the storage locker. He withdrew a helmet and a pair of mag-boots, removed the outer layer of his uniform and leaving only the armored body-suit portion that he habitually wore beneath.

Once he put the helmet and boots on, the youthful silver-haired kit checked and rechecked the seals before taking a deep breath to firm up his resolve. With a slight grimace on his features, Keri stepped into the airlock and with a press of a button upon the interior control panel shut himself in. Moments later the small chamber began to suck out the air, in order to match the pressure detected outside the ship.

When the airlock had completed its task a small light on the exterior hatch flashed green. Keri gripped tightly upon a manual release control, turned it, then watched with an unsettled stomach as the hydraulics took over and slid the heavy hatch to the side and out of his path.

Gam'trosha Hull

Keri gripped the edges of the now open doorway, his mag-boots and the ships inertial dampeners the only reason he hadn't been flung out the opening during the Gam'trosha's ongoing maneuvers. He took a tentative step forward, then edged slowly over the side so that his mag-boots could get a solid grip upon the Gam'trosha's armored surface.

He felt like he was going to be sick. Which was definately not a good idea; last thing he needed right now was to blind himself throwing up all over the visor of his helmet. He caught a glimpse of one of the errant enemy skiffs darting past in the distance, forcefully swollowed the bile rising up his throat, then began to progress across the ship exterior toward the damaged section nearby where the computer core lay within the hull.

As he moved toward his goal, all too often Keri had to stop and grab hold of the odd protrusion on the ships surface as De'fleor's piloting forced the young kit to take hold less he be flung back and forth and do himself an injury. Inevitably he reached his target, and warily opened the repair kit he had been holding in one hand with a painful death-grip.

The young kit withdrew one of the implements from inside the case with his other hand, crouched down, assessing the full extent of the damage while trying to ignore the sounds of weapons fire that might at any moment vaporize him and scatter his scant ashes into the winds.

Keri'cruen began to seal the opening, his brow furrowed in concentration, sweat beading down his face. He wanted nothing more than to get back inside the ship; but he couldn't rush himself and leave the job unfinished.
Gam'trosha, Bridge

Levi would find that his new software was working, at least somewhat. External sensors showed that the battle outside was raging between the enemy force and their own ships. However, one thing that allowed appeared was a bio-logical signature that was attached and walking across the hull...

As the ships communications system began to power down, Zu'rel would note a heightened amount of external traffic being attempted against their communications array. Several large packets of information were force-feed into the system, sending it into a stale and halting the shut-down process.

However, this wasn't the only thing that happened, De'fleors console let out a series of visible alerts about the ships reactor along with the shield's having dropped to sixty percent. On her IDS; another ship of the squadron took several direct hits to the portside and began to list, slowing falling into the clouds.

Gam'trosha, external hull

Although there was damage to the ships hull, the damage that Keri could see was rather fresh. However, in the distance, the Kit may notice a small maintenance hatch that was wide open; the hatchway door was banging hard against the ships hull - despite it being well over fifty or sixty pounds, the wind made it seem like it was no heavier than a couple pounds.

Bright red flashes illuminated the area around him as laser bolts splashed against the Gam'trosha's shields.

Gam'trosha, Shuttle Bay

Plasma fire erupted from the crates as the two Laibe who had flown their skiffs into the bay opened fire. They hid up close to the crates, using them for cover as they fired upon anything that they could see that moved. One of them shouted toward the downed skiff but could only watch as it was reduced to molten metal from Tite's turret.

The Laibe let out an aggressive howl, raised its rifle, and began to rush toward Tite'yanus while firing wildly.


The enemy Laibe seemed startled by seeing two pistols drawn at him by Kits; it didn't seem to register with his mind as he just stared at the two. He knew that if he fired on one, the other would most likely take him out, so he decided that instead...

He pulled someting from his pocket, a spherical object that resembled a grenade. He hit the activation button and threw it into the pod.

Ye'gor's shoulders dropped in exasperation when he saw the ball come out; he didn't want to move any more than he had to, but life is never fair. Once the device was activated however, he scrambled up to get out with a shout, "Grenade!". The younger Laibe tried to move as fast as he could, out of the pod and into a crawl space, to at least put some ship bulkhead between him and the intruder while again cursing childishly.

"Drisa", Def'leor said was her IDT started flashing more bad news. "Ma'am, we are experiencing a serious power failure. Shields and main power just dropped by forty percent. No explanation for the loss. I suspect more sabotage.

I do not need to tell you what happens if we continue to lose power so precipitously."

She sent a message to Engineering.

Bridge to Engineering
We are showing a forty percent power loss to shields and primary power. Please investigate and effect repairs.

Def'leor then started making adjustments routing what shield power she had and concentrating it towards the enemy.
Shraw - Escape Pod

Fool boy! Ay'indri thought as she fired a trio of shots at the traitorous Laibe in quick succession while Ye'gor fled for cover. Even if the grenade had been explosive (Which she highly doubted.) the blast would've funneled right into the enemy. If it damaged the pod, or caused whatever Lunebaren power source therein to go off, they'd all be dead no matter how much bulkhead one could put between them in the usually allotted five-ten second delay before detonation.
"Get into cover and shoot those wankers!" Shar shouted and jumped behind closest crate hersleft. She peeked out only to see Tite shooting the crashed skiff into bits. That was good, but also saw the stupid Laibe charging the pre-occupied My'lekke. The enemy was in the open and thus much easier to shoot then those in cover.

Shar aimed her rifle. She set her rifle to stun and aimed it at the Laibe in the open. If they get to take at least one of them alive, they will know a lot more. All they have to do is beat the information out of them. Shar pressed the trigger, determined to keep shooting until the laibe dropped down.
Sher'Van took cover on a crate that was one crate closer to the charging Laibe. and in his adrenaline fueled rush combined with the fuzzy concussion, he forgot to set the weapon on lethal and kept it at stun. He let out a battle yell, channeling his frustration and anger of the day into it, pumping round after round in the direction of the Laibe.
Shuttle Bay

What the actual fuck?!

Rosec'a had little time to react, and less to think about how she was reacting - two and a half shuttles came crashing through the shuttle bay, with that aforementioned 'half shuttle' careening at unfortunate speed towards her position. The wounded My'leke (she still didn't have a name to go by, just a sense of obligation) was not exactly 'small', and Rosec'a was not exactly 'big', but adrenaline can do amazing things.

She half-pulled, half-carried her patient further, her progress agonizingly slow in light of the tonnes of rumbling metal death coming their way. Rosec'a and the shuttle came to a rest at about the same point, her exhausted but farther under cover than before, the shuttle apparently...

...did Zes'kas just stop it with his MIND?

Don't be ridiculous. He obviously stopped it with his secret Laibe powers. They prevent undignified deaths, you know.

She didn't spare long to think about it, having more pressing concerns. Fortunate that the foam had done its job, and the wounds were mostly sealed - but stability was a way off.

Feeling out the vital signs came first, Rosec'a did it nearly automatically. She checked each of the lacerations, quickly, for any external bleeding, then checked for signs of internal injury.

"Don't worry. You're going to walk away from this. Do you need something for the pain?"

Then, to Zes'kas, since chain-of-command was so thoroughly fucked...

"...can you see? Any other injured? We need to get them into cover for triage. Do what we can for everyone until we're clear to evac them..."
Shuttle Bay

Tite's tail wagged happily as the skiff that he had been firing at glowed from heat. Suddenly he heard a yell and saw the enemy coming at him, firing wildly. Barring his teeth, he reared back on his hind legs, his tail slipping back into the slot on his Module. With one quick pounce, he dashed towards the enemy, firing a few shots at the ground in front of him. When he was just over a tail's length away, he quickly hopped towards the right of the enemy, turning in mid-air as to land facing the enemy, and making to pounce at him from the side, the image of his teeth ripping out the Laibe's jugular sharp in his mind.
I'm... alive...? Zes'kas was surprised, in disbelief that he was still alive. He would have remained still for a while longer but Rosec'a's call for assistance pulled him away from his thoughts. He shook his violently, and calmed his ears and tail, listening to Rosec'a.

"Right, wounded." Gotta keep my head in the game, or I will be dead soon enough.

Zes'kas looked around, searching for any wounded soldier nearby, while staying in cover around the shuttle.
Shraw - Escape Pod

Ay'indri's shoots were accurate, hitting the Laibe square in the chest. The bolts of plasma burned through the lightly armored suit, causing the man to let out a howl of pain as he clutched his chest.

Moments later there was a blinding flash of light followed by loud screeching, the grenade had gone off and now everyone in the pod would either be blinded had they been looking in the direction of the grenade or at the very least temporarily deaf.

This also meant that the Laibe was also out of commission for the moment, their ears piercing with pain as they began to make their way down the hallway to put some distance between them and the pod.

The XO scowled, covering his ears. "If it's fixed," he shouted although he couldn't hear his own voice. "Launch the damned pod!"

Gam'trosha - Shuttle Bay

Between Shar's shoots and Tite's sudden charge, the Laibe found himself making one of the biggest mistakes a soldier should never do in combat. His armor registered several stun hits which caused him to stagger backwards, though he quickly regained his footing and looked up at the charging My'leke, he was going to take out a knife when another round of shoots caused him to drop said knife, which hit end first into the deck and clattered loudly across it.

The Laibe let out a scream toward Shar but had no time to really do much before several of Sher'Van's shoots landed in the soldiers knees - blowing one knee cap out and sending blood splattering across the deck. As the Laibe began to fall, he found himself pounced upon by an obviously angry My'leke.


"The problem is due to the main computer," Quin responded as she typed away. "Until whatever the problem is is fixed, the system is can't get the proper data on what is truly damaged or whether our shields are taking a lot of damage or very little."

She then switched frequencies. "Keri! Whatever your doing you best do it quick!" she shouted as another system warning went up.
Shraw - Escape Pod

Ye'gor's ears whined as he tried to hear something, anything. Seeing the elder taken out decently enough, though, the younger kept his gun up as he slid over to where the pipe was embedded. Once he had seen that the mechanisms were clear he made his way back to the pod entrance, giving Ay'indri a tap on the shoulder and a waving motion to follow him in.
Even with her ears ringing as they were from what she'd known was a flashbang, Ay'indri fired at the Laibe again. He'd been injured, not killed, and her pistol spat three more rounds of plasma, the dull popping whine of the gun all but masked by the temporary deafness they all suffered. Thankfully however she'd been outside of the pod and had been spared her sight.

Ye'gor's tapping went unanswered until Ay'indri's nose picked up his scent and she looked over to him, gun pressing itself under the Laibe kit's chin. It was a reflex, one that came with narrowed eyes with a hard but questioning look to them. But it seemed she got his waving motion and removed the gun albeit with only a nod either in acknowledgement or apology. It was up to him to decide.

The Daur kit however did move toward the pod, uncaring whether her other three shots had managed to kill the traitorous Laibe adult or not. If they hadn't, he could die with the ship. If they had, she'd given him a mercy and scored a blow against her enemy. All the same, Ay'indri flung herself into the pod.

Zur'el started cursing the screen. his fingers raced across his input board. he decided the best plan would be to trash the hackers computers systems.

INPUT "What is your name: ", UserName$
PRINT "Hello "; UserName$
  INPUT "How many stars do you want: ", NumStars
  Stars$ = STRING$(NumStars, "*")
  PRINT Stars$
    INPUT "Do you want more stars? ", Answer$
  LOOP UNTIL Answer$ <> ""
  Answer$ = LEFT$(Answer$, 1)
LOOP WHILE UCASE$(Answer$) = "Y"
PRINT "Goodbye "; UserName$

'Let the bastard deal with that...'

His fingers continued to click away. he was going to back track this guy and make him pay.
Shraw - Escape Pod

Ye'gor tensed, ears shotting up and back, the tip of his tail blooming into an orange fur flower, as he felt the metal press up under his chin. He hoped the Daur did not have any charges left as he noticed the twitch reaction in her eyes. The nod she gave after she took the gun away however, prompted a sigh from the young Laibe and he followed her in closing the door behind them.

Once the locks engaged, the apprentice engineer brought the escape pod's controls again, ensuring the power was back up and the door was sealing. He then started the drop sequence once everyone was buckled in, quickly getting to his seat to buckle in as well. Ye'gor soon admonished himself within for some of his own poor reactions as the mechanisms started their work.

The escape pod doors slammed shut just as a large firey explosion erupted down the hallway, shaking the pod and those inside. Loud, metallic pings could be heard as the mooring clamps were blown off the pod allowing it to be jettisoned from the strickened ship.

Multiple explosions chained up the Shraw, blowing out the portside section of the ship toward the Gam'trosha.

Gam'trosha - Bridge

Sa'kira stared at the large piece of the Shraw, it's edging burning. "Def'leor! Evade!" she shouted.

On Zur'els computer screen he'd notice that his efforts to trash the opposing side seemed to be having some kind of an effect, the amount of traffic that had been going through the communications system suddenly went down to the point where many of the ships systems started to come back over to their side. Even the communications system, which had initially rejected the shutdown command suddenly brought up the dialogue box stating whether the command was sent authentically.

This was then accompanied by a new finding, both Levi and Zur'el would notice that the initial signal from the hacker was coming from an object located somewhere on the back of the ship.

Def'leor watched in horror as the Shraw died along side her ship. She instinctively reacted to the threat even as Sa'kira called out. She sent commands to the ship to move away, but as she feared the Gam'trosha was sluggish due to the power drains. With a flick of her hand she reduced their engines holding them aloft allowing the Gam'trosha to fall away from Shraw. She only needed a few seconds of falling for the ship to move far enough sideways that the wreckage would pass without striking it.

Once the debris fell past, Def'leor readjusted flight controls to bring the Gam'trosha about. If there were any targets left on those damn pods, she would take them down even if it meant ramming them.

Why are these people doing this, this does not feel like some terrorist group. These people have top of the line military equipment. If we are fighting our own people, then this could very well be the start of a civil war. This is madness... she thought.
Escape Pod

Ye'gor had just managed to click his restraints in when the new set of shaking and jostling happened, gripping the hand holds tightly in an attempt to not get shaken too much. Then his stomach turned again as the forces changed and they started to fall. The young Laibe nearly felt sick as his stomach seemed to float up, but he gulped down worked at settling the feeling out.
Sher'Van couldn't help himself and let out a little fist pump as his shots connected and disabled the Laibe and he quickly scanned the rest of the hanger for further threats before the quick head movement made him sick. He leaned on the crate he was using for cover, trying to hide how sick he felt and how much pain he was in.

"No further visual contacts yet, ma'am." he reported while still slowly scanning the hanger for further enemies.
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