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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Gam'trosha External Hull

Keri'cruen tried to ignore the lightshow caused by the ongoing battle, all to aware that should the ships shields be breached in his viscinity he was as good as dead.

The young kit finally finished sealing off the hull breach, then using his helmets comm-link he replied to Quin.

"I've patched up the problem as best I can -- try and trigger a remote restart now. If that doesn't work, It'll have to wait till someone can get back to the computer core and do it manually there."

As he spoke, Keri'cruen plodded the short distance across the hull to where a hatch was flapping back and forth -- loose in the wind. For a few moments he considered it, timing his approach. Finally he reached out, trying to grab hold of the handle and hold the thing steady.

"Why is this open?" Keri asked himself aloud. The platinum-haired kit briefly cast a glance into the open aperture that the hatch would have otherwise have concealed when closed.
Shraw - Escape Pod

The pod ended up in a tumble as muted alarm went off within, cascading blue light - one of the colors that a Neshaten could see vividly and thus served as part of the warning mechanism onboard a ship, was going off and warning the occupants that they had no steering and no propulsion. An automated SOS went out.

Because the XO hadn't been strapped in, he was tossed around like a ragdoll in the churning pod. "Anyone know how to fix that?!" shouted one of the occupants, who was pushed down in their seat due to the G-forces.

Eeries, those inside could hear the sound of metal being ripped off of something; althoug whether it was coming from the Shraw which they were still close to or the pod... no one knew.

Gam'trosha - Shuttle Bay

The bay fell silent as the Laibe who had charged ahead was knocked out, laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, concious, but injured. With Tite's mouth gripping the Laibe's throat, it was keeping the blood from gushing out, but if the My'leke let go then the Laibe would certainly die.

It was so quiet, that those there could hear the rythmic sound of their companion ships turrets opening fire on something they couldn't see. There was the occasional clanging of metal pipes from the last intruder as he, or even she, attempted to move silently through the bay.

Beneath, this Laibe stalked cautiously through the loading area, their rifle aimed upward at the perfurated ceiling for any chance that one of the ships crew would get into their line of fire - it was now a game of hide and seek, except not the childrens type, this one was a matter of life and death.

Gam'trosha, Hull

Rain water poured into the opening caused by the flapping piece of metal, Keri would notice that the inside was quite wet. He could also, though very 'very' faintly, hear the sound of the ships data-cables transferring data across the ship. It was a dull, yet somehow soothing sound, yet worrisome given he could hear it from even outside the ship - which could only mean that this small hatchway, barely the size for a small Nesha child, must've lead straight to the ships computer core and rain water was currently getting into those circuits.

Gam'trosha Bridge

Def'leors console gave out an audible warning of an SOS coming from an escape pod that had jettison just meters ahead of the ship and above it. The IDT pegged the pod, blue circles appeared around it and gave off informational displays showing that the pods propulsion systems were damaged and that it had no means of maneuverability, although the IDS did show that pod 'was' trying to engage its engine, small gravitic flares could be seen along the sides of the pod.

All of the other pods showed to have cleared the ship, it only this one pod that was in dire need of help.
Shraw - Escape Pod

Ye'gor's tail bloomed again as his ears went up then flattened back in frustration. "Srisa!" he growled, also feeling periodically sucked into his seat, glaring at the alarm lights. The young Laibe then gritted his teeth and looked for the holo-display to check what kind of errors were coming up before trying to work out how to fix it.
Ay'indri had sat in silence while chaos seemed to reign around her with the pod screaming toward the ground. The Daur kit had held on to the straps securing her to her seat, eyes closed, ears flat lest they pop. Her tail had laid at her side fully relaxed with not even the tip twitching as if the girl were in some kind of trance.

When the alarm and vivid blue light began to pulsate, the Daur's eyes opened to slits seeing the XO being tossed around and mounting panic gripping the pod. The young Laibe from before seemingly searching for a panel to give him what he needed to try and rectify the situation.

"This is an older model pod, the only controls are used primarily to blow the hatch." Her voice a loud monotone over the alarm.
Ye'gor's ear closest to Ay'indri perked up and faced towards her when she started to speak, his face and other ear following quickly after. "Then we need to jump, be picked up, or crash in that case," came his near emotionless seeming comment. "There was a holographic error readout when the door did not close and I am trying to see if there is anything it is saying now," he continued, "If I can at least work out what is going on from the status, I can more accurately target the issue, or be more certain of our demise.

The young Laibe then grabbed the tool kit as it rumbled past him and started looking for any other handholds he could use to keep himself steady near the access panels to see if he could work from a "solid" base.

Def'leor quickly scanned the data regarding the damaged pod. She was tired of seeing her own people die at the hands of other Neshatens.

Without any sort of grapple system on her ship, there was no way to grab the falling object. Which left Def'leor only a more elementary option. She had to use the Gam'trosha to catch it. She briefly considered trying to catch it on the hull, but with the storm winds the pod would just roll of an resume its plummet. The shuttle bay was not an option since it was damaged and fighting was taking place, that left the hold.

"Affecting capture of the damaged pod." She called out, as she used the IDT to match descent and trajectory between the pod and Gam'. She then sent a call across the ship's intercom. "Attention all hands, any personnel in the cargo hold should evacuate immediately."

She counted to twenty, and then sent the override commands to the cargo doors. Meanwhile she watched as the IDT steadily counted down their altitude. When the doors were open wide enough to accept the pod, she engaged the Gam'trosha's engines slowing their descent enough to allow the pod to enter the hold at a survivable rate. Watching on the internal monitors, as soon as the pod entered. She sent the command to close the doors and increase thrust.

She watched as the escape pod crashed through a number of containers which helped to slow down its momentum. She then diverted all her attention to keeping the Gam'trosha in the air. She fought the wind, the ship's momentum and gravity applying as much power to the engines as she could muster.

"Come on Gam, don't you give up on me..." she said through clenched teeth. The stricken craft shuddered as it battled to stay aloft. Finally the IDT showed that the ship was ascending and stabilizing. She took a moment to observe just how low they had gotten. Having passed beyond the edge of the canyon, the indicator flashed 531 feet.

"I am so going to need a stiff drink after this day." she muttered.
Ye'gor had managed to get the tool kit into his lap when suddenly the pod's motion went from slow spinning free fall to minor rattling impacts, causing him to curl up into a ball around the tools. The bouncing could only mean two things to him, that they were hitting debris on the way down or that someone had managed to catch them. When the rattling chaos stopped and the escape pod finally came to rest, the young Laibe could still be seen curled up in a ball, ears up and back, tail wrapped up near him, and tip still in full bloom.

It took the kit a moment to register that the movement had stopped and began looking around to see if everyone was alright, where the XO was, and a possible indication as to the orientation of the pod within the planet's gravitational field. This day had become quite the mess for him, he thought to himself, and the good news of living could still mean more problems if the situation outside had not been resolved yet. Ye'gor looked for a way to safely put the tool kit down and possibly get himself out of his seat.
Shar did not like the situation one Laibe will be death soon, because of Tite. She did not really blame him, but it still pissed her off. The question was where was the next one. He was behind the cover where his craft crashlanded, but he was not moving or firing at them at the moment.

"Okay we got one more target around," she said over the radio. She was glad for her helmet and the fact enemy could not hear her. "If possible try to stun it, if not just kill the wanker. Spread out and look for him, be careful." With that Shar started moving forward from cover to cover.
Ye'gor'd find the Daur kit had already gotten out of her harness and was seemingly engaged with peering outside of one of the escape pod's thick armored windows. She'd all but ignored the XO, and rightly so for the moment they were safe, but still in potentially hostile hands. And someone had to make sure those hands didn't tighten around their collective necks.

The girl's sleek black tail swished slowly from side to side, an air of indifference about her. All except the golden tip of her tail followed the slow rhythm the rest of her tail beat, instead twitching up and down.

"The pod stated there's atmosphere in the bay we landed in." Her voice still a dull monotone while moving toward the pod hatch. "No IFF signal or radio contact has been established with the pod."
Gam'trosha - Cargohold

Internal alarms had gone off, above, fire-suppresant foam was coming down over the entirety of the bay. "He's dead," one of the pods survivors said when they checked on the XO, whose body was sprawled onto the 'bottom' of the pod with their back twisted completely around in a rather sickening way.

Euy'ica Sec'retna rushed into the bay, carrying a medical kit in one hand and a pistol in another. The bay looked like a mess, with crates toppled over and a few having been busted open with their contents spread out all over the floor.

She traced a few blankened skid marks to where the pod was currently resting, right on the side of one of the ships many internal storage tanks for water and right now, it had a leak that was causing water to flow over the pod.

Sec'retna rushed over to the pod, bounding over some debris and skidding under a container before coming to the pod. She walked around it first, then found the hatch and knocked her hand on it. "Anyone alive in there?" she called out.

Shuttle Bay

Beneath the loading dock, the lone intruder watched through the crates flooring as Shar moved about the bay. He was waiting, this soldier was too close to her companions and thus firing would just bring hell down onto him; she instead he cautiously walked over to one of the ladders.

He knelt down beside a crate that had been blown down into the bay, possibly from their crash landing, and placed a flash bang next to it. Why the hell does he want us to capture these pathetic things.. I'd rather gut em.. the intruder scowled and ran a thin cable past the ladder and affixed to an area just beyond it before quickly going to take cover and wait...


Sa'kira let out a sigh of relief. "Excellent flying," remarked the Shipmaster before another, low audible alarm went off. "Give me a status report," the shipmaster assumed that the alarm was just due to them being close to the ground, and had looked over at Levi'Nash. "Also, get a ship wide report as well...."

This one was alerting to a possible collission, but it wasn't due to the walls or anything, they were high enough off the ground to avoid that.. and while Sa'kira couldn't see what it was, Def'leor would.

In his displays, the ships sensors - having come on online fully now - sent out a powerful pulse ahead of the ship. This pulse returned a very large contact, its profile matching that of a Lazerus class strike carrier.

This carrier was hugging the ground, its turrets - which resembled brief flashes of blue and red through the clouds - were firing upward toward the Gam'trosha squadron.

Def'leor took a moment to confirm the identification. As she sent her command through the IDT. The confirmation was almost instantaneous. Her eyes went wide, and her tail was twitching rapidly. The ship beneath them was more than four times the size of the Gam'trosha. The system identified a significant number of weapon systems active.

"Ship Mistress, sensors have identified a Lazerus-class ship beneath us. It opening fire on our squadron.

Initiating evasive maneuvers.

Levi, do we have fire control back online or are we still unable to fire?"

She opened a channel to the Squadron. "Attention all ships. this is NSV Gam'trosha, Vail'ant-A'Fuereb acting XO. There is a Lazerus-class ship opening fire upon the squadron."
Gam'trosha - Cargohold

Ye'gor finally managed to plop himself down from his seat as Ay'indri made her way to the door. "They must be busy," he replied as he went over to check on the XO - a move he aborted when his eyes saw the tangled mess. The young Laibe's tail was in constant motion as he had thought he had made sure the officer had buckled himself in; his ears though just seemed to go flat after a sigh.

Suddenly there was a dull thumping seeming to come from the hatch and the kit's ears popped up and faced it, his tail stopped as the tip bloomed again. "Contact," he whispered after hearing the call, "Now the question is whether we trust to answer or not." The thought gave Ye'gor little comfort however, and his tail tightened to his body as his ears started started to wilt.
Shuttle Bay

Tite kept his teeth clamped on the intruder's neck, intent on keeping him alive long enough to get medical treatment and questioning. Growling loudly, he slapped his tail against the ground, trying to get somebody's attention and hoping they would figure out what he was getting at.
Sher'Van scanned the shuttle bay, paying particular attention to possible hiding spots and watching for ambush points. He rubbed his face, trying to wave off the pain and fuzzy feeling. With an annoyed tsk at himself he flipped the light-goggles down. He didn't want to be caught by the same trick again.
Ay'indri gave the motion for the rest of the pod survivors to place themselves against the walls, away from the pod's hatch. The Daur kit then motioned for Ye'gor to place himself opposite of where she now pressed herself. Right by the Escape Pod's hatch with her pistol drawn.

The rest was obvious, at least to her, and rather blunt as she called out with an authoritative tone.

"Name, Rank, Division, Affiliation, Ship!" She barked toward the hatch. It wasn't a common practice, to question one's would be rescuers. But it was common enough for her training to be suspicious of an unknown person offering assistance.
Ye'gor followed Ay'indri's directions and set himself up against the wall by the hatch. Seeing the other kit draw her pistol, he followed suit hoping this time he would be ready to deal with things properly if they went to hell. The Laibe's tail tip slowly started to bloom again when the challenge was given and he held his breath hoping things would be ok, but gearing himself for the worst.
Qu'meyne could not muster the strength to stand up. She was no longer in agonizing pain, but she was finding it difficult to move around. This did not mean she was intent on simply giving up, and could run the risk of upsetting her injuries. "Is it over?" She quipped. "because...I am sure I need to get to medical."
Cargo hold

Sec'retna shook her head in disbelief, really? they come crashing into us and they demand identification. From behind one of the cargo containers that Sec'retna had taken cover when the escape pod came crashing in, she called out.

"I am Euy'ica-X'Muyeia, Medic aboard the Shukara Navy ship Gam'trosha. Who the Lordis are you and what is your status?"
Zur'el sent a private message to the CO with the newly found information: There is a node on the hull of the ship that is bouncing the hackers signal into us... I believe the signal was sent initially from the Lazerus-class ship beneath us...

his fingers shot across the keyboard trying to fix the damage done to the systems, and to send back some viruses back to the other ship.
Ye'gor listened for the response, his ears pricking up at the word "medic". "Think we might be ok?" he asked, eyes and ears moving to point at Ay'indri. The young Laibe's tail slowly looked less fuzzy as he hoped that maybe he might be able to relax.
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