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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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The shuttle rocked as it hit turbulance, a noticable series of curses could be heard from the pilot as the sound of the crafts gravity drive hummed louder in an effort to get them to their destination quicker.

Gam'trosha, Engineering

Quin jumped, the sound of Keri's voice being so sudden and due to her being so preoccupied with keeping the ships engines in working order. When she turned and saw that it was him, she let out of a sigh of relief. "Don't do that..." she said and stared at him for a moment before her eyes fell upon the new armband he had on his arm. "Congradulations," she smiled at him.

Stahp smiled at his adopted sister again, glad to know she had a chance to talk with her family before being assigned to the Gam'trosha. He himself didn't get much chance to, as he was busy spending his time saying goodbyes to the friends and foes he made at the training facilities. It was good to know his adopted family was well and to have received their message.

"I've missed you too, sister." The Daur responded, leaning in to give the taller Laibe a comforting hug. "Really, it's good to know I'll be able to keep an e-" He was cut short as the shuttle shook fiercely causing him to to fall over on to the Laibe. For a moment he stayed there, completely dazed. Soon he sat up again and recollected his posture, hearing the pilot making several quite ill-mannered declarations.

Stahp had heard this pilot curse a few times before during their flight. While it did annoy to a certain degree him, he let the matter slide given the rough time the pilot seemed to have trying to fly in this storm. However after that series of colorful words, the Daur had had enough.

"Excuse me a moment, Pilot. Could you refrain from using such words again? It isn't suiting of a Neshaten soldier such as yourself." Stahp begun to lecture.

When the Ship-mistress dismissed them, Zu'rel left for the bridge at once. he wanted to get to his station to work on the different mysteries that where swimming with in his head. Once he arrived he strapped himself into his seat and set to work, his first plan of action was to review all the security footage, mainly the bits that showed where the cargo container came from.

Def'leor opened the communications channel as requested. She also sent a call over the ship's intercom.

"Attention, we have an inbound shuttle with two new crew members, need a Marine to report to the Hangar bay to receive them."

The pilot didn't say a word, either he hadn't heard the soldier or he was to focused on flying. Although the two passengers would hear the pilot grumble something under his breath in relation to the weather and how he had wished the storm had moved on by now.
Ari'su sighed, getting up and sitting back down. She was glad this person wouldn't attempt to get at her brother. Ari'su never knew why, but there was a definite fact that she always felt compelled to defend her sibling. He was the best friend she never had, and she would keep it that way no matter what.

"So..." she started to say, looking over at their duffel bags and belongings that were issued to them, a foot locker would contain her issued stuff. A black Duffel bag would hold her personal items. But she always had... wait... where was it?

Her expression was calm at first as she slowly looked around. But turned into slight panic when she looked around more frantically for it. She would stand up, moving her duffel bag to find it, her sketch pad. She would grab it before putting the Duffel bag in a non hazardous area. Moving back to her seat next to her Brother.

"I thought I lost this..." She sighed, a relieved look on her face now.
Shar listened to the broadcast. A Marine to pick-up someone in the hangar? Shar could probably do that. She took her communicator and used it to communicate back to bridge.

"This is Shar I got it lexicon." she said and then gave a nod to Tit. She stood up and took her little ashtray with her, pocketing it. At least in hangar she will able to have a smoke without anyone having a problem with it.

"Make ready for landing," said the pilot to his passengers, as he turned the shuttle toward the Gam'trosha shuttle-bay, which thankfully was aimed 'away' from the high-winds so the pilot would have less problems trying to land.


After waiting some time, Sa'kira decided to make her way to the bridge to get things in motion. As she arrived, she looked at those there and nodded, then took her seat in the chair. "Lexicon, whose ships are these?" she asked, looking down at the display readouts, but not actually reading them and instead checking to see if her acting Xo had actually done what she had hoped.

Who ever chose to launch a shuttle in this mess has a cruel streak. A ship the size of the Gam can hold its own but a shuttle is going to be bounced all over. Def'leor thought.

Before answering Sa'kira she took a moment to check the Gam'trosha's position and stabilize it as the shuttle was approaching. The shuttle would not have a bad landign at her fault. "Ship Mistress, the lead ship is the NSV-Shadow of Light J'Yura Vi'cena hailed us. I have acknowledged their request for communications uplink."
"May I ask what was that all about?" Stahp nearly demanded, confused by his sister's actions after watching her frantically searching around the shuttle. He was about to hold out his hand and ask to see what it was until the pilot spoke out. It seemed their personal time aboard this shuttle was coming to an end. Oh well. There will be other times, I suppose. The Daur thought, quickly reaching for his things.

"From here on out, we'll be doing our best." The Daur said, turning to face the Liebe. "It will be my pleasure to be working along side you, C'Baruce Sha'Ri Ari'Su." he spoke formally as he held out his hand, treating her not as the little sister he always knew and love, but as an equal soldier he could trust.

You've grown...haven't you, I'su...
"Shadow of light..." Sa'kira rubbed her chin curiously and hit her controls to initate the direct comm. After a moment of pause, the main screen shifted from showing stars to showing a My'leke who was sitting in a captain's chair, the My'leke looked a bit on the 'old' side, given the graying of their mane and of their fur.

"Good day Shipmaster," said Vi'cena. "How's your crew?"

"They are good," responded Sa'kira, who crossed one leg over the other and clasped her hands into her lap.

"Good, I hope they are prepared then. Since the training center has lost all power, they can't give you your trial run. However, perhaps that's for the better, as we'll be doing the trial run ourselves. To that end, we'll be doing a mock battle, your ship against mine. This trial is purely to determine whether your ships systems are operating well, but also to give your crew a bit of training in combat operations; you've got infantry.. yes?"

"I do," Sa'kira raised an eye-brow at the question.

The My'leke's tail wrapped around the front, Vi'cena rubbed her chin for a few moments, then nodded and grinned. "Good, I'll give you a few to get ready, you have two recruits joining your ship so ensure that they arrive safely first."

Sa'kira gave a nod of the head.

"Good luck, ensure your weapons are set into training mode, also; there are no rules or restrictions in this mock battle..." with that the communications went off, leaving Sa'kira to ponder a few things.

"No rules.. no restrictions.. hmmm.... A'Fuereb; once that shuttle delivers our two recruits and disembark, start to pull us away from the Light of Shadow."

"Also, just to inform you two," she turned toward the three soldiers on the bridge. "How mock battles work is that all weaponry are set to electronic firing mode only, meaning the targetting systems will register hits instead of an actual shot. Damage to our ship will be registered by the main computer, repairs to the systems will be done in engineering via a holographic display - which will be used by one of our engineers to 'repair' the damaged system, instead of them having to 'go' to the actual system itself."

"View this as a training exercise, learn from it, use whatever knowledge you gain to better the ship and your skills. However, don't slack off."

Shuttle Bay

The shuttle bay's rear doors began to open and in that moment, Shar would feel a gust of wind blow into the open space, causing several loose crates to fall off a shelf and hit the ground. A number of tarps that had been tied down began to flap about violently.

The shuttle came in smoothly, the pilot spun it onto the side to present it's side door to Shar.

Inside, the pilot let out a sigh of relief, and turned to his passengers. "We've arrived, make sure to grab your duffels."


"So...." Quin looked at Keri, noting that he was obviously hiding something behind his back. "Wha'cha hiding back there?" she smiled.
It felt like a horrible sting, the way he just casually threw family to the wind and brought out protocol. It was a hard pill to swallow as she stood there looking down at the outreached hand.

This is what happens brother? All formality now?

The shuttle would then shift abit showing signs of its docking. She would shake off her cold gaze at the hand, looking over at the pilot, "Good work pilot, you have my thanks..." The next thing that shot out of her mouth wouldn't register in her mind for a good moment, "Unlike some people, I appreciate what you do, not everything is about formalities..." The last words she would spit like a poison. Looking over at her brother with a scornful look.

She would do this all while grabbing her Duffel and quickly departing leaving her kin behind. Taking a few steps an looking around the Shuttle bay. Putting on a fake smile.

Home, Sweet home.
For a moment Stahp was utterly dumbfounded before a subtle rage marked his face. The alienated Daur stepped forward with a stern hand reaching out to the Liebe woman, but quickly stopped himself. This wasn't the time nor the place, he reminded himself, not wanting to cause a scene in the middle of the shuttle bay on their first day.

That....I'su! Stahp nearly cursed in his mind, turning back around to grab his things and muttering thanks to the pilot for seeing them safely aboard the Gam'trosha. What was wrong with formalities? He continued his thoughts, wondering why she had acted as she had. He was only treating her with respect. Did she not want to be respected? Or perhaps she would of preferred if he had just continued babying her in front of all their crew members. He swore that they would have a 'talk' about this soon enough once they were alone and out of ears reach.

I guess you haven't grown at all, little sister. The disgruntled Daur thought, no longer in a mood for any sort of excitement about being aboard a ship as he followed after Ari'su off the shuttle.
Keri smiled, pleased at Xeui'na's words of congradulation in regards to his new promotion. Then, when Xeui'na took notice of his odd stance and the fact he was obviously keeping something out of sight behind the back, the impish expression on the his face intensified slightly.

"Oh nothing much, O'Eytene." Keri said politely, placing slight emphasis on Xeui's new rank. "The shipmistress just asked me to deliver this to you." The young kit revealed the armband with the glossy-new badge of rank sewn into it. As his lightly furred hand stretched out offering the item up to his freind, Keri's smiled widened so much it practically split his face in two.

Shar stood in the hangar leant, against the wall by the doors. The shuttle's landing mane manoeuvre was quite good, he even rotated the shuttle so the doors were towards the hangar-exit. Not bad as far as Shar was concerned. Pilot had no reason to turn around inside the hangar other then being nice.

And then it opened and unleashed the new crewmember. Shar was not very happy just by looking at them. First they were both young and they both frowned as if a world was about to end. A daur and Laibe too and both were of course taller then Shar. The black furred daur sighed and moved towards the two newbs, puffing on her deathstick.

Shar made sure her new rank was easy to see as she approached. "Hokay welcome to the Gam'trosha pipsqueaks. I was told to get you and show you around and so on. I am A'fuereb Lu'Man Shar'ica. Are you guys total greenhorns or did you see some action already?"

Def'leor listened to Sa'kira's instructions about the upcoming exercise. She did her best to appear calm and confident, but she knew nothing about the crews of the other two ships.

She looked at the status of the shuttle. She opened a channel to intercom. "Attention all hands, Attention all hands, we will engaging in war games shortly. Infantry and Engineering staff should be prepared to respond to orders from the bridge. Weapons systems will be in simulation mode. We are going to General Quarters."
The black coated laibe would drop her duffel bag standing at attention before giving the Kingdom's salute. As she did this she would speak in a tone her brother behind her would never have heard her use,

"C'Baruce Ari'Su Sha'Ri reporting for duty," She stated, in a solid, serious voice.

The Laibe wouldn't pay any attention to her brother nearby due to their recent fight, doing best not to acknowledge him, not wanting to risk the fight being visible by the higher rank in front of them.

she only has one rank above me. Still, best to be careful. Perhaps with time I can resume my casual manner around my crew. Looks like Stahp is going to get to see the other me...

"I would like to as-" The announcement of the upcoming war games would interrupt her, but she knew there would be time to ask questions of non importance later.

A smile would come across her face as she asked one question, "Where do you want a Combat Engineer, and a Healer to report to?"

(sorry for the late post, my household is pretty sick and being the only person not sick I'm constantly running around right now. Oh, writer's block doesn't help either... .-.)
It bugged Stahp when this other Daur appeared acting rather crass, but she obviously ranked higher then him so he could only hold his tongue as Ari'Su was the first of the two of them to introduce herself. He had assumed that his sister would respond in a similar manner toward the A'fuereb but Ari'Su was just full of surprises today.

I see, so NOW you want to act like a proper soldier. Stahp grumbled in his thoughts wondering what was going through her head. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about her acting out in front of their superiors and getting herself severely reprimanded. Carefully suppressing his emotions, he mimic his sister's tone. "And C'Baruce Prok'Hor Stahp reporting in as well. We're fresh out of the training center and look forward to working with you, Ma'am."

The announcement that came to pass was one more surprise to the Daur. A mock battle? Already? He wouldn't have time to prepare like this. Of course, he wasn't one to complain about orders so he merely accepted it. His bigger concern was Ari'Su's smile as she asked A'fuereb Shar'ica their next orders.

Don't go overboard, I'su. It is only a training exercise.
He mentally tried to tell the Laibe, shooting a look over to her that would speak his mind.
Shar scratched her had. Combat training now? What a pain in the arse. She best they will make her run about for 'make-belief' damage control and she won't be even able to have a smoke. Well at least she won't have to babysit those two.

"Oh blimey I don't know," Shar started replying to the Laibe. "Maybe engineer could go to engineering and healer to the medbay, but that is just my bloody guess. Where else would you like to go princess?" Shar then just turned around and waved for them to follow.

"I got to get you two a room first pipsqueaks." She said and fished out her datapad. She started diffing through the data of the ship to see which cabins were still free. She needed two beds rather, but boy and girls should not share a cabin. That would not be appropriate.

"Ma'am what systems are there that keep the weapons safe during these training operations, I only ask because of the last few hours I have see two attempts to destroy this ship, lame and halfhearted, but attempts nonetheless." As Zu'rel spoke he was bring up few side screens, one was a service records of the two new crew members. The other window was active performance reports from different sections of the ship. He wanted to know what all was going on. he kept those screens off to the side so he could keep the intelligence screen up and running, trying to keep locations of the other ships, and looking up the combat records of the commanders and their crews. It was a lot to be taking in all at once, but with all of the training he had received he was able to absorb what he needed.
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