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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Quin's ears flew into an excited posture when she saw the new rank, accepting it from Keri she looked it over and held it up. "Thank you~!" she smiled excitedly and took off her old band and slid the new one on.

She then did something that she would only do because it was just the two of them, she got up and hugged Keri.


Sa'kira looked and stared at the images of the storm and of the ship they were about to go into combat with. "Asked about our infantry.. mmm..." the shipmaster rubbed her chin curiously, her tail twitched up and down, her ears in a curious posture.

Time was already growing short for their trial to begin. "One minute..." she muttered and looked off at her bridge crew. "Monitor all signals from the Shadow of Light, war-games don't always involve just 'one' ship, we may end up having to fight the whole squadron."

"Monitor the storm, keep data up-to-date. Make sure all weapons remain in sim mode, we don't want to accidently damage the ship."


Euy'ica Sec'retna came running into the infirmary, taking up her post during a combat drill and starting to work on the ships medical database, to monitor ship crews and also start an update on personnel profiles.

Shuttle bay

When the two passengers disembarked, the pilot looked to see if they were actually off, then hit the door controls to close the door and eased the shuttle out slowly and back into the storm; making his way back to the Shadow of Light.

In the storm

The storm had been rather settled, although it was still very windy with heavy rain. The Shadow of Light moved away from the Gam'trosha, taking up a position roughly one hundred meters away from the ship, it's starboard side was facing the Gam'trosha to allow for the shuttle to easily dock. The other ships the squadron also backed off, only instead of one hudred they had gone four hundred meters and 'above' the trial area where they would monitor the battle.
Crew Lounge

Tite'Yanus remained lazing about, taskless. He kept track of things at a console nearby, waiting for a moment where he could hop in on some of the action.

Sa'kira sat there, and stared at the display, it was boring waiting for things to start and she had to wonder if this was intentional on part of the squadron commander.

The boredom, however, was shattered when the Shadow of Light suddenly pivoted it's turrets and fired. The ships main computer recorded a number of simulated hits, although none had pierced the ship.

"Lexicon, inform Engineering to begin diagnostic operations on our systems. Also, take our ship to full speed and begin evasive actions while attempting to disable the Shadow of Lights engines. Science, monitor the other ships in the squadron, I wanna know the instant they begin to move on us."

She turned toward the two soldiers in question, then moved over to their resident agent. "C'Baruce Tar'vas, strap yourself in and begin monitoring communications channels for anything that can help hint us to the Shadow's next actions."

The ship rumbled slightly from another hit to the shields, around it, the squadron's sister ships moved off a bit further to give more room for the two dueling vessels.

Def'leor muttered a curse at the other ship, she spun the Gam'trosha as fast as possible and then kicked in the drives at full power, her trajectory was to take them under the Shadow of Light and fire at her engines as the accelerated past. It was risky, but she hoped to catch them off guard for a few critical seconds.

Her fingers flew across the control console, bringing the weapons online in simulation mode. They can not target what they can not see. Even if the hits are not sufficient to knock them out. It should take a moment or two for them to reset and by then we'll be past.

"Levi' target the Light's sensor array, full spread of weapons. I want to blind them for a few seconds while we pass by them at full burn. When we pass open on her drives." She called out.

She typed a quick command into her IDT and transmitted it to the engineering.

Bridge to Engineering
Battle scenario has commenced. Initiate diagnostic monitoring and repair.

After the second volley struck the shields, she rotated the Gam flying it upside down to bring fresh shields.
Keri was a little shocked and embarrassed by Quin's hug; were it not for the light covering of silver fur across his skin you would have been able to see the young kit blushing a deep scarlet.

"Ah..." Awkwardly, he patted Quin on the crown of her head until the affectionate exchange was interrupted by a message from the bridge.

Bridge to Engineering
Battle scenario has commenced. Initiate diagnostic monitoring and repair.

As the hug ended, Keri's embarrassment lessened and his face resumed its cheery smile.

"Oh well; I guess it's time to get back to work, O'Eytene." He said, in a tone of voice that was slightly teasing. He repositioned himself by the main engineering console and started to activate the diagnostic programs for the shipboard systems.
The laibe didn't like her superiors tone, but it didn't matter. After all, this was a fellow crew member with a higher rank. She probably has dealt with some idiots for some time,

"With all due respect, I didn't mean it like that. Being a Combat engineer is like being a Marine and an Engineer, I could posted in either one depending on the situation that calls for it. So, it would only be natural I asked that question not sure where I'm needed at the moment," She kept a smooth, informative tone the entire time trying not to seem like she was superior or anything, she was far from that. This person probably had a specific job and would be at a higher quality at it then just one of Ari'Su's two jobs.
Shar rubbed her forehead and looked at the laibe. "Look I bloody don't now." Was the response she gave her. "Sure you can be with marines, but this a stupid mock battle between two ships. I assume as marines will be just faffing around doing make-belive damage control or stand guard at some airlocks or some other tomfoolery, so I bloody assume you will learn more and be more useful in engineering."
Stahp had readied himself to hold back his sister the moment he heard the A'fuereb call Ari'Su a 'Princess' but it seemed that his sister was capable of controlling herself. Though that didn't seem the case just a few moments ago. He really couldn't tell if she had grown or not and thinking further on it only aggravated him more.

After making sure that Ari'Su really wasn't going to assault the other Daur, Stahp spoke out. "If I may, A'fuereb Shar'ica, are there any other medical officers assigned to the Gam'trosha?"

Quin sighed, glancing up at the ceiling. Why is it that everytime a moments of peace comes, something happens... she turned toward her station and quickly took a seat.


Sa'kira glanced at the various displays, showing the current progress of the mission, to those on the bridge the screens would appear blank - devoid of any information, but this was because only Sa'kira was authorized to view the raw data.

The lack of a targetting solution on the sensor array, however, meant that when the ship fired a good majority of it's shots ended up missing. This was evidenced by two display appearing beside Def and Levi, showcasing that only eighteen percent of the fired shots actually hit 'something' close to where the intended target was supposed to be.

However, the Light of Shadow opened up in turn, it's shots more accurate and pinpointing, targetting the Gam'troshas targetting sensors and scoring at least an eighty one percent hit on all of it's shots.

On the bridge, the targetting sensors registered multiple failures across the board, the ship was reduced to firing blind now. When this happened, two new targets appeared from 'behind' the Shadow of Light, shuttles that went into full burn and began to make their way toward the Gam'trosha.
"I'm trying but something is wrong with the targeting systems, I'm trying to compensate and localize the fault" he replied as his finger were furiously moving across his control consoles. Just then the readouts for the targeting scanners went blank, reading a total shutdown of the system. "Oh that's not good, not good at all"

"Shipmistress, Def'leor the targeting scanners are down; we are flying bling."

"Engineering we have a fault with the targeting scanners we need someone to repair them stat"

Def'leor opened a channel to Engineering. "Bridge to Engineering, Weapon controls are malfunctioning. Targeting array is now down. Effect damage control. Weapon control malfunction is not a test."

Def shoved the Gam'trosha's engine controls hard forward. "If we can not shoot them, for now we have to outrun and evade them." she called out. She started doing what she did best, she looked for any natural object that she could put between her and the 'attackers' while moving in an erratic manner to make targeting them difficult.

"In bound craft, their trying to board us. "Levi, try using manual control on the anti-fighter weapons."

Def opened a shipwide channel. "Marines, we have inbound shuttles, most likely they are hoping to board us. Prepare to repel boards."
Zur'el Sat there monitoring the comms system looking for some sort of signal, that might allow him to give the weapons officers something to shoot at. When he heard the announcement about the enemy shuttle she came upon a great idea. He set the system to start searching for the shuttles' comms and computer uplink systems. If he could get a lock on the shuttles, he might very well be able to access the shuttles computer and back track the flight histories.

After the service of promotions, and the briefing, Tal`Dar made his way down to engineering and prepared to get back to work. He had been hearing some chatter about some issues that perhaps needed looking into. He reported back to the head of engineering, "point me in the direction of the issue, ma'am," he says to Quin, not wanting to waste any time getting to work with so much on the line.
Shar looked to the side at the taller Daur. He was so tall, that was annoying her as hell. She sighed and nodded. "Yeah there is doc, I did not met her though yet." She answered as she walked to the living area. There were several free rooms so Shar just pointed at few doors. "All those cabins are empty so just pick one, or even the same if you feel like sharing a room and what not. And hurry up I don't have whole day for this."

Quin looked up at the message from the bridge, then down at her console as she swiped her hand across the display to bring up the targetting sensors. "Keri?" she turned toward her friend and companion. "Check on the targetting systems, and...." she stopped for a moment to think.

"I'm not seeing any reason why those turrets malfunctioned, so try and see if you can figure out the cause."


The two instructors, who had originally been in the cargohold, were now in the armory looking over the various infantry weapons. They examined them each before changing them over to training mode.
Shar suddenly paused. Her ears perked as she heard the bridge. Inbound Shuttle. Prepare to repel boardes. That was what she heard among everything. She turned to look at the two new guys. One was supposed to be combat engineer and one was medic. Both will be useful.

"Change of plan!" She said at them loudly. "We move for armoury and that is an order. We need to repel any sod that tries to board us. Princess I expect you know how to hold a rifle, since you are combat engineer, pipsqueak you are medic, we will need you. Just drop your things and let's mode. Double bloody time!" She said and turned to move toward the armoury at hight speed.

As Zu'rel listened in, he would get a sense that there was care being taken in ensuring that if anyone was listening they wouldn't get much out of the transmissions. However, what was heard was that the shuttles target was indeed the Gam'trosha with the target being the ships shuttle bay, Zu'rel would vaguely hear the pilots of the two shuttles talking:

Shuttle 1: Ya know, this would be much more fun if we could have the Shadow blow a hole in the side of the Gam'trosha.. ya you, to make this training more realistic and fun

Shuttle 2: I know, but since the ship is new and just got repaired, the J'Yura doesn't want to cause any damage to ship so that they can test out her systems.

Shuttle 2: Anyway, let's get ready, those doors should be opening soon provided the ship gets in.

With out tactical sensors firing the weapons was until they were restored a waste of energy. Def'leor continued to accelerate the warship. Tactical sensors might be non-operational, but she had RADAR, so she was using that to help paint her way through the weather and the canyon area. "Not going to make it easy for those shuttles, let's see how they like playing chicken." She killed forward thrust and rotated the Gam on its central axis. Then hit full acceleration aiming at the two shuttles. Shuttle vs starship was a no brainer. The shuttle would not survive, so they would have to go evasive. So engines blazing behind her she charged with no intention of flinching.
Zur'el sat there dumb founded as he heard the "enemy" shuttle pilots. he had never been witness to a more clear statement of terrorist threats. he quickly made a note to have the two pilots investigated.

As they talked he started his attempt to piggy back along the comm channel, using his knowledge that he learned in training, he tried to open a link to the shuttles' computers. He hoped that he would be able to gain access to the shuttle's sensor logs, and shut done there engines, or at least cause the Simulation systems to believe that he shut down the engines.
Shuttle 1

Amauri Rosec'a stared straight ahead, back straight, ears flared and at attention, eyes focused laser-like before her. Unfortunately, before her was another soldier, seated across from her in the shuttle, and his expression said he was perhaps slightly uncomfortable with the way she was staring. This whole thing smelled of tragic misunderstandings waiting to happen, and Rosec'a was at least eighty-two percent certain that she was the only one onboard the shuttle who wasn't in on some grand joke.

Breathe. She parlayed herself internally for calm. Training run stress. Go in, don't shoot at anyone, tend to your 'wounded'.

Well, don't shoot at anyone unless they shoot at you.

No... even if they shoot at you. You're a terrible shot.

What? That's not nice!

Reality isn't always nice.

Oh be quiet!

You'll shoot your eye out.

Rosec'a winced, which she then realized probably looked really strange, as nobody else had been privy to the conversation in her head. They had to be close, now. The CO would be giving them orders any time now. Orders. With the training, and the shooting. Why had she been so eager for this again?
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