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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Def'leor continued using the canyon to the best of her ability to shield the Gam'trosha from attack. Flying as low as they were protected them from RADAR, but the tactical systems of the others ships would be able to pick up the ship when there was no solid matter between them.

"Levi, while you try to get our targeting online, can you see if the counter measure systems are operational. If they are bring the up, I would but I can not afford to divert my attention from flying." she said without looking away from her console.
Shuttle 1

The pilot glanced off to his side when he heard something in his headset, then responded to a message he had just received. "Roger that Shipmaster."

He pulled the shuttle back a bit, the high winds buffeting and tossing it around. "Pulling back a bit, the shipmaster has a plan," he shouted to his passengers and pulled his shuttle into the dense cloudcover.

Above them, the Shadow of Light continued to shadow the Gam'trosha, keeping the majority of her guns to bear in the direction of the ship but it wasn't firing anymore, instead it just seemed to be following them.


Tal'Dars console suddenly lit up as a klaxen blarred, alerting the soldier to an external intrusion to their network. Another warning also went off, the wind-speeds were climbing and the storm was starting to get worse, lightning was dancing across the ships shielded hull and the science sensors were registering impacts by hail that was roughly twenty seven inches in circumference.

Main Computer

When Keri got the main computer, he would notice that the lock was in-place, he would need to key in his code before he could enter.
= Shuttle One (Several minutes earlier) =

"Aiyy!" Rosec'a cried out in mild dismay, catching onto the nearest thing that provided some support as the shuttle dived into the cloudcover after the evading Gam'trosha. There was, for the barest moment, genuine fear - though it passed, to be replaced with a nervous smile.

And, naturally, with a quip to Zes'kas: "Think it violates regulation to commandeer the shuttle?"

Zes'kas braced himself against the wall, gripping the edges of the seat, grimacing slightly. He better not do a damn barrel roll. He looked over, "I'm sure it does. Do you have a pilot's license? I don't think it matters, can't be hard pressing buttons and the like." He released his iron grip on the seat, but maintained just enough to not be sent tumbling.

Still clinging tight to her seat, Rosec'a couldn't help but chitter and laugh. "I have two directives, you know! Do no harm, and prevent harm when I can. I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as doing harm when you tranquilize someone, and we could be saving lives... preventing harm... by doing it."

Clearly, not serious. But all the same, an odd line to be laughing about.

"I'm sure I can figure out flying. It can't be that different from vulpine biology, right?"

"You're telling me! I've got those too!" Zes'kas chuckled, "I'm still a medic." He glanced in the direction of pilot, "I'm sure both of us could figure it out if we tried." At this, in response to laughing, he relaxed. He grinned winningly at Rosec'a.

Suddenly the shuttle lurched upward, the voice of the pilot was drowned out by the sound of the harsh winds battering the shuttle. The shuttle rolled onto it's 'back', causing any unsecured equipment to come crashing against the 'ceiling', though fortunately the passengers would've been buckled in.

The sudden battering winds interrupted Rosec'a in the midst of what would surely have been another profoundly witty quip - she instead settled for a yelp of surprise, renewing her grip as bagged gear crashed about her. She shouted something towards the front of the shuttle, though it was drowned by the wind.

She sounded irritated, though. That much, no amount of buffeting and howling wind could drown.

A fitting end, don't you think?

No. Quiet.

Not today, my little one.

She glanced towards Zes'kas helplessly, mouthing the words, he has to be mad. Hopefully lip-reading was something they learned in Laibe-school!

The sudden motion caught the relaxed Zes'kas off-guard. He shouted, against the wind, "I HATE SHUTTLES NOW PILOT!" The surprised Liabe renewed his iron grip to the chair, talking angrily to himself. After calming down, he looked towards the Rosec'a, who, like him, was now upside down. He could barely make out the words, at least, what he thought were the words. He responded in the same manner, a rare frown on his face, "Yes, I'm mad. I am not shouting in joy."

"If you think THAT was bad," remarked the pilot, who had obviously heard what Zes'kas had said. "Wait until you are hot-dropped into a battle field..." the pilot sounded a little frustrated, perhaps due to what was going on.

"No, I meant..." Rosec'a pantomimed the thought, waving her hand next to her head animatedly. "Crazy. Needing evaluation. Right?"

She didn't seem all that concerned about the pilot, and his newfound responsiveness to his passengers. Irreverence was keeping her something resembling calm. She even responded to him!

"Can we not be hot-dropped? I'd rather not be hot-dropped. It sounds like sad times."

Eventually, her voice would give out from shouting. Perhaps then there would be peace.

Zes'kas frown deepened upon hearing Rosec'a change "Mad as in angry, to mad as in crazy". He furrowed his brow, and glared piercing at her, gold eyes showing his anger. He mouthed out, "Now I'm insane too? Sorry for being a bit startled!" His anger was a rarer emotion, managing to break past his usually amiable personality.

(Another mini-JP from Orion and Sham, with a guest for the shuttle, Kyle)
Gam'trosha - Infirmary

Euy'ica Sec'retna paced back and forth while waiting for Anas'tasiya. She glanced at the clock, then continued to pace, there was still so much to do - but given this was a simulation she also had to instruct Anas'tasiya on what to do in a combat situation.

She looked oevr at the door, waiting for her fellow healer to walk in.
Shuttle bay

After a few minutes, Stahp, Shar, Qyu'amene, and Tite'Yanus along with the two instructors would arrive in the shuttle bay to find that the bay had two shuttles. They were stored one to the far left and right side of the door, leaving a large enough space in the center for a third shuttle to land.

There was a walkway overhead and a ladder off to the left where the group had entered. The by was, naturally, dimly lit with only enough light for their eyes to function.

Currently, the bay doors were sealed but the bay forcefield 'was' actively in place.

Anas'tasiya rushed to the infirmary, knowing she was expected. The new ship was still unfamiliar to her, and she had to double check her directions more than once. When she arrived she immediately began apologizing, "I am sorry X'mue, I appear to have gotten turned around a few times. I will be sure to get a better feel for the layout during off duty hours." she knew they had to get to work, so she didn't prolong what she had to say.

Anas'tasiya's tail swished back and forth as she began to straigten some things on the counter. "What do we need to do first?" She asked, waiting for instructions from the superior healer.

Srisa, tired of these folks taking pock shots at us and we can not do a damn thing. Def'leor thought. She looked at the IDT at the datafeed on the storm. We need to come at this problem from another vantage....make them shoot where we aren't and get to a vantage.

"Hang on to your butts... I'm taking us out of this canyon..." she called out. Keeping she looked at the RADAR data, just enough distance... She turned off the auxiliary engines, she entered commands to cause the Gam'trosha to rotate on its center point. Inertia kept the warship moving the same way it was. She watched the proximity warnings on her console, there was a shudder as the bow rubbed against the canyon wall. "I will pay for the paint if necessary ma'am." She called out, and brought the rotation to a halt. The Gam'trosha was now proceeding down the canyon in reverse.

Executing getting the hell out of here maneuver. she thought, "Engaging engines and climbing, course directly for the storm." she said entering the commands, the engines of the Gam'trosha flared again but now they were pushing the ship backwards. Def'leor adjusted the trajectory to include ascent.

"It going to get a bit rough as we move deeper into the storm, but if the others are pursuing us, when we break into the eye of the storm, we will have clear visibility. If automatic targeting is still offline. We can fire at the target visually, while they are still coming of the the eye wall." she said looking over her shoulder briefly while looking at Sa'kira
Qyu'amene's nostril's flared. "Orders?" She said taking time to carefully observer the shuttle bay.

She had isolated a proper place for cover, as well as an optimum firing range. She sighed at this exercise. It was a horrible waster of time and resources to her. But she was doing her best to not be so out spoken.

"I wonder if the Youth corp takes part in training exercises like this."

For a few moments the hanger shuddered, despite the armored hull the crew there would hear the wind battering against it and would hear the loud 'crackle' of lightning hitting the hangers armored door.


Sa'kria nodded toward Def'leor as she brought up another panel to check the sensor readouts. The storm was playing hell with the data, the electrical interference brought on by the lightning wasn't helping any but at least it seemed her crew was compensating for it.


"First, grab a medical kit and double check that all of the items are inside," said the head healer as she pointed toward the cabinet that would have the spare medical kits. "After which double check your pistol, ensure that it's set to stun. Once you've done that, you begin your patrolling through the ship, looking for any injured crewmen.

Shuttle 1/2

The shuttle continued to back off, until they could just barely see the Gam'trosha through the storm then continued after the ship, although they had to break off when the ship performed a suddenly menevuer that left the pilots in awe. They pulled off and then around, but as they were about to continue their flight one pilot cupped his hand on his headset, gave a nod of the head, then looked at his co-pilot and pointed upward.

Then, the two shuttles moved upward and disappeared, as a faint silloette of the Shadow of Light appeared for a few moments.

"You guys ok back there?" asked the pilot of Shuttle One to his passengers.
"Thank you," Stahp nodded to Shar'ica, awkwardly putting on the goggles as he followed the shorter Daur. She seem to have a plan running through her mind, hopefully one the forces boarding their ship won't be expecting. It had been a while since he wore one of these goggles so it felt a bit strange. A feeling he never really liked either.

Stahp took a moment to look back, searching for his sister once more. Still unable to find her, he shrugged and carried on, wishing her the best before returning his attention to his current task.

Zu'rel kept bring up new screens to keep track of what was going on down in the Shuttlebay. He felt like he was missing something or wasn't doing something that he was suppose to be covering. He kept monitoring the shuttle's comms, when he caught a encrypted message to the other ship form the shuttle. Even though he couldn't listen in he could back track the other ship. "Ma'am I believe I have found the other ship's comms signal."
Shar quickly looked around the place. Two shuttles that could be used for cover and a walk-way. Nothing else. Not much else was needed. They could effectively fire from behind those two shuttles and if needed retreat to the bulkhead and seal the enemy in the hangar-bay.

"Everyone use the shuttles for cover. I want everyone to make your light-goggles ready. Make sure your guns are set for stun, if there will be blood today my boot will have to be surgically removed from rectum of person who fired live ammo or cut someone, is that clear?" She said as she herself moved closer to one of the shuttles.

"Primary comms on line 3, if I say that we switch lines then go to 5. As for youth, they are soldiers as we are. Do not take them lightly, just try not to snap their neck. They are a bit more fragile then adults. Everyone keep your cool and get ready. This room will be very very bright soon."

"Sir," her head then turned to the Daur instructor. "I hope you won't mind me telling others what to do. Seems no one else is up to it. As for you, would you kindly move on the walkway? If you are up to helping us with the defense that is. If not, I would as you to just not get into our way."

Def'leor watched the sensors showing the turbulence increasing. the Gam'trosha started doing a rolling sensation as it passed through the denser winds. The inertial compensators were dampening the worst of the forces. Once the Gam was through the eye wall, she was moving smoothly backwards. Def'leor brought the ship to a halt, but had an escape vector plotted, once they fired she was going to bank hard to port, and climb while accelerating back into the storm.

She looked over at Levi'Nash. "Levi, go to manual firing mode. We are about to breach the eye wall of the storm which ever ship comes out first hit them just as they are coming through."

"Got it," remarked the Daur instructor as he headed up to the overhead walkway and took up a position behind one of the walkways metal shields.


"Tap into it," said Sa'kira who turned toward Zu'rel. "I wanna know where they are coming from next, try and break into their computer systems as well."


The Gam'trosha shuddered as it flew through the storm, lightning continued to dance across the ships hull. As it came out into the eye of the storm, though, the ships proximity alarm went off as a series of shots were fired from almost directly above where the Gam'trosha was. The ships engines registered a number of simulated hits, knocking one out and slowing the ship down enough that two shuttles appeared from behind the Shadow of Light and began to move toward the Gam'trosha's shuttle bay.

As this was going on, the shuttle bay doors began to open up and those inside would see the two shuttles making a run for the open doors.

"Yes Ma'am" Zur'el went to work, back tracking and trying to link to the other ship's main computer system. He wasn't above cheating, so he started punching in command codes designed by Or’ion. the codes worked, they allowed him access with out alerting the ship's crew. The back door Or’ion installed gave him full unrestricted access to the whole ship.

"Ma'am I have access, I will link their navigation system to our gunning systems, would you like them to start having issues with their targeting, or maybe all of their toilets to flush?" He was already adding in glitches that would off set their targeting solutions by a few degrees. With all of his mischief he made sure that is a few hours everything would revert back to the original codes, this was a mock combat operation, not real combat.

Anas'tasiya listened to the instructions of her superior, getting one of the medical kits and double checking it's inventory before making sure her sidearm was correctly set for the simulation.

"Is there a certain patrol route you recommend I take? Or is it at my discretion?" She asked, wanting to make sure she knew what she needed to do. This will be a good way to get to know the layout of the ship. She thought to herself, waiting for the other healer to answer so that she could get underway.
-Shuttle Bay-

Stahp did as he was told, even going as far as triple checking his weapon's settings after securing himself cover behind one of the shuttles. Hopefully Shar's plan will stun their attackers well enough for them to end this quickly as impatience started to grow in his heart. Normally a situation such as this would stir a more tense emotion from the Daur, but this was only a mock battle after all and though he would take this seriously, there was a fundamental difference between giving 100% and giving 110%. It also didn't help that there were thoughts wandering in the back of his mind of the medical implications involved with an actual attempt in the surgical removal of one boot from one rear end.
Tite'yanus scoffed at the orders being tossed at him.

Who does she think she is? It's one thing to order around for a plan, but if she thinks she has a right to give me combat tips she's got another thing coming.

He crouched down in the aisle between the two shuttles and pointed his turret towards the bay doors. He was the heavy weaponry and he'd be damned if he was going to anything except tear the intruders a new one.

Sa'kira thought for a moment on what their agent had said. "Mmm.. I might have an idea, but first," she said and turned toward Levi. "Levi, how is your patch coming along? Can it be implemented right now?" she asked.


"Use your own discretion," said the meister healer. "Just be mindful not to get caught in the crossfire, if an enemy appears, report their position to our infantry and flee the area. We took an oath to do no harm, of course, that doesn't mean you can't defend yourself."
"You guys ok back there?"

It was almost insulting. Almost. Fortunately, Rosec'a wasn't one to take offense easily. She called back to the front of the shuttle, eyes leaving the Laibe she'd inadvertently gravely insulted for just a moment:

"All's well and we definitely aren't afraid of imminent death by way of fiery crashing or explosive decompression."

Then, to Zes'kas, quick and chirpy:

"Sorry. I'll explain later... eyes forward."

Are you this awkward on purpose?


Have you tried not being so awkward?

Not really.

Look into it. For both our sakes.

"It's about to get a lot worse. Unless we crash first..."
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