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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Three days after Levia asteriod impact
Nesha Prime, Netoshen Capital, S.A.M. Facility

After the asteriod impact, the NSV-Gam'trosha had been towed back to the homeworld due to Vectes Naval Base having no repair facilities thanks to terrorist bombings. The ship, now moored in S.A.M.'s repair bay, was now mostly repaired and waiting for the crew to return to her.

Although the ships crew had been given six days of vacation, Sa'kira's squadron commander had other ideas and cancelled the vacation and sent notices to the ships crew to return to the facility and report to their ship.

Ship Bay Two, Lounge

Sa'kira leaned up against the glass of the lounge, she stared through it at her ship. The Gam'trosha floated in water below her, bobbing up and down ever so slightly, there were engineers performing last minute repair work and painting areas of the ship had hadn't been done.

The lounge was spacious, with couches up against almost every wall and even near the window. In the center was a holographic image of the planet, showing it's landscape and even several ships in orbit.
Shar spent those three days with her brother. It was good because it helped her get the thing of her mind. Precisely the moment she let that bastard Laibe escape. Should she meet him next she will just shoot him in the head. Not question ask, before he start some monologue and laugh at them she will shoot him in the head. Job done.

Her brother was luckily okay. Spending time with him more or less meant helping with rescue operations. The planet took quite a beating from that asteroid and military had its hands full. Her brother being a good samaritan he was said they should help. So Shar instead of taking time off went and helped. At least getting cigarettes was not hard thanks to this. She could not get any booze though.

But now she was recalled. After saying goodbye's and good-lucks's with her brother Shar went to meeting place straight from the rescue operations. She was dirty and tired, but it felt good to be able to help. Every time a living person was found under rubble was really nice. It did not help much this day though. Not many can survive three days under the rubble.

Technically Shar had enough time to get a shower and clean uniform, but she did not want to. It would mean leaving the rescue operations earlier. So Shar walked into the lounge as she was. Dirty work jumpsuit, with its sleeves tugged around her waist and above it a white, or now more or less great tank-top. As always cigarette hung in her lips.

"Shipmistress," She said and saluted. Shar was glad she worked under Sa'kira, who proved as competent leader during the attack. It was nice to know that the one above Shar was worth listening to.
Def'leor when released on vacation was at a loss as to what to do. So she started with satisfying basic needs first. She got a room at a decent hotel and enjoyed a long shower, to rinse her fur clean and help relax her muscles.

After that it was food, she went to the restaurant and ordered a mean, she at mechanically as she continued to rerun the events in her mind. She wished she could access the sensor logs from the Gam'trosha and the other ships. She wanted to know what went wrong with her plan. After dinner, she went to her room fell asleep on top of the covers. It was midday when she woke up.

Realizing her efforts to make sense out of the disaster of their first flight was going to get her nowhere, she went window shopping. The she spent some time at the local fitness places and movie theaters.

When the recall order came in from the Ship Mistress, Def'leor smiled and quickly packed up her stuff and put on her uniform. It was better to be busy and doing her job than doing things alone. Perhaps this time the crew would get to spend enough time as to get to know each other so when they next had leave, they could do so together.

Def took a cab to the repair facility, paid the driver and made her way to the ship bay. She paused at a window where she could observe the Gam'trosha alone watching it move gently in the swell.
"Welcome," Sa'kira said to two of her crewmen as she turned to address them. "Go ahead and relax for now, the workers here have told me that the ship isn't yet ready to receive us. They've spent the past three days working non-stop to repair her, no idea who put her on a priority repair list, but it has worked wonders..."

She turned back toward the ship, curious when she saw a group of engineers who were painting strips on the side of the ships hull. "So, did the two of you visit famliy for the three days that we had for vacation?" she asked.
Keri'cruen spent most of the day following the Levia asteroid impact confined to a sickbed whilst he received medical treatment for his shoulder injury -- his doctor had managed to patch him up so there was barely more than a faint mark where the terrorist sword had penetrated his flesh.

The moment the young kit was released from his hospital bed, he began hounding the Gam'trosha repair teams for updates on their progress -- despite the fact that he was technically on leave from active duty. Once back aboard, he planned to personally inspect every change made to the starship whilst it underwent repairs upon Nesha Prime -- understandably, he had become somewhat paranoid about the possibility of sabotage.

Following the recall order, Keri reported to the S.A.M. facility where the Gam'trosha was undergoing repairs. He found himself directed to the lounge where Sa'kira and some of the other crew already waited. After saluting Sa'kira, he greeted the U'Centrinal in a respectful voice.

"Reporting for duty, U'Cet."
Juiy’ne prowled into the lounge feeling some what nervous. The facility was extensive, and she was highly aware that this was the place where she was going to get place on her new post. But several errors in direction and her own internal apprehension saw the My’leke was rather lost. Pride got in her way did its own part in preventing her from asking for directions. Over the past hour she wandered about the facility and took in the sights before deciding to cool off in this lounge and seek out a few refreshments.
Shar sat her arse on of the chairs and took a small metallic object out of her pocket setting it on the table. Opening it made clear what it purpose was. It was small mobile ashtray and Shar used it to tap her cigarette and let the ash on the end of it fall into the tray. She gave a nod to the pilot as she walked in.

"Aye ma'am," Shar responded to ship-mistress. "Been with my brother for the time." She said. Going into details what they were doing was not necessary. Looking like a construction worker at the end of his shift should have made everything clear anyway.

When Keri walked in, Shar's ears perked a little. She smiled at the kid, happy that he seemed to be healed already. "Hey chap," she said. "I hope you carry a knife like I told you!" There was not reason not to tease him a little. Shar had knife herself, safely hidden on the back of her belt.
Def'leor was brought out of her reverie by Sa'kira's voice. She had been so intent on the ship she failed to notice anyone was in the room. At the Ship Mistress' question she felt a brief pang of pain. It was an inevitable question, however she was not going to make a big deal out of it.

She turned to Sa'kira rendered a salute, "I can not speak for the others, but I did not visit with anyone. I spent my time at a variety of activities."

She then looked for empty seat and claimed it.
Tite'Yanus chose to spend his brief period of leave on a relaxation spree. His first day consisted of sleeping in until 1330 before heading off to a spa for a massage and grooming. The next day consisted laying on his bed and watching a movie marathon. For his final day of leave he went to the chiropractor for some basic back work, a stop by the acupuncturist to work out what the chiropractor couldn't, and finally some grumbling about having to go back to work as he watched more movies.

When he arrived at the Lounge of Ship Bay 2 he found Sa'rika and walked over. Snapping his front and rear paws in line with each other, he straightened out his back and lowered his shoulders and head into a bow.

"C'Baruce Mar'Tendo, reporting for duty as ordered U'Cetrinal Yuna'me."
Bay 2 Lounge

"Welcome back, sorry to cut your vacation time so short," she apologized while also greeting those who came; standing straight as sh was saying this though whenever no one came in she'd turn her gaze back to their ship.

She listened to Def'leor and Shar's responses to her question; and bit her lower lip when she recalled that Def had no family to visit, it had slipped her mind given everything she'd been doing these past three days.

Unlike the crew of her ship, Sa'kira hadn't the luxury of a vacation. She had spent the three days basically ensuring that the ship remained on schedule for repairs but also authorizing additions based on crew requests.

It had caught her off-guard though when her superior had informed her that the original six day vacation was cut short and that she had to recall her crew back on such a short notice, but such is military life although the orders she had been given and briefed on made her both grin with anticipation but also scowl at how her superior had treated her but she let the treatment just slid for now. One of these days, the rolls may be reversed, she had told herself.

"We still have time before I start the briefing on our next assignment, there is water and juice - no alcohol," she grinned. "In the refreshment kiosk over on the far wall."

She stared at the empty kiosk, no soldier was there to help though she already knew why. Any soldiers who were not on assignment had been given emergency duty on Levia to help with repairs to the military base and capital.

"Also, given there is time before the ship is fully ready for us, we do have the luxury of putting in requests for additional equipment. A backup computer system was installed last night just in case we lose our primary, but there is always room for more," she relaxed her posture a bit and listened to see if any of her crew had suggestions, right now she was waiting on only one other crewmen to join them - a newbie to the crew although she also had noticed another new addition who had walked in.

"Welcome to the crew C'bar Juiy'ne," she said to the soldier and glanced over at Keri to see if the soldier was favoring his arm or not.
Bay 2 Lounge

Def'leor looked over to the kiosk, she got up and walked over to it. Looking at the selection the took a bottled water and returned to her seat in the room.

She thought about the question Sa'kira asked about additional equipment.
Def could not think of anything equipment wise to add for the ship so she chose to remain silent and sip her water.
Shar's comment caused Keri to roll his eyes heavenward, but he smiled slightly in response also. The kit's gaze slid slightly towards the kiosk when it was mentioned, but as he wasn't presently hungry or thirsty, the boys attention returned to Sa'kira.

"Ummm... I do have quite a few suggestion's, sah. Too many, in fact, to go into detail on right now... or to implement on such short notice. Mostly oversights in the original design." Keri'cruen said softly. The kit's ears twitched nervously, due to the discomfort of being scrutinized by the shipmistresses gaze.

"So far my list includes extended external science and military-grade sensors, more long-range system and planetary survey equipment, enhanced internal sensors and security systems, software upgrades, diagnostic system modifications, a hardened communications system, reinforcement of the storage tanks, a few pieces of specialized medical equipment and structural additions such as the inclusion of a terrarium for long voyages and a dedicated science lab." The kit scratched awkwardly behind one of his silver-furred ears.

"Honestly, in order to include some of these additions the ship would require a complete structural refit that would take weeks -- maybe even months. At least a few of the items can be done on short notice, though. I'll send you a complete and thoughroughly detailed report of my suggested upgrades this evening once I have it properly composed, U'Cet."
Sa'kira nodded at his Engineers list of additions and desires, all of which she too wanted but that the ship lacked the abilities to really have. "You are right, a number of those would take several seasons to implement. Now, our cargohold is quite large compared to other ships it's size, we 'could' convert the upper part of it into a science lab and that can be done on the fly. If you'd like to pursue that option, C'bar, you may."

She glanced over at the rest of her crew, including the newbie, and wondered if any of them had suggestions or perhaps even potential concerns even though she wasn't going to address them now - it didn't hurt to answer any that came her way.
Shar went to the refreshments and return with bottle of juice. She could use a drink, but there was none so she just sent next to he little ashtray and lighted another cigarette. Her mind then went to the ship and what could be done there. But she was a fighter not a techno-nuts and that made her unable of thinking up suggestions.

Her suggestion would probably be more guns, but it seemed that are nowhere to fit more guns. This suggestions were boring and needless here anyway, because people like Keri, will send them on their own and people like Shar won't have any.

"Ma'am," Shar asked and puffed on her cig. "Did they caught the escape pod that piece of sriza terrorist bastard used to run away?"
Sa'kira let out a sigh, walking over to the refreshment kiosk and grabbing her a bottle of juice that had a light blue tint to it. She took the cap off and drank some of the contents, before responding to Shar's question.

"Unfortunantly, due to the high volume of escape pods, there was pretty much no way to find the one that came from our ship."

She glanced over at the assembled crew, noting that they were still missing someone - though when she saw the newbie who entered she made a quick check on the soldiers identity. Aha... so she is a new member of our crew, but hasn't introduced herself.. hmm....
Qu had remained silent. It was not due to her being shy, quite the contrary she was in fact rather bold and brave. It was her pride. She was not sure if she was in the right area, of if this was the place where she was due to report.

As she drew her breath to speak somebody immediately had something to say. As a first impression she had already gone the whole way and judge the people in-front of her as being rather egocentric.

It was better to error in the way of caution, thus she remained silent but attentive.
It took a while for Keri'cruen to notice their new crewmate's presence -- so focused had he been on Sa'kira since arriving in the lounge. Once his nervousness began to wear off, his attention began to drift and the young kit caught notice of the new My'leke, Juiy'ne Qyu'amene.

Keri flashed the new arrival a friendly grin, before turning his attention back to the U'Cet and occasionally casting glances at other members of the crew in case they decided to reply to Sa'kira's statements and queries.
Def'leor listened to the some what extravagant proposals. The Gam'trosha had a mission to fulfill, there was no way they could justify making changes so wide range. She thought about the last mission, and what could help. And in truth, there were so many variables that as of yet they did not know all that happened to them. There was no way to effectively decide what needed to be improved. Def just hoped that the Ship Mistress would let them know what happened. She still felt that someone she had overlooked something.

Speaking of which she noticed a new person in the room, a Myleke but one who apparently felt did not need to introduce itself.

Looking at the new Myleke, "Hello there, I am Vail'ant Def'leor, C'Baruce, Ship Aviator. I presume you are a new crew member. What is your name?"
Having spent the last 3 days at Shukaren Naval HQ filing a report and giving testimony on the meteor impact and its aftermath. Levi also recieved his new revised NSV Gam'trosha and to report in as her science officer. Sheesh, how long can one keep repeating the same thing over and over again with these people he thought as he made his way to the base lounge to report for duty to the ShipMistress of the Gam'trosha; I guess they were just trying to be thorough but still he let the thought trail off as he reached the lounge.

Confirming the address of the lounge with the address he was supposed to report to on his orders the young cyan furred Laibe with white tuffed ears and the tip of his tail to match walked in; hoping that he wasn't the last one to report in. Unfortunately fate and time was against him that day as when he walked in he noticed a crowd of naval personnel of Daur and My'leke that matched the descriptions of the crew the Gam that was listed in the HQ's database already waiting. Levi's ears dropped in disappointment at that the realization that he wasn't first to report for duty. Regaining his composure once he noticed the female Daur with the rank of U'Cetrinal and walked right up to her and waiting for her to notice him introduced himself with a salute.

"C'baruce Levi'Nash Gev'inov reporting for duty Shipmistress".
"I am Juiy'ne Qyu'amene." She said speaking rather cautiously. "I am assigned to this ship, I blow people up with guns." She said with out missing a beat.
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