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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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"Ahhh... sound's like i'm going to be busy." Keri said softly in response to the stated fact that the Gam'trosha's repairs were less than complete. He thought such would be the case as he had been keeping himself up-to-date on the ongoing repairs even when trapped in a sick-room.

The kit cast a glance towards Xeui'na as he moved to cross the boarding ramp. "I suppose we should find out exactly what is still in need of repair before any additional problems rear their scaly hides."
As everyone is making their way to the nearly finished Gam'trosha. Levi moves to intercept them and proclaims "I am Levi'Nash Gev'inovit is an honor to be serving with all of you," and then proceeds to humbly bow.

Having said his formal but humble introduction to the crew; the cyan furred laibe then stands aside and let's everyone board the Gam'trosha. I almost missed my chance to introduce myself he nervously thinks.
Shar took her ashtray and stowed, lighting another death-stick. Tank? Her? That was stupid, she never sit in that thing. WHy do they train for that? She is best on her feet with rifle in her hands. They can train some other schmook to drive around in big tin can and get blasted. The black-furred Daur sighed. She got to buy herself some cigs before this, but she is without booze again. Boy what would she give for a bottle of Vodka. In silence she followed others with frown on her face.
As the crew boarded the ship, they would be meet by a Daur wearing an orange jumpsuit and wearing a hat on his head. The engineer, as it was made obvious due to him barking orders to other engineers in the area, looked up when he saw the crew coming onboard.

He looked around. "Whoever are the engineers here," he said - addressing those coming onbord. "I need to speak to them before they go to their duty stations.

Behind the group, Sa'kira waited until everyone had gone into the boarding ramp, and then began to board herself. She walked casually down the ramp, stopping only briefing to stare through the double-panned windows at the ship and how it looked under water, she was glad to be back on board although she wasn't looking forward to the training exercises.
Cabin 3

Def'leor made her way through the ship, looking for an available cabin. She took a look at the available numbers and chose number three. It was a good number in her mind, so she found the cabin, opened the door and walked in. She surveyed the room, taking note of the two cabins, the lockers at the foot of bed and the desks opposite the bunk against the wall.

She walked over and opened the locker and stowed her gear, hanging her uniforms up and stowed her personal clothing as well. She looked at the bunks and decided that she would use the top one.

Her accommodations arranged, Def decided to see who else was around and perhaps some more of the ship.

She exited the cabin and looked around, seeing a crew member coming down, Def froze for a moment when she realized it was a Laibe, most likely a new recruit. Srisa, why does the first crew member I see have to be a Drisa Laibe. May as well make nice, the Ship Mistress will want us all to interact.

She approached Gev, "Hello there, I am Valiant Def'leor, the Ship's Aviator."
Having heard Def'leor address him, Levi's cyan furred ears perked up as he turned to address her his tail swishing about wildly betraying his exuberance at meeting a new crewmate.
"C'baruce Levi'Nash Gev'nov, newly assigned science officer" he replies with genuine warmth.
"It seems we will be working together on the bridge, a pleasure to make your acquaitance" he continues "I am in your hands Navigator Def'leor"
Keri'cruen gently raised an arm up in response to the engineer's questioning glances and requests that the Gam'trosha's engineering staff identify themselves.

"Here, sah." the kit added, putting some force into his voice in order to claim the engineers attention quickly.

"What do you need?" Keri asked, hoping that the engineer was going to provide some useful information about the ship's current state of repair.
'Well Gev'inov, it will be good to have another pair of hands on the bridge. Especially after the last time out. It is not fun trying to fly, and do science when everything went to Srisa." She looked around for a moment, Wonderful, every day on my bridge... okay, I can handle this, I am a soldier and I knew that I would have to work with Laibes... who knows he might actually be different...

Turning back to Gev, "Well, first order of business is get you a cabin so you can stow your gear. Then we can head to the bridge. I want to start the preflight, and run some diagnostics so that we are ready when the Ship Mistress wants us to launch.

There are eight cabins, most are still available so you have your pick except for number three. I have laid claim to that one."
After locating a cabin, the Mye'leke girl sauntered into the Cargo bay. Though unsure of what was going to occur, she did do what most any other would have done; she walked where the gathering was and formed up behind her new comrades.

As the infantrymen began to step into the cargohold, they'd notice that both the first and second floor of the hold were almost entirely full of cargo. The ground floor had mostly vehicles, including a number of tanks and bikes and also a few scientific vehicles.

There were a number of crates each with various labels on them, including one that had repair parts for weapons and vehicles.

The second floor of the hold however was slightly different than how the infantrymen may have remembered when they first boarded the ship several days earlier, a generious amount of space was taken up by a number of engineers who were building a science lab. They would notice long black cables running off the side of the floor and hanging down to the first floor and running toward a nearby power outlet.

Toward the front of the bay, nearest the boarding ramp, was a Daur and My'leke who were conversing casually to each other. They both wore an armband with the rank of 'N'Marida' etched into it.

"Seem's we have visitors," said the Daur as he looked over at the approuching infantrymen. The Daur pulled a small ciggerrate from a small pouch on his belt, lit it up and then walked stood there. "Gather here you welps," said the soldier.


The head engineer looked at Keri with a raised eye-brow, but this wasn't becuase of Keri being a kid but rather because it was just Keri and Quin. "Just two engineers?" he asked for a moment and looked past them. "Talk about short-staffed."

"Anyway, I have a list here of stuff that needs to be repaired. There are a number of containment field generators that must be replaced on each deck, I have it listed here," the engineer pointed on the list where the list of decks were. "You can find the crate of generators in the cargohold on the second level, near where they are constructing the science lab."

"There's also still problems trying to configure the ships shield generator, grimlins in the system. We ran out of time to fix it ourselves so I'll have to leave that up to you, remember to inform your shipmsater before you begin any calibrations."

"Also, you're port and starbord cannons are offline right now. We haven't replaced the power convertors along with some of the burnt wiring from the battle, you can find repair supplies for both on the first floor of the cargohold." He then handed the list to Keri. "There's plenty more, the remainder are merely small stuff, such as replacing gravity plating in crew cabins, remember that if even one gravity plate is broken, all of those plates will malfunction and could cause injury so make sure you shut off power to a cabin before inspecting the plating."

Sa'kira stood a bit down the corridor, her arms folded as she listened to the Engineers report. Our ship is lacking our main guns.. why the hell weren't those fixed FIRST? she grumbled and looked over at the two enlisted soldiers who were talking, his two aviators. She now had a science officer, which was a lucky break given how sought after they are in the fleet. Both are the same rank, I'll have to wait and see how they perform together given the difference in race, hopefully no tensions abound.
Tite'Yanus just tagged along, choosing not to say very much. He did, however, notice the tanks that were in the cargo hold as they entered.

Big metal things that make other big metal things go BOOM. What's not to love?

Walking up to one of them, he circled it before continuing on.

I hope they're My'leke friendly. It would be a shame not to be able to use it.
Having noticed a slight bristling in Def'leor's demeanor at having to talk to him Levi tried to remain cordial and straight-forward. She hides it well he thinks to himself I wonder what happened? hmm she'll tell me when's good and ready if ever.
"Understood, I'll take this one"; he points at one marked No. 5. "For future reference how would you care to be addressed?" He asks not wanting to offend her especially just having met her.
"Also check your cabins environmentals, especially the temperature settings and the grav plating. Once ships get repaired and refitted the old crew settings are reset to base standard once their finished or not finished if the repair crew hasn't had time to fix them" he says as an aside as he goes to inspect his cabin.
"Meet you on the flightdeck later, unless you want to go together after I inspect my cabin and it's controls"
Def could not help but smile for a moment at Gev's comment.At least he is trying to be helpful. she thought.

When he stepped into the came she stood in the doorway. "Gev'inov, no one has used these cabins. The Gam'trosha was on its maiden voyage when we were damaged. To my knowledge this part of the ship was not damaged during the battle.

So I will wait for you and we can get to the bridge. Unless you rather be alone?

Oh, feel free to call me Def'leor. Silly to use ranks when we have the same one."
"Call me Levi, just about everyone does" he said with a smile. "Oh, really? Still doesn't hurt make sure everything is working to specs on a new 'newly' repaired ship, right?" He continued upon hearing that the cabins were never occupied. "Your company is appreciated as long as I'm not holding you up from anything"
Shar raised an eyebrow seeing the tanks. They looked pretty menacing with their big cannons. She wanted to climb on one and look inside, but those two officers called the infantry to the attention. "Get out of there uniform and I shall show you who is welp you wanker!" Thought Shar as she walked forward with her bag on her back. She dropped it on the ground and stood at attention before two officers.

The lead officer grumbled as he waited for the rest of the infantry to arrive. "Is this all this ship has?" the officer raised an eye-brow at the two marines currently here.

"Nope, there is still one more, probably putting her things away," said the My'leke as he looked at the ships roster.

"Yea well she better hurry her butt up, I don't have all day," the Daur smoked the cig a few times and blew some smoke out, forming a ring in the air.

"Calm yourself," said the My'leke calmly. "This ship 'was' just repaired, so it's possible things got re-arranged, you know how S.A.M. is about their repairs," the My'leke thumbed the wall with their tail, the end breaking apart to show a dozen tendrils that it used to pick up a bottle of water that was on the ground and taking a swig of it before putting it back down.

The Duar gave a grumbled grunt and looked at the infantry. "I guess we can probably answer a few questions while we wait," the soldier folded his arms over his chest.
Shar was just watching the two with her almost bored looking expression. She did not really care much. Looking at the two and then at the tanks, she wondered what to ask. "I assume you are officers, that will give us the training required to operate the vehicles Sir." She said looking at the Daur.
"You assume right," said the Daur. "Although this is training you should've gotten in basic, we were requested to make sure none of that was forgotten.
Cabin 5

Def just smiled. "Well Levi, it is not like there is much to be done. Although I have admit I am disappointed that they haven't finished repairing the Gam'. We were barely able to make it to landing pad in one piece. I wonder just what condition the bridge will be. I really can not believe they are going to send us back out at less than battle ready."
Shar simply shrugged and looked into the man's face. "I am infantry, driving a tank was never in my training course." She said with neutral tone. "I am afraid you will need to train me."
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