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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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Def'leor smiled briefly at Qyu'amene's introduction. She liked that the Myleke had a sense of humor. "I will keep that in mind if I need someone blown up." She replied.

Then she say another new face, another Laibe. She kept her face relaxed as she waited for him to introduce himself.
Shar laughed out lout at the comment of the infantry girl. Tough-girl. It reminded her of her own introduction that was more then similar. She laughed more, which made her blow out smoke from the cigarette she inhaled earlier.

"Oh I like you!" She said, pointing the cigarette at the My'leke. "I am Shar, marine too. Want a ***? I'll light you one." She said offering a cigarette from the box.
As the crew conversed, they'd notice a slight blue glow come from the bay as water started to be pumped in; bringing the water level from being level with the ship to rising above it. Engineers in swimmer gear swam around the ship and started to look for leaks in the repair work.

A moment passed before the door the lounge opened and Quin'trema Xeui'na came walking in. The kit was chatting lightly with another Daur, an older one who was carrying a medical kit in her hand, the Daur looked to be in her late twenties if not early thirties.

When Quin saw Keri, she waved at him before taking a seat on a nearby couch along with the adult Daur.

"So," this new Daur said as she glanced at the crew and smiled. "What are all your names?" she asked curiously.
Qyu'amene smirked at the response she handed out. "Please do. Any opportunity I can get to show off..." She said softly.

When offered a cigarette Qyu'amene hesitated having just quit. Then she remembered that you only live once. "Yes, actually I will take one."
Shar smiled and fished a single death-stick of the pack, offering it to the My'leke's lips. Shar was not sure if this My'leke was she or he. "Here you go...." Shar said and pause a little. She then leaned to the side clearly looking between the Jui's legs, "Girl." She added with smile, taking out her lighter and lighting the cigarette for the the My'leke.
With a faint smile, Sa'kira walked over to where the holographic image of a dreadnaught was currently being displayed. She stared at it for several moments, before turning toward her crew. "Everyone gather around please, we'll go ahead and start the briefing here and then board the ship," she said.

The holographic image suddenly faded, and was replaced by the image of a canyon with winding paths and open areas. There was a green arrow pointing into the canyon on one end of the hologram and a red arrow pointing 'out' of it at the far end.

"I'll summerize what I'll be briefing on real quick, we have two missions. The first is the trial run, to ensure that all ship systems and flight functions are working properly. The second will be us heading to a planet that is currently in a state of colonization, to drop off supplies and give them some assistance. Any questions before I continue?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest while she waited.
"This is going to sound stupid, because it does not relate to the mission. But, what is our policy on encountering a sentient alien life form?" Qyu'amene asked just before taking a long drawn out puff of her cigarette.
Def'leor moved closer to Sa'kira to better hear the briefing. Hearing the first mission she could not help but wonder. Are we actually going to make it out of the planets gravity well? she listened to the rest of the initial briefing, her ears perked up at Qyu's question. While she was interested in meeting other life forms, she had a more pressing question.

"Mistress, do we have any idea who was behind the sabotage and the attacks upon the ships trying to destroy the asteroid? The idea of going back up and having to worry about if our systems have been sabotaged. Kind of hard for us to complete our mission if we fall out of the skies because our computer goes offline again."
"No such thing as a stupid question," winked Sa'kira toward Qyu'amene and continued to look at the soldier. "We have standing orders to avoid contact with 'any' unknown races that we encounter, we've only just now gotten ourselves back into space, we can't risk encountering a faction that might right away turn their guns on us."

The shipmaster rubbed her chin. "However, most Shipmasters believe that there are no other sentient life out there, but we will find now won't we?" she smiled and then turned toward Def'leor.

"The Netrunu'marol have claimed responsibility for the twenty two ships that were destroyed during our campaign to divert the asteriod. As for the sabotage to our ship, a Netrunu'marol assassin by the name of Lui'yene Ui'awyen has been spoken of within their propanganda messages."

"Apparently, he has sworn 'revenge' on two of our Daur crewmen for injuring him," Sa'kira grinned and smiled. "I wanna congraduate you all, you managed to not only take on one of the terrorist organizations best and brightest and sent him running with his tail tucked between his legs, that deserves a medal in my opinion," she winked.

"From what I understand, Lui'yene was already onboard when this ship left the shipyards here; meaning someone helped them onboard, but thus far there's no information on 'who'."
Tite'Yanus just stood off to the side laughing at the situation with the newbie. This girl was already sitting right with him. However, when Shar stopped to check between the legs for a gender, he couldn't control himself anymore and burst out with loud laughter. Within seconds, he was on his back, his tail wrapped around his sides.

"I have a feeling you're going to fit right in with this crew, especially the infantry. It seems the Shipmistress likes her weapons people a little crazy."
Levi listened and watched the briefing intently and momentarily bristled at the mention of the terrorist group as being the ones responsible for the attacks; a surge of anger rose in himthey'll get theirs someday before he consciously suppressed it and returned to listening to the briefing and observing his new shipmates.
Def'leor was speechless, the idea of their own people being responsible for what happened to her ship. It was unthinkable. Or was it?

"Ma'am this terrorist group... they are not species oriented are they? I mean does anyone know what their agenda is?" she asked.
Qyu'amene snorted loudly. Her eyes flashed open and her teeth came to bare at the news she had just received.

"When can we get sent in for some pay back?" She said almost gleeful at the prospect of being sent into battle. In truth she was a virgin. Qyu'amene had never been in a true fire fight; it was clear she was very interested in changing this fact.
Bay 2

Sa'kira turned and looked at the holographic display, which currently showed a holographic representation of the assassin who had injured Keri. "Their the Laibe terror group, the one's we all know about. We know very little about their agenda other than their shear hatred for Daur and My'leke, along with Laibe who aid us."

"We don't know what their goals are, what they plan to do, or even 'why' they are doing what they are doing." The officer stopped and rubbed her chin curiously in thought, then looked at Qyu'amene, one of their new members. "We'll be striking back at them, don't you worry about that, we just don't know when or where." Perhaps once command figures out how to properly respond to this, we'll get our orders...

One thing bothers me though... this group denied responsibility for the asteriod.... so is it possible we have another terror group that we dealing with? Sa'kira thought, oh how she wanted to ask her crew for idea's and theories, but for some reason that level of information was deemed classified and she wasn't told exactly 'why'.

"One thing is for certain, if we don't go after them, they'll go after us - so it honestly is only a matter of time."
Keri'cruen sighed and his silver-furred ears visibly wilted as he listened to Sa'kira's words regarding the terrorist saboteur Shar and Keri had confronted aboard the Gam'trosha. He didn't know whether he should be pleased that he had survived the encounter more-or-less intact, or worried about the terrorists vow of revenge. Lui'yene seemed resourceful and it occured to Keri that if the Laibe was aware of his and Shar's identities he could track down their families in order to exact his revenge indirectly.

A hand drifted to his formerly injured shoulder where the sword of Lui'yene Ui'awyen had penetrated right through flesh and pinned him to one of the Gam'trosha's bulkheads like an insignificant bug. Though the wound was gone, the memory of pain was fresh and he could still hear the Laibe's mocking taunts echoing in the recesses of his mind.

"Sah, I must profess concern over the well-being of my family. Given that the terrorist announced he would pursue vengeance upon Shar'ica and myself... if he was able to get aboard the Gam'trosha unimpeded, it stands to reason he could easily gain access to the ships personnel records and locate our families for retaliation. I would ask that precautions for their safety be taken; assuming such steps have not already been placed in motion." The young kits voice was heavily laced with concern, and his blue-green eyes locked upon Sa'kira beseechingly.
Bay 2

Tite'Yanus snorted.

"I think we all know why they're doing what they're doing, the problem is understanding and explaining their why. And that's the fun part about terrorists isn't it? You never know where they're hiding, what their agenda is, or how long you have."

Becoming slightly impatient regarding the wait, Tite began stretching out, arching his back and reaching his paws forward, much like a dog would. Satisfied with his stretch, he remained on his stomach and simply sprawled the rest of his limbs out on the floor with a yawn.
"You don't have to worry," Sa'kira said to Keri. "All records regarding where your families live, or any relatives and friends, have been sealed. The military is also taking precautions by keeping an eye on your families for the time being."

As she was saying this, a display window appeared next to her, showing a Laibe wearing an orange jumpsuit holding a checkboard. "Shipmaster? Major repairs on your ship are completed, sadly though we couldn't perform all of the repairs, another ship has been brought in with serious damage and we are being delegated to get her space-worthy. I have included a list of things that still need fixing and will hand them off to your chief engineer."

"Don't have a chief engineer right now," Sa'kira stated as she stared at the display.

"Ahh... hmm.. in that case I'll give it to whomever is next in line in rank for your engineering staff. Anyway, boarding ramp is clear and you may board ma'am," with that the display clicked off.

With a sigh, Sa'kira placed a hand on her hip and looked out at the ship - still submerged in water - and watched as divers swam around it whilst still checking for leaks. "Alrighty I'll make this brief then, our training exercise is going to a combination of a trial flight run through a canyon and a combat run. The combat run is intended to test out the ships weaponry to ensure that they are calibrated properly, however that's not the only combt run. Our infantry will also be involved."

"Once you're on board, stow your gear in a cabin and then report to your stations. Infantry, I want my My'leke to be equiped with long-range wepaonry while my lone Daur will be manning a tank. You'll be firing at targets on the ground, use the range to help calibrate your weaponry, you won't be scored on points this first time around but expect yourself to be at a later date." Wonder if I should tell them that their will also be a boarding action simulation as well at some point... hmm... naaaaah..

She then looked over at the boarding ramp, which was right behind her and against the wall. The door was presently open and a worker from the facility had just come out to inspect something in one of the wall panels. Out the window, the crew would notice that the ramp curved downward so that it would meet the ship's airlock, inside were flexible stairs to accomondate this curviture.

"After training, we have something special that we'll be doing later. But, focus your minds on the training first," said Sa'kira as she walked over to the boarding ramp and stood there to allow her crew to board first.
Def'leor listened silent as Sa'kira stated her fear in so many words. The fact that the group were Laibes did not surprise her. Laibes would do anything to kill of the other species.

Listening to the other crew member's concern about their family and the Ship Mistress explanation of the steps taken made her glad that her fellow crew members did not have to worry about theirs. It was actually a small blessing that she did not have to worry about family. Of course as well connected the terrorists were, she truly wondered about the safety of them.

Hearing that the Gam'trosha was not fully repaired gave Def a reason to scowl briefly. Great so we get to launch in a damaged ship, just how I want to start again. she thought.

She picked up her bags, and made for the boarding ramp, "So once more into the breach fellow crew mates." she called out as she entered the ramp.
Qyu'amene maintained her stance. She wanted to scoff at the idea of more training, yet she knew in the back of her mind that there was no excuse for avoiding preparation.

Though she was not eager for it, she would be ready and give the training her all. "I am of the mind that no amount of training can ever match experience. The best training comes from action in the field. However, just let me know when we begin.
Def stopped at the entrance of the ramp.
"Combat training that is probably true. But for shipboard operation, training and drilling is essential, so that when a crisis happens the personnel do not have to think about what they need to do, they'll just do it because they've done it repeatedly." She said in response to Qyu, then turned and proceeded down the ramp.
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