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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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Cargo Hold

"Quit your chatting and help out here," Tite'Yanus growled. "We've got a lot of heat building up in this container as well as oxygen tanks and ammunition. The last thing we want is the oxygen igniting and detonating all of the ammo."

As he said this he slowly moved further towards the container, trying to gauge how hot it truly was and to figure out if they would need protective gear in order to move the equipment.
"Srisa!" Keri muttered to himself somewhat darkly after a more thoughrough examination of the malfuctioning capacitor. Several critical components of the hardware were missing.

When Quin called and enquired as to his current progress, the young silver-haired kit sent a message back to the Gam'trosha's main engineering bay.

"Quin, this is Keri. Several key pieces of this capacitor's internal's appear to be missing entirely. It look's liks someone tampered with the capacitor and removed them -- I can only guess as to the reason's why. Perhap's someone in the engineering team responsible for the Gam'trosha's recent repairs stole the components in order to sell them, or it might be a case of shoddy half-finished maintenance or again, perhaps sabotage." The kit sighed.

"I'm going to bring it back with me. Perhaps we can lift some DNA from the interior and find out who was screwing around with the capacitor's insides last by running the results against the DNA records in the naval personel database."

With the capacitor in tow, Keri turned about and headed back to the chamber within which Quin was located.

"We'll need to let our resident agent handle that," remarked Quin in her response to Keri. "Anyway, go ahead and bring it into the main bay and I'll look it over, in the mean time the Shipmaster wants everyone to report to the crew lounge. Since Engineering must be manned at all times, I'll stay here and keep an eye on things until you return."

Continued in [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri deposited the faulty capacitor upon the engineering bays floor, then rubbed his sore, lightly-furred fingers against his thighs.

"There we are..." The kit said as he cast Xeui'na a bluish-green eyed glance. "I'll head to the lounge and we'll see what the U'cet wants."

The young engineer turned about and exited through the main entry hatch, working his way through the ships interior until he reached deck 4 and the ships main lounge compartment.

Gam'trosha Crew Lounge

Once he arrived, Keri'cruen cast his gaze about. Apparently he was the first to arrive on the scene, so he deposited himself in a cushioned chair and waited for the rest of the crew to catch up.
Cargo Hold

Zur'el grabbed an O2 canister and dragged it over and handed it to Tite'Yanus, "Do you think you could get the crew here into afire bucket line so we can get these moved out and way from the ammunition?" With out waiting for a response He turned and grabbed the next canister.
Following the Shipmistress' orders Levi locked down his control panel but made sure that the sensors would continue feed the latest data to both him and the station keeping navigation system that Def'leor had put in control of the Gam'trosha's flight to keep her steady in spite of the winds of the massive storm howling just right outside of her hull.

"Understood, Shipmistress" Levi replied; "I will keep you informed of any changes to the weather and updates on the findings of the asteroid"

The head medic watched as her new healer did the work that she had assigned her, keeping an eye on the life-support readings and giving pointers every so often when she felt it was needed, although there weren't to many of those times.

When the organ was in-place, the readings stabalized and the healer smiled. "Very good job there," she siad and glanced over at the wall when she heard the announcement. "Best get yourself to the lounge, we can continue the simulations after you are done, I'll meet ya there," she smiled.

Anas'tasiya smiled, content with the work she had done. "Thank you." she said in appreciation for the guidance of the other healer. She then went and washed up, disposed of her surgical gloves in the hazardous materials disposal. "Alright, I will see you there." she smiled, tail washing back and forth in a satisified manner as she headed towards the door. "It was nice meeting you Euy'ica." she said before leaving, her amethyst eyes glittering with opulence. She couldn't wait to meet the others.
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