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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1] Training and Discovery

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---- Cargo Hold ----

Keeping pace with her comrade Qyu'amene as he set about continuing their inspection. But the conversation was very intriguing to her. A soldier who was not afraid to die, but one whom was uncomfortable with dying for no reason.

"When you die you loose everything, there is no gain, only death. Then a body to bury. I find it...cute that you are uncomfortable with the indomitable fact of being a soldier. The fact that we are all expendable. We are expected to lay down our lives because of an order and that is our lot."
Cargo Hold

Tite'Yanus, who had been following in the background, piped up. "Aye, you die so others may live, no war is won without death and thus somebody has to be the one to die. But you do so with the belief that those you love will live on because of it, whether or not their beliefs are true is irrelevant so long as they die happy because of them."
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Ker'cruen's fuzzy brows narrowed as he frowned down at the decking beside the back-up capacitors -- noticing for the first time the scruff marks across the metal plating. To his mind, those marks seemed to indicate that one of the capacitor's had been physically dragged across the floor during installation -- probably during a recent replacement after the damage the ship had obtained during its maiden flight.

A lightly furred finger rose up to scratch behind one of his tufted silver-furred ears and his tail twitched slightly back and forth under subconscious direction whilst he considered the problem. There didn't appear to be anything obviously wrong with either capacitor -- but one still wasn't working as it should. With a sigh, Keri leaned forward to detach the offending back-up device and with a heavy groan as he took hold of its weight, gently lowered it to the floor by its mounting so that he could take a more detailed look inside.

Upon reaching the engineering and meeting his superior officer, he was pleased to see that his skills would be put to good use. He nodded without so much of a word, receiving his first orders on ship. With a salute, he quickly made his way to the port-side fire control.

Having been on the ship performing repairs, he already had his own tools with him. Since it was just a training mission, the weapons were likely not as important as they would be if they were on an actual mission, but that did not make him work any less harder. His belief that every part of a ship should be fully operational, needed or not.

Arriving at the fire control, he examined the repairs that had been started and not finished. The power conduits seemed to have been half installed, which would explain both why they would misfire and why targeting systems would fail on that particular gun. After a full inspection, he laid out his tools as he would need them in an orderly fashion, created a checklist of what needed to be finished and started to go to work at finishing the installation.

"I'm afraid I can't answer your question C'bar," said Sa'kira as she glanced over at Def. "The flight alttitude is different with each trial run, we'll find out more about it when we get there," she looked back at the main viewscreen and got up out of her chair, she walked casually toward the screen but stopped just a few feet from it and rubbed her chin.

"You said it came from outside of the system," she muttered curiously. "And those terrorists claimed zero responsibility.... thus are we dealing with a new terrorist group or what?" she looked to her two aviators for answers.


Shar's sensors picked up a build up of heat within the container, but one thing she'd find interesting is how the containers actual metallic exterior was showing up as being 'cool'.

The instructor rubbed his chin. "Now isn't that curious," he looked up from the sensor display. "What do you make of this C'bar?" he asked the driver.

The My'leke instructor followed the group to the second floor. "So, who's going to open it?" the instructor asked, approuching the container. And who's going to remember that the gloves on our suits can withstand a good degree of heat...


When Keri lifted the capacitor, he'd find that it was pretty light compared to how heavy a capacitor 'should' be. In fact, it was much 'too' late as even his suits own weight sensors were actually display the capacitors weight as being half that of normal.

Once on the ground, he'd notice that there were several things out of place. The side panel showed signs of being tampered with, a bolt was missing. There was also a display on the side that was used to help monitor tempreture levels but currently it said 'missing component, unable to determine tempreture'

Portside main battery

Tal'Dar would, while in the process of installing the conduit, find that the mounting brackets for the conduit were incompatible with the standard conduit used by the ship.
Portside Main Battery

With the general inspection completed, and the root of the issue discovered, Tal'dar now had the decision to make about what to do. As it was a training mission, he had a few more options. He weighed them out and considered which would be the best way to get the ship functioning.

At first, he thought about sending word to engineering that the brackets were wrong, but in the middle of the launch sequence, they were likely busy, or at least unable to deal with something that couldn't be resolved immediately, the parts wouldn't be able to be loaded onto the ship this late in the sequence.

With his mind made up, he decided to go to work on the firing and targeting controls. Since they were electronic by nature, he could bypass the actual cannon and get the targeting control on, and allow at least a simulation of use if necessary. The bypass wouldn't be elegant, but it would work.

Taking a moment while he worked on the electronics, he radioed back to Engineering, "C`Baruce Tal'dar Ara'sil reporting; the portside main cannon have the wrong brackets for the conduit installed," he explained, "I can jury rig the brackets to fit the conduit until we dock again to get the proper fittings, but it will take some time. In the meantime I've rerouted fire control and targeting to be functional, the gun won't fire, but the bridge should be able to target and simulate firing for the time being."
Cargo Bay

"Oh the hell with it," Tite'Yanus grumbled as he jogged over to the container. Rearing back on his hind legs he reached for the latch, undid it, and jumped back as he pulled it open. As he landed he shifted his weight backwards, ready to pounce.

When Tite'Yanus opened the door, he'd feel a rush of heat against his suit, the tempreture gauge spiked for several seconds before it dropped down to normal levels. Inside, the group would notice that there was no fire, but they would notice several things; the container was full of military ration boxes along with oxygen tanks and even a few ammo boxes.

Def'leor heard Sa'kira's reply, shook her head slightly. Well at least I will not have to wait long to get the information. We will be at the canyon in a few minutes. she thought. "Understood Ship Mistress, maintaining speed and heading. We will arrive at the training grounds in a few minutes. I presume that when we reach the coordinates we are to hold position, until the Training command gives us our instructions." she said allowed as she looked at the canyon on her IDT. It was a huge natural formation with varying depths, and multiple branches. Turbulence would be a major problem, as well as the changing widths of the passages.
Cargo bay

Zur'el Shrugged, "I believe that I an worth something and that I do not wish to go down with out something to show for it." As soon as he arrived and saw what was in the container he scanned the register tag and checked to see what was suppose to be here in it's place.

"You" he pointed at Tite'Yanus, "Please close this container, and find someone to stand watch until i can report to the Ship Mistress and find out what she would like to do with this." He spun on his heel with out waiting for a response and headed to the bridge.


Upon entering the bridge Zur'el saluted the the Ship Mistress, "Ma'am, I have found two containers in the cargo hold that are not on the registry lists, one contains rations, the other contains rations, oxygen containers and ammunition. What would you like me to do with this cargo containers, and would you like me to preform a full investigation?"
Shar climbed out of the hatch to see what was going on. She watched Tite'Yanus open the box and found nothing at all. Not to mention there was this little pip'squek commanding him around. Shar took of the helmet, keeping the tank in the air where it was. She shook her head and lit herself a cigarette as the young agent left to bridge.

"Is he an idiot?" She then asked with a chuckle. "He could have just use the communicator. I bet he just wants to get on ship-mistress's good side." The dark-furred Daur grinned as she leant against the tank by her elbows.

Sa'kira blinked when she heard Zur'el's report; it was bad enough they had unregistered items on board but it concerned her greatly that one of these containers had items stored in it that were against regulations.

"A container that contains ammo, oxygen tanks and rations... geez..." the Shipmistress couldn't help but sigh in disgust. "I want that container unpacked, get the ammo and those oxygen tanks out of there and store them properly."

She then turned her attention back to the mainscreen, with the heavy storm that they flying over, the only guide they had to the range was a very large tower that sprang through the clouds and was had a bright red pulsating light on it; intended to be used as a guide by ships during such cases.


Quin stared blankly at the reactor, her thoughts deep, until she was jarred. "Understood, once you are done with repairs, double check the guns targetting sensors please and reset them so we can begin calibrations.. you may have to hard reset them though..."
Cargo Hold

Qyu'amene let out a grim chuckle at the responses from her comrades. This was truly adorable. They all had their reasons for joining, some to live, some to defend their loved ones. But all were here because they wanted to be and she could not fault them for that. Perhaps though, they would all be proven right one day. Maybe that day was today.

"Well you hold your self in high esteem, I will hand you that." Qyu'amene as she continued assisting the group in their little hunt. "I will say this much, the idea of being in the military is not to die for our nation...but go out and make the other fellow die for his or hers."

Def'leor was making constant minor adjustments to the ship's propulsion to keep the ship online. The turbulence and wind buffeting the Gam were constantly changing.

"Beacon ahead ma'am. Contacting Range Control." She called out.

"Range Control this is NSV Gam'trosha. We are approaching the beacon and standing by for flight data for our canyon run." She sent via comm system, she averted her eyes from the main screen as it was illuminated by a flash of storm lightning.
"It's been confirmed the asteroid was indeed extrasolar in nature. As for who or what was responsible I'll need more data before I can make a supposition as to whether it was known or a new threat that was responsible, there's even a remote even 'astronomical' chance if you will, that it occurred naturally, ma'am"
Kyle said:
"A container that contains ammo, oxygen tanks and rations... geez..." the Shipmistress couldn't help but sigh in disgust. "I want that container unpacked, get the ammo and those oxygen tanks out of there and store them properly."

"Yes, Ma'am" with out even a nod he turn on his hell and headed back to cargo hold. the more he thought about it the more he wondered who would pack a container with those items, even if they wanted to smuggle them aboard.

As he rushed into the Cargo hold he looked around and called over all the crew he could "Ok folks lets get a fire bucket line set up, we need to get this items pulled out and seperate," he quickly got to the cargo containers door and started geting the O2 tanks ready to be pulled out.

"Get ahold of any and all sensor data pertaining to this asteriod and attempt to track it back to it's origin, we 'do' have scouts out there. See if they'll release the sensor data to you, if not let me know please," said Sa'kira who turned toward the soldier for a moment.

"NSV-Gam'trosha, this is Range Control. Request to enter the range is denied, storm has knocked out all of our power with the exceptions of backups. All training sessions for today have been cancelled, your squad commander is en-route and has requested me to inform you to hold position at the beacon until her arrival to figure out alternative plans. Her ETA is six mituras."

Now they decide that we can not make the canyon run? Could have said that before we lifted, who knows what the squad commander is going to decide Def'leor thought.

She slowed the Gam'trosha to a stop and engaged a station keeping algorithm. It would keep the Gam holding position relative to the tower.

"Ship Mistress, seems that Range Control is down due to the weather. We are to hold position here until the Squad Commander arrives." She called out to Sa'kira.

"mmm..." Sa'kira rubbed her chin curiously and in thought. "In that case, I want you two to head to the crew lounge then for a briefing. We'll use this time to talk to about this asteriod and get feedback from the rest of the crew."

She then sat down, and tapped her control. "Shipmaster to all crew, please report to the crew lounge," she then sat there for a moment in thought. "Lock out your consoles, C'bar Def, set the ships auto-pilot to alert us to any problems."


"Anything?!" shouted Quin to Keri.

Leave the bridge in a storm of this magnitude? That's insane, the ship still hasn't been given a shake down after the repairs. Orders are orders though. Def'leor turned to look at Sa'kira, she refrained from challenging the decision. She programmed the console to send updates to her communicator just so she could abreast. Once done she locked the console down and double checked that the station keeping program was working satisfactory.

"As you wish ma'am." She said standing up gave a respectful nod of her head, and then headed down to the briefing room. Keeping herself alert and noticing the slight rise and fall of the Gam'trosha. Its like we're sitting in the water. she thought.
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