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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2.1] Fine Dining

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Ye'gor was about to do as he was told when a somewhat familiar scent wafted his way. His ears turned back in fear, his fur raised, and his tail blossomed, then the one he was reacting to came into view. The engineer's jaw dropped at the sight - Ay'indri managed to be rather pretty... for a Daur.

Partway into the Seeker's discussion with Def'leor, the young Laibe kit regained himself again, then promptly sat himself down. A distraction was needed and Ye'gor found it in the menu before him. He picked up the almost book seeming listing and began searching for poultry, insanely spice drenched poultry.

The boy was nearly salivating when he found a few things that got close - the pictures didn't help - and a decent distraction it made. Then he got to the price and his entire body language slumped in defeat. Ye'gor soon felt bad, having trouble justifying requesting such a thing, and along with that, wondering what he was doing there.
The Agent moved a black lock from her vision as she spoke, "Here on the station. One simply has to know where to look. However the expense of the material, and dress itself were considerable considering the timeframe the seamstress had to work in."
"Welcome," said Sa'kira as she looked at the Kit. "You don't need to salute, we are off duty," she smiled at him and then stepped aside to look at the elevator. "Shall we?" she asked.

The door chimed and the doors parted, a Laibe waiter walked out. "Anyone else coming mah?" he asked her.

"A few others hopefully, probably just busy," she said to him and the waiter nodded before stepping to the side and beckoning them to the elevator.

Sa'kira stepped in and waited for Zu'rel to do the same before hitting the button to take them down into the restaurant.
"Aye Ma'am No saluting," Zu'Rel nodded, then followed the Shipmisstress into the lift. "Ma'am, um, are we all needed here, I have a lot of paperwork back aboard the ship." He reached up and scratched the side of his light goggles.
Def'leor smiled at Ay'indri.

"Well, I would say that it was work every Re'iu Neu'ca you paid for it. I don't think I could ever spend that kind of money on clothing. I tend toward being frugal when it comes to my money."

She motioned for one of the waiters to come over and ordered a white wine and a glass of water for her beverages while waiting for the others.
"I'm the heiress and Zel'on of the Phra'athit Mercantile Family. We deal in designing and manufacture of next generation armor materials. Including mining Lunebaren crystals, designing mining apparatus' for the endeavor and have created what we hope to replace the goggles used in daylight."

The Daur kit placed an index finger to her eye, closed it as she brought it away and showed a tiny lens. "A self-polarizing lens, comfortable, automatically adjusts according to levels of light. You can leave it in all day and night if you wish." Replacing it, Ay'indri blinked several times now with hands in her lap.

"White Tea with a twist of Yuka'shane, if you would be so kind?" Adding her own drink order after Def'leor made her own.

"My mother has also been trialing a new body armor we hope will increase trooper and security personnel survivability."
(Posting this for Kyle.)

Sa'kira glanced at Zu'rel, curiosity on her face. "Everyone needs a break, and right now, command has given us some shore leave; take advantage of it while it lasts, you can always handle work 'after', besides, you can't do work on an empty stomach," she winked at him.
It was true that when a person is hungry they can't give their all when it came to doing their duty, which was why Sa'kira made certain her crew were well fed, so that they'd always have energy for their duties - or in case something happened like an emergency.

"Besides, use this time to get to know the crew better, make friends," she placed her hand gently on the Kits shoulders. "As time passes, we may have crewmen who will leave us to join other ships or perhaps to work within HighCom, having those types of contacts will make your job as an agent much easier."
"So she's upper class as well," Ye'gor thought to himself. This and the two adults there with them made him feel smaller and smaller as the discussions went - he almost lost his appetite worrying so much. "I hope I can make something of myself one day," the engineer spoke up, "It would be a nice change from what I am now."
Zes'kas had been dutifully studying the menu, the focus on doing so was unwavering, so he hadn't really noticed when Ay'indri entered, nor did he pay mind to the conversation that had followed.

Upon hearing Ye'gor's statement, Zes'kas put down the menu and turned to Ye'gor, "Hey now, that isn't any way to talk about yourself. You're already something!" He grinned and winked, "Not everyone, specially' young as you can say, "Hey, I'm great with technology, and I can fix almost anything!". Have a bit more confidence in yourself!" The Liabe Medic held his grin, his warm golden eyes radiating sincerity and confidence. Everybody is someone.
"Yes Ma'am... I do have rations back aboard the ship. As for the rest I can get to know them as we go about our duties. I apologize Ma'am, But this seems extravagant and a bit of a waste time. i could better be using it working on paperwork and maybe interrogating the prisoners we have from the last mission." Zu'Rel dutifuly followed the Shipmisstress to the table, even though he was feeling quite uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Def'leor listened to Ay'indri.

She comes from a family with position and wealth. So why did she enlist? Is she trying to prove something, or is it some sort of expectation from her family. Or perhaps she just wants to make a name for herself. she pondered.

"Must be nice to have such resources at your disposal. Not sure if I would have enlisted if I came from circumstances such as yours.

So what made you chose to enlist?" she inquired.

Erm'olai was late. He knew this quite well, but had to make one of the most important decisions of the day. He could arrive on time, but with a sub-par appearance. Or he could arrive late and up to his standards of appearance. Their meeting location was the Ki'nene Restaurant. His decision had been made.

Thus, the midnight-furred Laibe arrived late to the dinner party. His military dress unit was immaculately tailored to his form with the appropriate creases ruler-straight and not a single speck of lint, dust, or holes upon it. His fur had been groomed meticulously to a lush, healthy shine. He could have been mistaken for nobility in both appearance and poise.

However, he noticed that no one was at the elevator lobby when he arrived. A logical deduction for this situation would be that they were already at their table awaiting to dine. Pressing a button to call the next elevator, the Laibe allow his tail to twitch and move as he waited.
"I was scouted by Or'ion as a prospect when I was little." Was the short and simple answer Ay'indri offered in turn. Opening the small grey purse, the kit seemed intent on looking for something inside while speaking.

"Upon reaching a suitable age a recruiter came to me and I agreed to join. I simultaneously enlisted in the Youth Corps both as cover and to begin a military career. Taking a long-view on my situation, I knew cultivating a good reputation in the military would go a long way if I ever needed military assistance on any Or'ion missions."

With a murmured 'Pardon me a moment,' she pursed her lips and continued looking in the handbag, shaking it irritably before eventually giving up. With a gentle sigh she ended her explanation with a: "And as a Seeker it is my duty to assist the military in their dealing with threats to the Kingdom."
Shar was running late. It took longer then anticipated to go trough her things and find somethin suitable to wear. As they were going to a civilian restaurant, Shar though it better to put on some civilian clothing. She had a dress for that. Of course it needed to be ironed. She also needed to make herself suitable too. She might be soldier, but all women want to look their best on formal actions like these.

That is why she showed up at the lobby late. With freshly done hair and in her red cocktail dress. As far as cocktail dresses go this one was fairly modest. It was a bit tight, but it was reaching up to her knees and perfectly covered her shoulders and back. The diamond shaped hole on her chest showing some cleavage was only thing that raise someone's blood pressure.

Shar noticed the computer Laibe that was on ship on first mission. Or rather the nice leisure flight that turned into terrorist action. That said so far, everything turned into terrorist action since Shar was sent to Gam'trosha.

The Laibe, Er'molai waited for elevator so Shar just stopped by him. "Evening," she said and nodded. "Why the military setup? Did not have a suit on you?" She asked with raised eyebrow watching his dress uniform.

The younger Laibe looked up at the elder, his ears shifting to listen too, when Zes'kas spoke up. He appreciated the sentiment, but the only thing he had confidence in was his ability with technology. "Oddly enough, I probably feel at my best when troubleshooting a problem in engineering, or repairing a fighter engine," Ye'gor replied self-consciously.
Erm'olai glanced over at the person who had spoken to him and could help but pause his tail twitching. It seemed to be his destiny to deal with this uncouth Marine. Of course, that wasn't the case considering they had not interacted since the Gam'trosha's first encounter with terrorists. His tail began to move from side to side as his indifference returned once more.

"It is quite simple," he replied politely, but with that air of superiority that escaped without his control. "Military codes state that the Dress Uniform is an acceptable form of formal wear no matter the situation as long as one is a current or retired member of the Military." Erm'olai stated before turning back to the elevator. "Therefore, there is no need to go through the hassle of getting something that is inaccessible to me at the moment. I can efficiently dress appropriately for this occasion."
Def'leor listened to Ay'indri. It was an interesting story. It also gave her some insight into the Seeker, which would prove useful in their working relationship.

"Thank you for sharing, that is an interesting story. Far more so than mine. Enlisting for me was a means to gain the skills to give me a chance to make something of myself."

She watched as several other joined the group. Yet, another showed up in something other than Formal uniform. I think the Ship Mistress needs to do a better job of explaining what she wants people to wear. she thought.
Shar snickered as the door to the elevator opened. She walked in with the Laibe. "Sure, sure." She replied back to him, opening her handbag. He could easily notice a handle of a handgun inside as she fished out a cigarette and lighter. She lit the deathstick and drew in some smoke, releasing it later towards the ceiling.

"It is just one thing you know," She returned to the previous topic. "I am not sure about you, but I am quite tired of wearing the same clothing over and over again. It is nice to slip into something else for now. I bet you would find a smart-looking suit if you wanted. There are shops around here you know."
The Laibe's body language instantly changed as Shar pulled the offending herb and lit it. Gone were the signs of indifference as Erm'olai's tail began to move constantly and his ears went flat and were pulled back. How dare this --- this barbarian soil the air around them with such offensive odors! Didn't she know where she was!? An enclosed space, though ventilated, concentrated such filth into areas he was forced to endure. After all, this ruffian was small enough to not have to deal with lighter than air pollutants he had to deal with due to his regal height.

"It matters not," he replied testily, forgoing what semblance of comradeship he was trying to maintain as his senses were assaulted by the residue of her pleasure. "We are soldiers in the Navy and we should dress like it. Rest and relaxation it may be, but I didn't hear anything about such things has civilian attire being acceptable." the last word dripped with irritation and near-hostility.

There was a momentary pause before he pulled back and growled a bit more petulantly. "Now I've got send this to the cleaners to get the smell out."
"Bah," Shar replied to his sounds of annoyance. "I am blowing the darn smoke away from you. It won't get caught on yer fancy uniform. Beside these cigs are no cheap smelly shit. Also we are off duty and in civilian restaurant. All that was said that we need formal wear. If we were supposed to be in uniforms, they would tell us to be in uniforms."

Shar then laughed and leand toward the side of the elevator. "You don't like me eh? I am not good enough for you? Just a little Daur with big mouth eh?"
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