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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2.1] Fine Dining

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"You being Daur has nothing to do with it you --- barbarian." Erm'olai retorted irritably. "Though I shouldn't expect anything better from a Marine. You uncouth savages have no better use than swinging around clubs than being on a stellar vessel." the Laibe ranted a bit before taking a deep, calming breath.

Only to gag a moment later and cough at the irritant in his respiratory system.

"Daur have their place in our society just as much as Laibe and Mylekes. As long as they're competent in their duties, I could care less if they were slime mold. Though I do have a problem with manner-less Fiko that do not care for the breathing space of others." he coughed his continuing retort.
"Fine, fine," replied the black-furred daur, while she took out her small ashtray and killed the poor deathstick, sealing it inside. Returning the ashtray to her handbag she looked back at the Laibe. "There, you happy now? Also I am a lot worse then all the other marines you know. I used to be a cop. Also you can come up to me and tell my I am fucking up my duties and I will laugh in your face. I think those dead terrorists speaks volumes about how well I do my duties."

Shar paused, looking at the man. She realised that right now she boasted and she hated boasting. The man had a ring of true to him though. Calling her barbarian was uncalled for though. The laibe went too far with that.

"Speking of those I hope you have your gun with you," Shar said with a smirk as she looked up into his eyes. "I mean we stopped those wankers twice already. And now command of our ship and some important crewmembers will be all in one place. In civilian restaurant no less."
Sa'kira smiled at the Kit as they got off the elevator, he was a workaholic and someone that could potentially ascend the ranks quite quickly provided he learned a thing or two about socializing.

She could hear the banter going on at the table, it was a typical thing between Laibe and Daur, not something that would require her to intervene right away unless things got messy although hearing the word 'barbarian' did make her stop and think for a moment, the marines were their first and last line of defense in a boarding and ground attack, starships can only do so much.

Her attention was drawn away from the table and toward a large stage that was in the center of the room, she could tell by the way it was set up that some form of musical entertainment would be going on.
Keri had been silent after his initial greeting to the rest of the group; mutely following De'fleor and Ay'indri as the waiter lead them ahead of the others toward the dining table set aside for their group.

After seating himself the young kit listened unintrusively as De'fleor and Ay'indri started conversing with one another. He broke his silence only briefly as he added his own drink order to the requests that had already been made of the waiter.

"One Makarele Splice, please." Keri added, requesting an almost sickeningly sweet-tasting fruit drink that was laced with a Makarele-seed additive that turned the concoction a flourescent bluish color.

The young kit continued to listen intently as the pair continued to converse. His white furrowing slightly after Ay'indri provided her family name to De'fleor, and mentioned the fact that she was Zel'on of a noble house, not unlike Keri himself.

Whereas Ay'indri hailed from the Phra'athit merchant family, Keri'cruen was a son of the Severem noble house. Just like the family of the lady seated across from him at the table, his own clan was fairly involved in a number of business enterprises; the Se'verem Industrial Consortium was deeply involved in a large amount of the Kingdom's starbase construction and other large-scale engineering projects.
At this point, Erm'olai noticed that their elevator door seemed to have been open for a while. Which meant his barbarian comment could quite possibly have been heard. Taking a step back, the Laibe ran a paw through the fur on his head and down the back of his neck before taking a deep, calming breath and letting it slowly out. "I have my sword. It will have to do," he motioned to his waist and spoke in a more calmly fashion.

"And I never said you didn't do your duty." he corrected in his usual calm, yet haughty tone. "I merely stated that besides boarding operations, security, and such that Marines are useless." the midnight-furred Laibe stated before exiting the elevator and spotting their Shipmistress right next to the elevators. Erm'olai couldn't help but ponder how much she heard and whether a lecture or punishment was coming along shortly.
"Ah there we are," Shar said and slowly stepped out of the elevator. She noticed the table with shipmistress and others. Almost all of them were in uniform. How boring. She turned back and looked at black Laibe.

"I am fairly curious about your description of usefulness." She quipped back with a giggle. "I will have you know that killing others is not my only skill. You obivously never ate my soup. That is a killer of completely different kind." She ended the comment with a wink.
The decision was taking too long and it seemed that everyone was at least getting something. Ye'gor ended up just asking for water for the time being then went back to the menu again in hopes to find something that had a price he didn't feel was too insane. It had to have meat though, it absolutely had...
Def'leor looked at Keri, "I must say A'Fuereb Se'verem it has been a pleasant change from our first two flights to have Engineering running properly.

I am hoping that Command will finally see fit to actually let us leave system. I joined the Military for the chance to see new star systems. To have the chance to set foot on a new world. So far all we have done is drill and train.

You ready for us to give your engines a good run?" she said reaching for her glass of water. She took a sip of the water and smiled as she noticed Sa'kira approaching.
With a faint smile, Sa'kira took a seat at the back of the table, where the only chair was present; it wasn't exactly customary of her to do so but the back seat was traditionally reserved for a ship or groups commanding officer.

"Shall we order drinks and possibly an appetizer?" she asked her crew and waved her hand over a holographic keyboard that brought up a volumetric menu that listed dozens of different appetizers. There was so many to choose from, some of which based purely off of the different types of fruit that the Kingdom had, others were meat based.
Ay'indri let a pale jade eye rest on the snowy-haired, bespectacled Kit. With a flick of her ear, she inclined her head to him in silent greeting. "I suppose when I am not hunting pirates or terrorists, I will be working with you as a Software Engineer. A pleasure to meet you, I am Ay'indri Neha Phra'thit."
Erm'olai could only snort with regal distain for his conversation partner's retorts. "Somehow, I quite believe it," he replied tactfully, though he meant that her soup probably would kill something --- most likely his tastebuds given her smoking habits. Dusting off some imaginary dust from his shoulder and straightening his uniform out, the Software Engineer walked closer to the table.

He decided it was best just to take the next available seat, which landed him close enough to listen to the Seeker's conversation. That got his tail moving again. Did Or'ion place this person here because of him? No, no, no, that couldn't be it. The most likely explanation would be the incredible frequency the crew came into contact with said Terrorists.

Still, having a Seeker as a back-up Software Engineer was --- disconcerting. However, he didn't bring any more attention to that fact as he sat down in a proper posture and pulled up a menu for himself. "I will have a single glass of Ra'zeni Reserve and water the rest of the night after," he requested a single glass of an alcohol beverage with moderate alcohol content and a bitter taste.
Def'leor kept her face bemused, as she picked up her glass of wine. She watched the exchange between the two newest additions to the gathering.

She turned her attention to Sa'kira and raised her glass. "Thank you for inviting us to dine with you Ship Mistress. This place is truly something to behold. I hope the experience is as good as advertised." she said then brought the glass to her lips to sip.
The conversation with the laibe angered Shar a bit, but she was still in full control of herself. Plus she took it as her personal quest to not let him shake her up. With that she got an interesting idea as she walked to the table. Generally she acted like a normal person, maybe even a bit of a brute. That did not mean that if she would want it, she could not act all lady-like.

"Good evening," she said with voice like honey as she moved to an empty seat and took. "I would like to apologise for my tardiness, I have no excuses. It is good to see you all here, I would like to thank you for organising this evening Ship-Mistress." She said and then gave Er'molai a fox-like look, her tail swaying from side to side with a bit of excitement.
Ye'gor looked at the holographic menu. "It looks good," he commented in a way that seemed off handed, though he was amazed, "I really don't know what to get."
Keri'cruen gently set down his glass of makarele splice after taking a sip, then inclined his head, returning in respectful acknowledgement Ay'indri's greeting gesture.

In verbal reply the kit said in a soft, light voice, "The pleasure is mine, Ay'indri Neha Phra'thit. My name is Se'verem Ene'si Keri'cruen; it will be an honor and a priviledge to work alongside you aboard the Gam'trosha." The young daur flashed a warm, friendly smile.
Sa'kira smiled at Shar. "You are quite welcome, we'll be having more of these in the future, it is always best to give the crew time for relaxation."

A group of waiters stepped forward toward the Gam'trosha assigned table, the waiters were neatly dressed and each held a circular board with a pad on it for taking orders.

"Have you chosen an appetizer?" one of the waiters asked Sa'kira.

"For now, bring us a Hi'kashe, please. Spare the alcohol though, we have Kits and My'leke, but given the size of the group, make it a triple portion," she said to the waiter, and pointed to the menu item.

The item resembled a large plate with potateo like chips that were dipped in a sizzling red sauce; to the side of the bowl with the sauce was another plate that had circular chips made out of Yuka'shane.

The sauce was a mixture of tomatoes and green peppers along with a dash of fire salt, or very spicy salt.

"Right away," the waiter bowed courteously and stepped back, then went to get the appetizer.

"Have you all decided?" she asked, looking at her crew. "Feel free to order whatever you like, military personnel eat for free here, there are varies fishes such as sea food; but you also have the option of ordering a custom dish perhaps made from the home city you came from, the cooks here can make them," she smiled.
Def'leor took a few of the 'chips' and put them on a saucer in front of her. She looked at the list of ingredients available. So she decided to ask the waiter for a custom dish.

"I would like to see if the chef's can recreate a dish I had with my family. Take a pou'let stock and add some fire salt and hot peppers. Add to it some cubed bifteck and shaved potatoes and let simmer. Then serve over some long grain rice and garnish with a strong cheese." she said to the waiter.
Ye'gor's ears pricked up at the sound of 'free' and soon was back at browsing the menu with more vigour. Then he found it - probably, still, the cheapest bird a Nesha could get; but it was his favourite, and all the right sauces were there. He ordered the whole animal, given its more middling size, and had it grilled with the hottest sauce available.
As he walked towards the table Zur'el's communicator chimed. He looked at the rest of the crew sitting there and talking, he shrugged and turned about to head to the lobby to find out who was trying to get a hold of him.

Once there he found out that Orion had paged him and wanted him to show up at one of it's offices to take care of a few things. So with out eating or really getting a chance to get to know the crew he got back into the elevator and left to locate the office.
One of the kit's ears flicked as she perused the menu, flipping through it slowly. Having found nothing to her liking within it was time to test that custom order theory.

"Pan-seared Vi'maran Fillet in a Yuka'shane, Fu'muirem reduction. With sauteed Yuse'kuie, Tra'les. And pickled young Curone Root on the side as a palate cleanser. I would also have a strong dark tea with it, iced, preferably sweetened with it." Having stared at the menu the whole time, Ay'indri looked up, blinked and cleared her throat with a delicate cough.

"It isn't from my hometown. Or even my family, but something I've had several times in the capital city on the homeworld."
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