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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 2.1a] - Licking Their Wounds

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Narrowing her her eyes a bit, Shrie walked across the room until she stood above siena. The seven feet tall fyunnen towered above the captain, until Shrie bend down and gnetly grabbed the captain under her armpits, lifting her form the floor and placed her gently on the sofa. It was unseemly for the captain to be on the ground like that.

"There," Shrie simply said and then stood next to the sofa, her head turning to Six-Four, ready to stop the freespaces, should she try to put any needles into Sienna.

"I think there has been enough medicating" Oreza commented to the Freespacer. He was still not pleased with what he hadone earlier. He could also tell there was still a lot of frustration in Sienna, despite the laughter.

"Thank you" he said to Shrie, as the Lorath collected up the Captain and set her back on the couch.

Oreza went over to the kitchenet and started fixing a pot of strong coffee.
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin - Several hours later, local time 6 hours 26 minutes of 8 hour day cycle

Every light in Cabin 1 was off and the door closed, the only illumination coming from the glow of a PHC's holographic display, the device itself laid flat on the desk against the wall. Sienna sat there alone in the darkness, slumped forward in her chair, her forehead resting in her palm. The near-empty mug of now-cold coffee sat across the desk from her, at the end of arm's reach. With her free hand she was searching through the spotty directories and databases she could find on the Black Moon's patched-together networks.

Even though Oreza had helped nurse her back to some semblance of normalcy, she was tired, dejected, and her face showed it. She wasn't sure if it was a symptom of withdrawal from the qualen, or just the fact that she was physically and mentally exhausted from their disastrous first mission, but either way, she wanted to shut the world out and pretend no one else existed but her and her damaged ship. Almost an hour of scouring the Moon's networks hadn't yielded a reputable-looking lead on where to go to acquire parts to repair the destroyed gun turret; thankfully it wasn't a more critical system that needed work, but she had already made a mental checklist of more than one thing on the ship that needed tweaking and calibration, none of which she felt she could afford to do without stretching her meager finances too thin. She gritted her teeth and envisioned Vel's face in front of her, right before she caved it in with a crowbar; if it hadn't been for him, she wouldn't have wasted so much of her time, money, and energy on a fruitless endeavour.

Finally, with a sharp inhale through her nose, she sat up and brushed aside the latest jumbled list she had called up, and reached across the desk for her coffee mug. She held it to her nose for a minute, and looked inside as if she half expected to find something inside other than the cold, bitter liquid within, then changed her mind and set it down without taking even a sip. She leaned back in her seat and smooshed her palms against her face with a long, exasperated sigh, and shook her head. Given how well their last stint here on this moon had gone, she would be a fool to leave the ship, or even trust any of the local vendors to sell her a decent part. Maybe later she would go outside and strip the turret down herself, have a look at what bits of it could be salvaged, but for now, she would just have to be one shipboard weapon short. Even if she could afford to get some cheap repairs here, she didn't trust this place enough to rely on its workmanship.

They were far from broke yet, but another dry run like the one they just had would run the risk of grounding them, and she would rather shave her head with a piece of glass than strand herself in a place like this. Her best option at this point would be to find work that would take them off-world, with no reason to return. Clearing her throat, she scooted forward again and started a new query on the PHC, blinking a few times to try to get her eyelids to stop twitching.
Concordia Veil - 'Doctors Office'

Soon after the the lounge incident, Six Four decided to retreat to its lair instead of telling them its plan to flush the Sienna's system out like a blood filled car radiator reasoning that the rest of the crew wouldn't be to keen to donating blood to do so. Instead it had merely said that it wouldn't use any drugs for the time being and had excused itself to its office. The Doctor had propped itself up on the examination table had was thumbing though one of it's books, mildly interested in the plot about an old man trying to find a white whale, something the doctor wasn't sure existed anymore.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock Chamber

Amelia stomped her feet on the deck a few times, shaking off the dust from her newly-bought suit, deciding that what wouldn't come off she could just clean later, clipping the suit's helmet to her belt before reaching for the hatch and opening it. Getting out of the ship had been a good idea, especially after what had happened during the failed job, and although she was tired from not getting any rest after that she surely felt refreshed. The astrogator slowly poked her head out from the open hatch, staring at the empty hallway, before moving out. "Let's go," she said to Crash after getting out of there and going down the circular corridor towards the Lounge, running her gloved hand along the metal walls as she moved.

The door to the ship's lounge hissed, and then slid open, revealing the room to her as Amelia walked in, "just leave the bag on the table and I'll sort through it later," she said to the bot, changing her mind and unclipping the helmet so that she could sit on the couch, holding the headgear on her lap.
~~Airlock chamber~~

Crash did just as It was told. Before heading to the engine room.
 Be right back... need to take care of the 'bot.


Once It entered the engine bay Crash went to work quickly, plugging the spiderbot directly to the main power core. After a few seconds a beep happened and the power light came up on the 'bot. It took another few moments before It was able to upload back into the spiderbot.

~~Main lounge~~

Clattering along the ceiling It stopped directly above Amelia. "Fixed" It said before scittering off to wards the Captain's cabin.
Since Captain did not bother to say anything, Shrie made her way to explore the ship a little bit. She knew that room accessible from the lounge were cabins so she stayed out of those. Personal space was personal space, if anyone could understand it, it would be Shrie. So the fyunnen went and looked around. She found a lavatory and that was the best thing she could find. Closing it and locking the doors, the hulking woman slid out of her ragged clothing and put it into washer/drier. She then went and took a long shower. Spending several days in the shuttle without a mean of washing up was terrible. The shower brought Shrie's mood up and she was actually whistling a tune, when she took her bodysuit and cloak out of the drier and put it on again. She felt like a civilised being again. All that was left was grabbing a bit of a shuteye.

So Shrie went and looked for a place that no one would be around. Port Cargo bay ended up being that place. Shrie walked all the way back and laid herself down on the gound behind some boxes. She did not need bed or anything, although she imagined that getting a hammock here sometimes later would be nice. With those thoughts, she drifted into few hours of sleep.

Condordia Veil - Lounge

The doors to the lounge slid open again and Shrie walked inside. She was well rested and thought it was time, she actually did something. The Fyunnen was no technician, unless someone needed a bomb made. Since Shrie figured there was nothing to make bomb with and that Sienna would have little use for one, the fyunnen decided to just go in the galley and prepare meal for the crew. She saw Amelia making her way to get cabin, and just gave her a nod, should the girl turn. Then she disappeared in the galley and went to work.

Shrie went through the various ingrediencies for meals, that were in the room. It was all made from various things, Shrie guessed it was for about 3 months. Nothing so special, but it was not like Shrie wanted to make a banquet. She well understood that food had to be sorted right way so it would no run out. Especially on a space ship. Rolling up sleeves of her bodysuit and washing up, Shrie went to work.
While Sienna was looking through data from the Black Moon she would stumble upon a rather garbled text message that seemed to stand out to her.
Kssshhh....If anybody can see this then I need your assi...stance. My name is...Bithut Palmatar Tam, and I am trapped in the system known to my species as... M2K-337... I believe the standard designation is known as Neue Jaspis. I am on the terrestrial moon of the second planetary gas giant. I am to a sum of 20 thou...sand Garta...gen Union Ducats. Which at current ex...change rate....s comes ou....t to aro...und 10 thou...sand KS as us...ed by the Yama...taians.
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Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

Hunched forward over the desk with her forehead resting in her palm again, Sienna frowned a little as one particular entry on a horribly jumbled and disorganized mainframe caught her attention. With a few gestures and finger-flicks, she called up the entry and looked at the details. It didn't appear to have been filed anywhere, and no response was logged. Its timestamp was relatively recent, at least the best she could tell, but there was no way to be sure, given the haphazard mess of data dumped into the network. The reward was what caught her attention. It wasn't a grand enough sum to completely offset her losses on their salvage run, but it was more than enough to pique her curiosity as to just why a single person would offer such a huge reward for something as simple as a taxi run. There had to be much more to it.

The captain nibbled the corner of her lower lip pensively for a moment, taking her head out of her hands and staring at the message with one narrowed eye for a moment. Maybe it was worth following up on at least. She located the network address of the sender, hoping it was still good, and with a few more "button" presses, locked it in and requested the computer to create an encrypted reply.

Shifting in her seat to a bit more upright posture, she poked a few other icons on the volumentric display, calling up a holographic keyboard. With a pinch of her fingers and moving her hands apart from one another, she moved the ghostly keyboard down to the surface of the desk and expanded it to more comfortably accommodate both of her hands, then typed a cryptic response, intentionally leaving out her identity and motivations.

Who are you, and what's the catch?
I am/was a SubCommander 1st class in the Gartagen Union RRF. However this planet has rendered my unit combat ineffective and caused massive issues. At this point if I leave this planet I would be classified as AWOL and my warrants would be reactivated on me. The only catch is that if we ever go into space controlled by the Gartagen Union my identity can never be known on pain of death. I cannot provide much more information, this planet is hostile to my electronic devices and I need rescue as soon as possible. I have many skills that I can offer to a crew that rescues me and I have been doing nothing with my income from the Union for years and I keep my money on my person out of a professional paranoia due to a life that started in the streets. Please help.
End Transmission
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

Sienna was surprised to say the least at the prompt reply, not actually expecting to see it for some time. This guy must be frackin' desperate, she thought, although reading the claims he made caused her to raise an eyebrow, intrigued. The mystery man was a soldier, and one interested in deserting to boot. She couldn't help but smirk slightly when she read his bit about his paranoid streak, something she could arguably identify with, but the fact that he was this eager to run from his duties made her question his reliability. The last thing she needed on her ship was another loose cannon, particularly one with military training, if he was telling the truth.

Worse yet, if this guy had a price on his head, she had no intention of making herself a martyr for him. However, from the way he sounded, she figured he could be squeezed for enough cash to make it worth the potential danger.

She moved her hands back to the keyboard and replied.

Too risky. We're a civilian ship, not a rescue squad, and we have enough problems already. Can't afford to take military refugees for that price.
What would you consider to be an acceptable price? This world is a wet hell. I wouldn't be coming as a refugee. If you rescue me I would not only be willing to pay for the rescue I would be willing to join your crew and assist you in anything that you may need. I do have a lot of useful skills that I can offer to a ship of any sort. I am a capable mechanic, I am a good fighter, and I have skills and possessions that may be useful to your ship. I am willing to provide technical expertise and other help if your ship requires it in addition to my funding capabilities.
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

Sienna read the next reply and leaned forward on her elbows, clasping her hands in front of her mouth and rested her nose on them, thinking. The tiniest of devious smirks pulled one corner of her lips upwards as she typed her response.

We already have a mechanic, and I'm damn good.

25,000 KS and we can talk further.
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

Sienna's eyebrows raised again. Whoever the mystery soldier was, he certainly wasn't shy about throwing money around, but part of her started to wonder if he was bluffing. He certainly had no way of knowing who she was, so the odds of it being some sort of trap were fairly small, but not a chance she was willing to neglect, especially since Amelia had that run-in with the Black Moon's "authorities." Space was an unforgiving place, where the naive and stupid were always preyed upon without mercy.

She keyed a simple response, following his lead.

22,000 KS
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

The captain's head tilted. It seemed that suddenly the mystery soldier was getting hard-nosed. Or, as an alternative, he was trying to hide the fact that he didn't have anything else to offer her, helping to assuage her suspicion that he was just blowing smoke.

She sat back in her chair and took her time thinking, both to ponder her options and to hopefully make the poor soldier sweat a little. That much money was indeed an enticing offer, but she wasn't about to make the mistake of putting all of her eggs in one basket again. If she committed to flying out to another world with empty holds on nothing but a vague promise and a price tag, and things went awry again, her little upstart operation was finished.

Once she made up her mind, she stood up and walked over to her locker, and took her time pulling out a change of clothes, her toiletries, and a towel. No sense appearing too quick to jump on his offer. She laid out a short-sleeved blue T-shirt, a clean pair of dark utility pants, another set of white underwear, and her gray slip-on shoes on the bed one by one in an aggravatingly slow and drawn-out process. She even made it a point to busy herself by counting the sets of bristles on her toothbrush just to kill time.

Finally, after she figured she'd hesitated long enough, she sauntered back over to her desk and sat down with a long sigh, and slid up to the PHC again to key her reply.

What kind of guarantee do I have that you're good for it?
First you should check your messages and the attached credit account.
He sent as an initial funds transfer of 1,000KS was transferred to an escrow account that she was provided a link to and full access was granted to her.
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

The PHC chirped, indicating a new message had arrived. Suspiciously Sienna checked it, and her lips pursed a bit when she saw the advance payment into an unmarked account. Part of her wondered if she should touch it; the mystery soldier had deduced her network ID from her messages, and although she had no reason to believe that he would know any specifics about her, if she grabbed the money he would certainly be able to fill in the blanks from the transaction. Nonetheless, a thousand KS was money she needed, and she couldn't afford to be paranoid. With a few more deft air-taps and gestures, she quickly transferred the money out of the account and into her own, and went back to type one more reply.

You've hired yourself a ship. Send full astrogational coordinates of your system, as well as your planetside coordinates. We've got a business to run here, so you're gonna have to wait until I can fill our holds with enough cargo to make the trip worth it to me if you flake.

What do I call you?
That is acceptable, and I am known most commonly as Tam. My location is Here. Would there be a way to speed your arrival along? I'm starting to develop a bit of a case of scale rot sitting in thise damnable jungle. I will set up a locator beacon when you inform me that your vessel is in system.
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