Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 2.1a] - Licking Their Wounds

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Shrie's shoulders went down ad she was told off by Sienna. It looked a bit strange, for a strong giant to look as child that just got scolded by a parent. The worst was that it just confused Shrie even more. Sienna at first was very commanding, but suddenly she told everyone that there is no one better then others. Beside Shrie was always raised in a way that some people are just better then other people. For example women were always above men and so on. Captain was a god on a ship, doctor in his medical facility and things like that. Even in her family, the matriarch of the clan was better then the rest. It was just simple for Shrie, she did not have to think too much. Of course after she started working for Lazarus that changed a bit, but they bosses were still bosses. Another class enirely. She just killing people for them and listened to what they said.

But here, the captain made it seem like she wanted this ship run as some kind of strange family, where everyone takes the same position or something. It confused Shrie endlessly and her broken mind had trouble wrapping itself around. So she just went with the fact that it was captains orders. It might have been strange order, but it was still an order nonetheless. "Yes ma'am," Shrie simply said, went in the kitchen and returned with a plate and small portion of the pasta for herself. She quietly sat at an empty seat and started eating mechanically.
~~Computer Room~~

After the conversation with Sienna, Crash the space spiderbot followed the ducts and crawl spaces back into the rear area of the Computer core room. It was... well Crash couldn't decide if was It was feeling was anger, frustration, or worst disappointment. At first the Bot scurried around the room kicking scraps and bolts.

"How dare that.. That Flesh bag speak to me like I am just a FETHING..." It clattered up the the wall growling about how It's life was just as bad and anyone's else. Just because It had a journey, a mission to be a life boat of a memory didn't mean It had the luxury of being able to sacrifice itself ot a genocide...

"That FETHING SUZZI-PORT!" The Raging Spiderbot took almost a full hour to rage around the small hot and dry computer compartment before it finally calmed enough to let out a long digital sigh and settle into a docking shelf for add-on externals. Plugging itself into the computer, Crash started making a connection through the ship to the Moon's Infonet. At first all it did was poke and prod at the digital net to see if there was anything worth while on the moon.

First thing It learned was that he was able to order the Docking Cabinet that It wanted. A nice sturdy Metal closet like box that had a rack for the Gaurdbot body, and a shelf for the spider bot to nest in. The big thing was the wiring and ports that they would install for him, allowing it to have a secured place to store It's bodies while being digitally the ship. The other nifty custom add on was the internal lock that wouldn't allow anyone out side of the cabinet to open it at all. Next time they arrived to the Moon Crash could have it delivered. The hard part would be getting Amelia to set it up here in the computer chambers for It.

Once Crash's personal project was done It moved on to finding a job for the ship. It might have been angry, frustrated, or disappointed with Sienna, but Crash promised to find a bit of income for the ship.
Lounge - Concordia Veil

Amelia stopped at the sudden display of Morality from Sienna, raising an eyebrow in surprise. Somehow the woman never seemed to stop surprising her. She couldn't exactly pin down, based on her good captain's past action, if the display was truly genuine or if she was doing that just to get the other crewmember's trust. "Thanks for the food," she said to Shrie once the Lorath sat down, aligning her utensils next to one another before standing up.; her plate was barely half-eaten, but then again she had had more than enough during her outing on the station, and hoped that the giant woman wouldn't actually think she disliked the food.

Sliding her chair under the table again, the astrogator excused herself from the crew and headed to her cabin.
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